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AMANDA LEAR - Disco Polydor TOMORROW Musica di Rainer PIETSCH Testo di Amanda LEAR CANTO -MANDOLINO Moderato o FISARMONICA oor SSF Basso py-—— bi t Par rree eee ty = LS Basso segue simile 4 segue Vou-lez vous un ren-dez vous to - mor-row? 7 ir Sol We could try to say good-b; to - mor-row? Loop Don’t youknow where I come from? toot ir t Can't youfeel love com-ing™ on? Dom Lab stb Mib Lab Sol? Where are you can I seeyou to - mor-row? ———— Ss # + a+ bom sib Fo Iv.CoroVou-lez vous un rendez vous to mor-row? 1SolaHad towait somuchtime to find you pan 4 gr Iv. Sola: NowI see it was youandme don’t youknowthat lov - ing feel -ing ILv.Coro: Now [ see it was youandme "don't youknow that lov - ing: feel - ing Se A segue We could try fo say guvd-bye to = mor = vow? I won't let A - ny-one take you. 1 Wt = tJ 2 vr aT Dom in my book of tricks you'rethe one I picked.) youare FN. A. in my book of tricks ywiethe one I picked 5 youare FN. A. Don’tyvu kuvwwhere I come from? Don’t you feelwhere I come from? 2 4 ' e Lab sib fan - ta-st sub Yeah you're great. fan - taste You've the sunshine of my Can't you feet love com tng on. You're the best for = Can’t you feel love com-ing on. 4 Vou - lez vous un abe * ee Dom Lab - get the rest to - mor - row, i ren-dez vous to - mor - row. = He 3 Bess 5 = sib oF ro Py (p) i-STd2 trite a ae ae r Sib Dom Sih Dom sib soi um Ly segue Dom Vou -tezvous un ren-dez vous to - mor-row? ‘We could try to say good-bye to - mor - row? bot ? 9 Don’tyouknowwhere T come from sof Le st Ml You're the sunshine of my can’t you feel love com-ing on, ace! ‘Where are you Hite ren-dez vous to - mo Vou-lez vous tl ieee TT pofin Coro: Now I see i was youandme .,,ydowtyouknow that lov - ing feeling. You’re thebest for-get the rest to - mor-row. Where are you can TI see you to- mor-row. p r San-ta-stic. t t ? Ej wT 6 Dom in gy bookof tricks yore the one I picked sag YAEL NA Gimmegimmegim-me good goodlov - in’ ba - by. Topp tet tr Coro: Now I see i wasyouandme —«'ydowe youknowthat Lov ~ ing fooling. Dofm Gimme gimme gimme good good lov - in’ ba - by. ripete ad lib. sfumando : : wept OF r Dotim in my book of tricks yau'vethe one I picked youne FAN. fan. ta-stic ‘Solf

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