4-5 Organize Your Experience: Career Action Worksheet

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Chapter 4: Plan Your Resume


4-5 Organize Your Experience
PART A: Look at each of your work and related experiences collected in Career Action
Worksheet 4-1, Career Action Worksheet 4-2, and Career Action Worksheet 4-4 in
greater detail. Identify which achievements you would like to highlight for each work
experience and put them in order by “wow” factor. Note any evidence you have to
support the achievement. Evidence can be presentations, reports, positive feedback
received, and so on.
Work Experience 1: Target Starbucks Barista

Project Achievement 1:

• Achieved getting out of work 20 minutes after close by staying determined and
organized with prioritizing my tasks

Project Achievement 2:

• Achieved improvement of secret shopper ratings by writing names on

cups and overall being more friendly to customers and giving them the Starbucks

Project Achievement 3:

• Achieved improvement of secret shopper ratings by writing names on

cups and overall being more friendly to customers and giving them the Starbucks

Work Experience 2: Hy-Vee Bakery Clerk (Job title)

• Project Achievement 1: Achieved helping people at the counter with donuts so

that other co workers could get other things done by packaging what donuts and
pastries that the customers wanted and labeling them

• Project Achievement 2: Achieved packaging donut holes for my boss and the
customers before lunch by staying focused and efficient.

• Project Achievement 3: Achieved packaging and shelving all the sliced bread
and buns before the end of my shift by staying focused and we weren’t super
busy at the counter

Your Career: How to Make It Happen, 9e

Chapter 4: Plan Your Resume
© 2017 Cengage Learning®. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part, except for use as permitted in a license
distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website or school-approved learning management system for classroom use.

Work Experience 3: Glen Oaks Country Club Food Intern (Job

• Project Achievement 1: Achieved getting all my tasks done for the
day by staying focused and asking questions, this allowing the sous
chef to step to the line and do other things instead of prep.

• Project Achievement 2: Achieved cleaning the whole prep hall for

the prep cooks and sous chef by getting all my prep tasks done so I
had free time to clean instead of going home like they told me I
could do.

• Project Achievement 3: Achieved prepping all the ingredients for

the line so that they don’t have to by gathering all the things they
needed for them and cutting the things that needed to be cut.

Add your completed work to the “About Jobs” section of your Career Builder Files.

PART B: Revise the resume outline you started in Career Action Worksheet 4-2 to
include all of your work experiences, in chronological order. Each bullet point under
each experience should be prioritized by what you want the employer to see first and
written using the WHI format. Later, when you are preparing for interviews, your list of
evidence will help you collect the right documents to take to an interview so that you
have physical evidence to support your achievements as you discuss them with an
interviewer. You should now have a first draft of your resume.

Add your updated first draft resume to the “About Jobs” section of your Career Builder
Chapter 4: Plan Your Resume
Your Career: How to Make It Happen, 9e
© 2017 Cengage Learning®. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part, except for use as permitted in a license
distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website or school-approved learning management system for classroom use.

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