JAS 1956 Burma Bibliography

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General and Other Philosophy and Religion

DALE, W. L. Wind and drift currents in the EADIE, D. G. Twenty-five centuries of Bud-
South China Sea. Malayan journal of dhism and the Buddhist World Council.
tropical geography 8 (1956), 1-31. ill. Christian century 73 (Mar. 28, 1956),
DROBEC, E . Zur Medizin der Negrito. 392-93.
Tribus n.f. 4/5 (1954/55), 219-32. HALLOCK, CONSTANCE M. East from Burma.
GRIFFITH, C. E. American books in South- New York, Friendship Press, 1956. 120 p .
east Asia. Library trends 5 (1956), 121-50. ill.
KOSTERMANS, A. J. G. H. A monograph of HOBBS, CECIL. The political importance of
the Asiatic, Malaysian, Australian and the Buddhist priesthood in Burma. FEER
Pacific species of Mimosaceae, formerly 21 (Nov. 8, 1956), 586-90.
included in Pithecolbium Mart. Sura- POLK, B. A Buddhist building for 20th
baja, H. van Ingen, 1954. 122 p. ill. (Or- century Burma: the International Insti-
ganization for Scientific Research in tute of Advanced Buddhist Studies. Marg
Indonesia. Bulletin no. 20) 9, no. 3 (1956), 61-64.
weather, with particular reference to South- Historical Sciences
east Asia. London, University of London
Press, 1955. 223 p. ANDERSON, COURTNEY. TO the Golden Shore;
the life of Adoniram Judson. Boston,
Little, Brown, 1956. 530 p. ill.
Bibliography a n d Reference Burma. Rangoon, Union Government
Printing and Stationery, 1956. 270 p.
representatives of foreign slates and inter- AND BROADCASTING. Burma; a handbook
national organizations in the Union of on Burma with special reference to Bur-
Burma. Rangoon, 1955. 78 p. mese customs, culture, history, economic
BURMA (UNION) GOVERNMENT BOOK DEPOT. resources, education, famous pagodas and
Catalogue of books. Rangoon, Supt., Union cities, published on the occasion of the
Govt. Print, and Stationery. 1954 (pub. Chatta Sangayana (Sixth Buddhist
1955). Supersedes Burma. Government Synod). Rangoon? Ministry of Informa-
Book Depot. Catalogue of books and maps. tion, 1954. 46 p. ill.
PROJECT. Annotated bilbiography of (1941-1948). London, Faber and Faber,
Burma. Prepared by Burma Research 1956. 303 p., ill., maps.
Project at New York University, Frank CRUTTWELL, PATRICK. Maung Tin and Tin
N. Trager, director and editor; John N. Maung. Twentieth century 159 (Apr. 1956),
Musgrave, Jr., chief bibliographer; Janet 332-37.
Welsh, assistant. New Haven, Human DENNY, J. H. Chindit indiscretion. London,
Relations Area Files, 1956. 230 p. (Beha- C. Johnson, 1956. 256 p. ill., front, (port.),
vior science bibliographies) maps.
. Chinese language materials relating to DESAI, WALTER SADGUN. India and Burma,
a study. Bombay, Orient Longmans, 1954.
Burma, 1931-1953; a bibliography by
I l l p. (India and her neighbours series)
Frank N . Trager, director and editor.
FOUCAR, EMILE C. V. / lived in Burma.
N. Y., New York University Press, 1956. London, D . Dobson, 1956. 272 p.
v, 32 p. FURNIVALL, J. S. Colonial policy and prac-
U. S. OFFICE OF GEOGRAPHY. Burma: official tice; a comparative study of Burma and
standard names approved by the United Netherlands India. N . Y., New York
Slates Board on Geographic Names. Wash- University Press, 1956. xii, 568 p. map.
ington, 1955. 175 p. (U. S. Board on Geo- . The story of Burma, a public lecture by
graphic Names. Gazetteer no. 9) J. S. Furnivall; and, Presidential address

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by Niharranjan Ray. Ramakrishna Mis- Institute of Buddhist Culture, 1955. v,

sion Society, April 27, 1954. Rangoon, 220 p. ill., front., maps, tables, diagrs.
