Illegal Immigration: By: Zouhair Moussaoui C.Apogee:16006858

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Illegal Immigration

By : Zouhair Moussaoui

C.Apogee :16006858

Illegal immigration can be defined as the process by which people immigrate across national
borders to other countries which is termed as against the immigration laws of the destination
countries  because it involves the cross of national borders of the other countries without the
right to be in that country. Illegal immigration may involve a set of several issues some of
which may include time constraints and social issues. The various issues associated with
illegal immigration may have certain consequences which might affect the economy of that
country and some of these consequences many include, economy in the sense that this illegal
immigration of people might lead to constrain in the various economic resources which are
available in that country or in other way may lead to improved economic growth in that
country. (Brent, 1996)

Illegal immigration to other countries may be caused by several factors say the case with
wars. People migrate to other countries in fear of these wars. Other factors might include
persecution whereby people illegally immigrate to the other countries in fear of being
persecuted in their own country and a good example is in the case with the religious leaders.
Another factor which might lead to illegal immigration is the case with poverty. You find that
most people usually migrate to the other countries in search for higher wages. A good
example is in the case with people from the developing countries. You find that, most of these
immigrants usually move to the developed countries say the United States in search of well
paid jobs, and improved standards of living which could not be achieved in their home
country. (Brent, 1996)
Illegal immigration despite the disadvantages has several advantages which are associated
with it. You find that most of the illegal immigrant might have some benefits to the countries
they have immigrated to; many countries are allowing these immigrants to flood in to their
countries simply because of the benefit they can get in return. Good evidence can be seen in
that country. They know that these people will eventually have an impact on their economic
growth. In this case, illegal immigration has become an important issue in most of the
countries say United States as a developed country. (Brent, 1996)
Illegal immigration has so many advantages to the country they have immigrated to. For
example the case with increased taxes. A good example in this case is in the United States
which has millions of illegal immigrants. You find that most of them have to pay tax just like
any other citizen living in that country. Some of them are also forced to pay higher taxes as
when compared to the citizens of that country. As a result you find that this country can have
increased revenues which are usually got from these taxes. The tax can also be used in other
economic activities which might lead to economic growth of that country. Illegal immigrants
usually pay sales tax. They are usually charged higher taxes as when compared to the citizens
of that country. This tax then may be used in other economic activities of that country say in
improving health facilities. As a result, you find that the living standards of these people
might be improved in return. Also most of the illegal immigrants who usually have properties
in that country are supposed to pay real estate taxes. When these immigrants are forced to pay
these taxes, you find that the host country will in turn have increased revenue since these
illegal immigrants are usually highly taxed. The economy of that country will continue
growing due to the role these aliens play in that country. (CATO, 2007)
The majority of the illegal immigrants usually move to the industrialized countries in search
for high wages and increased standards of living. Also some of the illegal immigrants usually
move to the developed countries in search for higher education. Because they know that
having a good education is the only way to improve their living standards.
Most of the illegal immigrants to these countries provide a ready market for most of the
products which are produced in these countries. Since these people have to consume just like
any other fellow, they lead to increased demands of goods and services. The producers in this
case will then enjoy high profits which are got from the purchase of these products. The
industries will also grow due to the increased demand of these goods. These people might be
termed as important to the country they have immigrated to. Some countries admit these
people because of the benefits they usually get from them. Some of the employers of the
illegal immigrants usually admit them in their companies or plantations because they know
that these people are easily displaceable. They know that they can hire them or even fire them
anytime depending on the condition of work. They fire them because they know that they are
illegal immigrants and there is no place they can sue them in fear of being deported to their
country. As a result, the employers in this case usually get higher profits from the cheap labor
they get from these people. (Information plus, 1995)
Illegal immigrants usually move to these countries in search of improved living standards
and higher education. It’s through higher education that these people will have increased
standards of living. Most of the good institutes and colleges are usually found in the
developing countries. This is because in the developing countries, most of the times the
institutes and colleges are usually not enough to cater for the big population in these
countries. As a result, they move in these countries so that they can get higher education
which will enable them to work in good places. The illegal immigrants usually get good
lifestyles compared to their home countries, Due to the increased technology A good example
is in the United States, This country is endowed with the new technology, most of the
industries are found in that country and most of these illegal immigrants can move to the
United States so that they can work in these areas. They usually provide their services for
lower wages but this can be better compared to the life at the developing countries because
they are not fully developed. (Peter, 1995)
Most of the illegal immigrants usually have bank accounts in the countries they usually
immigrate to. They usually open bank accounts that yield interest and dividends to the
bankers. You find that most of the illegal immigrants are highly skilled individuals and
developmental people. They are good investors and when thy move to these countries, they
play a vital role. Some of these aliens establish their own estates or even companies. It is in
these estates and companies whereby they get a lot of money and usually invest in these
banks. It is in these investments whereby the banks can charge high interests on them. In
return they get increased interests which help these organizations to function well as when
compared to their absence. In return, their investments in these banks will eventually lead to
economic growth since the governments will in turn get revenue from these banks since they
are supposed to pay tax. So in this case, you find that the illegal immigrants have a great role
to play in the economy of the country they immigrate to. (Peter, 1995)
It’s through illegal immigration that people are in a position to understand other culture well.
Since most of the illegal immigrants usually move to these countries say in the United States
in search for higher education, you find that they can interact with the rest of the people from
other parts of the country hence leading to a better understanding of these cultures. As a
result, some of the stereotypes are dying away because people have been in a position to
interact with others. Most of the countries like United States can never end illegal
immigration since they benefit the employers and the government too. For example at Mexico
is United States largest source country of illegal immigrants. (Humphrey, 1995)

Illegal immigration is beneficial to most of the countries. That is why most of the countries
are even asking for legalization of these aliens due to the benefit they get from them. They
have a great impact to the employers and government of that country since they are seen as
cheap and desperate and hence can offer cheap services in return for few dollars. Despite the
advantages with illegal immigration, they too have some disadvantages some of which
include increased crimes. Some of the illegal immigrants are criminals who have escaped
from their country because of certain crimes they did in their home country. So when these
people come to these countries, the increase the rate of criminals.

-Brent, A.Our Beckoning Borders, Illegal Immigration to America. New York, Cobble hill,
- CATO. Coming to America. The weaponization of Immigration. Washington law Journal,
- Peter, B. Alien Nation. Common sense about Americans immigration disaster. New York.
Randon House, 1995.
- Information plus. Immigration and illegal aliens. Burden or blessing? Wylie, 1995.
Illegal Immigration

By: Zouhair Moussaoui



Illegal immigration is the movement of people across national borders in a way that violates
the immigration laws of the destination country. It involves crossing international political
borders through water, land and air inappropriately. Also here we can include the entrance to
another country in the right way but refusing to leave after the expiry of the visa. The effects
of immigration are felt strongly for example in United States where large numbers of
immigrants have settled in relation to others.

There is still an argument whether illegal immigration has negative or positive effects to a
country. Some people argue that illegal immigration is good for any country because of the
low payments and others claim that illegal immigrants take their jobs and damage the country
in different ways and one example is the overpopulation and that it would be better to restrict
the illegal immigrants from the country because from the time that they cross the borders
illegally many problems occurring to the country.

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