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id M.Sc, Research (Theory) ( Sem. It) (CBSGS) / $0422 - Physics ‘Paper =. tet MES pec dynau ned ae j10989° ©. P. Code: 10989 ED (2'/:Hours ) [Total Marks : 60 N.B. :(1) All questions are compulsory. @) Figures to the right indicate full marks (@) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary 4) Symbots have usual meanings unless otherwise stated 1. @ Attempt any one: o (@ Obtain the expression Bia + Fas) Ef: EVE + (7-B)B + (Wx E)x E+ (VB) Buy a aa! For momentum conservation. Gi) Obtain the expression for the energy conservation law of electrodynamics. Give the physical interpretation of poynting vector (0) Attempt any on o (@ Derive the continuity equation from Maxwell's equations. (Gi) Explain why the tails of the comets are always directed away lrom the Sun. 08 2. (@) Attempt any onc (From Maxwell's equations in vacuum (for p= and j=0).Obtain the wave 8", Show that equation For Partial solution E = Eye"? and B = By and B in that order form an orthogonal right handed system. Also show that Eo=Bo Gi) For the simplest atomic model (where we imagine electron elastically bound to the atomic nucleus and performing damped harmonic oscillations of frequency «o). Obtain the expression for atomic polarizability « (w). Hence comment on the frequency dependence of polarizability 04 (b) Attempt any one: (@ — Forplane harmonic waves in matter obtain the following relation P10. METAR ORONIAPIFARRANCRIFUIRNA 2 @) ) 4 @ @ Q.P. Code: 10989 2 i) Distinguish TE,TM ‘and TEM waves on the basis of boundary conditions. Attempt any one:— 08 @ ‘The LienardWiechert electric field of a point charge is given by: _ f(m- Aa 6) , Ax MA- A) xa) ef — ere ER ‘Where the symbols have their usual meaning. Using this relation show that the power radiated, P, by a non relativistic charged particle is given by ese 30 (ii) Define retarded potential and show that it leads to the generalized Coulomb's law: #e.0=[ [fete +ite -Hie de’ Where = # — #”. When does it reduce to the fundamental form of Coulomb's law? ‘Attempt any one:— o4 (Obtain Lorentz force law in terms of scalar potential @ and vector potential 4 Gi) _In the use of multipole expansion in the contest of radiation, we make three assumptions. Explain them. “Attempt any one:— 08 @ Construct Energy ~ Momentum Tensor (esymmetrie form) T*#. Derive an expression for the conservation of energy using it (i) Construct field strength tensor F*" and Lorenta tra frames with common x ~ x’ axes and relative velocity v. and show how fields transform.( formation matrix A for ‘You can use covariant or contra variant notations) ‘Attempt any one:-—~ 04 (State and explain the postulates of special theory of relativity. (ii) State the properties of Lorentz transformation matrix. Attempt any four:-— 2 (Write Maxwell's equations in differential form. P.T.O. 03572A8139B2D24F2EASADCF7F31FOA ) Gi) w wi) wi) (viii) QP. Code 10989 3 ‘A wire is has resistance R, a potential difference'of V volts is applied across its length L If the radius of the wire is a, find the Poynting vector at the surface of the wire. ‘The components of instantaneous electric fields in a plane wave propagated in Z diteetion are Ex=E:Cos (kz-ct) and F,=F2Sin (hy-unt) Camment an the state of polarization of the wave. Explain: ‘Phase velocity and group velocity are equal in non dispersive medium.” ‘What is the gauge transformation? State the Coulomb gauge and Lorentz gauge. ‘The LienardWiechert electric field of a point charge is given by: Ba. #) Aix (= B) xa) TERE CHAR Write the term responsible for radiation, Explain. Using AGAS gi” = show that (ds)? = dx® dx“ gee is invariant under Lorentz transformation. Write down the components of 4% Me. AND MSc RESEARCH. (THEORY) (OTHER THAN oe MATITENATICS, : STATISTICS & SEM-It Physies :Paper 11 - 03:00 p.t0 GeocRAPHY) (cescs) Electrodynamics Monday, October 17, 2016 sates (SEMESTER - IN (CBSGS) EXAMINATION SECOND HALF, 2016 QP Code : 75795 (2% Bours ) [Total Marks : 60 (1) All questions are compulsory, (2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. (3)_ Symbols have usual meanings. (4) Use of log-table/ non programmable calculator is allowed. 1. (@) Attempt any one: (i) Starting from Lorentz-force density equation E om x B obtain expression for conservation law of linear f momentum in electrodynamics (expression in terms of Maxwellian Stress Tensor not expected] Gi) Obtain the expression for Poynting's Theorem. Write the expression for Poynting vector § and give its physical significance. (®) Attempt any one - §) With the help of Four-potential A, show that the potential equations. ° " z_1@A_-4n- 1a& OAWT ae, FM ga -4n. can be reduced to a single equation ; 0 Ay = (ii) Derive continuity equation from Maxwell's equations, 2. (a) Attemptany one:- (Write down Maxwell's equations in vacuum ( withj=0 and p=0) 8 Obtain wave equation. For monochromatic plane wave E = E,ell#=-#) show that k, E and B are mutually perpendicular also show thatE,=B, (TURN OVER RM-Con. 2518-16, QP Code : 75795 ote i hence obtain the co of polarizability, (i) Disoussthe frequency dependence o!P expression. 