Ramakrishna Mission Society, 1954. 17 p. (Indo-Burmese Cultural Research series.
JUDSON, MARGUERITE M. The Judson pa- 1)
pers. N. Y., Vantage Press, 1955. 89 p . TIN AUNG, U. Burma since independence.
KHIN MTO CHIT. Burma's Defence Services Guardian 3 (Feb. 1956), 14-16.
Historical Research Institute. Guardian TINKER, HUGH. Burma's northeast border-
3 (Dec. 1955), 24-26. land problems. PA 29 (Dec. 1956), 324-46.
KONDRASHOV, V. Burma—youth of a nation. TOLOKONNIKOVA, A. Birma; Indonesia.
New times Dec. 1, 1955, 12-15. Riga, Latgosizdat, 1956. 32 p. map.
KKAMER, WALTER. Burma: ein junger Staat (Strany Azii)
in Sudostasien. Zeitschrifl fur den Erd- TUKER, Sir FRANCIS. Other Burma days.
kundeunterricht 8 (1956), 46-49. Bamboo and shoestring. Twentieth century
LORCH, HILDE. Die goldene Nadel iiber 159 (Apr. 1956), 338-43. (Review article on
Rangun; Adoniram Judsons Leben und Defeat into victory by Sir William Slim)
Wirken in Burma. Bad Salzuffen Verlag TUN W I N , V. Burma: past and present.
fur Missions- und Bibel-kunde, 1955. Guardian 3 (Feb. 1956), 38-40.
140 p. UZIANOV, ANTON W. Birma v bor'be za
MATING MATING. Htain Lin, a young PVO uprochenie svoei nezavisimosti. Moscow,
insurgent. Guardian 3 (Dec. 1955), 21-33. Znanie, 1956. 39 p. (Vsesoiuznoe ob-
. M. A. Raschid: profile. Guardian 3, shchestvo po rasprostrannoiiu politiche-
no. 14 (1956), 27-34. skeskikh i nauchnych znanii. Seriia 1,
. Thakin Than Tun: profile. Guardian no. 10)
3 (Oct. 1956), 33-36. VASIL'EV, V. F. Rabochii klass i osvobodi-
. U Ba Swe: a profile. Guardian 3 (Mar. tel'noe dvizhenie v Birme do vtoroi
1956), 27-31. mirovoi voiny. Akademiia nauk SSSR.
. U Thant: profile. Guardian 3 (Aug. Institut Vostokovedeniia. Kratkie soob-
1956), 25-29. shch. 20 (1956), 27-37.
. U Tun Win. Guardian 2 (Oct. 1955), . Sovremennaia Birma. Moscow, Gos.
21-26. Izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1956. 97 p.
. Vum Ko Hau of Siyin. Guardian 3 WOODMAN, DOROTHY. Changes in the Chin
(Feb. 1956), 29-34. hills. Guardian 3 (Feb. 1956), 18-19. Same
. Women officers of the Burma army. title in New statesman 50 (Nov. 5, 1955),
Guardian 3 (Jan. 1956), 23-27. 7-8.
MINAEV, I. P. Dnevniki puteshestvii v Indiiu . In the Kachin state, King Emperor
i Birmu, 1880 i 1885-1886. Moscow, Izd-vo and the wild tribes. Guardian 3 (Mar.
Akademii nauk SSSR, 1955. 248 p . 1956), 35-37.
NTJ, U. Unite and march. Rangoon, Supt. . The Nagas at home. Guardian 3 (Nov.
Union Govt. Print, and Stationery, 1955. 1955), 26-27.
6 p. ZAWGYI. Thakin Kodaw Hmaing Tika.
