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Title no. 105-S45

Reinforced Concrete Jacketing—Interface Influence on

Cyclic Loading Response
by Eduardo N. B. S. Júlio and Fernando A. B. Branco

Following previous studies, the authors describe an experimental strengthened by RC jacketing after the interface surface had
study performed to analyze the influence of the interface treatment been prepared according to the conclusions drawn from the
on the seismic behavior of columns strengthened by reinforced results of the experimental studies previously referred to. It
concrete (RC) jacketing to increase their ultimate bending was concluded that, for current undamaged columns
moment. A numerical study, subsequently conducted to further
subjected to bending moment/shear force ratios greater than
investigate this subject, is also presented. It has been concluded
that, for undamaged columns with a bending moment/shear force 1.0 m (3.281 ft), a monolithic behavior of the composite
ratio greater than 1.0, it is not necessary to consider any type of element can be achieved, even without increasing their
interface treatment before casting a RC jacket with a thickness less surface roughness or using bonding agents or applying steel
than 17.5% of the column width to obtain a monolithic behavior of connectors, before strengthening by adding an RC jacket
the composite element. with a thickness lesser than 17.5% of the column width. In
spite of that, it should be noted that, for other conditions such
Keywords: cyclic loading; interface; jacketing; seismic response; as cyclic loading, RC short columns, or thicker jackets, these
strengthening; surface preparation. conclusions may not apply.
The experimental study presented in this paper adds relevant
INTRODUCTION information to the previous research conducted by the
Reinforced concrete (RC) jacketing is a strengthening authors, defining the response of the considered strengthened
technique most frequently used in seismic retrofitting.1 It has columns to cyclic loading. In fact, this is particularly important
been widely used after earthquakes in Mexico, Japan, the to predict if, for seismic loading, the jacketed column still
Balkans, and the U.S.2-4 To optimize the structural performance shows a monolithic behavior. The numerical simulation,
of the composite element, it is essential to ensure its monolithic conducted after the experimental study and also presented in
behavior, which implies ensuring total adherence between this paper, tests the hypothesis that, for short columns,
the original column and the added jacket. To fulfill this debonding of the jacket may occur.
objective, the current practice consists of increasing the
roughness of the interface surface, applying a bonding agent RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
and, in some cases, steel connectors. Due to the reduced The research presented in this paper has proven that, for
thickness of the jacket, a self-consolidating high-strength the conditions considered (undamaged reinforced concrete
grout is usually adopted. columns with a bending moment/shear force ratio greater
In all published experimental studies on this subject, the than 1.0), it is not necessary to previously prepare the
preparation of the column surface before jacketing is always interface surface, namely, increasing its roughness, applying
referred to.3,5-9 Nevertheless, a quantitative analysis of its a bonding agent, or eventually steel connectors, before
influence is never reported. casting RC jacketing with a thickness less than 17.5% of the
The authors decided to perform experimental studies to column width to achieve a monolithic behavior of the
quantify the influence of four parameters on the bond composite element subjected to cyclic loading. This
strength between concretes with different ages and different achievement leads to: a) significant savings in expensive
characteristics. The parameters considered were: 1) the materials, such as epoxy-based bonding agents; b) significant
roughness of the interface surface; 2) the use of a bonding savings in time-consuming operations (for example, the
agent; 3) the added concrete mixture; and 4) the application application of steel connectors); and c) avoidance of the use
of steel connectors. Slant shear tests and pushoff tests were inadequate tools to increase the roughness of the column
adopted to determine bond strength in shear and pulloff tests surface, such as jackhammers, that promote microcracking
were used to assess bond strength in tension. It was of the concrete substrate.
concluded that: 1) between those adopted, sandblasting is the
best roughness treatment10; 2) the use of epoxy resins does EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION
not improve the interface strength if sandblasting is used11; Seven column-footing models were built using concrete
3) adding a high-strength concrete (HSC) increases the inter- with approximately 35 MPa (5076 psi) nominal compressive
face strength12; and 4) the use of steel connectors does strength (Table 1) measured with cubic specimens at 28 days
not significantly increase the interface debonding stress, and steel with 520 MPa (75,420 psi) nominal yielding stress.
although, after that, the shear stress is highly dependent on
the relation between the cross section area of steel connectors ACI Structural Journal, V. 105, No. 4, July-August 2008.
and the area of the interface.13 MS No. S-2007-051.R1 received February 8, 2007, and reviewed under Institute
publication policies. Copyright © 2008, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved,
Afterward, the authors conducted monotonic tests on including the making of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors.
seven column-footing models.14 These columns were Pertinent discussion including author’s closure, if any, will be published in the May-
June 2009 ACI Structural Journal if the discussion is received by January 1, 2009.

