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Worksheet on clean and hygienic surroundings contains various types of questions

on how to stay healthy and keep our surroundings neat and clean. We know clean
surroundings make us happy and keep us healthy.

I. Fill in the blanks:

(i) We must sweep the floors of our house ________.

(ii) We must use ________ vessels in the kitchen.

(iii) We should ________ the toilet after using it.

(iv) ________ keep away flies and germs.

(v) We must ________ of the garbage daily.

II. Answer the following:

(i) Why should we keep our household items in order?

(ii) Name two ways to keep our homes clean.

(iii) Why should a dirty kitchen be cleaned at the earliest?

(iv) Why should kitchen garbage be kept covered at all times?

(v) Why should we not allow water to stagnate in or around our house?

 Mention five ways in which you keep your surroundings clean.

Check the answers of worksheet on clean and hygienic surroundings:


I. (i) daily

(ii) washed

(iii) flush

(iv) disinfectants

(v) dispose
II. (i) We should keep our household items in order to look the place neat and clean
and to find the things easily.

(ii) The two ways to keep our homes clean are:

(a) We should sweep and mop the floors daily.

(b) We should clean and dust the curtains and carpets on a regular basis.

(iii) A dirty kitchen should be cleaned at the earliest because dirty vessels will lead
to infection and diseases.

(iv) Kitchen garbage should be kept covered at all times because open kitchen
garbage will attract files which sit on uncovered food can spoil clean food.

(v) We should not allow water to stagnate in or around our house because
mosquitoes breed in such water can spread diseases.


P. 3 TERM 2


By the end of this topic pupils should be able to:

1. Give reasons why we wash hands.

2. Explain when we wash hands.
3. Demonstrate proper ways of washing hands and bathing.
4. Demonstrate proper ways of cleaning teeth and explain why we need to clean
5. Give reasons why we clean our bedrooms.
6. Demonstrate proper ways of washing utensils, clothes and uniforms.

Behavioural Changes:

Pupils should:
 Wash hands before and after meals and after using the toilet.
 Wash utensils, clothes, beddings and uniforms and dry them.
 Come to school with clean bodies and uniforms.


a) Keeping our bodies clean - why and how?

b) Keeping beddings and utensils clean - why and how?

Main Ideas

 We wash hands to remove dirt.

 Dirty hands keep germs.
 Germs cause diseases.
 We must wash our bodies everyday to avoid diseases.
 We must wash hands before and after meals.
 Wash hands after using the toilet.
 Dirty clothes smell badly and may spread skin diseases.
 Wash clothes and utensils using soap and water to remove dirt and germs.
 Clothes and beddings should be dried in the sun to kill germs.

Notes for the Teacher:

Germs live on dirty hands, clothes, beddings and utensils. Dirty clothes and
beddings smell badly and may spread skin diseases like scabies and ring worms.

Scabies is caused by a mite which produces an itchy rash on the skin.

The rash is most common on wrists between fingers, around waist and on genitals.

Hands, clothes, beddings, and utensils should be washed with soap and water to
remove germs. To avoid germs is to avoid disease. Always use clean utensils.
Putting our beddings in the sunlight will kill germs.

For care of teeth and washing our bodies see chapter 2.


1. Teacher shows children proper ways of washing hands by using her hands or
one of the class pupils. After demonstration, let each child practise washing hands.
Provide them with clean water and soap.


2. In another lesson, Teacher shows pupils how to wash their uniform, paying
attention to stains, armpits, seams.

3. Using some school or class cups, plates, forks and spoons, teacher demonstrates
proper ways of washing and drying these items. Then let children wash their cups,
plates, etc.

4. Old pupils should help teach the young ones how to wash utensils.

For brushing teeth and washing the body see activities in chapter 2.

5. Children go to a house with a drying rack and learn how to use it.


1. Observation.
2. Following instructions.
3. Sweeping e,g, bedrooms.
4. Making a bed.
5. Washing the uniform.


Water, small sticks, tooth paste, soap, basins, etc.


1. Teacher gives oral questions to enable children tell why and when they should
wash their bodies, uniforms and utensils.

2. Occasional visits to pupils homes to find out whether children practise what is
learnt at school are necessary.


1. Twinning of the young children with old ones in order to carry out health
parades. (Child to child)

2. Teacher conducts health parades to observe and check on pupils' cleanliness of

hands, hair, nails, and other parts of the body and uniform.


(What have you learnt from this chapter?)

1. Give reasons why we wash our hands.

2. Give the three most important times when to wash our hands.
3. How can you kill germs on bedding?
4. Name two skin diseases caused by germs.

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