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CRITICAL AREALS IN POLITICAL LAW In the case of Arigo vs Swift, the commander was immune

from suit as when the reefs were destroyed he was acting

1. Rights in the Contiguous Zone and EEZ in his official capacity.

precautionary principle requires that, if there is a strong

suspicion that a certain activity may have environmentally
SECTION 4. CONTIGUOUS ZONE harmful consequences, it is better to control that activity
now rather than to wait for incontrovertible scientific
Article33: Contiguous zone evidence.

1. In a zone contiguous to its territorial sea, described as

the contiguous zone, the coastal State may exercise the 3. Principle of Postliminy (Co Kim Cham v Tan
control necessary to: Keh)
principle of postliminy (postliminium) in international law,
(a) prevent infringement of its customs, fiscal, immigration
remained good and valid after the liberation or
or sanitary laws and regulations within its territory or
reoccupation of the Philippines by the American and
territorial sea;
Filipino forces under the leadership of General Douglas
(b) punish infringement of the above laws and regulations MacArthur. It is a legal maxim that, excepting that of a
committed within its territory or territorial sea. political nature, "Law once established continues until
changed by some competent legislative power. It is not
changed merely by change of sovereignty." There can be no
break or interregnum in law. From the time the law comes
2. The contiguous zone may not extend beyond 24 nautical into existence with the first-felt corporateness of a
miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the primitive people it must last until the final disappearance of
territorial sea is measured. human society.

Article56: Rights, jurisdiction and duties of the coastal 4. Right to Privacy; Subjective and Objective
State in the exclusive economic zone Test (Pollo v Constantino)
In the 1967 case of Katz v. United States,31 the US
1. In the exclusive economic zone, the coastal State has:
Supreme Court held that the act of FBI agents in
(a) sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring and electronically recording a conversation made by petitioner
exploiting, conserving and managing the natural resources, in an enclosed public telephone booth violated his right to
whether living or non-living, of the waters superjacent to privacy and constituted a "search and seizure". Because
the seabed and of the seabed and its subsoil, and with the petitioner had a reasonable expectation of privacy in
regard to other activities for the economic exploitation and using the enclosed booth to make a personal telephone call,
exploration of the zone, such as the production of energy the protection of the Fourth Amendment extends to such
from the water, currents and winds; area. In the concurring opinion of Mr. Justice Harlan, it
was further noted that the existence of privacy right under
(b) jurisdiction as provided for in the relevant provisions of prior decisions involved a two-fold requirement: first, that a
this Convention with regard to: person has exhibited an actual (subjective) expectation of
privacy; and second, that the expectation be one that
(i) the establishment and use of artificial islands, society is prepared to recognize as reasonable (objective).
installations and structures;
Although the majority opinion in Katz v. United States
(ii) marine scientific research; made no reference to this reasonable expectation of
privacy test, it instituted the doctrine that "the Fourth
(iii) the protection and preservation of the marine Amendment protects people, not places. What a person
environment; knowingly exposes to the public, even in his own home or
office, is not a subject of Fourth Amendment protection.
(c) other rights and duties provided for in this Convention.
But what he seeks to preserve as private, even in an area
2. In exercising its rights and performing its duties under accessible to the public, may be constitutionally protected."
this Convention in the exclusive economic zone, the coastal
State shall have due regard to the rights and duties of
other States and shall act in a manner compatible with the 5. Search of a Moving Vehicle (Carrol Doctrine)
provisions of this Convention.
In Criminal law, Carroll doctrine refers to a principle that
permits a police officer to search an entire motor vehicle
3. The rights set out in this article with respect to the and any containers inside it if there is probable cause to
seabed and subsoil shall be exercised in accordance with believe the vehicle contains contraband or the fruits,
Part VI. instrumentalities or evidence of criminal activity.
The reasoning of Carroll concerning the need to permit
warrantless search "where it is not practicable to secure a
warrant" suggested that a warrantless search of a car
would be permissible with respect to any type of object for
2. Precautionary Principle; Immunity from Suit which a warrant to search could be obtained were there
of Foreign States (Arigo vs Swift) : The state time to secure a warrant. Subsequent cases discussed the
may not be sued without its consent. When the warrantless search in Carroll based on the mobility of the
state is acting within its proprietary function (jure vehicle; the "opportunity to search is fleeting since a car is
readily moveable."
gestionis), there is no immunity from suit.
However, when the state is in the exercise of its
official (jure imperi) it is immune from suit unless
expressly or impliedly waived.