2 1 , é =a(0) Po= 7 Gina? iva) By =a (a)Bs m (a) -0" -iy 4 ®) Attempt any one = : ; an (i) Tho electric field associated with a plane wave eee in) te kot) 4 7B plikz-ettn! direction in given by H(z, t) =iBye"“*"*” + j Boe ‘Comment on the state of polarization of wave. Gi) Explain in brief the term Skin effect. 3. (a) Attempt any one :- ; 8 (State scalar potenial $ and vector potenial A in.electrodynamics. Obtain Gauss's Law and Ampere’s law (with Maxwell Correction) in terms of ¢ and A what are the advantages of reformulating the Mowell’s laws in terms of them? (ii) Fora charged particle with collinear velocity and acceleration show that the power radiated per unit solid angle is given by : @P___etatsin?@ dQ 4nc?(1-Bcos8)* ‘Where @ isthe angle between the velocity 7 and radius vector FR. (®) Attempt any one : , G) Whats meant by gauge function’? Obtain the wave equation for the same, (ii) Sketch the polar plot ofthe radiation flow from a charged particle with collinear velocity and acceleration, for B= 0, 0.2, 0.6 . Comment on the nature of the plot. 4. (@) Attemptany one :- 8 () Derive the explicit form of Energy-Momentum Tensor. Using that derive an expression for the conservation of momentum, [TURN OVER RM-Con. 2518-16, ap Code : 75795 (iy. Sbow Sorte field tens0r Fy» Fn, Ba Fiano Bx Oy OR () Attemptany one:- (Write down the properties o i) Derive an expression for the: Lorentz transformation matrix T,,, Lagrangian of relativistic free particle. 12 5. Attemptany fou (Explain theterm radiation pressure, (di) ‘The electric field associsted with a monochromatic plane wave ropagaled in'z'direction is E=Byicos(kz— at) Find the Poynting Vector (Assume the medium to be vacuum) (ii) Write the boundary conditions for TE TM and TEM waves. Gv) Whatare Resonant cavities? (0) Explain ‘Lorentz gauge’ and obtain the differential equation for the scalar and vector potentials. (vi) Why do we say that only accelerated charges can radiate? (vii) Write down Lorentz transformation equations. . (vii) Write down the equation of continuity in covariant form, RM-Con. 2518-16. nh Physics pow Pak chy Apel 201s 4 PSPd- 202 f Q.P. Code : 24494 (2% Hours) [Total Marks : 60 N.Bet (1) AM questions are compulsory. (2) Figures to the ri 0 the right indicate full marks. (3) Symbols have usual colar tna 4) Use of log-table (4) Use of log-table / non programmable calculator is allowed. 1. (a) Attempt any one. (i) What is Poynting Vector ? Obtain the expression for Poynting theorem in electrodynamics. (ii) ‘The field tensor F,, is given as 5 “8, Ros -B, 0 “iE, " BOB ~iB, iB, 1B, ° Write Maxwell's equations in covariant form and obtain the equation y-E = 4np. (Hint: take p = 4) (b) Attempt any one. (i) Derive continuity equation from Maxwell's equations ii) What is radiation pressure? Explain why the tal of a comet is always directed away from the Sun. 2. (u) Attempt any one. : (i) Obtain the expression for frequency dependence of conductivity. What is plasma frequency ? ii) Explain the terms phase velocity and group velocity. For the superposition of two waves of equal amplitude and distinct, but neighbouring frequencies ,, k, and @2, Kz : given by U(xt) =A (elder 4 el(fax- en) Obtain the expression for group velocity and phase velocity. (b) Attempt any one 4 (i) State the boundary conditions for TM, TE and TEM waves: (ii) Obtain the telegraph equations why are they called so? VF-Gon. 9759-15. (TURN OVEK QP. Code: 24494 3. (2) Attempt any one, : (i) Write down the e . ‘quation for the retarded ra A He: " led potentials $ (7,1) and A(7,t ws nee obtain the generalised Coulomb Faraday Law, - ii) Fora charged particle wit pone, ae Particle with collinear velocity and acceleration show that the Hated per unit solid angle is given by 4P _ et a?Sinte dQ 4nd Bose)’ where 6 is the angle between the velocity ¥ and radius vector R. (b) Attempt any one. 4 (An infinite straigth wire carries a current I(t) = 0 for t < 0 and T= Z fort > 0. Find the resulting scalar and vector potentials. (ii) What do you mean by 'gauge function’? Obtain the wave equation for the same. 4. (a) Attempt any one. + 8 (i) Using Lorentz gauge, derive explicit forms of field tensor. (ii) Show how the electric and magnetic fields transform under Lorentz, transformations. (b) Attempt any one. . (i) Discuss space like interval in special relativity. (ii) Derive an expression for the