ACI Structural Journal/July-August 2008 1

according to the conclusions of the previous studies
Eduardo N. B. S. Júlio is an Assistant Professor at the University of Coimbra, Coimbra,
Portugal; Vice Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Civil Engineering Department; performed by the authors10-13: the fourth model (M4) was
and Director of the MSc course on rehabilitation of the built environment. His strengthened by jacketing without any interface treatment;
research interests include strengthening and structural rehabilitation. the fifth model (M5) was strengthened by jacketing after its
ACI member Fernando A. B. Branco is a Full Professor at the Technical University interface surface had been treated by sandblasting; and the
of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal; Head of the Construction Sector; and a Consultant for sixth model (M6) was strengthened by jacketing after its
major public works in Portugal. He is a member of ACI Committee 342, Evaluation of interface surface had been prepared by sandblasting and steel
Concrete Bridges and Bridge Elements. His research interests include design, rehabilita-
tion, and construction technology of concrete structures. connectors had been applied. A seventh model (M7) was
considered, differing from the others by having been
The dimensions adopted for the column cross section and strengthened after application of the axial force, but identical
height were 0.20 x 0.20 m2 (0.656 x 0.656 ft2) and 1.35 m to M6 in respect to the preparation of the interface surface.
(4.43 ft), respectively. The column was symmetrically With this model, the objective was to study the influence of
reinforced with three bars with 10 mm (0.394 in.) diameters strengthening columns with and without considering an active
at each face. The transverse reinforcement of the column shoring, the latter being the most frequent situation in practice.
consisted of 6 mm (0.236 in.) diameter stirrups spaced 150 mm Three months after casting the models, each column was
(5.905 in). Strain gauges were bonded to each central bar, encased, using a commercial high-strength self-consolidating
close to the footing, of the longitudinal reinforcement and on grout with approximately 80 MPa (11,603 psi) nominal
the second stirrup from the bottom in opposite branches (Fig. 1). compressive strength (Table 1), measured with cubic specimens
Three models were considered to serve as reference: the at 28 days and steel with 520 MPa (75,420 psi) nominal
first model (M1) was left unstrengthened; the second model yielding stress. The dimensions adopted for the reinforced
(M2) was strengthened with a nonadherent jacket, materialized concrete jacket thickness and height were 35 mm (1.378 in.)
with a thin, hard, greased layer placed on the interface, with and 0.90 m (2.953 ft), respectively. The longitudinal
the objective of reaching the lower limit of the structural reinforcement of the jacket consisted of three bars with
behavior of the composite model; and the third model (M3) 10 mm (0.394 in.) diameters at each face anchored to the
was produced monolithically with the purpose of getting the footing, with a commercial epoxy resin, in a predrilled hole of
upper limit of that behavior because debonding of the jacket 250 mm (9.842 in.) depth. The transverse reinforcement of
was expected to occur on the remaining models. Three other the added jacket consisted of 6 mm (0.236 in.) diameter
models were conceived with the interface surface prepared stirrups spaced 75 mm (2.953 in.) and out of phase with
those of the column because this is the most effective
geometry to obtain a monolithic behavior of the strengthened
column.15 Strain gauges were also bonded to each central
bar, close to the footing, of the longitudinal reinforcement
and on the second stirrup from the bottom in opposite
branches (Fig. 1).
Twenty-eight days after being strengthened, the models
were submitted to cyclic loading (Fig. 2). The loading
system consisted of a horizontal force varying according to a
predefined displacement histogram and a constant axial
force of 170 kN (38,218 lbf). The horizontal force was
applied with a hydraulic jack, positioned horizontally at 1.0 m
(3.281 ft) from the column footing, with both ends hinged.
The measured load was obtained from the difference between
the values read in two load cells, placed on opposite sites of
the column top. The imposed horizontal displacement was
measured by a displacement transducer. The axial force was