ON K I N , U. Cruising down the Irrawaddy. Guardian 3 (Mar. 1956), 33-34.
Rangoon, Thudhama Press, 1956. 78 p .
PASSIN, HERBERT. The Sino-Burmese bor- Political Sciences
der incidents. Thought30 (Sept. 1,1956),7. BONNER, ARTHUR. Burma—parade of para-
RAMA RAU, S. Land of laughter. Holiday 20 doxes. Reporter 15 (Nov. 15, 1956), 30-32.
(Sept. 1956), 44-47+. BRANT, CHARLES S. The case for Burma.
RANCE, Sir HUBERT. Burma today. Asian Antioch review 15 (Mar. 1955), 86-97.
review 52 (July 1956), 180-91. BURMA (UNION) COMMITTEE FOR THE R E -
London, Cassell, 1956. 576 p. ill. The final report. Rangoon, Supt., Govt.
SONI, R. L. A cultural study of the Burmese Print, and Stationery, 1954. 117 p.
era. An enquiry into its nature and career BURMA (UNION) D E P T . OP INFORMATION AND
and an investigation into its status in the BROADCASTING. Joint statements issued on
cultural history of East Asia. Mandalay, various occasions by heads and other repre-

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senlatives of foreign governments and the OSTAPENKO, D . D . Konstitutsiia Birman-

Hon'ble Prime Minister U Nu. Rangoon, skogo Soiuza. Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo
Director of Information, Government of 1956 no. 4, 89-96.
the Union of Burma, 1955. 38 p. PEETERS, E. Derniere chance en Birmanie?
BURMA (UNION) LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. The Syntheses 124 (Sept. 1956), 240-50.
Democratic Local Government Act (Burma RAMA RAU, S. Peace, rice, friendship, and
Act no. 88 of 1953, corrected up to March the Burma of U Nu. Reporter 14 (Apr. 19,
195S). Rangoon, Union Govt. Print, and 1956), 18-22.
Stationery, Burma, 1955. iii, 28 p. SILVERSTEIN, JOSEF. Politics, parties and
BURMA (UNION) NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR national elections in Burma. FES 25
UNESCO. Constitution of the Union of (1956), 177-84. table.
Burma National Commission for UNES- SOLOV'EV, O. F. Otnosheniia mezhdu Rossei
CO. Rangoon, Supt., Union Govt. Print, i Birmoi v XIX v. SV 1956 no. 4, 126-34.
and Stationery, Burma, 1956. 7 p. STACKELBERG, G. A. VON. U NU and Burma:
Burma today: awaiting the welfare state. a study in Soviet inconsistency. Institute
World today 11 (July 1955), 309-18. for the Study of the USSR. Bulletin 3
COHN, DAVID L. The communist approach (Apr. 1956), 30-35.
to Burma. Atlantic 198 (Sept. 1956), 41-43. TAUSSIG, H. C. Burma in the positive. EW
FAIRBAIBN, GEOFFREY. Aspects of Burma, 10 (June 1956), 16.
1954. Australia's neighbours no. 52 (May THET KYAW. Burma: the political integra-
1955), 1-3. tion of linguistic and religious minority
. Aspects of the Burmese political scene. groups. (In: Thayer, P . W., ed. National-
PA 29 (Sept. 1956), 211-22. ism and progress in free Asia. Baltimore,
. The Burmese Lower House elections. Md., Johns Hopkins Press, 1956. p . 156-
Australia's neighbours no. 66 (Sept. 1956), 68.)
2-4. T I N , THAKIN. Democratization of local ad-
. Communism in Burma. Australian ministration. Burma 5 (Apr. 1955), 13-18.
outlook 9 (Sept. 1955), 189-92. TRACER, FRANK N. Burma [by] Frank N.
INDIA. EMBASSY OF YUGOSLAVIA. Tito speaks Trager and U Hla Maung. JIA 10 (1956),
in India and Burma. New Delhi, 1955. 11-18.
