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"APER | MATHEMATICAL METHODS.(R2017) $1111 152183, PHYSIC: Q. P. Code: 29547 (21/, Hours) [Total Marks: 60] NB. : (1) All questions are compulsory. (2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. (3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary (4) Symbols have usual meanings unless otherwise stated (5) Use of non-programmabie calculator is allowed. 8 1a) Attempt any one: i) A) State the Cauchy Goursat theorem and establish its extension to multiply connected domain B) Determine the domain of analyticity of the function f(z) = sechz and apply the Cauchy Goursat theorem to show that, /(z)dz = 0, when the contour is a circle [zl = 1. i) A) Whatare the harmonic functions? Show that w(x, y) = e~ sin x is a harmonic function. Find its harmonic conjugate. B) Find the domain of differentiability of f(z) and find f(z) when f(z) b) Attempt ony one:— 4 i) Evaluate the integral [ sin?odo |, 5+ 3cos0 ii) . Find the residue of the functions: A IO) = Gann B. f@) =aipate=i a) Attempt any one:— 8 i) Find the eigen values and eigen vectors of the following matrix. 111 Az=|i -1 | 104-1 ii) Using the Levi - Civita symbol show that Er6v61FAss70105¢R DHE dozzFacore SITIIR/S2183 PHYSICS: PAPER MATHEMATICAL METHODS. 2017) b) Attempt any one:— )) Verity tne Cayley - Hamilton theorem slated as ‘Every square matrix satisfies ils own characteristic equation’ for the following mattix. 12 2 <1 {i) I His Hermitian, then show that = (H = d/)(H + if)"1is a unitary matrix, a) Attempt any one:- ) Consider the differential equation of the form Py"(x) #2) + OF ny) = 0,220. Where 2n is not an integer including 0, show that the series solution leads to two independent solutions J,(x) and J_,(x)where WG) = Eheol-D aes (5) ily, Consider an equation of the form =ffpes| ‘|- (2) which is the Sturm —- B(x) =f) asxsb where Liouvilte operator and p(x), q(x)are welt behaved functions of x. Show that w(x )can be written as, lx) = LCs £)f (@)déwhere G(x, £)is the Green's function of the problem Gas VQ@)}UR) asfsx Pa) (OU xsisb Wis the Wronskian of the problem, WY = U(x)¥’(x) — U"(x)V (x) aa b) Attempt any one:— i) The generating function for Hermite poly 0 Show that 2rH,,(x) = 2nMy4(1) + Has) ii) Consider the Legendre equation . (l= x?)y" = 2ay" 1 + Dy = 0 If P,(x) is the polynomial solution of the above equation, show that they are a set of orthogonal functions on (-1,1) SL, PeCOPn(2) dx = Ounless I = m. EF6?6IFABSTO DIAL Boo 2Fac079 by a) ») ° d) e) 9) h) SUITIR/S2153. PHYSICS : PAPER 1 MATHEMATICAL METHODS.(R 2017) Q. P. Code: 29547 Attempt any one: 8 |) Solve the differential equation using Laplace transform A) y" ~ y = t with initial conditions y(0) = 1,y*(0) = 1 B) y" + dy" + 4y = ¢2e°® with initial conditions y(0) = 0, y'(0) = 0. ji) State the pair of Fourier transforms in three dimensional space. Solve the Partial differential equation using Fourier transform av_ aw a OF where (x,t) is the temperature at position x and time t. Attempt any one: ’) State and Prove Parseval's relation for Fourier series. ii) Find the inverse Laplace transform of F(s) = sty Attempt any four — Find the value of *'3z2dz along polynomial line from 0 to 2 and from 2 to2 + i. Expand /(z) = 1% in series of positive enc »=sative powers of z. Obtain the rank of a contracted tensor 74 Show that ¢:jxeyx Show that the following functions are linearly independent of each other: sin x,cosx, Inx For a second order differential equation, if the roots of the indicial equation are equal in series solution, then what can be said about the two solutions? Prove Convolution theorem for Fourier transforms, Define Laplace Transform and hence find transform of f(e) Ereverracsr1wléRbedoo2eaco7s 12 SITTIR/S2154 PHYSICS: PAPER II CLASSICAL MECHANICS (R 2017) Q. P. Gode: 29553 (2 1/,Hours) : [Total Marks: 60] N.B, : (4) All questions are compulsory. (2) Figures to the right indicate full marks (3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. (4) Symbols have usual meanings unless otherwise stated. (5) Use of non-programmable calculator is allowed. 