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c - The National Infrastructure Protection Plan, An Introduction | FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI) 12/8/19, 1(05 PM

Final Exam for: IS-860.c: The National Infrastructure Protection Plan, An

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1. The sector and cross-sector partnership model is intended to promote consistency of process to
collaboration between disparate parts of the critical infrastructure community, while allowing for th
partnership structures and planning processes.


2. Under which category in the NIPP Call to action does the following activity fall: Analyze Infrastru
Interdependencies and Associated Cascading Effects

A. Build Upon Partnership Efforts

B. Focus on Outcomes
C. Innovate in Managing Risk

3. Critical infrastructure partnerships are important because:

A. Federal, State, local, tribal and territorial government require fiscal and political support from the private sector in
critical infrastructure security and resilience.
B. Public and Private sector partners; regional entities; non-profit organizations; and academia partners leverage a
and resilience capabilities, expertise and experience across the critical infrastructure community.
C. Critical infrastructure owners and operators require efficient sharing of actionable and relevant information from g
enable effective risk-informed decisionmaking and build economic advantage over competitors.
D. To achieve security and resilience, private sector partners must leverage the full spectrum of critical infrastructur

4. All of the following are strategic imperatives described by PPD-21 to drive the Federal approach
infrastructure security and resilience EXCEPT:

A. Refine and clarify functional relationships across the Federal Government to advance the national unity of effort
infrastructure security and resilience
B. Coordinate with critical infrastructure owners and operators to improve cybersecurity information sharing and col
implement risk-based approaches to cybersecurity Page 1 of 8
IS-860.c - The National Infrastructure Protection Plan, An Introduction | FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI) 12/8/19, 1(05 PM

C. Implement an integration and analysis function to inform planning and operations decisions regarding critical infr
D. Enable effective information exchange by identifying baseline data and systems requirements for the Federal Go

5. The NIPP Call to Action is meant to guide the collaborative efforts of the critical infrastructure c
security and resilience outcomes under three broad activity categories. All of the following activiti
under Build upon Partnerships Efforts EXCEPT:

A. Empower local and regional partnerships to build capacity nationally

B. Promote infrastructure, community and regional recovery following incidents
C. Set national focus through jointly developed priorities
D. Determine collective actions through joint planning efforts
E. Leverage incentives to advance security and resilience

6. PPD-21 recommends critical infrastructure owners and operators contribute to national critical i
and resilience efforts through a range of activities, including all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Perform critical infrastructure risk assessments; understand dependencies and interdependencies; and develop
B. Sponsor critical infrastructure security and resilience-related research and development, demonstration projects,
C. Develop and coordinate emergency response plans with appropriate Federal and SLTT government authorities
D. Establish continuity plans and programs that facilitate the performance of lifeline functions during an incident

7. Make the following statement True by filling in the blank from the choices below: Reliance on inf
communications technologies have ____ potential vulnerabilities to physical and cyber threats and
consequences resulting from the compromise of underlying systems or networks.

A. reduced
B. divided
C. increased
D. no effect on

8. Which of the following critical infrastructure partners offer an additional mechanism to engage w
group of private sector leaders to obtain feedback on critical infrastructure policy and programs, a
suggestions to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of specific government programs.

A. Federal and State Regulatory Agencies

B. State and Regionally Based Boards, Commissions, Authorities, Councils, and Other Entities
C. Academia and Research Centers
D. Advisory Councils

9. Make the following statement True by filling in the blank from the choices below: State and territ
play an important partnership role in the critical infrastructure security and resilience community b

A. Are crucial coordination hubs, bringing together prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery autho
resources among local jurisdictions, across sectors, and between regional entities.
B. Include a variety of public-private sector initiatives that cross jurisdictional and/or sector boundaries and focus on
mitigation, response, and recovery within a defined geographic area. Page 2 of 8
IS-860.c - The National Infrastructure Protection Plan, An Introduction | FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI) 12/8/19, 1(05 PM

C. Have unique responsibilities, functions, or expertise in a particular critical infrastructure sector (such as GCC me
identifying and assessing high-consequence critical infrastructure and collaborate with relevant partners to share secu
related information within the sector, as appropriate.
D. Develop and implement security and resilience programs for the critical infrastructure under their control, while ta
the public good as well.

10. Make the following statement True by filling in the blank from the choices below: Other Federal
agencies play an important partnership role in the critical infrastructure security and resilience co
they ____.

A. Are crucial coordination hubs, bringing together prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery autho
resources among local jurisdictions, across sectors, and between regional entities.
B. Include a variety of public-private sector initiatives that cross jurisdictional and/or sector boundaries and focus on
mitigation, response, and recovery within a defined geographic area.
C. Have unique responsibilities, functions, or expertise in a particular critical infrastructure sector (such as GCC me
identifying and assessing high-consequence critical infrastructure and collaborate with relevant partners to share secu
related information within the sector, as appropriate.
D. Develop and implement security and resilience programs for the critical infrastructure under their control, while ta
the public good as well.

