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Open challenge problems as per

Guo-Dao Sun et al.: A Survey of Visual Analytics Techniques and


1.Effectivly visualize real time streaming data with a large number of time

2. Additionally, e®ective modeling, characterization,

and visualization of the uncertainty information arising
from spatial-temporal data collection and transforma-
tion must also be investigated

3. Heterogeneous text data with images and

videos can be complementary. It may allow users to
explore the data from di®erent perspectives. Thus, ef-
fective analysis of the heterogeneous text data is worth
further study.

What is meant by uncertainly information?

Curse of dimensality?

Heterogeneous relationships among the dimensions

in high-dimensional data space are ignored in most ana-
lysis methods.

What is it and why its ignored?

LAMP method, could project the clusters from the data without the models?

the items space and the dimensions space, thus

allowing for joint analysis of both items and dimen-

What is it?

Topic based methods?

Questions for professor-

Is worldcoud a bad visuallisation technique?

Is visual analytics a sandwich of tecniques?

Why visual analytics of data mining can find model can predict
things? And graphs can show data/finding, what’s unique about finding .
Is it an umbrella?
Relation between EDA and visual analytics?

I think its used because while trying to find trends if its plotted on graphs its
easier to decide on hypothesis and easier to find insights.

On ppt 19 in diagram why information fusion can be interated with



Why dashed lines?

Store all the intermediate assumpotions / hypothesis also?
If not all details then is thrre any recommendations to save what and in
what format? Visualize this process also? Reproducibility.

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