Activities Guide and Evaluation Rubric - Unit 1 - Task 2 - Writing Production PDF

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vice President for Academic Issues and Research

Curse: English 2
Code: 90021
Activity guidelines and evaluation rubric – Task 2: Writing
Task forum

1. Activity description

Type of the activity: Group - Collaborative

Evaluation moment : Intermediate at Unit 1
Activity higher score: 120 grades
Activity starting date: Activity deadline: domingo, 22 de
sábado, 15 de febrero de 2020 marzo de 2020
In this activity, it is expected to achieve the following learning
The student will be able to write a text describing experiences or telling
what he/she did last vacation, using the phrasal verbs, besides write
sentences with future factual condition, with simple texts and linking
them on topics that are known or of personal interest, which are
coherent as well as cohesive, plus vocabulary words that reflect an
intermediate command of English.

Activities to develop

Estimado estudiante:
En esta guía usted encontrará las pautas de realización de su producto
Es necesario que usted haga los ejercicios de los contenidos en
línea que se relacionan al inicio de cada paso, porque eso se debe
reflejar en los ejercicios de escritura que se proponen en el proceso y
así mismo en el producto final después de ser publicados en el foro.
Usted debe publicar en el foro únicamente los ejercicios que la
guía indica por cada unidad. El resto de los ejercicios los debe hacer
y no debe enviar ni pantallazos ni las respuestas al correo del tutor.

Stage 1: Entering to E-book/Online Content.

Go to the Learning Environment, and enter to E-book / Online Content

(Contenido en Linea) to develop the activities of UNIT 1. level B1, Module

Stage 2: Using conditionals.

Go to the level B1, Module 1, section Activities, topic 1. Using

conditionals, and watch the video about “Jessica is getting married next
month”. Analyze and complete the sentences with the words you hear of
the exercise that you find down of it.
level Topic

Activity to develop after

watching the video.
Take a screenshot of it and post it in the Writing collaborative forum.

Stage 3: talking about habits and their results.

Read the explanation of Topic 2. talking about habits and their results,
and develop the activity that you find there. Take a screenshot and post
it in the Writing task forum.


Stage 4: using Topics 3 and 4.

Develop the activities of Topic 3. talking about scientific facts, Topic 4.

order of clauses in conditionals.
Take a screenshot of each one and post them in the Writing task forum.

Stage 5: Using Future Factual Conditional.

Write 10 sentences using the Future Factual Conditional, taking into

account the explanation of Topic 6. Reading e-mail messages, and publish
them in the Writing task forum. They must be written for you, not copied
from any web page.

Stage 6: Using topics 10 and 11.

Develop the activities of Topic 10. identifying phrasal verbs and Topic 11.
understanding phrasal verbs in context. You can find them in the down
part of the topic.

You find the exercise here.

You find the exercise here.

Stage 7: applying your knowledge.

Choose ten phrasal verbs from the exercise of Topic 10. identifying
phrasal verbs and Topic 11. understanding phrasal verbs in
context and write a text where you use them. These verbs must be
underlined to distinguish them in the written.

You have to choose one of the following two topics:

-Describing your best experience at the university. (why it was your

best experience, what was special for you, people who were with you).

-Telling what you did last vacation (Where did you go? How long did
you stay there? Who did you go with? How much did you pay for that?
Which place did you like the most?)
Write a short note in the forum telling the topic you chose.
Text length: 70 words to 80 words.

Stage 8: Publish your text

You must publish your text written with the ten phrasal verbs in the
Writing task forum.
Stage 9: Send your feedback

Each student must give feedback to one of his/her partners. The feedback
must help to improve the text of your partners. You must tell if it has
something to improve or if it is perfect and explain why.

Stage 10: Upload the final product

The final product must contain:

- Cover with your full name, course code, group number and name
of the activity.
- You must attach the 4 screenshots after being posted on the
- The ten sentences in future factual conditional.
- The text with ten phrasal verbs.
- The screenshot of the feedback to your partner.
- This product must be sent by Evaluation environment, in Task 2 -
Writing task forum - submit activity Assignment


To develop this activity, consider:

At learning environment, you must study the E-book of online content,
level B1, Unit 1, module 1, 2 and 3, with the purpose that you can
appropriate of all the structure, vocabulary and contents required to
develop the different steps of the Task 2 - Writing task.

At evaluation environment, you must to participate in the Writing task

Forum, sending the development of each one of the steps required in
the guide.

Besides, you must to upload the final task, after compiling each one of
the steps developed in the Writing task Forum, by the space Task 2 -
Writing task forum - submit activity.