120 p . . Burma's foreign policy, 1948-1956;
MAUNG MAUNG, U. Burma in the family of neutralism, third force, and rice. JAS 16
nations. Amsterdam, Uitgeverij Djam- (Nov. 1956), 89-102.
batan, 1956. xi, 236 p. . Burma's role in the United Nations,
NAUMOV, S. Soviet-Burmese cooperation. 1948-1955, by Frank N. Trager, Patricia
New times Dec. 15, 1955, 7-9. Wohlgemuth and Lu-yu Kiang. N. Y.,
Nu, U. An Asian speaks; a collection of International Secretariat, Institute of
speeches made by U Nu, Prime Minister Pacific Relations, 1956. i, 100 p.
of Burma, during a visit to the United WILBUR, C. MARTIN. Southeast Asia be-
States of America, June 29-July 16, 1955. tween India and China; Burma's peaceful
Washington, D. C , Embassy of the co-existence policy. JIA 10, no. 1 (1956),
Union of Burma, 1955. 52 p. map. 87-99.
. Democratisation of local administra-
tion. [Translation of the Prime Minister's Sociology a n d t h e Social Sciences
speech delivered on the occasion of the AYE MAUNG, U. Land reforms in Burma.
establishment of the Insein District AICCER 7 (Jan. 1, 1956), 12-14.
Council, and the transfer of power under BA SWE, U. Burma's growing strength. EW
the Democratic Local Administration Act 10 (Aug. 1956), 21-22.
at Insein, on April 8, 1955] Rangoon, BURMA (UNION) AGRICULTURAL D E P T . Notes
Supt., Union Govt. Printing and Sta- on agriculture in Burma. Rangoon, Supt.,
tionery, 1955. 9 p . Govt. Print, and Stationery, 1955. 63 p.
. Resurgence. Premier U Nu at Bandung. charts.
Rangoon?, Ministry of Information, 1955. BURMA (UNION) ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL
16 p . BOARD. Pyidawtha, the new Burma; a re-

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port from the Government to the people of Burma. Cambridge, Mass.?, 1956, 56 p.
• the Union of Burma on our long-term pro- KHIN, U. Fisheries in Burma. Burma Re-
gramme for economic and social develop- search Society. Journal 38 (June 1955),
ment. Rangoon, 1954. 128 p. 46-51.
education, Burma. Rangoon, 1954. 1 v. 3 (Dec. 1955), 9-12.
(unpaged) ill. KUBOTA, T. The present conditions of eco-
BURMA (UNION) MINISTRY OF FINANCE AND nomic intercourse between Burma and
REVENUE. Budget 1955-56, Finance Min- Japan. Mitsubishi Economic Research In-
ister's speech. Rangoon, Supt., Govt. stitute monthly circular April 1956, 10-15.
Print, and Stationery, 1955. 15 p. The mass education movement; "building
. Economic survey of Burma, 1955. Pre- new men for the new Burma." Burma 6
sented in Parliament, Sept. 1, 1955. (Jan. 1956), 71-74.
Rangoon, Govt. Print, and Stationery, MAUNG MAUNG, V. Women on the wing.
1955. 89 p. Guardian 3 (Sept. 1956), 30-34.
PLANNING AND RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS. The Vneshniaia torgovlia 26 (Mar. 1956), 16-20.
national income of Burma. Rangoon, Govt. MOHAN, R. Immigration policy of Burma in
Print, and Stationery, 1955. 18 p. relation to India—a brief survey. Indian
Burma business directory and national trade journal of political science 16 (1955), 165-
register, vol. 1-. 1956-. Rangoon, ill. 70.
annual. MYINT, M. PHONE. Burmese marriage cus-
COELHO, A. J. Income taxes in Burma. A toms. Guardian 3 (Apr. 1956), 13-14.
handbook of income-tax law and practice The new education plan, achievements
as from 1st October 1953. With notes on during 1954-55. Burma 6 (Jan. 1956),
the income-tax (Amendment) Act 1954, 26-36.
and a supplement containing an income- Progress made in land nationalization.
tax ready reckoner. Rangoon, Burmese Burma 6 (Jan. 1956), 16-20.