Fig. 1—Testing installation, instrumentation, and cross section. Table 1—Description of models and compressive
strength of concrete
Compressive strength of
concrete, MPa (psi)
Models Description Original column Added jacket
M1 Nonstrengthened column 34.89 (5060) —
M2 Column with nonadherent jacket 35.51 (5150) 83.71 (12,141)

M3 Column with monolithic jacket 35.02 (5079) 35.02 (5079)

(cast simultaneously)

M4 Column jacketed without 34.95 (5069) 78.25 (11,349)

surface preparation

M5 Column jacketed after surface 35.06 (5085) 76.01 (11,024)

preparation with sandblasting
Column jacketed after surface
M6 preparation with sandblasting 35.17 (5101) 79.96 (11,597)
and application of steel connectors
Column jacketed after surface
M7 preparation with sandblasting 35.40 (5134) 80.87 (11,729)
Fig. 2—Cyclic test of Model M4. and after loading axial force

2 ACI Structural Journal/July-August 2008

applied with a tubular system of two sets of two welded U and perfect bonding of the jacket. For the first case, it was
profiles, connected with two prestressing tendons, tensioned assumed that the curvature radius of the original column and
with a hydraulic jack. The corresponding value was measured of the added jacket were the same at the support cross
with a load cell, placed between the top set of the welded U section. For the second case, compatible strain diagrams of
profiles and the hydraulic jack used to apply the axial force. the original column and of the added jacket at the support
Taking into account the variety of solutions adopted by cross section were assumed. The ultimate concrete strain
different researchers16-21 and in the absence of standards for was fixed at the extreme concrete fibers of the added jacket.
cyclic testing of reinforced concrete structures, the history of The strain diagram was established iteratively until the
imposed displacements was determined based on a recom- corresponding stress diagram presented a resultant force of
mendation of the European Convention for Constructional the same value as the measured axial force. A parabola-
Steelwork (ECCS).22 According to ECCS,22 four cycles, rectangle stress diagram was adopted for concrete. With the
each of increasing amplitude, were defined as 0.25δy, 0.50δy, resultant bending moment, the maximum force could be
0.75δy, and 1.00δy, followed by additional sets of three easily determined. For Model M7, strengthened after the
cycles each (also of increasing amplitude) of 2δy, 4δy, 6δy, axial force had been applied, the procedure adopted to
and 8δy, with δy being the yielding displacement determined determine the theoretical maximum force was adapted to
with the monotonic tests formerly performed by the authors take into account an initial strain state due to that load.
on seven models with the same interface treatments.14 The comparison between experimental data (Table 2) and
Because of the symmetry of the models, the amplitude analytical values (Table 3) leads to the conclusion,
adopted in each cycle was the same for both positive and confirmed by visual inspection, that there was no jacket
negative displacements. The displacements were slowly debonding in any model, except for Model M2. In fact,
imposed with a velocity of 0.1 mm/s (0.00394 in./s). To considering perfect bonding, the relative error between the
illustrate the loading history defined according to ECCS,22 experimental and the theoretical value varied from –0.5% to
Fig. 3 shows the one applied to Model M1. +3.5% (Table 3) except for Model M2. Considering total

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 2—Peaks of horizontal load (kN)