The Court said that the "right to search and the validity of 9. Signing articles of the crime; booking sheets
the seizure are not dependent on the right to arrest." (People v. Linsangan; People v. Ang Chun Kit)
In Carroll, the police had probable cause that the auto
contained contraband but yet no lawful basis for taking Signing articles of the crime; booking sheets (People v.
custody of the occupants of the vehicle so as to prevent its Linsangan)
leaving while a search warrant was sought
Before Pat. Ruiz investigated the appellant, he prepared
the booking sheet and arrest report, the affidavit of arrest,
crime report, and referral letter to the Fiscal's Office. Just
6. Due Process in Deportation Proceedings (Lao Gi v. when the appellant was being apprised of his constitutional
CA) - Thus, The provisions of the Rules of Court of the rights, his uncle, a neighbor, and the barangay chairman
Philippines particularly on criminal procedure are arrived. According to Pat. Ruiz, Linsangan's uncle offered
applicable to deportation proceedings. P500 to Pat. Corpuz in the presence of Pat. Lahom, to let
the accused go. He was requested by the barangay
In deportation cases, the Court cannot conceive of any chairman, who is allegedly a compadre of Major
justification for a private party to have any right to Yangquiling, commander of the arresting officers, not to
intervene. Even if such party can establish any damages proceed with the case.
due him arising from the deportation charge against the
alien, such relief cannot be afforded him in the deportation
The alleged motive of the policemen for fabricating the
proceeding. His recourse if at all is in the ordinary courts. charge against him and planting marked money on his
Thus the Court rules that the intervention of a private person is not credible. The Court is unable to imagine that
prosecutor should not be allowed in deportation cases. The a lowly tricycle driver would have the temerity to defy a
possibility of oppression, harassment and persecution pair of armed policemen by refusing to give them a ride in
cannot be discounted. The deportation of an alien is the his tricycle to pursue a law violator.
sole concern of the State. This is the reason why there are
special prosecutors and fiscals tasked to prosecute such The appellant was not denied due process during the
cases. custodial investigation. Although he was not assisted by
counsel when he initialed the P10-bills that the police
8. Requisites of a Valid Warrant (Uy v. BIR) found tucked in his waist, his right against self-
incrimination was not violated for his possession of the
marked bills did not constitute a crime; the subject of the
(1) the warrant must be issued upon probable prosecution was his act of selling marijuana in cigarettes
cause; (People vs. Layuso, 175 SCRA 47; People vs. Macuto, 176
SCRA 762; Mejia vs. Pamaran, 160 SCRA 457). His
(2) the probable cause must be determined by the conviction was not based on the presence of his initials on
judge himself and not by the applicant or any the P10-bills, but on the fact that the trial court believed
other person; the testimony of the policemen that they arrested him while
he was actually engaged in selling marijuana cigarettes to
a member of the arresting party. The trial court gave more
(3) in the determination of probable cause, the credence to their categorical declarations than to the
judge must examine, under oath or affirmation, appellant's denials (People vs. Tan, 145 SCRA 614). That is
the complainant and such witnesses as the latter as it should be for as law enforcers, they are presumed to
may produce; and have performed their official duties in a regular manner
(People vs. de Jesus, 145 SCRA 521; People vs. Ale, 145
(4) the warrant issued must particularly describe SCRA 50). Their task of apprehending persons engaged in
the place to be searched and persons or things to the deadly drug trade is difficult enough without legal and
be seized procedural technicalities to make it doubly so.

Sec. 4 Examination of complainant; record. - The judge People vs Ang Chun

must, before issuing the warrant, personally examine in the
form of searching questions and answers, in writing and With regard to the Booking Sheet and Arrest Report, we
under oath the complainant and any witnesses he may already said in People v. Morico that "when an arrested
produce on facts personally known to them and attach to person signs a Booking Sheet and Arrest Report at a police
the record their sworn statements together with any station he does not admit the commission of an offense nor
affidavits submitted. confess to any incriminating circumstance. The Booking
Sheet is merely a statement of the accused's being booked
Reliance on Prosecutor's Certification (Placer v. Villanueva) and of the date which accompanies the fact of an arrest. It
is a police report and may be useful in charges of arbitrary
detention against the police themselves. It is not an extra-
There is thus no dispute that the judge may rely upon the judicial statement and cannot be the basis of a judgment of
fiscal's certification of the existence of probable cause and, conviction.
on the basis thereof, issue a warrant of arrest, but does
such certification bind the judge to come out with the
warrant? The Court answers this query in the negative. The But as in the cases of Mauyao and Morico, accused Ang
issuance of a warrant is not a mere ministerial function; it Chun Kit's conformity to the questioned documents has not
calls for the exercise of judicial discretion on the part of the been a factor in his conviction since his guilt has been
issuing magistrate. This is clear from the following adequately established by the detailed and unshaken
provisions of Section 6, Rule 112 of the Rules of Court: testimonies of the officers who apprehended him. Hence
even disregarding the questioned documents we still find
the accused guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime
Warrant of arrest, when issued. If the charged.
judge be satisfied from the preliminary
examination conducted by him or by the
investigating officer that the offense 10. Suspicionless Drug Tests (SJS v. Dangerous Drugs
complained of has been committed and Board)
that there is reasonable ground to believe
that the accused has committed it, he Unlike the situation covered by Sec. 36(c) and (d) of RA
must issue a warrant or order for his 9165, the Court finds no valid justification for mandatory
arrest. drug testing for persons accused of crimes. In the case of


students, the constitutional viability of the mandatory, information and should be deemed excluded from the
random, and suspicionless drug testing for students public
emanates primarily from the waiver by the students of their
right to privacy when they seek entry to the school, and 14. Non-establishment Clause (Tilton v. Richardson)
from their voluntarily submitting their persons to the
parental authority of school authorities. In the case of Ruling in Tilton vs Richardson
private and public employees, the constitutional soundness
of the mandatory, random, and suspicionless drug testing In a 5-to-4 decision, the Court held that only the 20-year
proceeds from the reasonableness of the drug test policy limitation portion of the Act violated the Religion Clauses
and requirement. of the First Amendment. The Court invalidated the 20-year
clause, arguing that subsidizing the construction of
facilities used for non-secular purposes would have the
11. Specificity of Offense; General Pattern of Business effect of advancing religion. The Court held that the
Exception (Stonehill v. Diokno; CB v. Morfe) church-related institutions in question had not used their
federally-funded facilities for religious activities, and that
Stonehill v. Diokno the facilities were "indistinguishable from a typical state
university facility." The Court also held that the Act did not
Two points must be stressed in connection with this excessively entangle the government with religion, noting
constitutional mandate, namely: (1) that no warrant shall that college students were less susceptible to religious
issue but upon probable cause, to be determined by the indoctrination, that the aid was of "nonideological
judge in the manner set forth in said provision; and (2) that character," and that one-time grants did not require
the warrant shall particularly describe the things to be constant state surveillance.
In conclusion, what the non-establishment clause under the
constitution prohibits is the fact that no law shall be made
None of these requirements has been complied with in the to prefer a specific religion. There must be benovelent
contested warrants. Indeed, the same were issued upon neutrality.
applications stating that the natural and juridical person
therein named had committed a "violation of Central Ban 15. Hold Departure Order (Genuino v. De Lima)
Laws, Tariff and Customs Laws, Internal Revenue (Code)
and Revised Penal Code." In other words, La ter, in Genuino v. De Lima ,  doc keted as G.R.
no specific offense had been alleged in said applications. No. 19 793 0, promul ga ted on 1 7 A pri l 20 18 , the
The averments thereof with respect to the offense Supreme Court struc k down DO J Circula r No. 4 1
committed were abstract. As a consequence, it as uncon stitu ti onal as it viol ates one’s
was impossible for the judges who issued the warrants to con stitu ti onal righ t to travel , and that th ere is no
have found the existence of probable cause, for the same law wh ich au thori zes the S ec reta ry of Ju sti ce to
presupposes the introduction of competent proof that the issue H DOs, WLO s, or all ow depa rture orders
party against whom it is sought has (A DO ).
performed particular acts, or
committed specific omissions, violating a given provision of
our criminal laws. As a matter of fact, the applications In sai d ruling, the Su prem e Court further
involved in this case do not allege any specific acts em pha si zed tha t th e power to issu e HDO is
performed by herein petitioners. It would be the legal “inherent to the cou rts” , an d it “does not requi re
heresy, of the highest order, to convict anybody of a legi slative conf erment or c onsti tutional
"violation of Central Bank Laws, Tariff and Customs Laws, recogn iti on ”; it c o- exists with the gra nt of ju dici al
Internal Revenue (Code) and Revised Penal Code," — as power.”
alleged in the aforementioned applications — without
reference to any determinate provision of said laws or