11. Which of the following is the PPD-21 definition of Security?

A. Reducing the risk to critical infrastructure by physical means or defens[ive] cyber measures to intrusions, attacks
or manmade disasters.
B. The protection of information assets through the use of technology, processes, and training.
C. Procedures followed or measures taken to ensure the safety of a state or organization
D. A financial instrument that represents: an ownership position in a publicly-traded corporation (stock), a creditor re
governmental body or a corporation (bond), or rights to ownership as represented by an option.

12. An understanding of criticality, essential functions and resources, as well as the associated int
infrastructure is part of this step in the Risk Management Framework:

A. Set goals
B. Implement Risk Management Activities
C. Assess and Analyze Risks
D. Measure Effectiveness
E. Identify Infrastucture

13. The National Plan establishes seven Core Tenets, representing the values and assumptions the
infrastructure community should consider when conducting security and resilience planning.

B. FALSE Page 3 of 8
IS-860.c - The National Infrastructure Protection Plan, An Introduction | FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI) 12/8/19, 1(05 PM

14. For what group of stakeholders are the following examples of activities suggested: Foster activ
cross-sector partnerships; encourage private sector and emergency response coordination on eme
plans and exercises; and understand interdependencies

A. State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Government Executives

B. Private Sector Companies
C. First Responders
D. All of the Above

15. The National Goal, "Enhance security and resilience through advance planning" relates to all o
Action activities EXCEPT:

A. Identify, Assess and Respond to Unanticipated Infrastructure Cascading Effects During and Following Incidents
B. Leverage Incentives to Advance Security and Resilience
C. Improve Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience by Advancing Research and Development Solutions
D. Promote Infrastructure, Community and Regional Recovery Following Incidents
E. Strengthen Coordinated Development and Delivery of Technical Assistance, Training and Education

16. Make the following statement TRUE by filling in the blank from the choices below: The NIPP ris
framework _____.

A. is designed to provide flexibility for use in all sectors, across different geographic regions and by various partners
B. can be tailored to dissimilar operating environments and applies to all threats and hazards.
C. supports a collaborative decisionmaking process to inform the selection of risk management actions.
D. Is applicable to threats such as disasters, manmade safety hazards and terrorism.
E. All of the above

17. All of the following statements are Core Tenets of the NIPP EXCEPT:

A. Comparative advantage in risk mitigation

B. Domestic and international partnership collaboration
C. Coordinated and comprehensive risk identification and management
D. Security and resilience by design

18. All of the following statements are Key Concepts highlighted in NIPP 2013 EXCEPT:

A. Developing partnerships with private sector stakeholders is an option for consideration by government decisionm
responsible for implementing effective and efficient risk management.
B. The Nation's critical infrastructure is largely owned and operated by the private sector; however, Federal and SLT
own and operate critical infrastructure, as do foreign entities and companies.
C. Risk management and prevention and protection activities contribute to strengthening critical infrastructure secu
D. Having accurate information and analysis about risk is essential to achieving resilience. Page 4 of 8
IS-860.c - The National Infrastructure Protection Plan, An Introduction | FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI) 12/8/19, 1(05 PM

19. Which of the following documents best defines and analyzes the numerous threats and hazards

A. NIPP 2013 Supplement: Incorporating Resilience into Critical Infrastructure Projects

B. Presidential Policy Directive 21
C. The National Strategy for Information Sharing and Safeguarding
D. The Strategic National Risk Assessment (SNRA)

20. For what group of stakeholders are the following examples of activities suggested: Become inv
local, regional sector and cross-sector partnership; Work with private sector and emergency respo
emergency management plans and exercising; Share success stories and opportunities for improv

A. State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Government Executives

B. Private Sector Companies
C. First Responders
D. All of the Above

21. TRUE or FALSE: The critical infrastructure risk management approach complements and suppo
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) process conducted by regional, State, and urba


22. For what group of stakeholders are the following examples of activities suggested: Become inv
specific and information sharing partnerships; Help develop analysis to better understand risks; B
resilience considerations into cost-benefit analysis to understand return on investment

A. State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Government Executives

B. Private Sector Companies
C. First Responders
D. All of the Above

23. Make the following statement True by filling in the blank from the choices below: Critical infras
operators play an important partnership role in the critical infrastructure security and resilience co
they ____.

A. Are crucial coordination hubs, bringing together prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery autho
resources among local jurisdictions, across sectors, and between regional entities.
B. Include a variety of public-private sector initiatives that cross jurisdictional and/or sector boundaries and focus on
mitigation, response, and recovery within a defined geographic area.
C. Have unique responsibilities, functions, or expertise in a particular critical infrastructure sector (such as GCC me
identifying and assessing high-consequence critical infrastructure and collaborate with relevant partners to share secu
related information within the sector, as appropriate.
D. Develop and implement security and resilience programs for the critical infrastructure under their control, while ta
the public good as well.

