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Pick up a woman with her zodiac

Author: Chiddy Bang Bang
Aries: The Ram
(Mar 21-Apr 19)

Weakness: Likes sensitivity and

displaying evidence of love,
dreams about a superman, desires
exclusivity and does not tolerate
deception or betrayal, would
appreciate the sharp tongue and a
mordant wit. It’s good on the
beginning to act as a cold bastard,
mysterious and uninterested and
show up even in the surrounding
of other women. Then she would
hunt and when in presence, you’re
forbidden to govern her or limit.

Taurus: The Bull

(Apr 20-May 20)

Weakness: Enjoys great

popularity. It’s a win through
auction. You should show her
ostentatiously your feelings, pay
compliments, make gifts, avoid to
give her reasons for jealousy.
Won’t forgive betrayal. You should
form with her plans on the future,
providing comfort and class. A
good advantage is fat wallet. Likes
to be kissed and caressed, treated
tenderly and lovingly.
Gemini: The Twins
(May 21-Jun 20)

Weakness: A quite complicated

persona. You need to impress her with
something – in order for her to
commend her girlfriends. It’s good to
take her on a concert, to the cinema or
to a theater. The most important, is to
not to allow her to be bored, as she
would escape. Let her independence,
contact with your friends. Be patient
and forgiving, friendly and avoid to save
compliments. Attention: under no
circumstances spin any plans for living
for the rest of life together, in four

Cancer: The Crab

(June 21-July 22)

Weakness: Give her friendship,

understanding and sea of sensitivity,
patience and forgiveness for her
changing moods and nostalgia.
Compliments, small gifts, flowers, toys,
proofs of love and adoration also
would do their work. Take care, to
avoid betray her trust. She must feel,
that she’s the only one: the most
important in the world, forever.
Feelings are treated seriously: avoid to
joke from them. Tell her about the
plans for a shared future.
Leo: The Lion
(July 23-Aug 22)

Weakness: You must impress her in a way

which would make her girlfriends: turn
green from envy. Likes the type of a
superman. Strong, masculine, yet sensitive
and staring at her man gives her a sense of
security, extents value. Allow her
sometimes to rule.

Virgo: The Virgin

(Aug 23-Sep 22)

Weakness: Requires a great deal of

perseverance, patience and persistence, but
also tact and good manners. It would help to
demonstrate subtlety, literacy and
knowledge. You should appreciate the
eloquence, perspicacity of the mind,
intellect. Compliments aimed at her mind
than the beauty are more often noticed.
Sometimes jealous and needs care –
essential in matters of fidelity, but you can
share with her all your solicitude.

Libra: The Scales

(Sep 23-Oct 22)

Weakness: You would get her by subtlety

and tact, impeccable manners and personal
culture. Mutual communication on one wave
plays a key role. Bouquet of flowers – talk
about the lectures, long frank discussions
also perform. Showing warmth, you can
always count on help of clever and
resourceful, although seemingly weak and
helpless Scale
Scorpio: The Scorpion
(Oct 23-Nov 21)

Weakness: Impressed by someone with class,

someone unique and special. No sissy and a
whiner is an option. If you’re not as combative,
improvise – maybe you would succeed. Then you
have to be honest and loyal, tolerant and caring.

Sagittarius: The Archer

(Nov 22-Dec 21)

Weakness: Impeccable manners and high level of

intelligence – interest in sports, tourism would make
an impression. Take her to concerts, cafes, cinemas,
discos etc. Shower her with flowers and gifts as it
would allow to break the first ice. If you can give her
way, like the life full of adventures – it’s a partner in
Capricorn: The Goat
(Dec 22-Jan 19)

Weakness: Difficult to get as a glass mountain – wary

and cautious. Needs to be surrounded by care: interest
must be shown. Care for her health and well-being. Let
the last word belong to her. Hates hypocrisy, deceit,
lies and prevarication. Wills to know even the ugliest
truth. Apparently snippy. Likes caress, but must control
the situation.

Aquarius: The Water Bearer

(Jan 20-Feb 18)

Weakness: Make friends with her, appreciate

intellectual values and spirituality. Offer
assistance – if it’s a plane for that. Instead of
flowers give her a computer program or a
book. Take her to exhibition, concert or for a
club discussion. Enjoys freedom, hates
jealousy and criticism.

Pisces: The Fish

(Feb 19-Mar 20)

Weakness: Exceptionally sensitive and desires a strong and very male partner. You need to
constantly ensure her about your feelings, with the need to inhabit her imaginary world. Requires
a sense of security: hates vulgarity and coarseness.

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