Consequent to sai d ruling, th e Su prem e Cou rt, on

12. John Doe Warrants (People v. Veloso) 07 Augu st 201 8, issued a Resolu ti on
in Administrative Matter No. 18 -0 7- 05 -S C, or th e
John Doe search warrants should be the exception and not Rul e on Prec autiona ry Hol d Depa rture
the rule. The police should particularly describe the place Order,   whereby a responden t in a c rim inal
to be searched and the person or things to be seized, compl aint may now be legall y barred f rom l eaving
wherever and whenever it is feasible. The police should not the c ountry upon applica ti on with , and issu ance of
be hindered in the performance of their duties, which are a prec au tionary hold departu re order (PHDO) by
difficult enough of performance under the best of the c ourts.
conditions, by superficial adherence to technicality or far
fetched judicial interference.
As defi n ed under the rule, a PH DO is “an order in
writing issu ed by a c ourt, comman din g the Bureau
of Im migra ti on to preven t any attempt by a person
13. Deliberative Process Privilege (In Re Production suspected of a cri me to depart from th e
of Court Records) Philippin es which shall be issued  ex- parte  in ca ses
involving c rim es wh ere the mini mum of th e
A material is “deliberative,” on the other hand, if it penal ty prescribed by law is a t least si x yea rs an d
reflects the giveand- take of the consultative process. one day or when the off en der is a f orei gn er
The key question in determining whether the material is rega rdless of the imposable penal ty.”
deliberative in nature is whether disclosure of the
information would discourage candid discussion
within the agency. If the disclosure of the information Th e perti nent points of thi s n ew ru le are the
would expose the government’s decision making process in foll owing: (a) th e PHDO is a pplica bl e to cri mes
a way that discourages candid discussion among the wh ere the minimum penal ty prescribed by la w
decision-makers (thereby undermining the courts’ ability to is a t le as t  six yea rs and on e day, or th e off ender
perform their functions), the information is deemed is a f orei gn er regardl ess of the im posa bl e pen alty;
(b) the PH DO ma y be issu ed  ex pa rte,   or with ou t
the kn owledge and parti cipati on of th e
NOTE: When classified as this kind of privileged respon dent(s); (c) the PH DO ma y be appli ed by a
prosec utor wi th an y regional tri al c ourt within
information, it is not covered by the constitutional right to
wh ose territoria l ju risdi cti on the alleged c rim e
wa s commi tted, or for compellin g rea sons, wi th
an y regional tria l cou rt within th e ju dic ial region contents of the law cannot be delegated. What can be
where th e c rim e wa s commi tted if the plac e of th e delegated is the discretion to determine how the law may
c omm ission of the crime is kn own; (d) th e PH DO be enforced, not what the law shall be. The ascertainment
ma y also be appli ed wi th the regi ona l tri al cou rts of the latter subject is a prerogative of the legislature. This
in the Ci ty of M anila, Quezon City, Cebu City, prerogative cannot be abdicated or surrendered by the
Il oilo Ci ty, Da va o Ci ty an d Ca ga yan de Oro City legislature to the delegate.
based on complaints instituted by the Nati onal
Bu reau of Investi ga tion rega rdless where th e Two Tests of Valid Delegation of Legislative Power
all eged cri me wa s com mitted; (e) th e a pplica tion
by th e investi ga tin g prosec utor sha ll be upon There are two accepted tests to determine whether or not
m otion of th e compl ainant and upon a prelim inary there is a valid delegation of legislative power, viz, the
determi na tion of probable cause based on the completeness test and the sufficient standard test. Under
c om plain t and atta chments th ereof; (f) the PHDO the first test, the law must be complete in all its terms and
sh all be issu ed upon person al determ in ation by conditions when it leaves the legislature such that when it
th e ju dge, in wh ose c ourt th e appli cation is fi l ed, reaches the delegate the only thing he will have to do is to
th at probable cau se exi sts, an d th ere is a high enforce it. Under the sufficient standard test, there must be
proba bi lity that responden t wil l depa rt from the adequate guidelines or stations in the law to map out the
Phili ppines to eva de a rrest and prosec ution of boundaries of the delegate’s authority and prevent the
c rim e again st him or her; (g) upon a fi nding of delegation from running riot.
proba bl e cause, the PH DO sh all issue, an d th e
ju dge sh all di rect the Bu reau of Immi gration to Both tests are intended to prevent a total transference of
hold and preven t th e departu re of the respon dent legislative authority to the delegate, who is not allowed to
a t any Philippin e airport or ports; (h) th e proba bl e step into the shoes of the legislature and exercise a power
cau se for the purpose of i ssuin g th e PHDO shall essentially legislative.
be withou t prej udic e to the resolution of the
in vestigatin g prosec utor of th e cri minal Xxx The delegation of legislative power has become the
c om plain t; (i ) th e dismissal of the criminal rule and its non-delegation the exception.
c om plain t, however, may be used by the
responden t as a groun d for th e lif ting of the Rationale for Delegation of Legislative Power
PH DO ; an d (j ) th e respon dent ma y fi le a verifi ed
m otion bef ore the i ssuin g cou rt for the temporary The reason is the increasing complexity of the task of
lif ting of the PHDO based on a m eritorious ground government and the growing inability of the legislature to
an d upon posti ng of a bond. cope directly with the myriad problems demanding its
attention. The growth of society has ramified its activities
and created peculiar and sophisticated problems that the
legislature cannot be expected to reasonably comprehend.
Specialization even in legislation has become necessary.
16 Penn Central v. New York:  If the restriction is Too many of the problems attendant upon present-day
undertakings, the legislature may not have the competence
reasonably related to a legitimate public interest, then it
to provide the required direct and efficacious, not to say,
does not result in a taking. Diminution in property value
specific solutions. These solutions may, however, be
alone does not establish a taking expected from its delegates, who are supposed to be
experts in the particular fields.
17. City of Manila vs Estrada: The court is empowered
to make such final order and judgment as shall secure to Power of Subordinate Legislation
the plaintiff the property essential to the exercise of his
rights under the law, and to the defendant just The reasons given above for the delegation of legislative
compensation for the land so taken. The final order and powers in general are particularly applicable to
judgment are reviewable by this court by means of a bill of administrative bodies. With the proliferation of specialized
exceptions in the same way as any ordinary action. activities and their attendant peculiar problems, the
national legislature has found it more and more necessary
18. People vs Domantay: Miranda rights and the rules to entrust to administrative agencies the authority to issue
regarding confession, admission provided for under the rules to carry out the general provisions of the statute. This
1987 constitution are applicable during a custodial is called the “power of subordinate legislation.”
investigation, that is, when the investigation is no longer a
general inquiry into an unsolved crime but starts to focus With this power, administrative bodies may implement the
on a particular person broad policies laid down in statute by “filling in” the details
which the Congress may not have the opportunity or
19 US v. Tan Tent: The prohibition contained in section 5 competence to provide. Memorandum Circular No. 2 is one
of the Philippine Bill that a person shall not be compelled such administrative regulation..
to be a witness against himself, is simply a prohibition
against legal process to extract from the defendant's own
lips, against his will, an admission of his guilt. The main
purpose of the provision of the Philippine Bill is to prohibit 21. Jurisdiction of Electoral Tribunals (Reyes v HRET)
compulsory oral examination of prisoners before trial, or
upon trial, for the purpose of extorting unwilling Rules 15 and 17 of the 2015 HRET Rules provide:
confessions or declarations implicating them in the
commission of a crime. The accused was not compelled to
make any admission or answer any questions, and the mere
fact that an object found upon his body was examined Rule 15. Jurisdiction. - The Tribunal is the sole judge of all
seems no more to infringe the rule invoked than would the contests relating to the election, returns, and qualifications
introduction of stolen property taken from the person of a of the Members of the House of Representatives.

