Getting To Yes

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Basicamnet habla de cual método elegir y sus pros y conrtras de cada uno.

The problema

Every body is a negotiator.

Because we negociate every day of our lives with

But is not as easy as it seems.

There are two ways to negociate: soft and hard.

The soft negociation

The hard negociation

There is a third way to negociate, called the

Chapter 1.

Don’t Bargain over positions.

It is said that you don’t have to argue over positions because that produces unwise agreements
because you become so commited with your position that you get a little bit close minded and
that affects in the resolution of the conflict for both parts.

Also arguing over positions is inneficient because it takes a lot of time making small concessions
only if its necessary to keep the negociation going and you don´t solve the conflict.

Arguing over positions endangers an ongoing relationship because the task of jointly devising an
acceptale solution tends to become a battle. Porque no se poene de acuerdo o hay ciertas

When there are many parties, positional bargaining is even worse. Cuando hay muchas personas
involucradas en una negociacion se vuelve mas dificil debido a que no se llega a un acuerdo mutuo
entre todos.

Being nice is no answer. No se recomiensa ser suave en las negociaciones ya que si la otra parte es
fuerte te pone en una gran desventaja y al final del dia no obtendras lo que quieres y la otra parte

It is mention four points that define a straightforward method of negociation that can be used
almost in any circunstances. Each point deasl with a basic elemtn of negociation.

People: separate the people from the problem

Interests: focus on interests, not points.

Options: generate a variety of possibilities before decidinjg what to do.

Criteria: Insist that the result be bases on some objective standard

Well, this chapter talks about that every body is a negotiator, becausein every day of our lives we
negociate with our teachers, family, friends, boss, when you go to a store to buy something.

But negociating is not as easy as it seems. Because there exsist 2 ways to negociate. The soft one
that wants to avoid personal conflict and so makes concessions readily in order to reach
agreement because he wants a friendly resolution. And there also exist the hard one, that consist
in seeing any situation as a contest of wills in which the side that takes the more extreme positions
and holds out longer fares better. He wants to win.

And well the book mention another way of making a negociation that is named principled
negociation that consist in join bouth negociations, the soft and the hard.

So this book try to shows how to use this method in order to obtain what you want and still be

Also, it says that you don’t have to bargain over positions because that produces unwise
agreements, is inneficient and endangers an ongoing relationship

When there are many parties, negociation is even worse

Being nice is no answer

And at the end It is mention four points that define a straightforward method of negociation that
can be used almost in any circunstances. Each point deasl with a basic elemtn of negociation.

People: separate the people from the problem

Interests: focus on interests, not points.

Options: generate a variety of possibilities before decidinjg what to do.

Criteria: Insist that the result be bases on some objective standard

And each point is explain with more detail in the next chapterso of the book.

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