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1. Discuss the logical reasoning for analysis the argument discussed in this case study........4

2. Discuss the Developing Skills of Critical Evaluation by Using the Various Sources used in
this Case Study.............................................................................................................................7


In this case stud, there is a detailed discussion about the lifestyles of a person. This case study
shows that the lifestyle of the peoples does not affect clinical decisions. After making an
investigation done by the Royal College of Surgeons on the “Lifestyle choices” affect the surgical
and clinical decisions. They make a four-month report and it must be concluded that the
smokers and the overweighed persons always need a surgical help for saving their lives. In this
modern and technological economy, every person wants good health care services for their
health problems and these high-quality services need a huge amount of money for their
hospitality services (Berger, 2017). There is question arise on the CCGs views that it increases
the pressure on peoples to save their money but it is not ethically way for this. This survey
report shows that peoples use a diet chart and some exercises in their daily life to live a healthy
life. But the clinical surgeons do not suggest to them that that they chose the wrong way to live
their life. In this, there is a study about logical reasoning and it helps in understanding the
benefits of logical reasoning the ways to reducing smoking and overweight of a person to live a
healthy life.

No, a person can think critically without know logical reasoning. For critical thinking, a person
requires some additional skills which are they should be creative thinkers, Analogy and
empathy skills (Davis and Nielsen, 2017).
1. Discuss the logical reasoning for analysis the argument discussed in this
case study
Logical Reasoning

Logical reasoning is a fundamental skill, which is present in a person for making critical thinking
about the things effectively. Logical reasoning is of two types. These are deduction and
induction. Logical reasoning helps in analysis the assignment and make an effective evaluation
of the smokers and over-weighted condition of a person. This case study shows that the CCGs
need to arrange a session on smoking before the surgery of smokers (Torkamani et al., 2018).
However, the RCS report given by the vascular society of Britain and Ireland says that there is
no relation and linkage between varicose veins and the habit of smoking. They say that there is
no logic in this to stop the person from smoking. More benefits are received from effectively
operating this thing. Therefore, for saving the life of a peoples surgeons make an effective
communication with the patients who have a smoking habit and try to convince the patient to
stop and reduce the smoking habit by giving them a detailed information about that smoking is
dangerous for the health and take the health care services to stop the smoking habits.

The smoking habit has many risks to the life of a person. It must be seen that the death rate
should be increased because of the smoking habits of the peoples who want to be more social.
This unequal treatment of a person in the clinic and hospitals can resist the patients to go to the
surgeon and taking consulting advice to find the solution for reducing their addiction towards
the citrates and other smoking products (Torkamani et al., 2018). Nowadays a person is self-
determinant and they choose their behavior and lifestyle to survive in society. Bad food
products, overeating, drinking habit, and smoking habit all this will affect the health of a person
adversely. As per the health survey report was done in England it shows that more than 31% of
the England children are facing the problem of overweight because of eating unhealthy food
and bad habits. These children can follow the healthy diet food and do regular exercise to
maintain their health. This will also help them to secure their life from any type of dangerous
(Träff et al., 2019). Drug habits and alcohol or drinking habit can result to make transplantation
of the liver because of losing the graft from the body.
Logical reasoning helps the surgeons to evaluate and analyze the person for reducing their
smoking habit and over-weighted problem because of unhealthy and bad lifestyles (Moshman
and Tarricone, 2016). Based on logical reasoning, there was a BBC report made in September
2016 by the Vale of York by Clinical Commissioning Group (CCGs). This report says that the
peoples who have a smoking habit and obese problem can have to wait for many months, days
or year if they want to take the benefits of elective surgeries. Clinical Commissioning Group has
to take some of the important steps for giving relief to the patient from their surgical issues.
NHS in England city has encouraged them to think again about these things. Obese persons are
those, which have a problem with overweighting because of some chronic diseases. NHS has
targeted the persons who are facing problems related to smoking, drinking, and overweight.
NHS has made a policy to give prevention to the patient from obese problems and give them a
suggestion to take the help of surgeries to save their life and they also put their efforts into
increasing the knowledge of a person in the matters related to the benefits of surgeries. For this
they arrange many health care programmers to give the information to the patients about the
smoking and overweight problems is very bad for health and it gives death to a person if they
over smoking and overweighed (Press et al., 2016). This critical situation can be analyzed and
examine when they make the usage of new and creative ideas and thinking applied in the state
or cities like Richmond, Vale Royal, Rotterdam, and South Cheshire. This report suggests that
use ethical ways to save the money instead of giving pressure.