1 a) Attempt any one:— (3) State © Alembert’s principle and obtain Lagrange’s equation in presence of “ dissipation non conservative forces proportional to velocity. What G funetion? F ~ Bb & For a system of particlés obtain the relation between Angular momentum +S (d) and angular momentum about centre of mass (Joa). b} Attempt any one— 4 i) Deduce the Lagrange’s equation of motion for series LC circuit. BP) —G discuss the advantages of Lagransian mechanics over Newtonian - mechanics. 2 a) Attempt any one 8 of e} fi) ovtain the expression for a integrals) for motion under central force. ‘av momentum and total energy (first ii) Discuss the symmetry properties of space and time, Show that isctropy of space leads to conservation of Angular momentum. b) Attempt any one: i) According to Yukawa theory of nuclear forces the attractive force between two nucleons inside the nucleus is given by the potential ; Find the force law. -8) ® State Kepler's laws of planetary motion, Page 1of3 (63883 16F66C522522F63EAADFAAE1DF7 aw e . (R 2017) SIITIR/SZ1S4. PHYSICS: PAPER I CLASSICAL MECHANICS. f Q. P, Code: 29553 a Comore : 7) Derive the Lagrange’s equations of motion af a system of particles in a configuration of stable equilirium. Show that the matrix Ty, is real and symmettic. z ii) Consider a system af linear tiatomie molecule. The atoms at the end of : line are identical while atom in between the two is different. The interactions between them can be approximated by a spring of spring constant k. Set up the Lagrangian and calculate the normal frequencies. b) Attempt any one:-— 4 i GQ £2) With the help of neat diagram, explain the different types of equilibrium, * il) Show that the eigenvalues ay of the potential energy matix V,are real 4 a) Attempt any one: 8 4. fi) Prove that a motion can be represented by the successive canonical transformations 2 @ ees ( Solve the problem of simple harmonic oscillator using canonical : transformation. 'b) Attempt any one:--- 4 i) Show that the teansformation i) =a =m 2p ~~ On= ps Pp = ~26 = a» is canonical GD) show that (F,65] = GIF.S}+[P.cls 12 ® 5 Attempt any four: 2 _{£a)) what are constraints? Classily the constraints with examples, b) Show that the shortest distance between two Points in a plane is that measured along the straight line 3 @) State and briefly explain Viral theorem 2 ©) The maximum and minimum velocities of a satelite are v1 and vs respectively, find the eccentricity of the orbit of the satellite. Page 2of3 (6388316F66C522522F63EAADFAAEIDET / SIT /S2154 PHYSICS : PAPER Il CLASSICAL MECHANICS(R 2017) Q. P. Code: 29553 S Write down the Lagrangian for simple pendulum. f) What are normal coordinates? g) Show that the transformation Q=$(q? +p?) and P = —tan h) Show that [x,t,] =z 1 is canonical. SUITIR/ 52155. PHYSICS: PAPER II QUANTUM MECHANICS 1(R 2017) QP, Code: 29695 (21/)Hours) [Total Marks: 60) N.B.:(1) All questions are compulsory. (2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. (8) Symbols have their usual meaning unless otherwise staled. (4) Use of log tables / non-programmable calculator is allowed. 1. (a) Attempt any one ()) Wave function y"(x) in Heisenberg picture is given by WO) = OY) where y)(x) is the wave function in Schodinger picture and B(e.t6) = exp [- Show that: An operator A’ in Heisenberg picture is related to the operator A in Schodinger picture as . A= 0740 The equation of motion for 4’ is given by dy ods ee Bd gh = aay + Go (ii) The Hamittonian for a certain three-level system is represented a0 b a=(o c °) b 0 @ where a, b, and are real numbers. by the matrix A). Find the eigenvalues and normalized eigenvectors of H. 0 B) Ifthe system is in initial state |y/(0)) = (?) 