20 Eastern Shipping Lines v. POEA To be considered a Member of the House of

Representatives, there must be a concurrence of the
following requisites: (1) a valid proclamation; (2) a proper
GENERAL RULE: Non-delegation of powers; exception
oath; and (3) assumption of office.
It is true that legislative discretion as to the substantive


Rule 17. Election Protest. - A verified election protest Third, by an express constitutional provision, the religious
contesting the election or returns of any Member of the sector may not be represented in the party-list system. x x
House of Representatives shall be filed by any candidate x
who had duly filed a certificate of candidacy and has been
voted for the same office, within fifteen (15) days from June Fourth, a party or an organization must not be disqualified
30 of the election year or the date of actual assumption of under Section 6 of RA 7941, which enumerates the grounds
office, whichever is later. for disqualification.

Fifth, the party or organization must not be an adjunct of,

or a project organized or an entity funded or assisted by,
22. Guidelines for Party-lists (Atong Paglaum the government. By the very nature of the party-list system,
Doctrine) the party or organization must be a group of citizens,
organized by citizens and operated by citizens. It must be
The Party-List System independent of the government. x x x

Section 5, Article VI

(1) The House of Representatives shall be composed of not Sixth, the party must not only comply with the
more than two hundred and fifty members, unless requirements of the law; its nominees must likewise do so.
otherwise fixed by law, who shall be elected from Section 9 of RA 7941 contains the qualifications of party-
legislative districts apportioned among the provinces, list nominees, with special age-related terms for youth
cities, and the Metropolitan Manila area in accordance with sector candidates.
the number of their respective inhabitants, and on the basis
of a uniform and progressive ratio, and those who, as
provided by law, shall be elected through a party-list
system of registered national, regional, and sectoral parties Seventh, not only the candidate party or organization must
or organizations. represent marginalized and underrepresented sectors; so
also must its nominees. x x x Under Section 2 of RA 7941,
(2) The party-list representatives shall constitute twenty the nominees must be Filipino citizens "who belong to
per centum of the total number of representatives marginalized and underrepresented sectors, organizations
including those under the party list. For three consecutive and parties." x x x
terms after the ratification of this Constitution, one-half of
the seats allocated to party-list representatives shall be
filled, as provided by law, by selection or election from the
Eighth, x x x the nominee must likewise be able to
labor, peasant, urban poor, indigenous cultural
contribute to the formulation and enactment of appropriate
communities, women, youth, and such other sectors as may
legislation that will benefit the nation as a whole.20 (italics
be provided by law, except the religious sector.
and emphases ours)

