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Business plan executive summary.

Papybri Bakery
Date of initiation
December 14, 2016
Cange, National Street #03, Plateau Central Haiti
Name of the owners
Duclair Ezechiel, Nelithe Pierre, Jean Junior J. Joseph
Staff employed:

• Business Description.

The business is in the production and marketing of breads, pastries, cakes, desserts and
other food products, especially the production of traditional breads of the region. The
business will be with an area of production, warehouse of raw materials and inputs, and
sale of breads, cakes and other complementary products.
The production of breads and cakes is a daily activity. Must therefore be borne in mind
that in this business there is no rest days and you should continue to strict hours in the
production and marketing, especially of the loaves, which form part of the basic food of
the consumption basket of the families.
Therefore, the production team must be a computer quite consolidated and committed;
otherwise, unable to find the bread from the early hours of the morning, there is a risk
that customers looking for the product in the business of the competition.
This business also includes the sale of complementary products, such as dairy products
(milk, cheeses, yogurt, butter), cold meats (all kinds of hams), jams, coffee, tea, sugar,
sodas, juices, eggs, among others. In many of these products, the profit margins are
higher than those for the production of bread, so it is recommended not to neglect the
timely supply of these products.

However, great part of the success or failure of the business will depend on choosing
adequately the public to which it is addressed, the place where this located.

Papybri Bakery will implement the culture of the pairing of the bread and pastries in
thumbnail to extraterritorial level, converting our obrador of bakery and pastry in a
compulsory stop, at the level of the best in the world, reaching to meet the needs of the
general public.

The future prospects of the business and its growth is based on the acceptance of the
new challenges and opportunities in the sector of companies engaged in the
manufacture of products of Bakery and pastry, focusing on two main sectors:
• Sale to sector restoration, hotels, restaurants, Catering, etc ...
• Sale to detail: Sporadic Client and customary. Their events and personal
celebrations and in the development of our vision of business, developed the
following concepts:
For each occasion, a bread.
For example, the oil bread is ideal for eating with something salty, as anchovies.
The Bread of black olives, to accompany salads, like the loaves with dry fruits. In
contrast, the sweets, like those of Vienna, are more appropriate for breakfasts and
Leave room for dessert.
Development and preparation of desserts in miniature, at the height of the more
traditional tapas or the most creative.

General objectives.
Create an alternative business of Bakery pastry through the production and marketing
of bread, cakes, ect… in their different varieties, sizes and shapes, in accordance with
the demands of our customers.
Specific objectives
• Increase labor supply in this type of enterprises, encouraging the creation of
sources of employment.
• Maximize the labor resources, inputs, equipment and technology.
• Meet the unmet demand for bakery products.

• Policy of minimizing costs (low prices).
• Radial Advertising.
• Promotions.
• Products with added value.

Ethical values of business

• Respect –
It is to accept and understand the different ways of acting and thinking of partners,
customers and suppliers, putting ourselves in the place of them, trying to understand
what motivates them.
• Responsibility
The responsibility for acts performed by each, accepting the consequences, whether
they are good or bad for our actions in the field staff or labor.
• Kindness and/or Courtesy:
As facilitator of contact generating a link with customers, increasing the possibility of
repurchase of different types of bakery products. In turn generates an attractive labor
climate and pleasant for partners to increase the commitment to the company.
• Confidence:
Generating a commitment to quality and permanent service through time, worrying to
transmit the relevant information to make a work of quality.

Determination of adverse social, environmental and economic.

• Social impact:
• Contribution of healthy products to society,
• Diversity of products and to maximize new categories,
• Approximate products of bread to consumers and optimize their times,
• Zoom in to the Community to the nature (basket),
• Bread left over from the day will be given away to the church or foundation.
• Environmental impact:
• Compliance with sanitary standards,
• Use of recyclable products,
• Internal recycling campaigns,
• Favoring suppliers to consider within their values and policies the environmental

• Economic Impact:
• Employment generation,
• Enhance the healthy competition of the industry,
• Create value to partners

Other Values
To attend the position of Papybri Bakery in desired market, we are going to use and
deploy in the Business in any case:
• The use of the finest raw materials.
• The quickness to adapt to the demands (even at any hour of the day), the
diversification (cafeteria service, supply of chocolates and sweets, catering,
canapes, etc.
• 3- The adaptation and application of new technologies (use of all kinds of
machines that would allow better preparation, conservation and sale of the
products) in the Business.

Industrial property.
Registration will be the subject of the commercial name and company logo.

Legal aspects.
To launch Pabybri bakery, it must request the opening license from the competent
authority, specifically in the area of environment, /Service of environmental protection,
since it is an establishment linked in the law of environmental protection of the country.
To be a business in which food handling, the regulation is very strict, since it includes all
aspects relating to: concierge, handling, facilities, uniform, etc.