The results analyzed were the cracking pattern and other in dark background
parameters obtained, directly or indirectly, from the hysteretic
diagrams (Fig. 4): maximum load, capacity for dissipating Cycle δ/δy* M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7
energy, and damage level. +0.25 +17.80 +25.06 +35.92 +20.02 +33.11 +39.06 +25.26
–0.25 –14.46 –27.42 –34.03 –24.27 –22.18 –38.41 –32.32
Cracking pattern +0.50 +23.10 +40.24 +47.24 +31.67 +48.49 +53.33 +40.24
Except for the model with the nonadherent jacket, Model M2, 2
–0.50 –19.43 –39.33 –42.20 –40.63 –37.89 –53.85 –47.50
cracking was not observed at the jacket top, the only cross
+0.75 +27.48 +52.08 +56.01 +43.64 +65.50 +63.99 +51.23
section where the boundary line of the column/jacket interface 3
–0.75 –22.84 –46.26 –54.37 –50.65 –48.03 –64.65 –59.48
was visible. A significant horizontal crack was registered
near the footing in all models excluding, again, Model M2 +1.00 +31.02 +59.54 +62.82 +57.38 +70.67 +72.83 +59.09
(Fig. 5). In this model, several smaller cracks appeared –1.00 –25.85 –51.23 –61.31 –60.07 –57.91 –73.74 –68.64
distributed over a height approximately equal to the cross 5
+2 +34.02 +66.94 +72.70 +73.74 +77.41 +79.11 +69.49
section width (Fig. 5). Also, the observed concrete crushing –2 –31.28 –55.55 –66.55 –70.60 –75.05 –77.60 –79.37
level in the models strengthened with a high-strength jacket +2 +32.39 +62.68 +67.66 +70.99 +72.43 +74.14 +63.34
was lower for the nonstrengthened model, Model M1, and –2 –30.56 –52.28 –68.51 –68.44 –72.04 –74.40 –77.41
the monolithic model, Model M3, both built with normal- +2 +32.39 +61.44 +65.89 +70.27 +73.15 +72.30 +61.96
strength concrete. 7
–2 –30.03 –50.78 –67.59 –65.43 –67.33 –72.76 –75.77
+4 +33.50 +68.64 +71.45 +80.29 +80.61 +79.96 +72.43
Maximum load 8
–4 –32.26 –60.26 –73.55 –75.25 –78.85 –76.88 –82.44
An analytical approach was performed to predict the
+4 +32.06 +64.52 +66.54 +69.49 +74.53 +74.99 +64.39
maximum load, assuming two hypotheses: total nonadherence 9
–4 –28.73 –53.66 –70.80 –72.63 –75.31 –76.10 –78.98
+4 +30.95 +58.43 +63.73 +70.54 +72.70 +71.65 +62.55
–4 –23.82 –49.47 –68.31 –71.06 –73.68 –72.89 –77.28
+6 +30.49 +64.91 +65.50 +77.80 +77.60 +73.74 +68.64
–6 –19.76 –50.32 –65.63 –74.66 –76.29 –76.30 –80.35
+6 +24.34 +60.85 +61.24 +70.80 +72.70 +68.64 +58.50
–6 –15.83 –41.22 –60.07 –71.71 –73.42 –69.29 –76.95
+6 +20.87 +50.91 +57.06 +68.97 +68.44 +65.96 +56.27
–6 –13.15 –38.28 –53.13 –69.49 –70.80 –62.62 –73.68
+8 – +62.16 +59.94 +72.89 +73.42 +49.93 +56.80
–8 – –39.06 –44.10 –72.17 –72.37 –48.81 –74.66
+8 – +57.58 +49.99 +66.81 +68.77 +39.65 +49.47
–8 – –34.55 –36.45 –67.79 –69.55 –42.27 –52.48
+8 – +51.43 +39.98 +62.95 +61.18 +38.15 +38.80
–8 – –31.67 –28.33 –65.83 –67.33 –36.19 –47.05
Fig. 3—Adopted loading history. δ/δy = amplitude ratio between positive or negative cycle and yielding displacement.