Sections 7 and 8, Article IX-C

23. Privilege from arrest of legislators (Trillanes v.
Sec. 7. No votes cast in favor of a political party, Pimentel): The crime charged in this case was coup d’eat
organization, or coalition shall be valid, except for those which is punishable by more than six years, is NOT covered
registered under the party-list system as provided in this by the parliamentary immunity from arrest. Thus:
Privilege from Arrest
Sec. 8. Political parties, or organizations or coalitions
registered under the party-list system, shall not be
represented in the voters’ registration boards, boards of One of the privileges that a member of Congress enjoys is
election inspectors, boards of canvassers, or other similar the privilege from arrest. In this regard, Section 11, Article
VI, of the Constitution provides as follows:
bodies. However, they shall be entitled to appoint poll
watchers in accordance with law.
A Senator or Member of the House of Representatives
Guidelines: shall, in all offenses punishable by not more than six years
imprisonment, be privileged from arrest while the
First, the political party, sector, organization or coalition Congress is in session. No member shall be questioned nor
must represent the marginalized and underrepresented be held liable in any other place for any speech or debate
groups identified in Section 5 of RA 7941. In other words, it in Congress or in any committee thereof.
must show – through its constitution, articles of
incorporation, bylaws, history, platform of government and This privilege is intended to insure representation of the
track record – that it represents and seeks to uplift constituents by the members of Congress. In Vera vs.
marginalized and underrepresented sectors. Verily, Avelino, the Supreme Court, quoting a decision of the
majority of its membership should belong to the United States Supreme Court, explained for whose benefit
marginalized and underrepresented. And it must the right to parliamentary immunity is secured:
demonstrate that in a conflict of interests, it has chosen or
is likely to choose the interest of such sectors. These privileges are thus secured not with the intention of
protecting the members against prosecutors for their own
Second, while even major political parties are expressly benefit, but to support the rights of the people, by enabling
allowed by RA 7941 and the Constitution to participate in their representatives to execute the function of their office
the party-list system, they must comply with the declared without fear of prosecution, civil or criminal.
statutory policy of enabling "Filipino citizens belonging to
marginalized and underrepresented sectors x x x to be
24. Inquiries in Aid of Legislation (Balag v. Senate)
elected to the House of Representatives." In other words,
while they are not disqualified merely on the ground that
they are political parties, they must show, however, that The Court finds that the period of imprisonment
they represent the interests of the marginalized and under the inherent power of contempt by the Senate
underrepresented. during inquiries in aid of legislation should only last
until the termination of the legislative inquiry under
which the said power is invoked. In Arnault, it was and by the President of the Senate, in open session, of an
stated that obedience to its process may be enforced by the enrolled bill, is an official attestation by the two houses of
Senate Committee if the subject of investigation before it
was within the range of legitimate legislative inquiry and such bill as one that has passed Congress. It is a
the proposed testimony called relates to that subject. declaration by the two houses, through their presiding
Accordingly, as long as there is a legitimate legislative
officers, to the President, that a bill, thus attested, has
inquiry, then the inherent power of contempt by the Senate
may be properly exercised. Conversely, once the said received, in due form, the sanction of the legislative branch
legislative inquiry concludes, the exercise of the inherent of the government, and that it is delivered to him in
power of contempt ceases and there is no more genuine
necessity to penalize the detained witness. obedience to the constitutional requirement that all bills
which pass Congress shall be presented to him.
25. Organization of the House of Representatives and
Senate (Baguilat v. Speaker Alvarez) Enrolled bill theory is based mainly on "the

respect due to coequal and independent departments,"

Section 16 (1), Article VI of the 1987 Constitution reads:
which requires the judicial department "to accept, as
Section 16. (1) The Senate shall elect its President and the having passed Congress, all bills authenticated in the
House of Representatives, its Speaker, by a majority vote of
all its respective Members. manner stated." Thus it has also been stated in other cases

that if the attestation is absent and the same is not

Each house shall choose such other officers as it may deem
necessary. required for the validity of a statute, the courts may resort

to the journals and other records of Congress for proof of

Under this provision, the Speaker of the House of
Representatives shall be elected by a majority vote of its its due enactment
entire membership. Said provision also states that the
House of Representatives may decide to have officers other
than the Speaker, and that the method and manner as to
how these officers are chosen is something within its sole The journal of the proceedings of each House of
control.23 In the case of Defensor-Santiago v.
Guingona,24 which involved a dispute on the rightful Senate Congress is no ordinary record. The Constitution requires
Minority Leader during the 11th Congress (1998-2001),
this Court observed that "[w]hile the Constitution is explicit it. While it is true that the journal is not authenticated and
on the manner of electing x x x [a Speaker of the House of is subject to the risks of misprinting and other errors, this
Representative,] it is, however, dead silent on the manner
of selecting the other officers [of the Lower House]. All that Court is merely asked to inquire whether the text of House
the Charter says is that ' [e]ach House shall choose such
other officers as it may deem necessary.' [As such], the Bill No. 9266 signed by the Chief Executive was the same
method of choosing who will be such other officers is
merely a derivative of the exercise of the prerogative text passed by both Houses of Congress. The journal
conferred by the aforequoted constitutional provision. discloses that substantial and lengthy amendments were
Therefore, such method must be prescribed by the [House
of Representatives] itself, not by [the] Court. "25 introduced on the floor and approved by the Senate (caso

phil. Commercial vs Gimenez)

Corollary thereto, Section 16 (3), Article VI 26 of the
Constitution vests in the House of Representatives the sole
authority to, inter alia, "determine the rules of its
proceedings." These "legislative rules, unlike statutory 27. PDAF AND DAP
laws, do not have the imprints of permanence and
obligatoriness during their effectivity. In fact, they 'are BELGICA AND ARAULLO vs Pres. Benigno
subject to revocation, modification or waiver at the
pleasure of the body adopting them.' Being merely matters Aquino (consolidated case)
of procedure, their observance are of no concern to the
courts, for said rules may be waived or disregarded by the
legislative body at will, upon the concurrence of a majority
[of the House of Representatives]. "27 Hence, as a general The budget preparation phase is commenced
rule, "[t]his Court has no authority to interfere and through the issuance of a Budget Call by the DBM.
unilaterally intrude into that exclusive realm, without
running afoul of [C]onstitutional principles that it is bound Following the issuance of the Budget Call, the various
to protect and uphold x x x. Constitutional respect and a departments and agencies submit their respective Agency
becoming regard for the sovereign acts of a coequal branch
prevents the Court from prying into the internal workings Budget Proposals to the DBM. The DBM next consolidates
of the [House of Representatives]." 28 the recommended agency budgets into the National
Expenditure Program (NEP) and is submitted in the form of
a proposed GAA. The NEP thereafter is presented by the
DBM to the President and the Cabinet for further
26. Journals and Records; Enrolled Bill Doctrine refinements or reprioritization. Once the NEP is approved
Caso Philippines Commercial Co. vs Gimenez by the President and the Cabinet, the DBM prepares the
(Feb. 1963) budget documents for submission to Congress