The quality is guaranteed by the strict rules applicable to the activity, for whose
implementation the Company shall adopt appropriate work protocols, and by the use of
products from suppliers of recognized prestige.
Therefore, must take into account the following procedures to carry out.
• Generals for all companies of new creation.
• Start Communication or put in place of activity in the town hall.
• Obtaining the handler card of food for the workers of the establishment.
• Entry in the register of farming and food industries (this point we can avoid it
initially, since it is destined to be manufacturers.
• Obtaining the health authorization of operation.
• Consultation of Serbs from a mutual work accidents, which is responsible for the
Evaluation of Laborals Risks.

Analysis of the market.

• The sector.

The sector of bakery and pastry presents different segments, on the one hand the
corresponding to the production and industrial distribution and on the other hand, the
so-called Craft.
The basic characteristics of the bakery and pastry are the production in string, the use in
many cases of frozen dough, and distribution to supply chains and large customers.
On the contrary, the bakery and Artisanal pastry has lower level of production, uses
products and processes of greater quality by performing the retail distribution and
taking, usually in the same location the production the point of sale.
In households, channels more used for the purchase presented variations, according to
the case of the purchase of bread or crackers, and Pastry. The traditional store is the
main channel where you purchase of bread. By contrast to make the purchase of
biscuits, pastries and pastry is the supermarket, the main channel followed by the
traditional shops and hypermarkets both with similar percentages.
The main feature in the recent development of this sector, is its continuing adaptation
to the changes of social and cultural habits that have been taking place, despite the fact
that this is a mature industry.
The evolution of the amount of bread purchased in the total, produces a considerable
promotion. From where comes the importance of the installation of PAPYBRI BAKARY.
In regard to the form of competing within the sector, is expected to continue the most
recent trends consistent in searching for and maintenance of the quality of the products
by the trade craftsman as strategic weapon to achieve the differentiation.

• Products and services offered

Products that are mainly produced are: breads (traditional, in accordance with the
region, French, gate, egg yolk, ciabatta, burger cachitos, etc.), pastries, cakes and
desserts. The loaves, mainly the traditional area, are prepared with a series of nutrients,
with a combination of flour, some of which come from the region. In the breads,
pastries, cakes and desserts, highlights the following features:
• Are food products of artisanal. • Prepare for the time of the sale. • Have good taste,
odor, color and size, and are produced according to the highest standards of quality. •
Can be developed to order, for events.
In addition, are marketed other complementary food items: dairy products (milk, cheese,
butter, yogurt, cold meats (different types of ham) and sugar, coffee, tea, juices packed,
among others. All these products are part of the family shopping basket and are
acquired daily for breakfast, lunch and other occasions.
• Customers

We have identified two market segments:

• Families who buy bread and foodstuffs for breakfast, lunch and other occasions.
• The wineries, restaurants, the soda fountains and other related business with the sale
of prepared food to base of bread, that perform special orders.
Among the main results of a survey of the market made between clients, presents
the following results:
• These are not satisfied, in the first place, by the low quality of the product which they
purchase, appearing dissatisfaction with the size, the taste and the freshness of the
bread; and secondly, because of the limited number of bakeries that exist in the area, so
that the client has to go to informal traders, who sell the bread in the corners of the
streets, without actually knowing the hygienic conditions with those that are produced.
• Not only worry about the flavor, color and size of bread and cakes, but also for the
price, the quality and the added value that the product can offer.

Implementation Plan. (Development Strategy).

For the strategic development, it is important to identify all the tasks that must be
carried out for the implementation of the business, and at the same time arranging
them in a logical sequence for the correct implementation of these. In this plan, we will
have in consideration these following aspects:
Firstly we will have the legal figure of the Papybri Bakery, in order to begin to make
purchase and sales.
In Parallel, the constitution of the company is due to begin searching the property to set
the factory and the room for sale, as well as the recruitment of Baker Chef, with the
purpose of optimizing the implementation times.
Realize researches of machinery and equipment for the part of the partners, in order to
be able to take advantage of the expertise of the baker chef to take the final decision
through his advices.
Already embodied the lease of the factory and sales room, this will be done in parallel
with the empowerment and health certification of both properties, to avoid mismatches
in the beginning of activities, which can lead to unnecessary costs.
Due to the complexity involved in the development and adaptation of a management
software, is considered the search from the beginning of the business plan to have it
implemented from the start of operations.
Another critical points which must involve the Baker chef, is in the recruitment and
selection of suppliers to obtain high-quality inputs and match of the chef's recipes Baker
and the proposal of business.
The development of the website and a Facebook page will be started in advance so that
it is enabled at the beginning of the inauguration, so that the links of these channels
may be already printed in the presentation cards arranged in the store.
All activities of implementation must be completed at the time of making the
inauguration of Papybri Bakery, and from this moment the promotional actions shall
be made throughout the year.
We will consider the search and selection of staff with two months prior to the start of
operations, where the beginning of its work is associated with the implementation of
the sales room, where they will be hired 2 weeks prior to the proper training of the
policies and procedures of the Business

