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Medical Nutrition Therapy Project Rubric

Outstanding Above Expectations Average Below Expectations


Part A (See ADIME Rubric=10 points total) Pertinent components Accurately Information present, One or more pertinent 9.5
 Summary Statement documented. Format summarizes most of unclear or elements missing or
 Assessment and standardized the pertinent unspecified irrelevant data
 Diagnosis (2 PES statements, IDNT Codes included)
language throughout information. Minor information documented
 Intervention
 Monitoring the note wording and language
 Evaluation misuse
 Include the demographics, economic status, and access to

Part B Creative, appetizing, Good presentation Reasonable Repeating items with 30

Daily Menus: appropriate and creativity, presentation of adjustment of
 Day 1 (15 points) macronutrient reasonable macro meals, meets needs presentation, poor
 Day 2 (15 points) distribution, portion distribution distribution of
 Include (one) Meal Planning Pattern for Menus sizes present macronutrients
Budget (25 points) Complete items, clear Good presentation Minimal overage on Significantly over 25
 Price of Item on Menu presentation, within budget, Able to budget, poor
 Where item was purchased budget assigned follow presentation, items
 Total cost of 2 day menus missing

Part C Analysis (25 points) All elements present, Reasonable findings, Some missing or Inappropriate 20
 Summary of Nutrition Analysis Program describe findings, comparisons made, vague findings and conclusions and
 Identify specific macro, micro nutrition deficiencies comparisons correct, summary comparisons, lack of findings. Unorganized.
 Compare to assigned prescription, goals, and MyPlate guidelines
charts, figures to charts/figures present summary Missing goals,
summarize findings charts/figures prescription discussion

Part D: Reflection (10 points) Insightful, articulate, Fair discussion Present Not present 10
 Describe experiences of the project specific examples
 Discuss the value as training to be an RD


Final Score (100 points)


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