“Enrolled bill doctrine or the Journal entry, is The DAP was a government policy or strategy
the signing by the Speaker of the House of Representatives designed to stimulate the economy through accelerated


spending. In the context of the DAP’s adoption and Proprietary Educational Institution (PEI)
implementation being a function pertaining to the
“Section 27 (B) of the NIRC”
Executive as the main actor during the Budget Execution
Proprietary educational institutions and hospitals
Stage under its constitutional mandate to faithfully execute
which are nonprofit shall pay a tax of ten percent (10%) on
the laws, including the GAAs, Congress did not need to
their taxable income except those covered by Subsection
legislate to adopt or to implement the DAP.
(D) hereof: Provided, that if the gross income from
"As pointed out in Gonzales v. Raquiza: "In a
unrelated trade, business or other activity exceeds fifty
strict sense, appropriation has been defined ‘as nothing
percent (50%) of the total gross income derived by such
more than the legislative authorization prescribed by the
educational institutions or hospitals from all sources, the
Constitution that money may be paid out of the Treasury,’
tax prescribed in Subsection (A) (15%) thereof shall be
while appropriation made by law refers to ‘the act of the
imposed on the entire taxable income.
legislature setting apart or assigning to a particular use a
certain sum to be used in the payment of debt or dues from
29. Succession of the President
the State to its creditors.’

The constitution provides for a line of succession in the

On the other hand, the President, in keeping with event that the elected President of the Philippines is not
his duty to faithfully execute the laws, had sufficient able to discharge the duties of his office due to death,
disability, or resignation. The following is the line of
discretion during the execution of the budget to adapt the
budget to changes in the country’s economic situation. He
could adopt a plan like the DAP for the purpose. The 1. Vice President —  in cases of the death, disability,
or resignation of the President
pooling of savings pursuant to the DAP, and the
2. Senate President — in cases of the death,
identification of the PAPs to be funded under the DAP did disability, or resignation of the President and Vice
not involve appropriation in the strict sense because the
3. Speaker of the House of Representatives — in
money had been already set apart from the public treasury cases of the death, disability, or resignation of the
President, Vice President, and Senate President
by Congress through the GAAs. In such actions, the
Executive did not usurp the power vested in Congress
Contrary to popular belief, the constitution doesn’t include
under Section 29(1), Article VI of the Constitution. the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in the President’s
line of succession.

28. Taxation of Educational Institutions

The Congress of the Philippines is mandated enact a law
calling for a special election three days after the vacancy in
DLSU VS CIR the Office of the President and Vice President. The special
election should occur 40 days after the enactment of the
law, but not later than 60 days after the enactment of the
Non-stock, non-profit educations institution law.
Article XIV, Section 4 (3) of the 1987 Constitution, which
reads: 30. Midnight Appointments : The prohibition on midnight

(3) All revenues and assets of non-stock, non-profit appointments only extend to appointments in the
educational institutions used actually, directly, and EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. The judiciary is NOT covered
exclusively for educational purposes shall be exempt
from taxes and duties. by such prohibition.

- a plain reading of the Constitution would show

that Article XIV, Section 4 (3) does not require that the
revenues and income must have also been sourced from 31. Appointments; Types; CA Confirmation
educational activities or activities related to the purposes PIMENTEL VS ERMITA (2005)
of an educational institution. The phrase all revenues is
unqualified by any reference to the source of revenues.
Appointments (Section 16, Article VII of the 1987
Thus, so long as the revenues and income are used
actually, directly and exclusively for educational purposes,
The President shall nominate and, with the
then said revenues and income shall be exempt from taxes
consent of the Commission on Appointments, appoint the
and duties.
heads of the executive departments, ambassadors, other
“as long as all incomes are being used
public ministers and consuls, or officers of the armed
actually, directly and exclusively for educational
forces from the rank of colonel or naval captain, and other
purpose, such incomes are exempted from tax,
officers whose appointments are vested in him in this
regardless where it is sourced”
Constitution. He shall also appoint all other officers of the
Government whose appointments are not otherwise
provided for by law, and those whom he may be authorized FLORES VS DRILON
by law to appoint. The Congress may, by law, vest the Sec. 7 of Art. IX-B of the Constitution Provides:
appointment of other officers lower in rank in the President
No elective official shall be eligible for
alone, in the courts, or in the heads of departments,
appointment or designation in any capacity to any public
agencies, commissions, or boards.
office or position during his tenure. Unless otherwise
The President shall have the power to make allowed by law or by the primary functions of his position,
appointments during the recess of the Congress, whether no appointive official shall hold any other office or
voluntary or compulsory, but such appointments shall be employment in the Government or any subdivision, agency
effective only until disapproval by the Commission on or instrumentality thereof, including government-owned or
Appointments or until the next adjournment of the controlled corporations or their subsidiaries.
Hence, incumbent elective official, Gordon is
ineligible for appointment to the position of Chairman and
- It is readily apparent that under the provisions of CEO of SBMA; hence, his appointment thereto cannot be
the 1987 Constitution, just quoted, there are four (4) sustained. He however remains Mayor of Olongapo City,
groups of officers whom the President shall appoint. These and his acts as SBMA official are not necessarily null and
four (4) groups, to which we will hereafter refer from time void; he may be considered a de facto officer.
to time, are: This is precisely what the Constitution prohibits. It
First, the heads of the executive departments, seeks to prevent a situation where a local elective official
ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, officers will work for his appointment in an executive position in
of the armed forces from the rank of colonel or naval government, and thus neglect his constitutents.
captain, and other officers whose appointments are vested (Flores vs Drilon)
in him in this Constitution; 33. Power to Discipline (Joson v. Torres)
Second, all other officers of the Government
whose appointments are not otherwise provided for by law; The power to discipline evidently includes the power to
investigate. As the Disciplining Authority, the President has
Third, those whom the President may be the power derived from the Constitution itself to
investigate complaints against local government officials.
authorized by law to appoint; A.O. No. 23, however, delegates the power to investigate to
Fourth, officers lower in rank whose the DILG or a Special Investigating Committee, as may be
constituted by the Disciplining Authority. This is not undue
appointments the Congress may by law vest in the delegation, contrary to petitioner Joson's claim. The
President alone. President remains the Disciplining Authority. What is
delegated is the power to investigate, not the power to
discipline. 54

