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RoShawn’s Predictions

Episode 1 – Book 1, chapter 1

“In my mind there’s this whole history of the sisters growing up in weirdness.. but I don’t know,
we’ll see”

It’s interesting that RoShawn immediately picks up on the fact that there must be something to the
great divide between these two sisters, more than one being magical and one not being magical. She
does not mention jealousy, but does pick up on the social subtleties. We have to wait quite a while
still but I’m so so interested in RoShawn finding out about the whole dynamic between Lily and
Petunia, because then you clearly see the jealousy when you look back.

“Well is he dead? There’s no body!”

On the disappearance of You-Know-Who and the very first occurrence of the RoShawn-mantra ‘no
body, no death!’ which will come in handy in book 3…

Also, RoShawn here thinks that they probably noticed Voldemort’s absence because there was a
power vacuum (was he an oppressive government/someone in charge?) or people got their powers
back or something, which was actually the case with people getting out from under the Imperius
Curse as we learn in a quote from Hagrid in book 1 a bit later and also which curse it is in book 4 of
course. So, once again, nice catching on subtleties. The line of ‘after all the people he’s killed’ puts
Voldemort in the category terrorist rather than just oppressive person to RoShawn.

“Is this some weird prophecy thing like was Harry prophesised, was he ‘the one that was supposed
to come’ and that’s why Voldemort shows up at his house?”

Yes, that is exactly what it is. But you’re not going to know that until you finish the fridge that is
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Both Natasha and RoShawn address the fact that this is
another occurrence of the poor orphan boy who is not aware of his amazing destiny, but Natasha
(rightfully, in my opinion) points out that it is done well in this series so that is does not feel silly.

Says that Sirius Black is a great name and she wants to name her next band Sirius Black.

Yeah how about that, RoShawn? Will you remember this name in two books? Also, the Quibbler
writes an article in the 5th book about how Sirius Black is actually this random musician who quit
because people threw tomatoes at them and, because he was having an intimate dinner with the
interviewee, he can’t ever have done the murders he was committed of! So yeah, good musician

Episode 2 – Book 1, chapter 2

Not really any predictions, but she hates the Dursleys and calls them the cocksuckers and I think
that’s wonderful.

Episode 3 – Book 1, chapters 3 & 4

Continuing on comments made in the first episode, RoShawn sees she was on the right track with the
complicated sister dynamic. She still does not really bring up jealousy but I’m not sure if it’s just my
hindsight goggles that make me see the obvious jealousy in Petunia’s little rant.

Harry Potter: The Next Dark Lord?

Natasha and RoShawn discuss the possibility that Harry surviving the attack by Voldemort not being a
good thing, initiated by a gut feeling RoShawn brings up. What does it say about Harry that he
survives this? Does he carry some mutant gene that could survive anything or kill anyone like
Natasha suggests? RoShawn is a bit more on the track of why Voldemort might want to take him out
so early. Interestingly enough, it is confirmed in both the books and the extra material that a lot of
Death Eaters wondered if Harry could be a new Dark Lord to rally around. They seek the biggest
bully in the playground, to use a description of Wormtail’s behaviour by his ex-friends. This is why
Draco Malfoy, who grew up being told he was double special because he’s a wizard and a pureblood
and ‘hush-hush we don’t talk about daddy’s terrorist past’ tried to befriend initially Harry thinking he
had his dad’s blessings to do so. Lucius had been speculating at home that Harry might be the next
Dark Lord and that it was a possibility to rally around him and Draco wants to be the first in line of
course. Anyway, interesting little bit that RoShawn picks up on!

Episode 4 – Book 1, chapters 5 & 6

“Maybe it’s something Hagrid took from the Potter’s house?”

That is actually a good point, about the little package that we know is the Philosopher’s/Sorcerer’s
Stone. She then goes on to say that she thinks the break in, mentioned in the later chapter, was
definitely aimed at the grumbly little package.

Destiny stuff.