ACI Structural Journal/July-August 2008 3

Table 3—Experimental and theoretical values* of nonadherence, the relative error between the experimental
maximum load of each level and the theoretical value varied from –15.5% to –27.6%
Theoretical values (Table 3) for the same models, confirming the conclusion
Experimental that no slippage between the original column and the added
values Nonadherent jacket Monolithic cross section
jacket occurred in these models. For Model M2, the experi-
Models load, Maximum Error, Maximum load, Error,
kN (lbf) load, kN (lbf) % kN (lbf) % mental and theoretical values confirmed that its behavior
M1 34.0 (7644) — — 33.0 (7419) — was closer to the theoretical behavior considering total
M2 68.6 (15,422) 64.8 (14,568) –5.9 82.0 (18,434) 16.3
nonadherence of the jacket, although some friction was
present. This was probably due to the fact that the axial load
M3 73.6 (16,546) 63.7 (14,320) –15.5 74.9 (16,838) 1.7
was applied after strengthening of the column, which caused an
M4 80.3 (18,052) 65.5 (14,725) –22.6 83.1 (18,682) 3.4
expansion of the cross section due to Poisson’s effect, thereby
M5 80.6 (18,120) 65.5 (14,725) –23.1 83.0 (18,659) 2.9 mobilizing some friction between the column and the jacket.
M6 80.0 (17,985) 65.4 (14,703) –22.3 82.9 (18,637) 3.5 It was observed that strengthening the column with the
M7 82.4 (18,524) 64.6 (14,523) –27.6 82.0 (18,434) –0.5 axial load already applied had no relevant influence on test
*Assuming nonadherent jacket and monolithic cross section. results and that the resistance of the strengthened models

Fig. 4—Hysteretic diagrams of Models M1 to M7.

4 ACI Structural Journal/July-August 2008

was considerably higher than that of the original column Damage index
and slightly higher than that of the monolithic model. The There are several types of damage indexes that can generally
last remark can be explained taking into account that be divided into two groups: 1) damage indexes based on the
debonding of the jacket did not occur and that the compressive strength; and 2) damage indexes based on the response.23
strength of the added concrete was on the order of 80 MPa The damage indexes of the first group are inconvenient as
(11,603 psi) instead of approximately 35 MPa (5076 psi) of they need to be calibrated based on the damages observed,
the original concrete. using a large database. Regarding the damage indexes of the
second group, several authors proposed damage indexes
Normalized dissipated energy based on: (a) maximum deformation; (b) cumulative damages;
To account for the differences between the seven models and (c) a combination of the two previous parameters.23-28
when comparing their behavior in terms of capacity to dissipate The damage index, selected for its simplicity to evaluate
energy, it was decided to normalize this parameter by the damages in the models, was defined as a ratio between
dividing the energy dissipated in each cycle by the energy the initial stiffness, taken as the secant stiffness given by
theoretically dissipated, in a cycle of equal amplitude, the origin and the positive peak of the first cycle, and the
assuming an elastic-perfectly plastic behavior of models. stiffness in each cycle, taken as the secant stiffness given
The expression from ECCS22 for cyclic tests of steel structural by the origin and the positive peak of the respective cycle.
elements was adopted In all models, a degradation of the secant stiffness from
cycle to cycle was observed (Fig. 8). Except for the
t nonstrengthened Model M1, which presented higher values

η =
∫0 F ( t ) d δ
- (1)
than the remaining models, no significant differences were
observed considering this parameter.
+ + + – – – – – + +
F yt ( δ – δ yt + δ – δ yt ) + F yt ( δ – δ yt + δ – δ yt )
Conclusions of experimental investigation
where η is the normalized dissipated energy in a given cycle; The analysis of the considered parameters indicates that all
models behaved monolithically independently of the adopted