Advertising press, 1954. xxi, 127 p. tables. SEAGRAVE, G. S. My hospital in the hills.
COVER, VIRGIL D . A policy for highway New York, Norton, 1955. 253 p. ill.
transport in Burma. Burma Research SILVERSTEIN, JOSEF. Transportation in
Society. Journal 39 (1956), 18-32. Burma during the Japanese occupation.
EMERY, ROBERT F. Governmental accounts Burma Research Society. Journal 39
for economic planning in Burma. Ann Ar- (1956), 1-17.
bor, Mich., University Microfilms, 1956. STJNDRUM, R. M. Seasonal fluctuations in
(Publication 19, 693) 296 p. Abstracted in the Burmese economy. Burma Research
Dissertation abstracts 17, no. 1 (1956), 54. Society. Journal 38 (June 1955), 52-65.
EVANS, G. F . Bleak prospects in Burma. . Seasonal fluctuations in the Burmese
New commonwealth 32 (Oct. 29, 1956), economy: a reply. Burma Research So-
425-26. ciety. Journal 39 (1956), 206-207.
FURNIVALL, J. S. Burmans and business. THET TUN, U. Outline of a socialist economy
Guardian 3 (Jan. 1956), 14-18. for Burma. Burma Research Society.
HAGEN, EVERETT EINAR. The economic de- Journal 37 (June 1954), 59-76.
velopment of Burma: an International TUN THIN, U. A theory of the rate of inter-
Committee report. Washington, D . C , est for the Burmese economy. Burma Re-
National Planning Association, 1956. 88 p. search Society. Journal 38 (1955), 66-74.
(Planning pamphlet. 96) TUN WAI, U. Seasonal fluctuations in the
HMAN, 17. Research work in delta Kanazo. Burmese economy: a comment. Burma
Burma Research Society. Journal 37 (June Research Society. Journal 39 (1956), 203-
1954), 52-58. 206.
HOOPER, S. G. Commercial banking in UNITED NATIONS. ECAFE. Economic sur-
Burma. Rangoon, Olympic Book Store, vey of Burma. FEER 21 (Sept. 27, Oct. 4,
1956. 34 p. 1956, 401-403, 436-38.

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Economic developments in Burma, 1954. the direction of the late J. A. Stewart,

Washington, D . C , Govt. Print. Off., from material supplied by a large number
1955. 7 p. (Its World trade information of contributors, revised and edited by
service: Economic reports. Pt. 1, no. C. W. Dunn, Hla Pe, and H. F . Searle.
55-18) London, School of Oriental and African
WELSH, JANET. Burma's development prob- Studies, Part 3. 1955 [i.e. 1956] vi, 121-
lems. FES 25 (Aug. 1956), 113-22. 200p.
WILHELM, DONALD. Some aspects of the ad- TAYLOR, L. F . Account of the ethnographi-
ministration of industrial development in cal and linguistic survey of Burma. Burma
Burma, 1952-195S. Cambridge, Mass., Research Society. Journal 39 (1956),
Harvard University, 1954. 325 p . 159-75.
. The general structure of languages
Language spoken in Burma. Burma Research So-
ciety. Journal 39 (1956), 101-20.
FORREST, R. A. D . Towards common Ti- WUN, MAUNG. Some problems of a lexicog-
beto-Burman. Wennti no. 10 (Nov. 1956), rapher in Burmese. Burma Research So-
1-18. ciety. Journal 39 (1956), 176-81.
HALLIDAY, R. A Mon-English dictionary.
