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1.3. Production and research activities 1.

General information

new building in Saclay, close to the other members of NewUni, for the academic year 2019-2020.
Télécom ParisTech is completely involved in the definition of the main components of NewUni,
its organization and its governance.

1.2.3 Labex, Equipex and other PIA objects

Télécom ParisTech, as part of the Institut Télécom, joined the RTRA (Réseau Thématique de
Recherche Avancée) Digiteo in 2009. At the time of its creation Digiteo was the only Excellence
cluster in information science and technology in France, situated in the Paris-Saclay Campus.
Télécom ParisTech was partner of the Equipex Digiscope, which is a network of high-performance
platforms for interactive visualization of large datasets and complex computation. Distributed
throughout its nine scientific partners (CNRS, INRIA, CEA, Université Paris-Sud, Intitut Mines-
Télécom, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin, CentraleSupélec, ENS Paris-Saclay, Maison de
la simulation ), Digiscope’s ten rooms feature extremely large displays and advanced interaction
devices, and are interconnected via a telepresence network that supports remote collaboration.
Anticipated applications include scientific research, computer-aided design, decision support sys-
tems, and education. The project was led by the research network RTRA Digiteo, which was
hosted by the "Fondation de Coopération Scientifique Campus Paris-Saclay", then replaced by
Université Paris-Saclay.
LTCI is an active member of the LMH (Labex Mathématique Hadamard) and the DigiCosme
(Mondes Numériques, Programmes et Architectures Distribués) laboratories of Excellence (labex).
The DigiCosme labex, headed by Florence D’Alché-Buc, Professor at Télécom ParisTech,
brings together 300 researchers and as many PhD students, spread over the sites of its 11 mem-
ber institutions: CEA, CNRS, Ecole polytechnique, Supélec, Inria, Paris-Sud University, Ecole
Centrale Paris, ENS Cachan, ENSTA ParisTech, Institut Mines-Télécom, University of Versailles
St-Quentin. The goal of this Labex is to respond to the scientific and technological challenges of
the digital revolution. To this end, three scientific axes are developed by the labex. The first one
is on the reliability of the digital world by its resistance to design errors, random or intentional
failures. The second one is on the ability of the digital world to transmit or collect information of
all types in a scalable way through distributed architectures. The third one is on the intelligence
of the digital world through the development of new mechanisms to access, interact with and make
sense of the unprecedented amounts Fifteen professors from the LTCI are involved in the LMH as
of mid-2018.of data that are made available now.
The LMH, headed by Vincent Giovangigli, Senior Researcher at CNRS and member of the
CMAP laboratory at École Polytechnique, covers the full spectrum of research in mathematics,
from pure and fundamental studies to applied mathematics. The labex coordinates its actions
with the department of mathematics of UPSay, and the doctoral school EDMH (Ecole Doctorale
Mathematique Hadamard) which manages about 300 PhD students. The LMH funds PhD grants,
postdocs, master’s scholarships and different other actions for the the Paris-Saclay community of
mathematicians (invitation of foreign researchers, sponsoring of scientific events, etc.). Télécom
ParisTech is one of the partners of the LMH and, as of mid-2018, fifteen professors from the LTCI
are involved in the LMH.

1.3 Production and research activities

Key figures and facts
The details of noticeable facts and events are given for each team in the next chapters. Let
us just mention here some prestigious prizes (4 ERC, 1 google faculty research award, 1 Blondel
medal, and numerous prizes for best PhD theses and best papers), the organization of international
conferences, the involvement and important responsibilities in program committees and scientific
boards (area chairs of NIPS, IJCAI..., chair of IEEE NEWCAS, etc.), as well as the invitations
to give plenary talks and tutorials. Similarly editorial activities are worth to be mentioned and
several members of the LTCI are associate editors of top-level journals.


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