canonical momentum of a particle moving in an electromagnetic field. v 5. Attempt any.four. u (@)_ Express the potential equations 1 aA an AA-a5e oi 1 3% 1 Ao — 2p =-4np (with Lorentz gauge y-A ++ 24 _ 9) at © at using four-potential (A,) = (A, ig) (b) Write Maxwellian stress tensor in terms of B and B. (©) Explain the term anomalous dispersion VF-Con. 5759-15. - [TURN OVER Q.P. Code ; 24494 (d) The components of instantaneous Electri Ex (yt) = 1 Ey Cos (at—kz) and £, (+ the state of polarization of the wave. Define scaler potential > are vector potential A i equations, obtain the wave equations satisfi (e (f) Why do we say that only accelerated charges can radiate? What is Write down Galilean transformation equations. e (h) What are the four components of velocity four-vector ? Apa! 20's Caper IZ Electrocty nan jes PsP Oa QP Code : BV-15390 (2% Hours) [ Total Marks : 60 N. B. : (1) All questions are compulsory. (2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3) Symbols have usual meanings. (4) Use of log table/non-programmable calculator is allowed. 1, (a), Attempt any one :- 8 @ Obtain law of conservation of linear momentum in electromagnetic field, hence define Maxwell's Stress Tensor. (ii) Obtain energy conservation law in electrodynamics hence define Poynting vector. What is electromagnetic momentum density transferred by the electromagnetic wave? (b) Attempt any one :- 4 (i Obtain the continuity equation in covariant notation. (ii) Voltage 'V' is applied across length 'l' of wire of radius ‘a’ such that current ‘I’ flows through the wire. Find the Poynting vector at the surface of the wire. 2. (a) Atiempt any one = 8 (i Show that the frequency dependence of conductivity of metal is given by the equation, o(o) =; Discuss variation ino for @t<<1 and ot>>1. (ii) Discuss boundary conditions on field vectors in case of wave guides and classify the fields in wave guides. (b) Attempt any one : 4 = (j) Explain the terms “penetration depth’ and ‘extinction co-efficient’. (ii) Explain what is ‘anomalous dispersion’. 3. (a) Attempt any one :- 8 (i) For charged particle with collinear velocity and acceleration, show that the power radiated per unit solid angle is given by: e ea’ sin’@ GQ ~ 4nc'(1-B.c0s6)* where'@ is the angle between the velocity V and the radius vector K. . [TURN OVER Con. 7394-14, OP Code :BV-15390 (ii) From the retarded potentials, 460 and A@,t) obtain the generalised Biot-Savart Law, =F and ég is the unit vector along R () Attempt any one :- (@ Define scalar potential @ and vector potential A in electrodynamics. Using Maxwells equations obtain the wave equations satisfied by them. (ii) The power radiated per unit solid angle by an accelerated charge is. given by . ea 2 LE sin? dQ anc ‘Sketch a polar plot of this power distribution and also calculate the total radiated power P. 4. (a) Attempt any one :~ (@ Starting with a manifestly covariant form for the action, and assuming ‘the formalism of the Euler-Lagrange equations with a suitable parameter in configuration space, obtain Lagrange's equations for fa particle of charge q and mass m moving in an electromagnetic field. Show that they Jead to a 4-dimensional generalisation of the Lorentz force equation. (ii) Obtain an expression for the sterss tensor T¥” as a generalisation of the Hamilonian density o% Shaw that 3,1” = 0. Hence show that the energy and momentum of the electromagnetic field are conserved. [TURN OVER Con. 7394-14, 7 OP Code :BV-15390 (@) Attempt any one :- 4 () Show using explicit calculations that F” is gauge invariant. (ii) What is Hamilton's principle? Explain why the action integral must be Lorentz invariant. What condition does this impose on the Lagrangian? 5. Attempt any four :~ 12 (a) The electric field in a plane electromagnetic wave in vacuum is given as E=i(20)e\*~" and the magnetic field as B= j(20)e""™, find the Poynting vector. (b) Explain the term radiation pressure. (c) The components of iristantaneous electric field in a plane electromagnetic wave propagating in '2' direction are given as E(t, t) = Ep cos (wt-kz), and Ej(e t) = + Eq sin (wt ~ kz) ‘comment on the polarization of the wave. (@ For a plane electromagnetic wave in vacuurn kxB=-S8 kxE-26 EI comment on the directions of kB and E. (©) What is gauge transformation? State Coulomb's gauge and Lorentz’s Gauge. (O An electron is reléased from rest and falls under the influence of gravity. In the first centimeter, what fraction of the potential energy lost is radiated away? (e) Show that the electromagnetic stress tensor given by A(jeup prey pop pw on - ae FF + 78 FF is symmetric in p and 0. (h) Evaluate the scalar quantity F'"F,, and interpret it physically. Con. 7394-14,

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