Individual work evidences:

The individual evidences to submit are:
1.The screenshot of the development of the activity Module 1. Topic 1.
Using conditionals. (Stage 2: Using conditionals)

2.The screenshot of the development of the activity Module 1 Topic 2.

talking about habits and their results (Stage 3: talking about habits
and their results)

3.The screenshot of the development of the activities Topic 3. talking

about scientific facts, and Topic 4. order of clauses in conditionals.
(Stage 5: Using Future Factual Conditional)

4. The building of 10 sentences using the Future Factual Conditional,

according to Topic 6. Reading e-mail messages, posted in the Writing
task forum. (Stage 5: Using Future Factual Conditional)

5.The screenshot of the development of the activities Topic 10.

identifying phrasal verbs and Topic 11. understanding phrasal verbs in
context. (Stage 6: Using topics 10 and 11)

6.The written of a text with ten phrasal verbs from the exercise of Topic
10. identifying phrasal verbs and Topic 11. understanding phrasal verbs
in context. (Stage 7: applying your knowledge)

7.Publication in the collaborative Writing task forum of the text written

in the Stage 7.

8.To upload the final product by Evaluation environment, in Task 2 -

Writing task forum - submit activity Assignment.

Group work evidences

The groupal work evidences to submit are:
Each student must give feedback to one of his/her partners in such a way
that contributes to improve the partners contribution, saying what to
improve or if the task is perfect or presents mistakes and explaining why.
2. General guidelines for the development of the evidence to

For evidence developed Individual, consider the following


1. The student is responsible of his/her process. Each one must

study the E-book of online content and develop each one of
the steps given in the guide.

2. The student must participate in the Writing task forum, the

times required in the guide, sending the development of each
activity of each stage.

3. The student must send the screenshot of the development of

the activity Module 1. Topic 1. Using conditionals. (Stage 2:
Using conditionals)

4. The student must send the screenshot of the development of

the activity Module 1 Topic 2. talking about habits and their
results (Stage 3: talking about habits and their results.

5. The student must send the screenshot of the development of

the activities Topic 3. talking about scientific facts, and Topic
4. order of clauses in conditionals. (Stage 5: Using Future
Factual Conditional)

6. The student must write 10 sentences using the Future Factual

Conditional, according to Topic 6. Reading e-mail messages,
posted in the Writing task forum. (Stage 5: Using Future
Factual Conditional)

7. The student must send the screenshot of the development of

the activities Topic 10. identifying phrasal verbs and Topic 11.
understanding phrasal verbs in context. (Stage 6: Using
topics 10 and 11)

8. The student must send the written of a text with ten phrasal
verbs from the exercise of Topic 10. identifying phrasal verbs
and Topic 11. understanding phrasal verbs in context. (Stage
7: applying your knowledge)

9. The student must publish the text written in the Stage 7, in

the collaborative Writing task forum.

10. The student must upload the final product by Evaluation

environment, in Task 2 - Writing task forum - submit activity

11. Every member of the group must participate with

academic’s contributions in the activity development.

12. Before delivering the requested product, all the

requirements indicated in this activity guide must be checked.

For evidence developed collaborative, each student must give feedback

to one of his/her partners.

Take into account that all individual or group written work must fulfil
with the orthographic rules and presentation conditions that have been
Concerning the use of references, consider that the requested work in
this activity must fulfil with the standards APA
In any case, the standards of reference must be complied. Academic
plagiarism must be avoided. Students can support the written
products by using the Turnitin tool found on the virtual campus.

Consider that In the agreement 029 of December 13, 2013, article 99,
it is considered as offenses that undermine the academic order,
among others, the following: literal e) “Plagiarism, that is, submitting
as of its own authorship the all or part of a work, document or
invention made by another person.

It also implies the use of quotes or false references, or proposing

quotes where there is no match between it and the reference ”and
literal f) “Reproducing or copying for profit, educational materials or
results of research products, which have intellectual rights reserved
for the University.
The academic sanctions the student will face are the following:

a) In cases of academic fraud demonstrated in the respective

academic work or evaluation, the grade that will be imposed will be
zero points without prejudice to the corresponding disciplinary

b) In cases related to plagiarism demonstrated in the academic work

whatever its nature, the qualification that will be imposed will be zero
points, without prejudice to the corresponding disciplinary sanction.
b) Evaluation rubric Format

Type of the activity: Group - Collaborative

Evaluation moment: Intermediate at Unit 1
Activity higher score: 120 grades
High level: Develops the activity of stages 2, 3 and 4 according
to the instructions given in the guide, and posts 6 screenshots,
corresponding to each stage in the Writing collaborative forum.
First evaluation
If your work is at this level, you will get from 13 points to
15 points
Development of
Medium level: Develops a part of the activities of stages 2, 3
the Stages 2,3
and 4 according to the instructions given in the guide, and posts
and 4
five or fewer screenshots, corresponding to each stage in the
Writing collaborative forum.