The first group of officers only is clearly appointed with

Moreover, the power of the DILG to investigate
the consent of the Commission on Appointments. administrative complaints is based on the alter-ego
Appointments of such officers are initiated by nomination principle or the doctrine of qualified political agency. Thus:

and, if the nomination is confirmed by the Commission on

Under this doctrine, which recognizes the establishment of
Appointments, the President appoints. a single executive, all executive and administrative
organizations are adjuncts of the Executive Department,
the heads of the various executive departments are
Ad-interim appointments must be distinguished assistants and agents of the Chief Executive, and, except in
cases where the Chief Executive is required by the
from appointments in an acting capacity. Both of them Constitution or law to act in person or the exigencies of the
are effective upon acceptance. But ad-interim situation demand that he act personally, the multifarious
executive and administrative functions of the Chief
appointments are extended only during a recess of Executive are performed by and through the executive
Congress, whereas acting appointments may be extended departments, and the acts of the Secretaries of such
departments, performed and promulgated in the regular
any time there is a vacancy. Moreover ad-interim course of business, are, unless disapproved or reprobated
appointments are submitted to the Commission on by the Chief Executive presumptively the acts of the Chief
Executive. 55
Appointments for confirmation or rejection; acting
appointments are not submitted to the Commission on This doctrine is corollary to the control power of the
Appointments. Acting appointments are a way of President. 56 The power of control is provided in the
Constitution, thus:
temporarily filling important offices but, if abused, they can
also be a way of circumventing the need for confirmation Sec. 17. The President shall have control of all the
by the Commission on Appointments. (Pimentel vs Ermita) executive departments, bureaus, and offices. He shall
ensure that the laws be faithfully executed.  57

32. Appointment of elective officials to other government Control is said to be the very heart of the power of the
posts presidency. 58 As head of the Executive Department, the
President, however, may delegate some of his powers to
the Cabinet members except when he is required by the


Constitution to act in person or the exigencies of the authority has been delegated to the legislative or executive
situation demand that he acts personally.  59 The members branch of the government. It is concerned with issues
of Cabinet may act for and in behalf of the President in dependent upon the wisdom, not legality of a particular
certain matters because the President cannot be expected measure.”
to exercise his control (and supervisory) powers personally
all the time. Each head of a department is, and must be,
the President's alter ego in the matters of that department One type of case of political questions involves questions of
where the President is required by law to exercise foreign relations. It is well-established that “the conduct of
authority the foreign relations of our government is committed by
the Constitution to the executive and legislative–‘the
political’–departments of the government, and the
propriety of what may be done in the exercise of this
34. Commander-in-chief Powers (Lagman v. political power is not subject to judicial inquiry or
Medialdea) decision.” are delicate, complex, and involve large
elements of prophecy. They are and should be undertaken
The military power enables the president to only by those directly responsible to the people whose
welfare they advance or imperil.
(1) command all the armed forces of the Philippines
(2) suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus
(3) declare martial law 38. Administrative Supervision by the SC over Courts
(Maceda v. Vasquez)
Note: The president is made the commander-in-chief of all
Administrative Power
the armed forces of the Philippines is there are armed
o Article VIII, section 6 of the 1987
forces to command. These forces will be raised by congress
Constitution exclusively vests in the SC
in the exercise of its general legislative power
administrative supervision over all courts
35. Pardon and Amnesty (Monsanto v. Factoran) and court personnel, from the Presiding
Justice of the Court of Appeals down to
- amnesty is usually addressed to crimes the lowest municipal trial court clerk.
against the sovereignty of the state, to
political offenses, forgiveness being deemed o By virtue of the Court’s administrative
more expedient for the public welfare than power, it is only the SC that can oversee
prosecution and punishment pardon condones the judges' and court personnel's
infractions of the peace of the state compliance with all laws, and take the
- amnesty is usually generally addressed to proper administrative action against them
classes or even communities of persons; if they commit any violation.
pardon is usually addressed to one individual
- in amnesty, there may or may not be distinct
acts or acceptance, so that if other rights are 39. Career and Non-career positions; Power to
dependent upon it and are asserted, there is Discipline; Security of Tenure (CSC v. Salas; Gloria v.
affirmative evidence of acceptance; in pardon, CA)
there must be distinct acts of acceptance
- pardon does not require the concurrence of In CSC vs Salas: The nature of the position, as may be
the congress, amnesty requires the ascertained by the court in case of conflict, which finally
concurrence determines whether a position is primarily confidential,
- pardon is a private act of the president which policy-determining or highly technical
must be pleaded and proved by the person
 Confidentiality may also be determined upon the
pardoned because the courts do not take
recommendation of the president with
judicial notice of it; amnesty is a public act of
concurrence of CSC
which the courts take judicial notice
- pardon looks forward and relieved the
In Gloria vs CA: Preventive suspension pending appeal
offender from the consequences of the offense is actually punitive, and it is actually considered illegal if
while amnesty looks backward and absolves the respondent is exonerated and the administrative
and puts into oblivion the offense itself decision finding him guilty is reversed. Hence he should be
reinstated with full pay for the period of the suspension.
36. Foreign Loans Section 47 (4) of the Civil Service Decree states that the
respondent “shall be considered as under preventive
"The President may contract or guarantee foreign loans on suspension during the pendency of the appeal in the event
behalf of the Republic of the Philippines with the prior he wins.” On the other hand if his conviction is affirmed the
concurrence of the Monetary Board, and subject to such period of his suspension becomes part of the
limitations as may be provided by law. The Monetary Board final penalty of suspension or dismissal. In the case at bar
shall, within thirty days from the end of every quarter of the respondents won in their appeal, therefore the period
the calendar year, submit to the Congress a complete of suspension pending their appeal would be considered as
report of its decision on applications for loans to be part of the preventive suspension, entitling them to full pay
contracted or guaranteed by the Government or because they were eventually exonerated and their
government-owned and controlled corporations which suspension was unjustified.
would have the effect of increasing the foreign debt, and
containing other matters as may be provided by law." Security of tenure: No officer or employee of the CSC shall
(Article VII, Section 20). be suspended or dismissed except for cause as provided by
37. Treaties; the President as the Sole Organ of
Foreign Relations (Vinuya v. Romulo) Career service vs Non-Career service