24. All of the following statements are Core Tenets of the NIPP EXCEPT: Page 5 of 8
IS-860.c - The National Infrastructure Protection Plan, An Introduction | FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI) 12/8/19, 1(05 PM

A. Competitive advantage in information sharing

B. Regional, State, Local, Tribal and Territorial partnerships
C. Cross-jurisdictional collaboration
D. Cross-sector dependencies and interdependencies

25. Activities conducted during this step in the Risk Management Framework allow critical infrastru
leaders to understand the most likely and severe incidents that could affect their operations and co
this information to support planning and resource allocation in a coordinated manner.

A. Set goals
B. Implement Risk Management Activities
C. Assess and Analyze Risks
D. Measure Effectiveness
E. Identify Infrastucture

26. To achieve security and resilience, critical infrastructure partners must:

A. Leverage the full spectrum of capabilities, expertise and experience across the critical infrastructure community a
B. Implement an integration and analysis function within each organization to inform partners of critical infrastructur
operations decisions.
C. Restrict information sharing activities to departments and agencies within the intelligence community.
D. Support all Federal, State, local, tribal and territorial government efforts to effect national critical infrastructure se

27. Make the following statement True by filling in the blank from the choices below: Regional orga
important partnership role in the critical infrastructure security and resilience community because

A. Are crucial coordination hubs, bringing together prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery autho
resources among local jurisdictions, across sectors, and between regional entities.
B. Include a variety of public-private sector initiatives that cross jurisdictional and/or sector boundaries and focus on
mitigation, response, and recovery within a defined geographic area.
C. Have unique responsibilities, functions, or expertise in a particular critical infrastructure sector (such as GCC me
identifying and assessing high-consequence critical infrastructure and collaborate with relevant partners to share secu
related information within the sector, as appropriate.
D. Develop and implement security and resilience programs for the critical infrastructure under their control, while ta
the public good as well.

28. All of the following are features of the critical infrastructure risk management framework EXCE

A. It is designed to provide flexibility for use in all sectors, across different geographic regions and by various partne
B. It supports a collaborative decisionmaking process to inform the selection of risk management actions.
C. It can be tailored to dissimilar operating environments and applies to all threats and hazards.
D. It describes the functions of the partnership structures, as well as additional structures that support national critic
and resilience

29. All of the following statements about the importance of critical infrastructure partnerships are Page 6 of 8
IS-860.c - The National Infrastructure Protection Plan, An Introduction | FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI) 12/8/19, 1(05 PM

A. The critical infrastructure partnership community involved in managing risks is wide-ranging, composed of owner
Federal, State, local, tribal and territorial governments; regional entities; non-profit organizations; and academia.
B. Critical infrastructure partners require efficient sharing of actionable and relevant information among partners to b
awareness and enable effective risk-informed decisionmaking
C. To achieve security and resilience, critical infrastructure partners must leverage the full spectrum of capabilities,
experience across the critical infrastructure community and associated stakeholders.
D. The Federal, State, local, tribal and territorial government is ultimately responsible for managing all risks to critica
private and public sector partners; regional entities; non-profit organizations; and academia.

30. Under which category in the NIPP Call to action does the following activity fall: Determine Colle
through Joint Joint-Planning Efforts

A. Build Upon Partnership Efforts

B. Focus on Outcomes
C. Innovate in Managing Risk

31. Under which category in the NIPP Call to action does the following activity fall: Learn and Adap
Exercises and Incidents

A. Build Upon Partnership Efforts

B. Focus on Outcomes
C. Innovate in Managing Risk

32. All of the following terms describe key concepts in the NIPP EXCEPT:

A. Defense
B. Security
C. Critical Infrastructure
D. Resilience
E. None of the Above

33. Which of the following activities that First Responder Organizations Can Do support the NIPP 2
category, "Focus on outcomes"?

A. Participate in multi-directional information sharing.

B. Use existing partnership structures to enhance relationships across the critical infrastructure community.
C. Work with private sector and emergency response partners on emergency management plans and exercising pa
D. Share success stories and opportunities for improvement.

34. These sector-specific forums serve as principal collaboration points between the government a
owners and operators for critical infrastructure security and resilience policy coordination and pla
related sector-specific activities.

A. State, Local, Tribal and Territorial Government Coordinating Council (SLTTGCC)

B. Regional Consortium Coordinating Council (RC3)
C. Federal Senior Leadership Council (FSLC) Page 7 of 8
IS-860.c - The National Infrastructure Protection Plan, An Introduction | FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI) 12/8/19, 1(05 PM

D. Sector Coordinating Councils (SCC)

35. This forum promotes the engagement of non-Federal government partners in National critical in
and resilience efforts and provides an organizational structure to coordinate across jurisdictions o
government guidance, strategies and programs.

A. State, Local, Tribal and Territorial Government Coordinating Council (SLTTGCC)

B. Regional Consortium Coordinating Council (RC3)
C. Federal Senior Leadership Council (FSLC)
D. Sector Coordinating Councils (SCC)

36. All of the following statements about NIPP 2013 are true EXCEPT:

A. The NIPP Framework is applicable for both terrorist attacks and natural disasters
B. The NIPP framework is based on an understanding that in some sectors, private
C. Collaboration between private and public sector is a key component of the NIPP
D. The NIPP replaces continuity of operations and local emergency operations plans

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