Rangoon, Published by the Mon Cultural
Literature and t h e Arts
Section, Ministry of Union Culture, Govt.
of the Union of Burma, 1955. xxx, 512 p. Burmese tapestries. Burma 6 (Jan. 1956),
"A reprint." 137-44.
HANSON, OLA. A dictionary of the Kachin Digging up Burma's past in London. Guard-
language. Rangoon, Baptist Board of Pub- ian 3 (Oct. 1956), 37-43.
lications, 1954. iv, 739 p. FATT HTIN. Contemporary Burmese culture.
HERTZ, H. F. A practical handbook of the FEER 21 (Oct. 25, 1956), 530-31.
Kachin or Chingpaw language, containing . Contemporary Burmese culture.
the grammatical principles and peculiari- Guardian 3 (July 1956), 26-28.
ties of the language, colloquial exercises, HTIN AUNG, U. The thirty-seven lords.
and a vocabulary with an appendix on Burma Research Society. Journal 39
Kachin customs, law and religion. Ran- (June 1956), 81-100.
goon, Supt., Govt. Print, and Stationery, HTIN MAUNG. Modern Burmese prose.
1954. vi, 173 p. "Rev. and enl. ed." Guardian 3 (May 1956), 34-36.
MAUNG, E. Some place-names in Burma. LAVAUD, J. Sanctuaires de Pagan (Birma-
Burma Research Society. Journal 39 nie); cinq photographies ingdites de Jean
(1956), 182-92. Lavaud. Ars asiatiques 3 (1956), 69-73.
P E MAUNG T I N , U. Some features of the L E MAY, REGINALD. The cultural back-
Burmese language. Burma Research So- ground of Burma. Marg 9, no. 3 (1956),
ciety. Journal 39 (1956), 193-202.
RANGOON. UNIVERSITY. Inscriptions of
L U P E W I N , U. Pagodasof Pagan. Rangoon?,
Burma. London, Oxford University Press,
1956. Portfolio 4: Down to 702 B. E. 1954. 7 p. ill.
(1340 A.D.). 63 p. 116 plates, tables. NTJ, U. The scourge (a short story). Guard-
Portfolio 5:703-726 B.E. (1341-1364 A.D.). ian 3 (Jan. 1956), 4, 9-13.
38 p. 147 plates. (Rangoon. University. PYE, MAUNG MAUNG. Burmese sunshine
Oriental Studies publication 5-6) (Sunbeams of wit and humour). Rangoon,
RHODES, D. E. The first Karen dictionary. Khittaya Publishing House, 1956. iv, 151
British Museum quarterly 20 (1955-56), p. ill.
58-59. RUSSELL, MAURICE. Told to Burmese chil-
SHORTO, H. L. Notes on Mon epigraphy. dren. Decorations by Monica Walker.
BSOAS 18, pt. 2 (1956), 344-52. London, The Epworth Press, 1956. 80 p.
. Quantification in Mon. PICO, 278-79. ill.
STEWART, JOHN ALEXANDER, comp. A Bur- ZIN, U. THAN. Music in Burma. Guardian 3,
mese-English dictionary; compiled under no. 14 (1956), 35-39.

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General and Other Ithaca, N. Y., 1956. iv, 64, 5 p . (Its Data
paper. 20)
ANDERS, L. Engineer reconnaissance in for-
bidden North Burma. Military affairs 20 Philosophy a n d Religion
(Fall 1956), 129-38.
COUGHLIN, RICHARD J. Social features of
ARNOLD, EDWIN G. The Ford Foundation in
Burma. Guardian 3, no. 14 (1956), 40-41. Buddhism in Thailand. FEER 20 (Feb. 2,
DELPHIN, FREDERICK. The frogs and toads
1956), 140-42.