The proposal of value

Between the main elements that provide value to the products of Bakery and pastry, we
can mention for example in Papybri Bakery is concerned:
• Differentiation:
The smell of freshly baked bread, prepared with products from the region, the
atmosphere, decoration and neatness of local, as well as the kindness and presentation
of the staff, attract consumers.
The possibility of buying bread baked recently and the service of home delivery are
other important aspects of differentiation when compared to other alternatives of
consumption of bread of industrial type, which is sold in the form of bread packaging in
the wineries. Thus, customers will have the security of which you will not find in another
place the product they are buying, and that they meet with the needs and demands that
the occasion warrants
• Service:
Personalized attention to customers and according to their needs. It employs the
modality delivery to get the larger orders, for marketing in wineries and for special

FODA analysis

Internal factors Strengths Weaknesses.

• Strategic location • Lack of experience in the
• Variety production of bread
External factors • Hygiene and Cleaning • Rental costs of very high local
• Convenient hours • Budget constraints to meet the
Opportunities Rent a local in a strip center Perform the recruitment of a
• Product Innovation offering a wide range of Baker with experience which
• Associations products with a continuous recognize the new consumer
• To replace the deficient concern in the creation of new trends, and acquisition of
production that competition products and combinations appropriate technology. To
can have using the current maximize spaces will separate
• Access to new market communication channels (social production located in an area of
through an image more networks) in search of lower cost of rental of the sales
fresh and modern generating a community. area, which will be located in a
• Opportunity to offer place close to final consumers.
products varied as for
example: dietary.

Threats. Determine the location on the Analyze and study continuously

• Changes of habit (healthy) basis of the existence of a the market to determine their
• Strengthening supermarkets sufficient demand and attractive needs and adapt Papybri Bakery
• Transport of products. for Papybri Bakery, which is not both in technology, product and
very developed in the segment Processes to respond quickly to
objective. At the same time, it is market changes. The
estimated a high range of determination of the strip center
products that they consider the is located in remote locations to
different preferences of supermarkets and in residential
consumers concerned about the areas relatively new.
taste and health.
Marketing plan.

The name of fantasy that our business will use is:“ the prophecy of bread” which is
chosen because it will generate an immediate connection with qualities as "taste" and
"texture" of all the products of Papybri Bakery, in addition to being a name easy to
pronounce and remember. At the same time brings the connotation of "closeness",
associating it to share, and friendship. In this way, the name " The Prophecy of bread"
complies with the function to express the qualities of the products for sales, and with
whom will share it.
The logo for the prophecy of bread" represents the importance of having a team of
bakers who will be an important component in the search for innovation, quality and
presentation of the pan and other products. The consumer relates to a homemade
product, done with diligence and dedication.
The pins are associated with the flour, and this in turn with to the bread, to publicize the
importance and concerned of the quality of the raw materials of the products of this
bakery. The colors brown and yellow are warm colors, which are associated with
products "freshly baked", besides being the colors of the bread.
For our marketing plan, we defines four main objectives:
• Identify the tastes and needs of our consumers objectives in respect of the
Products and / or services offered, obtaining the most relevant factors for them to
deliver products that meet the defined standards.
• To carry out a market analysis for the willingness to pay for our consumers and
understand the possible models for determining the prices for a price of balance
between the willingness to pay of consumers and the delivery you profitability to
the company.
• According to the business model, the way to reach our customers will be
through the distribution of the products in the sale room continuously evaluating
other models of access to new consumers.
• Prepare a marketing plan to help determine the channels of consumer
preference of form of addressing resources efficiently to reach these customers,
with the appropriate promotion channels through advertising campaigns

Segmentation Strategy
According to the analysis made, we identify the consumers profile as people who like
fresh bread, high-quality, sophisticated and a wide range of bread, and therefore
selective at the time of making purchase. These consumers, are of high purchasing
power. For that the segment is located in the central zone of the country that considers
the communes of Hinche, Thomonde, Boucan-Carre, Lascahobas, etc. ... that can access
multiple specific purchase options quickly from short distances from or toward their
In this way, we can determine that the segment of the bakery gourmet is characterized
by providing high quality products, in addition to delivering special varieties of bread
using seeds and varied flavors that cannot be found in a traditional bakery.
In this niche are the following actors of the market that must be confronted Papybri

Within the competitors of Papybri Bakery, we can consider Sans Rancune Bakery
which offers a single type of breads of trapezoidal shape, which remains dissatisfied the
public where comes from the great need to integrate Papybri bakery in the local
market, with a great variety and quality of products.
Replacement: Categories can be divided into two camps, one by product, as :
Packaging Bread.

