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Chapter 4: Plan Your Resume


4-2 Resume Outline
You are about to create your draft resume.
PART A: Create an outline—resume sections and headings only—for your resume using
this worksheet or on a word processing document.

PART B: Fill in as much of your information as you can from the documents you
collected in Career Action Worksheet 4-1. Don’t fill out the Qualifications or Work
Experience sections yet. You will focus on these critical sections in later worksheets.

Name Kylee Kilgore

Mailing Address 8655 Bridgewood blvd APT 5217 (Optional)

Email Address

LinkedIn® URL (if you don’t have yet, you will be creating one next week)

Phone Number 515-490-9309 Website URL Click or tap here to enter text.

PROFESSIONAL PROFILE (State your current employment target and the Personal Brand
Statement you developed in Chapter 2.)
I would describe myself as a creator because of my passion for baking and attention to detail
when I’m baking, frosting, decorating, etc. I am always ready to lend a helping hand to anything
that needs to get done whether it be when I’m at school in the kitchen or any jobs that I’ve had,
especially Starbucks. Bringing people together with good food is always my goal and I’m very
passionate about it. My current employment target is to find a small, local bakery after college
and gain experience before opening my food truck.

QUALIFICATIONS (Use terms and keywords that are related to your target job to
describe your capabilities and accomplishments.)
Efficient, hardworking, friendly, creative, passionate, empathetic, patient, understanding,
thorough, focused, determined, organized, professional

WORK EXPERIENCE (State your accomplishments in measurable terms whenever

possible. Start with the most recent job and list each job in reverse chronological order,
Chapter 4: Plan Your Resume

ending with your earliest work experience. If you have little actual work experience, list
internships, volunteer work, and school projects in this section. Adjust the headings as
needed, for example, substituting the school, class, or organization name in place of
company name.)

Company Name Target Starbucks

Dates of Employment May 2019-Present

Job Title Barista

Basic Job Duties or Assigned Task: making coffee/drinks and heating/serving pastries
and sandwiches
• Achieved getting out of work 20 minutes after close by staying determined and
organized with prioritizing my tasks

• Achieved improvement of secret shopper ratings by writing names on cups and

overall being more friendly to customers and giving them the Starbucks

Achieved being able to train someone one day from my boss by having consistently well
closes and treating the customers well by proving quality experience with coffee.

WORK EXPERIENCE (State your accomplishments in measurable terms whenever

possible. Start with the most recent job and list each job in reverse chronological order,
ending with your earliest work experience. If you have little actual work experience, list
internships, volunteer work, and school projects in this section. Adjust the headings as
needed, for example, substituting the school, class, or organization name in place of
company name.)

Company Name Hy-vee

Dates of Employment September 2018- February 2019

Job Title Bakery Clerk

Basic Job Duties or Assigned Task: packaging/labeling, and preparing bakery items for
Chapter 4: Plan Your Resume

• Achieved helping people at the counter with donuts so that other co workers
could get other things done by packaging what donuts and pastries that the
customers wanted and labeling them

• Achieved packaging donut holes for my boss and the customers before lunch by
staying focused and efficient.

• Achieved packaging and shelving all the sliced bread and buns before the end of
my shift by staying focused and we weren’t super busy at the counter

WORK EXPERIENCE (State your accomplishments in measurable terms whenever

possible. Start with the most recent job and list each job in reverse chronological order,
ending with your earliest work experience. If you have little actual work experience, list
internships, volunteer work, and school projects in this section. Adjust the headings as
needed, for example, substituting the school, class, or organization name in place of
company name.)

Company Name Glen Oaks Country Club

Dates of Employment June 2018-August 2018

Job Title Food intern

Basic Job Duties or Assigned Task: perform basic prep tasks assigned to me
• Achieved getting all my tasks done for the day by staying focused and asking
questions, this allowing the sous chef to step to the line and do other things
instead of prep.

• Achieved cleaning the whole prep hall for the prep cooks and sous chef by
getting all my prep tasks done so I had free time to clean instead of going home
like they told me I could do.

• Achieved prepping all the ingredients for the line so that they don’t have to by
gathering all the things they needed for them and cutting the things that needed
to be cut.

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