Dialogo de Ingles Rock Star

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Announcer: Good afternoon every one and welcome to the “MM S” in the favorite radio
of everybody “ MM S” and new were with the rock star Marifer, welcome to “ MM S”

Rock Star: Thanks for invited me Milagros

Announcer: Now, I go to questions something words, little questions

Rock Star: Ok, no problem

Announcer: Ok, lest s go. What s your favorite color?

Rock Star: Mmm, my favorite color is Pink

Announcer: Good, what s your favorite food?

Rock Star: My favorite food is ceviche

Announcer: Your go out with someone

Rock Star: For the moment, no but, I like the good friendship

Announcer: How name your last CD?

Rock Star: Is “ Love the world ”, has very songs

Announcer: Ok, and my last question, how much songs has?

Rock Star: Wow, It s very casy for awnrer, I have…, well, I don t remember but, are very

Announcer: Good is very interesting but, our time is finish tranks for come in, see you
soon Marifer

Rock Star: Thanks too Milagros, see you soon

Announcer: And this is all, Thanks for listening the “MM S show” see you next week.

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