Frozen bread (Home Bakery), and to a lesser extent, cereals and biscuits (water, soda,
rice), which are going to be sold in supermarkets, shops of conveniences and chains of

Positioning maps.

According to the most relevant attributes, it generates two positioning maps for the
analysis of product and service with regard to competitors:
• The products
Our business plan is situated with respect to the product in a position of variety of
products of the upper idler bread, favoring the appearance, arriving to be superior in
both points to the rest of the competitors that do not provide services online.
• Services
About the services, our business plan is set at the top of the variable speed of attention
and for this it has sought to have an amplitude of intermediate business in order to
achieve this balance you are looking for the consumer
Price strategy.

To determine the correct pricing strategy, it is important to understand who are the
customers that we want to reach.
In this case we headed to a premium segment, where the willingness to pay is
determined by the perceived value of the product, so that we are in a profile of inelastic
demand where a difference in the price will not affect the volume of purchase.
In order to be able to charge this product price premium, it is important to convey to
consumers our sources of differentiation, through the combination of qualities, such as:
freshness, appearance, quality, variety of products and services; local location, parking,
fast attention and exhibition of product.
That is why we will use a pricing strategy oriented, establishing competitive prices, i.e.,
similar to the one of the competition. With this, we will be communicating to customers
that we are products of high quality, taking advantage of the fact that there are not
many alternatives of direct competition in the segment of the bakery, and considering
that the life cycle of these products is in introductory stage so that people are willing to
pay for this type of products generating a perception of exclusivity.

Specific tools, media, target audience.

• Packaging/Exterior advertising:
As a complement of the service will be concern in attractive packaging and practical for
both the purchase of normal products in paper bag with the logo of the mark as packs
of products, which evokes the consumer the quality of them.
The packs of products refer to have a "mix" of bakery products and complementary
(pate, cheese, jam, etc.) for different instances of consumption as are picnic, meetings
with friends or something special for the family, which will be delivered in recyclable bag
with the aim of harnessing of provide merchandizing of the mark.
• Magazine:
We will Select a magazine that performs related stories of gastronomy that points to
our segment and target customer. Within the analysis takes as a first option a reportage
in Paula Magazine on-line in the section agenda- gastronomy. This will allow that the
article should be registered in the web for possible searches and comments.
• Radio:
A way to achieve in bulk our target audience to realize a radial propaganda in the
schedules in which potential consumers are moved from their home to office or vice
versa , instance that can deliver the choice to meet the need to buy the item breakfast.
The choice of the radio, will be the profile of our consumer, under the concept that the
announcer refers to an instance on the occasion of the local consumption.

• Business Card:
In the room of sale shall be arranged size cards presentation in which will incorporate all
the contact information such as web page, social networks and phones, facilitating the
relationship with the consumer and knowledge of the products we offer.

Promotion and sales

• Tastings:
In the room of sale we will mount a small sector of tasting to publicize the bakery
products the first month of operations. Then we will remain a permanent sector of
tasting every Friday, in which will be added as promotion 2 new flavors to the regular
products, which may be new recipes and/or recipes already tested in previous weeks.
This with the purpose that the consumer perceives the bakery with a concern of Surprise
the consumer through innovation, in addition to seeking the testing of new products to
increase consumption.
• Exhibition.
The Staff is concerned about the format for exhibition of the products in an attractive
way. We will have a space where they will set of products that will help to understand
the different combinations and/or add-ins for the types of breads, as for example an
exhibition with bread of flavor, pate, jam, wine, cheese, salami, almonds, etc.

Technical study

• Production process (Initial Investment)

big oven of gas or electric, Mojadora, bandejero carriage, Electric Mixer, Small
Furnace, Roll Machine, Cutting Machine of masses, Inn, Balance, Cilindradora, Quarter
of growth, Grilles for cooling, Machine for making ice cream, Gramera or balance, Food

• Inputs (materials, raw material)

Silicone molds, refractory, pottery, rugs of silicone, rollers, pastry bag, nozzles,
disposable paper, Bats manuals, brushes of silicone, silicone spatulas, Spoons, spatulas,
grater, hoops, feeler buckets, feeler Cups, knives, peeler, Punch, flours, milks, Fats,
cheeses, sweeteners, Eggs, Dark Chocolate.

Financial information (cost of the project)

The first purchase of stock according our investigation some specialized enterprises in
the sector, the cost has to be at least the followings:

• Labor COST
At the time of estimating the revolving fund has been considered a sufficient quantity to
meet the payments during the first 3 months, this is: Rent, salaries, social security,
supplies, consultancy, etc.
In addition we would have to include the loan quota in the event that the investment is
done by external financing.

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