0 what is WO)? ©) Ifthe system is i 1 initial state [y(0)) = (°) 0. what is (0)? Page 1 of 4 63BB316F66C522522F6IEAADFAATIGCS § L{R 2017) SUITIR/S2155 PHYSICS: PAPER IIL QUANTUM MECHANIC QP. Code: 29695 (0) Attempt any one: - (i) Obtain uncertainty relations: - (A)AxSE (B) Ap,AE for a particle whose total energy is E. What do you understand by energy representation? Obtain the ‘matrix representations of position and momentum operators for the harmonic oscillator in the energy representation, 2. (a) Attempt any one : - 4) Consider one dimensional motion of a particle under a rectangular potential barrier represented by the function: 0, x<-a VQ) = 1% -asxsa 0, x>a Let particle's total energy be E < Vp. ‘Set up the Schrodinger equation for the three regions and write down the solutions, Find the transmission coefficient. Hence explain the tunneling effect (il) Fora linear harmonic oscillator define annihilation and creation operator. Show that its cnergy eigenvalues are given by: hng(n #2), n= 02 (b) Attempt any one :- (i) Afree particle, which is initially localized in the range -a (2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. (3). Symbols have theie usual meanings unless otherwise stated. (4) Use of tog tables / non-programmable calculator is allow ed. 1. (a) Attempt any one; - 8 (Show that the crystal lattice is suitable for Fourier analysis, Describe For analysis of electron density and hence discuss concept of reciprocal lattice Gi) Describe the atomic form factor. Show that it reduces to the number of atomic electrons, © See (>) Attemptanyones= —{ 4 (i) Explain use of Laue Method for the determination of crystal lattice (ii) What do you mean by scattering from Surfaces? Hence explain Low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) technique. x 2. (a) Attempt any on ‘ 8 (i) Derive the dispersion Felation for monatomic latice. Hence explain the jeance of First Brillouin zone. 1 is harmonic theory? State the consequences of it. Explain thermal expansion in solids using anhirconie imeractions. (b) Attempt any one: = 4 (i) Explain thermal conductivity of a solids using kinetic theory of gases. (ii) What are the two types of branches in diatomic dispersion curve? Describe particle displacements for the wvo branches at the same wavelength, 3. (a) Attempt any one: - 3 (i) Explain the concept of core diamagnetism. Derive an expression of core diamagnetic susceptibility. Gi) State and explain the Hund’s rules with suitable examples. (b) Attempt any one: 4 (i) Write a short note on crystal field splitting. Gi) Explain the process of adiabatic dem: Turn Over C240026AC2DC9A0637C6F 3DETO3F3F 47 < SUITIR/ S2156 PHYSICS : PAPER IV SOLID STATE PHYSICS. (R 2017) 2 (2) Attempt any one: = 8 (i With the help of neat diagram describe Bloch Wall in ferromagnetic material, ‘Obtain the expression for total Bloch Wall energy pet voit area. Gi) Explain the amtiferromagnetic order. Derive a dispersion relation for magnons in one dimensional antiferromagnet with nearest neighbour interactions, . (b) Awempt any one :~ 4 (i) Describe temperature dependence of the saturation magnetization using the concept of reduced magnetization and reduced temperature. Gi) Write a note on Neutron Magnetie Scattering. Discuss its advantage over X-Tay seatterin < 12 Attempt any four: - ‘ x (@) Find the Structure Fastor fora beuly centted cubic erystal dnicture, (b) Describe the concept of Brilloiin zones and their importance in the theory of solids. (©) Write a note on Quantization of elastic waves (@) Show that phonon momentuin in a crystal is zero except for uniform mode K = 0. (6) Write a'short note on the magnetic properties of iron group ions. he (Cobalt has 7 electrons in its 3d shell, Compute the effective number of Bohr magnetons of a Cobalt ion without considering the quenching effect of orbital angular momentum, 4)= gi sissy)" (a) Write (h) ‘The susceptibility of (€240026AC2DC9A0637C6F3DE103F3F47

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