F ( t ) dδ is the energy dissipated in this cycle; Fyt+ is the
value of the horizontal force needed to yield all the reinforcing interface preparation method, with the exception of Model M2,
bars of the model, acting in the positive direction; Fyt– is the in which the nonadherence of the jacket was intentional. Even
value of the horizontal force needed to yield all the reinforcing this model presented a structural behavior between that of the
bars of the model, acting in the negative direction; δ yt+ and δ yt–
are the corresponding horizontal displacements of the
section where the force is applied; and δ+ and δ – are the
maximum positive and negative displacements in this cycle.
To illustrate this computation, Fig. 6 shows the experimental
curve and the corresponding theoretical curve assuming
elasto-plastic behavior for the 15th cycle of Model M5. The
area defined by the first curve represents the energy dissipated
in this cycle by the model and the area defined by the second
curve represents the energy theoretically dissipated.
In Fig. 7, the normalized dissipated energy in each cycle is
presented for all models. Although quantitatively different,
all strengthened models, including the nonadherent Model M2,
displayed a qualitatively similar behavior. A decrease of this
parameter is observed from the fifth to the sixth cycle and a
smaller decrease from this to the seventh cycle. This tendency
is observed in all sets of cycles of constant amplitude. The only Fig. 6—Hysteretic curves from fifth to 15th cycle of Model M5
significant conclusion that can be drawn from this analysis is and of ideal elasto-plastic model.
that the normalized dissipated energy of the nonstrengthened
Model M1 was lower than the corresponding values of the
other models.

Fig. 7—Normalized dissipation of energy per cycle by all

Fig. 5—Cracking pattern of Models M1 and M2. models.

ACI Structural Journal/July-August 2008 5

theoretically perfect frictionless model and the theoretically moment/shear force ratio, debonding of the jacket may
perfect adherent model, although closer to the first. These occur. It was decided to conduct a numerical simulation to
conclusions are in agreement with those drawn in the determine the validity of this hypothesis.
previous study conducted by the authors with identical
models that had been subjected to monotonic loading.14 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS
The reason why debonding of the jacket was not observed The numerical analysis was performed using a finite
in any of the models, apart from Model M2, is probably element program. Isoparametric finite elements, pentahedral
related to the fact that the compressive strength of the added with six or 15 nodes and hexahedral with eight or 20 nodes,
concrete was reached earlier than the bond strength of the were used to simulate concrete, considering the Mohr-Coulomb
interface. This means that for shorter columns strengthened or Drucker-Prager failure criteria. Linear finite elements
by jacketing, that is, for columns with a lower bending with two or three nodes were used to simulate reinforcing steel,
considering the Von Mises yield criterion. Interface finite
elements, triangular with six or 12 nodes and rectangular
with eight or 16 nodes, were used to simulate the interface,
considering a delamination model. To solve the set of
nonlinear equations, a combined incremental-iterative Newton-
Raphson method was used.
Pulloff tests performed previously10 were numerically
reproduced to calibrate the characteristics of the delamination
model adopted for the interface. Taking into account the
symmetry of the pulloff specimen, only one quarter of the
specimen was modeled. The support conditions consisted of
restraining all degrees of freedom of the nodes corresponding
to the zone of application of the support ring of the experi-
mental device used. The loading consisted of an imposed
displacement at the nodes corresponding to the top of the
core where, in the experimental test, a steel disc was epoxy
bonded to which the tension force was applied (Fig. 9). Slant
Fig. 8—Damage index for each cycle of each model. shear tests also previously performed10 were also numerically
reproduced for the same purposes.
Afterward, monotonic tests performed with columns
strengthened by jacketing14 were numerically reproduced.
Due to the model symmetry, only one-half of the column was
modeled. The support conditions consisted of restraining all
degrees of freedom of the base nodes and the displacement
normal to the bending plane of all the nodes in the symmetry
plane. The loading, in the first 10 increments, consisted of
gradually applying the axial force, as a uniformly distributed
load on the column top, as performed experimentally. The

Fig. 9—Adhesive failure of: (a) pulloff specimen; and (b)

corresponding numerical model.

Fig. 10—Load versus displacement of experimental and Fig. 11—Distribution of vertical stresses in original model
numerical tests of Models M2 and M6. and in model 50% shorter.

6 ACI Structural Journal/July-August 2008

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ACI Structural Journal/July-August 2008 7

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