Street Art

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I'll talk about street art which I think is a interesting topic

Street art is not very common to see it in the place where I

live, it is an activity that is considered illegal and people see it
in a bad way.
I think that kind of art is a form of expression, but people who
do like to feel adrenaline, because sometimes the police
chase these people for doing those things.
on the other hand I think that the people who do this is
because they need to call attention in society.
in bogota it's normal to see it, because it's a society that gets
used to that and people already see it normal
this kind of art was born for a long time and you can still see it
on the walls of the streets
I think that for us young people this kind of art is normal, but
for older people, such as our grandparents, it is something
that is very wrong
that's all I think about this kind of art

Street art
 The term street art refers to all street art, often illegal.
Urban art encompasses graffiti and other forms of
street artistic expression.
 The street art was born in mass society or both
consumer society around the 1960s. This time was of
great political belligerence, in certain the youth
population who opposed the Vietnam War or
embraced left-wing ideologies and neither right.

 The birth of street art was hand in hand with the birth
of graffiti, which initially barely spread some political
slogans on the streets of the city

 Most it became a plastic art, and some the bands of

graffiti artists competed with each other for the
hegemony of the area, while leaving a message to the
established social order

 The creators of these forms had developed a

characteristic concept and style that attracted some
critics and some sociologists, despite every ephemeral
character of the works.

Arte callejero
• El término arte callejero se refiere a todo el arte
callejero, a menudo ilegal. El arte urbano abarca el
graffiti y otras formas de expresión artística callejera.
• el arte callejero nació en la sociedad de masas o en la
sociedad de consumo alrededor de los años 60. Esta
vez fue de gran beligerancia política, en ciertos casos la
población joven que se opuso a la Guerra de Vietnam o
abrazó ideologías de izquierda y ninguna derecha.

• El nacimiento del arte callejero fue de la mano con el

nacimiento del graffiti, que inicialmente apenas
difundió algunos eslóganes políticos en las calles de la

• La mayoría se convirtió en un arte plástico, y algunas

bandas de grafiteros compitieron entre sí por la
hegemonía de la zona, dejando un mensaje al orden
social establecido.
• Los creadores de estas formas habían desarrollado
un concepto y estilo característico que atrajo a algunos
críticos y algunos sociólogos, a pesar de cada carácter
efímero de las obras.

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