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There are two type of animal development.

1. Direct
2. Indirect
If the baby is born through direct development Then the larva stage is absent.
Ex:-all eutheria, lepisma, (Silver fish/book lice) ,scorpion.
If the indirect development is present in an animal then the larva stage
Through metamorphosis this larva changes into adult.
There are four types of metamorphosis we see in invertebrate
1. Ametabolous – In this metamorphosis is absent.
Ex. Silver fish
2. Hemi-metabolous – In this nymph is present.
Ex. Dragon fly , May fly
3. Gradual metamorphosis – In this nymph stage is present. But along with
wings there is genital appendages which are of vestegial types.
Nymph Nymph Adult
Ex. Grashtopor,Aphids
4. Complete metamorphosis :
Egg Larva Pupa Adult
Ex. House fly , Mosquito , Butterfly

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