RoShawn thinks that the same exact feather wand-core is “destiny stuff” being triggered, that now
Voldemort and Harry are destined to go on opposite trajectories. Oh if only she knew how important
this is going to be…

Episode 5 – Book 1, chapters 7 & 8

“Was he trying to get into his head?”

RoShawn is trying to figure out why looking at Snape makes Harry’s scar hurt and she thinks that
maybe Snape is trying to get into his head. Obviously, although Snape could technically do this (good
call RoShawn!), this is not what’s happening, Harry is just looking at the back of Quirrell’s head which
is, well, as you know… Also a certain person’s face. (also: he did not wear the Turban in the Leaky
Cauldron yet, so he wasn’t fused with Voldemort, so he could totally touch Harry there. And he was
on his way to try and rob Gringott’s. And after he fails Voldemort fuses with him).
She goes on to wonder if Snape has anything to do with Voldemort or what happened with Harry’s
parents (welllllll…. Debateable of course), or if he is one of those people who woke up out of a trance
and came back to the good side. Well, Snape is an ex-Death Eater but he came back earlier than the
fall of Voldemort soooo great catch RoShawn!

She thinks the package might be a doomsday device, a spell that should never be said/seen or
something. She cannot think of any object that size.

What happened to Quirrell?

She’s pretty sure he’s bulshitting about his travels, but wonders what did happen to him. Well he met
a certain someone, of course... She does not suspect him at all with regards to the break-ins, but she
does not know what to make of him. Trust your instincts, RoShawn!
Also, I’d like to plug some info here: Quirrell was actually the Muggle Studies professor before he
went travelling to get experience and then he got the position as Defence Against the Dark Arts
professor. This is important because we later learn there is a curse on the job. Voldemort knows this
when he is with Quirrell, because he’s the one who put the curse there. No wonder he’s in such an
extra hurry to try and get the stone asap, he has a time limit and he knows it…

“I wonder when Neville is going to get a redemption arc”

RoShawn absolutely loves Neville and it’s the welcoming feast but she already wonders about his
redemption arc, later in the series she will begin to understand the tragic backstory to this wonderful
character who will, eventually, get his ‘come-uppance’ as she likes to call it. Just you wait a tiny bit.

Episode 6 – Book 1, chapters 9 & 10

No big predictions, but RoShawn admits to getting sucked in and getting super excited! Yay! She’s
one of us!

Episode 7 – Book 1, chapters 11 & 12

“Right before we get to the bloody and mangled part what does that sound like”

RoShawn should write dirty, dirty fanfiction about Snape and Filch in the teacher’s lounge. (Filch is
described as kneeling down, of course mending Snape’s wound, but yeah, that’s not revealed until
the next sentence). She’s getting completely convinced Snape is the bad guy.

The mirror.

First of all, she loved it. She thought it was a portal to another world where people who have passed
away are, but when it’s described what Ron sees she figures it out and is quite touched. Natasha
points out she used to think it was rather silly that this is what Harry sees, like why doesn’t he want
candy, but since her dad has passed she appreciates it a lot more. Personally I have the same, I would
see the exact same thing as Harry. Maybe I have grown up enough to accept that it won’t ever
happen (don’t dwell on dreams and forget to live and such) but throughout my childhood after my
dad passed that was definitely true. Rowling lost her mum early on during the writing of this series
and I think this is one of those scenes that come from a place of raw emotion, such as grief, that you
immediately recognise if you’ve been through it. Just, ugh, this scene is so beautiful.
Also, RoShawn immediately figures out it spells ‘Desire’ backwards because it’s a mirror (such a
Ravenclaw!) but couldn’t figure out the sentence because the words are not equally split up. I do
believe they talk about the full sentence later although it’s never brought up in any other episode,
but it is in the description of the episode? So just to be complete: “I show not your face but your
heart's desire”.
Also, Natasha lets slip that the mirror is unique to this book so she had almost forgotten about it and
RoShawn then sadly asks if it really does not make another appearance, eh….. But Natasha is smooth
and talks her way out it!
And sorry, I’ll go back to my corner of quiet observer.