This assignment shows that England has to make a delay in doing the surgeries of patients who
have a smoking habit and over-weighted problem and sometimes they deny to do such types of
surgeries. As per the discussion is done by the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS). But in many
places these types of surgeries are banned which creates a negative impact on the patient. It is
the principle and rule of NHS to treat all the patients equally and give equal and same
treatment. NHS says that all the patients can receive quality hospital services and treatment
without focusing on their character, financial background, and lifestyles.

Royal College of Surgeons believes in encouraging the patient to stop their smoking habit and
reduce the weight for saving their lives from any type of illness and dangerous problems. It is
the responsibility of the surgeons and the doctors to give full information about the risk that
arises due to the usage of smoking and the other alcoholic products to their patients ( Qureshi
et al., 2015). This advice for caring personal health of a patient who has a problem of
overweight can save their money, which is, needed to invest in the knee and another type of
operation. This money can be saved by using a healthy diet and exercise to reduce the fated
2. Discuss the Developing Skills of Critical Evaluation by Using the Various
Sources used in this Case Study
This developing skill help in understanding the deep evaluation and analysis of this case study
that the cost incurred in making the treatment of reducing the smoking habit. This will also help
in resolving the problem of over-weighted is an expensive treatment and only affordable by
those person who are financially strong but lower and middle class peoples not afford this
surgeries and expensive treatment and because of this they will die by not receiving the timely
treatment. There is a need for surgeons to examine all the patients carefully and gives the best
treatment which helps them in reducing their smoking and alcohol habits. This healthy food
habit also helps the patient to reduce and control their weight (Qureshi et al., 2015).

There is a need for the patients to take the advice of a good surgeon and the doctors before
facing any life dangerous problems. The report prepared by the Royal College of Surgeons
shows that 22% of the overweight problem can be reduced with the help of replacing the knee
but the clinical treatment policies should say that it is not the best way for reducing these
overweight problems (Sanfey et al., 2015). As per the estimated survey report after analysis,
the ratio of obese patients shows that in England and America 32 million women and 26 million
men are facing the obese problem of overweight. Because of this patient's body goes to more
heavy and they face difficulty in doing anything. This overweight is also called BMI (Body mass
index). This disease can occur because of hypertension, diabetes, cancer and pulmonary
dysfunctional and all this will create a dangerous and adverse risk to the life of a patient.

Obesity can help the patient to feel relief from the dangerous pain by replacing the joints. This
will help the patient to make a wide improvement in their life and health. By making a critical
evaluation and analysis done by the Critical Commissioning Group shows that they are a
necessity to give a training in the conference and cessions to the patients about their health
safety measures (Khot et al., 2015). Many of the issues, which faces by the obese patient
because of receiving improper services in the hospitals, It creates the fear in the mind of
disease patient and they have lack of willingness to take the medical help. As per the survey
was done in England and the United States shows that more than 60 percent of adults are
facing the problem of overweight because of their improper health diet. This will affect the
health of a person and it is a very dangerous problem. It works as the biggest challenge for the
patient and it makes a negative impact on the health of a person and it also affects his or her
daily li8fe style. Because of some reason, some of the patients who do not receive early
treatment can increase the chances of being overweight.

This critical evaluation helps to understand that the patients should receive proper treatment at
the correct time to reduce the chances of dangerous to their life. These types of patients who
have a smoking habit and face the problem of over-weighted can give an adverse effect on the
life of an obese patient. These types of patients need special care and treatment because it is
difficult to make a proper examination of the obese patient. Initial detection of these problems
can save the person from future illness (Torkamani et al., 2018).
In this case study, there is a discussion about the problems and issues faced by a patient
because of improper treatment of their health-related issues. In this, it must be concluded by
the NHS and the report of the Royal College of Surgeon shows that every patient should receive
the same and equal treatment and services from doctors and staff members in the hospital. The
decision taken by them on certain types of delay in the health care services does not only
depend on the lifestyle of a patient but some other factors are also be considered. Over
weighted problems are riskier as compared to the smoking problem. Smoking is the addiction
of the person and it can be reduced by seeking advice from the doctors and find ways to reduce
the smoking habit. Surgeons and the doctors can give their best advice to the patient by giving
clinical suggestions on the issues and problems faced by the patient.

Alcoholic and smoking addiction, food diet and exercise depends on the Lifestyle of different
persons. A person according to their society can choose these lifestyles and to stay in front of
social peoples where they live. However, not all these factors are match with the Blanket
concept of this case study to deal with complex situations. The main objective and aim of this
case study are to do critical thinking and find analysis and evaluation that will help in
understanding the matter that clinical services are given by doctors and surgeons not affect by
the lifestyle of a person.
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