FRIDELL, ELMER A. Baptists in Thailand and
of the Rangoon University Estate. Burma
Research Society. Journal 38 (1955), 29- the Philippines. Philadelphia, Penna.,
51. Judson Press, 1956. 80 p.
GOGOI, PADMESWAR. Divination of Ahom
FREDDY BA HLI. A new solar cooker for the
utilisation of solar energy in Burma. Deodhais. JSS 43 (1955), 49-53.
Burma Research Society. Journal 38 KUHN, ISOBEL. Ascent to the tribes; pioneer-
(1955), 107-11. ing in north Thailand. Chicago, 111.,
Moody Press, 1956. 315 p. ill.
G., A. M. Slow beat to Burma. Blackwood's
SURIYABONGS, LUANG. Buddhism in Thai-
magazine 279 (1956), 226-40.
land. Bangkok, Prae Bhittaya, 1955. I l l ,
GORE-BOOTH, PAUL. Three years in Burma.
88 p. plates.
Guardian 3 (Oct. 1956), 17-21.
HMAING, THAKIN KODAW. Burma's path. Historical Sciences
New limes Jan. 5, 1956, 5-8.
KHIN ZAW, U. Burmese culture. Orient BLACK, J. The lofty sanctuary of Khao Phra
review and literary digest 2 (July 1956), Vihar. JSS 44 (1956), 1-31. plates, map.
5-17. BLAKE, WILFRID THEODORE. Thailand jour-
KONDRASHOV, V. Burma—youth of a nation. ney. London, A. Redman, 1955. 192 p. ill.
New times Dec. 1, 1955, 12-15. BOXER, CHARLES RALPH. Diogo do Couto's
NAIGAMWALLA, N. K. D. Philately in unpublished account of Angkor. PICO,
Burma past, present, and future. Burma 264.
5 (Apr. 1955), 43-66. CHULA CHAKRABONGSE, Prince of Thailand.
SCHMADER, GORDON F . Spoken English for The twain have met, or, An eastern prince
Burmans, by Gordon F. Schmader and came west. London, Foulis, 1956.11, 299 p.
assistants. Washington, D. C , American 25 plates (including map, ports., diagr.)
Council of Learned Societies, 1956. 379 p. GROSLIERS, BERNARD PHILIPPE. Angkor:
(Spoken English textbooks) hommes et pierres. Reportages photo-
SPAUDING, SETU. Research on communica- graphiques de Jacques Arthaud. Gren-
tion through printed materials. Burma oble, Paris, Arthaud, 1956. 232 p. (Coll.
Research Society. Journal 39 (1956), Les imaginaires)
127-58. HAMBURGER, LUDWIG. Thailand's two sleep-
SWORD, GUSTAP. Light in the jungle; life ing nations. New leader 39 (Jan. 9, 1956),
story of Dr. Ola Hanson of Burma. Chi- 10-13.
cago, 111., Baptist Conference Press, 1954. MILLER, KEITH H. Thailand, land of the free.
189 p. ill. Washington, D . C , 1956. 108 p. (Thesis
The Union of Burma. FEER 21 (Dec. 20, (M.A.)—George Washington University)
1956), 813-18. NIKOLABVA, N. V. Tailand: ekonomiko-
geograficheskii ocherk. Leningrad, Ob-vo
po rasprostranneniiu polit. i nauchn.
THAILAND znanii, Leningradskoe otd-nie, 1956. 56 p.
NIVAT, DHANI, Prince. The reconstruction
Bibliography and Reference
of Rama I of the Chakri dynasty. Orient
CORNELL UNIVERSITY. D E P T . OP FAR EAST- review and literary digest 2 (1956), 36-48.
Bibliography of Thailand; a selected list pays Thai. Indochine, Sud Est asiatique
of books and articles with annotations by Jan. 1954, 16-23.
the staff of the Cornell Thailand Research RAJADHON, Phya ANUMAN. Cultural basis
Project. Lauriston Sharp, director. Con- and prospects of Thailand. FEER 21
tributors: Beth Dickerson [and others] (Aug. 9, 1956), 170-73.

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