“Aw, I like Scabbers”

Oh boy.

Episode 8 – Book 1, chapters 13 & 14

“Snape can read minds?”

RoShawn remembers her own statement from the opening feast and is kind of curious why Harry is
confirming her suspicions here. Oh just read on a tiny bit in book 5, I hope she remembers her
correct suspicions from book 1!

“It’s the name of the fucking book, guys!”

RoShawn feels cheated and blind sighted, how did we all miss it?! Don’t feel bad, I was reading this
book to a bunch of kids holding the cover with the title in plain sight the whole time and they had no
idea and speculated for about ten minutes about what the package could be, even when they
indicated the size and shape with their hands. Granted, they were about 7, but hey.

“If Quirrell is what stands between Snape and the stone then they better move the stone”

So much confidence in poor innocent P-p-professor Quirrell. But she does wonder why Quirrell does
not go to Dumbledore with this bullying Snape…

Episode 9 – Book 1, chapters 15 & 16

RoShawn is super excited, loves the chapters, is all about Snape and then NATASHA SPOILS SHIT.
RoShawn is all confused because she had no idea who it was and was all in the Snape department
because he is a giant bat (Quirrell’s words, not mine). Aw, you’re forgiven, Natasha. RoShawn’s dead
silence and confused/surprised response was actually super fun to hear live!

Episode 10 – Book 1, chapter 17

Magic Love Protection™

RoShawn felt like there was a spell on Harry protecting him from Quirrell which was causing the
burns to appear on his hands, which later gets confirmed. She likes the idea of the mother’s love
leaving a mark. We of course know that this spell is what is keeping Harry safe until the end of book
4, where Voldemort unknowingly strengthens the bond between the two of them, binding Harry to
life as long as he’s alive, just so he can touch the boy. Ah well, rookie mistake right? Anyway,
RoShawn does not know the extent to which Harry is protected by this love sacrifice due to
Voldemort’s inability to understand and respect love (I often think it’s the latter more so than the
first, he’s not so much a victim as he is someone who grossly underestimates some very fundamental
magic). I’m so curious to see if RoShawn thinks the protection thing makes sense! She already keeps
wondering why he has to go back to the Dursleys each year.


So not only did Snape not try to kill Harry and steal the stone, he was actively trying to save Harry.
RoShawn is kind of mystified as to what his deal is and is eager to know more about the situation
with him and Harry’s dad.
And then Natasha makes a comment about the fact that she discussed with someone whether or not
Rowling knew from the beginning that a certain someone had feelings for someone.
And RoShawn goes:
“Are you saying Snape wanted Harry’s mum and didn’t get Harry’s mum so now..”
My heart skipped a beat.
But Natasha is a god damn professional and just plays it off real nice and goes on about her podcast
like RoShawn is some crazy person and did not just guess a major plot point in the last book. I can’t
wait until RoShawn finds out she called it early on!
(for the record: I totally think she did plan this because she’s that kind of writer, also she gave Alan
Rickman pointers towards this during the shooting of the first film which came out in 2001 so if not
from the very beginning, which I do think she did, at least very early on already).

Next book

She thinks the Chamber of Secrets sounds ‘so mysterious’ and is very curious to find out how the
series progresses. She thinks the chamber is a location in the school (correct!) and hopes to find out
more about Snape and Harry’s father (too bad, no can do this book). In general she’s excited about
the scope of the series and how dark it can possibly get, basically she wants a whole load of darkness.
Well she can get it. Also, she is still waiting on Neville’s even bigger redemption arc and secretly
wishes he could be the protagonist sometimes (and don’t tell me ‘he could’ve been! Because
prophecy!’ Yes, of course, it is possible that if Voldemort had targeted Neville his mum or dad could
have jumped in out with a love sacrifice™ after specifically getting the option of being spared, but you
know, I don’t think it’s probable. Plus, Voldemort would never have chosen Neville. ANYWAY

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