Political questions refer “to those questions which, under - Career service: characterized by entrance
the Constitution, are to be decided by the people in their based on merit and fitness to be determined
sovereign capacity, or in regard to which full discretionary as far as practicable by competitive
examination or based on highly technical bodies of water, mineral and other natural
qualifications, opportunity for security if resources. They also include lands which may no longer be
tenure exclusively occupied by ICCs/IPs but from which they
traditionally had access to for their subsistence and
- Non-career service: entrance based on other
traditional activities, particularly the home ranges of
that the usual test of merit and fitness, tenure ICCs/IPs who are still nomadic and/or shifting cultivators.
is limited to a period specified by law or which
is coterminous with an appointing authority
Ancestral lands are lands held by the ICCs/IPs under the
same conditions as ancestral domains except that these are
40. Power of the COMELEC over interparty issues limited to lands and that these lands are not merely
(Atienza v. COMELEC) occupied and possessed but are also utilized by the
ICCs/IPs under claims of individual or traditional group
The COMELEC’s jurisdiction over intra-party ownership. These lands include but are not limited to
disputes is limited. It does not have blanket authority residential lots, rice terraces or paddies, private forests,
to resolve any and all controversies involving political swidden farms and tree lots.
parties. Political parties are generally free to conduct
their activities without interference from the state. 44. Public Utilities (Roy v. Herbosa)
The COMELEC may intervene in disputes internal to a
party only when necessary to the discharge of its Under Sec 11, Article XII of the 1987 Constitution, all the
constitutional functions. executive and managing officers of a public utility company
The COMELEC’s jurisdiction over intra-party must be Filipinos. Thus, the all-filipino management team
leadership disputes has already been settled by the Court. must first be convinced that any of the 8 corporate actions
in section 6 of the corporation code will be in the interest
The Court ruled in Kalaw vs. Commission on Elections that
of the company
the COMELEC’s powers and functions under Section
2, Article IX-C of the Constitution, "include the NOTE: The determining factor is the “beneficial use” of the
ascertainment of the identity of the political party stock owned. Hence, if the stock is named under a Filipino
and its legitimate officers responsible for its acts." but the Filipino cannot/does not have the power to dispose
The Court also declared in another case  that the of it freely, it is not within in the ambit of Filipino
COMELEC’s power to register political parties ownership and cannot be included in the 60% requirement
necessarily involved the determination of the persons
who must act on its behalf. Thus, the COMELEC may
resolve an intra-party leadership dispute, in a proper
case brought before it, as an incident of its power to
register political parties. 45. Due Process in Student Disciplinary Proceedings
(ADMU v. Capulong)

41. Automatic release of IRA (Pimentel v. Aguirre): NOTE: Thus, so long as these minimum standards are
The withholding of the President of 10% internal revenue complied with there is no violation of
allotments are NOT valid exercise of the president’s procedural/substantive due process
powers. A basic feature of local fiscal autonomy is
the automatic release of the shares of LGUs in the national Minimum standards to be satisfied in the imposition of
internal revenue. This is mandated by no less than the disciplinary sanctions in academic institutions, such as
Constitution. The Local Government Code specifies further petitioner university herein, thus:
that the release shall be made directly to the LGU
concerned within five (5) days after every quarter of the (1) the students must be informed in writing of the nature
year and "shall not be subject to any lien or holdback that and cause of any accusation against them; 
may be imposed by the national government for whatever (2) that they shall have the right to answer the charges
purpose." As a rule, the term "shall" is a word of command against them with the assistance of counsel, if desired: 
that must be given a compulsory meaning. The provision is, (3) they shall be informed of the evidence against them 
therefore, imperative.  (4) they shall have the right to adduce evidence in their
own behalf; and 
42. Initiation of Impeachment Proceedings (Gutierrez (5) the evidence must be duly considered by the
v. HOR) : In the absence of grave abuse of discretion, the investigating committee or official designated by the school
judiciary cannot inquire into whether or not an offense is authorities to hear and decide the case.
an impeachable offense as such is a political question
which is within the sound discretion of the legislature. 46. Amendments to the Constitution (Lambino v.
43. Ancestral Land v. Domain (Cruz v. Sec. DENR):
Thus, ancestral lands and ancestral domains are not In Lambino vs COMELEC:
part of the lands of the public domain. They are
Amendment refers to isolated or piecemeal change only, as
private and belong to the ICCs/IPs
distinguished from revision which is a revamp of rewriting
the whole instrument
Ancestral domains are all areas belonging to ICCs/IPs
held under a claim of ownership, occupied or possessed by Revision broadly implies a change that alters a basic
ICCs/IPs by themselves or through their ancestors, principle in the constitution, like altering the principle of
communally or individually since time immemorial, separation of powers or the system of checks & balances,
continuously until the present, except when interrupted by there is also revision is the change alters the substantial
war, force majeure or displacement by force, deceit, stealth entirety of the constitution
or as a consequence of government projects or any other
voluntary dealings with government and/or private  Generally affects many provisions of the
individuals or corporations. Ancestral domains comprise constitution
lands, inland waters, coastal areas, and natural
resources therein and includes ancestral lands,
Amendment broadly refers to change which does not alter
forests, pasture, residential, agricultural, and other
the main principle involved.
lands individually owned whether alienable or not,
hunting grounds, burial grounds, worship areas,
 Usually affects only one

 Quantitative test – how many provisions of the

constitution are being amended?
 Qualitative test – will there be substantial changes
to the basic governmental plan?



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