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Verbs Followed by a Gerund e.g. They enjoyed working on the boat.

admit Discuss have difficulty miss spend time

advise Dislike imagine practice Stop
Avoid end up it’s no use recommend Suggest
can’t help Enjoy it’s worthwhile Remember Tolerate
can’t stand feel like keep Resist understand
consider Finish mention Risk waste time
Deny Forget Mind Quit

Lessons on teamwork from really bad team members

Experience observe ask moan provide offend be talk take

If you want to become an effective team member spend time moaning your worst-performing
teammates and do the opposite.

1. The worst co-workers can’t help complaining about their work and other team
members. They should quit asking and remember experiencing problems is a part
of life. It’s no use being negative. Instead you should consider taking constructive
ideas and feedback.
2. Bad teammates waste time gossiping. Management books advise observing an
interest in others. However, you should avoid providing questions or making comments that
are too personal. If you don’t you risk talking your workmates. They may avoid
offending to you completely.
duplicate share knowledge - share ask have use make

3. Bad teammates avoid sharing knowledge. If you avoid sharing useful information
with colleagues the team will end up duplicating work. The best team members
practice knowledge -sharing.
4. Bad team members talk almost completely about themselves. You should resist using words
such as “I” and “me”. To build better team relationships experts suggest making lots of
questions, knowing when to listen and using words such as “we” and “us.”
5. Bad team members deny making mistakes and blame others. You should admit
having any mistakes but work hard to put them right. If not, you’re colleagues will resent
asking to fix your errors.
help admit work teach get to know

6. Bad team members enjoy excluding other people. If you resist admitting other
members to the team you limit the team’s perspective and options.
7. Bad team members have difficulty relating to others. I recommend helping
your colleagues. If you get on well together, they won’t mind get to knowing you when

you need it. We all dislike working with bad team members but they may end up teaching
us a lesson!

Now it’s your turn. Choose 10 of the verbs above and make sentences with them.
1. Good members of a team practice knowledge -sharing in the job
2. We enjoy working with colleagues in the morning
3. The boys practice talking every day
4. The administration book advises making decisions with protocols
5. You should avoid offending and being creative in life
6. The wise must keep teaching a culture of commitment to others
7. People can admit working in groups overcomes difficulties
8. We all dislike working without safe in the job
9. Don´t forget experiencing cordiality in human relationships
10. We always recommend providing equipment to students when starting a soccer class

1 Read the two film reviews and underline all the examples of verb + gerund or verb +
preposition + gerund. The first two have been done as examples.

Dance for life

A young girl loves dancing and she dreams of being a famous dancer. She keeps entering competitions but
she never wins. Even though she hates losing she doesn’t stop dancing until she finally wins one. The story
shows her determination and also how her mother never stops believing in her. Avoid watching this film if
you don’t like crying.

Ski fun!
If you feel like laughing this comedy with Chuck Harris and Nora Lewis is perfect for you. The film follows
the two teenagers as they try skiing for the first time and risk breaking more than just their legs. Both actors
are good at making you laugh even if you don’t usually like this kind of film.

Verbs Followed by a Gerund e.g. They enjoyed working on the boat.

admit Discuss have difficulty miss spend time
advise Dislike imagine practice Stop
Avoid end up it’s no use recommend Suggest
can’t help Enjoy it’s worthwhile Remember Tolerate
can’t stand feel like keep Resist understand
consider Finish mention Risk waste time
Deny Forget Mind Quit

2 Complete these short conversations using the verbs in brackets.

PETER: Wow! There’s a new horror film on tomorrow. Do you want to come to the cinema with

me? JEFF: No, I hate watching horror films. (watch)

JACK: What’s wrong?
AMANDA: I’m really fed up with
(1) (wait) for Peter.

SALLY: Do you like (2) (go) to the cinema?
CHLOE: It’s okay, but I really enjoy (3) (stay) at home and watching DVDs.

RICK: What do you want to be when you’re older?
PETER: I dream of (4) (be) a famous actor.

SIMON: I really love (5) (watch) action films with Harrison Ford.
JACK: Why? What’s so special about Harrison Ford?
SIMON: He’s really good at (6) (play) brave and interesting characters.

MARY: That was a really terrible film. Can you explain the story to me?
AMANDA: Sorry, I can’t. I gave up (7) (try) to understand it after about ten minutes.
3 Complete these sentences using the correct form of these verbs.

worry watch try stay play make get up

I’m not very good at (1) early in the morning.

He dreams of (2) football for Manchester United. I can’t help (3) about my exams.
Try to avoid (4) him angry.
I’m going to keep (5) until I succeed.
I don’t want to go out tonight. I feel like (6)_ in and (7) TV.

admit/deny/be suspected of/be accused of/be charged with + gerund

A: Did he say he had stolen the documents?

(a) B: Yes, he admitted stealing them.
(b) B: No, he denied stealing them.
(c) B: No, he is suspected of stealing them.
(d) B: No he has been accused of/ charged with stealing them.

Did he say he had ...

1. forget the signature?................................................................................................

2. planned the hold-up?................................................................................................
3. taken part in the robbery?........................................................................................
4. hijacked the plane?....................................................................................................
5. kidnapped the heiress?...............................................................................................
6. fired at the policeman?...............................................................................................
7. attacked the cashier?.................................................................................................
8. shot the chauffeur?..................................................................................................
9. threatened the Prime Minister?................................................................................
10. sent the letter bombs?..............................................................................................
11. received the stolen goods?.......................................................................................
12. sold the secret information?......................................................................................
13. given false evidence?...............................................................................................
14. intimidated the witnesses?.......................................................................................
15. bribed the officials?...................................................................................................
16. started the fires?.......................................................................................................
17. derailed the train?......................................................................................................
18. led the raid?..............................................................................................................
19. drugged the guards?................................................................................................
20. helped the prisoners to escape?...............................................................................

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