If your work is at this level, you will get from 7 points to

12 points
This standard
Low level: Doesn’t develop any of the activities required in the
represents 15
guide and doesn´t post any screenshot, corresponding to each
scores of the
stage in the Writing collaborative forum.
If your work is at this level, you will get from 0 points to
6 points

Second evaluation High level: Writes 10 sentences using the Future Factual
standard Conditional, taking into account the explanation of Topic 6.
(Criterion): Reading e-mail messages. They present correct grammatical
Development of structure. Besides, he/she publishes them in the Writing task
the Stage 5 forum.
If your work is at this level, you will get from 23 points to
25 points

Medium level: Writes only 8 or fewer sentences using the Future

This standard Factual Conditional, taking into account the explanation of Topic
represents 25 6. Reading e-mail messages. The written sentences present some
scores of the grammatical mistakes in the structure. Besides, he/she only
activity publishes part of the sentences.
If your work is at this level, you will get from 12 points to
22 points

Low level: Doesn´t write any sentence using the Future Factual
Conditional, or the sentences that were developed presented
mistakes in grammatical structure. Besides, he/she doesn´t
publish them in the Writing task forum.

If your work is at this level, you will get from 0 points to

11 points

High level: Develops the activities of stages 6 and 7 according

to the instructions given in the guide, and posts 2 screenshots,
corresponding to each stage in the Writing collaborative forum.
• Writes a text applying the phrasal verbs chosen from the
exercise of Topic 10 and Topic 11. with coherence and
cohesion, correct grammatical structure and the
recommended vocabulary.
Third evaluation • Publishes the written text with ten phrasal verbs in the
standard Writing collaborative forum.
Development of If your work is at this level, you will get from 38 points to
the stages 6, 7 40 points
and 8
Medium level: Develops partially the activities of stages 6 and
7 according to the instructions given in the guide, and posts only
one screenshot, corresponding to only one stage in the Writing
This standard collaborative forum.
represents 40 • Writes a text applying the phrasal verbs chosen from the
scores of the exercise of Topic 10 and Topic 11. but it presents mistakes
activity in the grammatical structure, the ideas are not clear
applying only a part of the recommended vocabulary.
• Publishes the written text with mistakes in the Writing
collaborative forum.

If your work is at this level, you will get from 19 points to

37 points
Low level: Doesn´t develop the activities of stages 6 and 7
according to the instructions given in the guide, and didn´t post
the screenshots, corresponding to each stage in the Writing
collaborative forum.
• Doesn´t write the text applying the phrasal verbs chosen
from the exercise of Topic 10 and Topic 11.
• Doesn´t publish the written text with ten phrasal verbs in
the Writing collaborative forum.

If your work is at this level, you will get from 0 points to

18 points

High level: Gives feedback to one of his/her partners. The

feedback helps to improve the text of his/her partners, saying
what to improve or if the task is perfect or presents mistakes and
explains why.
If your work is at this level, you will get from 17 points to
Fourth evaluation
20 points
Medium level: Gives feedback to one of his/her partners, but it
Development of
doesn´t help to improve the text of his/her partners, it doesn´t
the stage 9
say what to improve or if the task is perfect or presents mistakes.

If your work is at this level, you will get from 8 points to

16 points
This standard
represents 20
Low level: Doesn´t give feedback to one of his/her partners.
scores of the
He/she doesn´t say what to improve or if the task is perfect or
presents mistakes and explains why.

If your work is at this level, you will get from 0 points to

7 points

Fifth evaluation
High level: Uploads the final task by the Evaluation environment
with all the steps requires in the guide and in each stage.
(Criterion): Stage
If your work is at this level, you will get from 17 points to
20 points
This standard Medium level: Uploads the final task by the Evaluation
represents 20 environment with only some of the steps requires in the guide
scores of the and in each stage.
activity If your work is at this level, you will get from 8 points to
16 points

Low level: Doesn´t upload the final task by the Evaluation

environment with any of the steps requires in the guide and in
each stage.
If your work is at this level, you will get from 0 points to
7 points

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