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Review Article

Herz 2016 · 41:421–427 W. Zhu1 · H. Zhang1 · L. Guo1 · K. Hong1,2

DOI 10.1007/s00059-015-4387-z 1 Cardiology Department, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University, Jiangxi, China
Received: 8 September 2015 2 Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Molecular Medicine, Jiangxi, China
Revised: 22 September 2015
Accepted: 3 November 2015
Published online: 10 December 2015
© Springer Medizin Verlag 2015 Relationship between
epicardial adipose tissue
volume and atrial fibrillation
A systematic review and meta-analysis

Epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) is the ate the relationship between EAT volume adipose tissue,” “epicardial fat,” “pericar-
adipose tissue accumulated between the and AF comprehensively. dial adipose tissue,” “pericardial fat,” “left
myocardium and visceral pericardium, atrium,” “atrial fibrillation,” and “multi-
which is a source of inflammatory media- Methods detector computed tomography”. Elec-
tors and quantifiable indicators for assess- tronic retrieval was performed for arti-
ing the cardiometabolic risk [1, 2]. Cellu- Eligibility criteria cles published from 1 January 2010 to 1
lar and molecular inflammatory cascades September 2015. Further manual retriev-
triggered in the EAT, or cytokines and The following criteria were used in select- al was performed using reference lists, rel-
hormones secreted in the EAT, may be ing studies: evant journals, and conference abstracts.
the potential mechanisms underlying sev- a) Study design: studies evaluating the All studies that met the inclusion crite-
eral cardiovascular diseases [3, 4]. Earli- relationship between EAT volume ria were considered eligible for this me-
er meta-analyses have been published re- and AF ta-analysis.
garding the association of EAT thickness b) Study type: case-control study
or volume with metabolic syndrome [5] c) Study participants: adult patients with Study selection and data collection
and coronary artery disease [6]. Recent- AF documented by electrocardiogra-
ly, several studies have also shown that phy The titles and abstracts of studies retrieved
the total-EAT volume may have a signif- d) Diagnostic tools: EAT volume mea- electronically and manually were screened
icant relationship with the increased risk sured by multidetector computed to- independently by two reviewers (W.Z. and
of atrial fibrillation (AF) [7–13]. More in- mography (MDCT) H.Z.). If the necessary information was
terestingly, there is significant difference e) Study data: sample size, mean, and not apparent, we performed a comprehen-
in EAT volume between patients with standard deviation data available sive review of the full text (W.Z. H.Z., and
persistent AF (PeAF) and paroxysmal AF L.G). In situations of discrepancies, issues
(PAF) [14]. Whether EAT volume is tru- The following exclusion criteria were ap- were resolved through discussion or su-
ly different according to the various types plied: (a) certain publication types (e.g., pervised by a third reviewer (H.K.). Rel-
of AF is still unknown. Additionally, apart reviews, letters, case reports, comments); evant data were extracted including the
from the total-EAT volume, the EAT vol- and (b) studies with insufficient data or basic data of the reference (e.g., first au-
ume surrounding the left atrium (LA- duplicate data. thor, publication year, country, diagnostic
EAT volume) may also have a strong rela- tool, type of study, mean age of patients),
tionship with an increased risk of AF [10, Information sources and number of individuals with and without
11]. It is still not clear whether a reduction search strategy AF, and the corresponding EAT volume.
in the LA-EAT volume is sufficient to de-
crease the risk of AF. More importantly, The data were systematically retrieved Risk of bias and consistency
several studies also showed that the EAT form the Cochrane Library, PubMed, test of individual studies
volume was not strongly associated with Medline, EBSCO, and Embase databas-
the incidence of AF [14, 15]. Therefore, es. The search strategy was designed and Two independent reviewers (W.Z. and
our current meta-analysis aimed to evalu- guided by an experienced librarian. The H.Z.) evaluated the risk of bias accord-
following keywords were used in our ing to the risk of publication bias assess-
W. Zhu and H. Zhang contributed equally to search strategies to identify relevant lit- ment tool developed by the Cochrane
this study. eratures published in English: “epicardial Collaboration. We evaluated the consis-

Herz 5 · 2016  | 421

Review Article

Data synthesis
Records identified through Additional records identified

database searching through other sources Comparison of EAT volume

(n=850) (n=7) between non-AF and AF subgroups
Total-EAT volume between non-AF and
AF subgroups. Six studies [7, 9, 11–13,
15] were included to clarify the relation-
Records after duplicates removed
(n=788) ship between the total-EAT volume and
AF. There was no significant heteroge-

neity in the global effect of the included

samples (I2 = 47 %), and therefore a fixed-
Records excluded based
Records screened
on titles/abstracts
effects model was used for this analysis.
(n=788) The overall effect of total-EAT volume
(n=719) was significant between AF and non-
AF subgroups (24.23 ml, 95 %CI: 19.40–
29.06, p < 0.00001; .  Fig.  3). We per-

Full-text articles
formed a sensitivity analysis by exclud-
Full-text articles
assessed for eligibility excluded, with reasons ing each study one at a time, and dem-
(n=69) (n=59) onstrated these results above mentioned
were stable.
LA-EAT volume between non-AF and
AF subgroups. Similarly, three studies
were included to compare the relation-

Studies included in
quantitative synthesis ship between LA-EAT volume and AF
(meta-analysis) [11, 12, 16]. There was obvious hetero-
(n=10) [7-16]
geneity in the global effect of the sam-
ples (I2 = 70 %). To explore the source of
Fig. 1 8 Flow chart of study selection heterogeneity, we performed a sensitiv-
ity analysis and found that the study of
Tsao et al. included a high proportion of
tency test of individual studies using Co- Results coronary artery disease cases [16]. The
chran’s Q test complemented by the I2 sta- EAT might secrete the proinflammatory
tistic. I2 ≤ 25 % indicated low heterogene- Study characteristics hormones and cytokines related to cor-
ity, 25 % < I2 ≤ 50 % indicated intermedi- onary artery disease itself, which poten-
ate heterogeneity, and I2 > 50 % indicated The process of the literature search is tially incurred certain biases for this anal-
high heterogeneity. If the I2 statistic was shown in . Fig. 1. We initially retrieved ysis. Thus, we excluded the study of Ts-
≤ 50 %, a Mantel–Haenszel continuous- 857 articles. Finally, ten articles [7–16] ao et al. and repeated the analysis. With
weighted fixed-effects model analysis was met all the inclusion criteria. The basic this adjustment, the pooled results were
chosen. Any disagreement was resolved characteristics of the included studies are not significantly changed, but the corre-
by consensus. presented in . Table 1. Of the included sponding I2 value of the consistency test
studies, six studies [7, 9, 11–13, 15] re- markedly dropped to 0 %. Therefore, we
Statistical analysis ported on the relationship between to- could reasonably conclude that the study
tal-EAT volume and AF, and three stud- of Tsao et al. was the main source of the
We performed all the statistical analyses ies [11, 12, 16] described the relationship high heterogeneity. The pooled statistics
using Review Manager (RevMan) version between LA-EAT volume and AF; fur- showed that the LA-EAT volume was
5.3 from the Cochrane Collaboration (The thermore, five studies [7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14] significantly increased in patients with
Nordic Cochrane Center, Rigshospitalet, divided AF patients into PAF and PeAF AF compared with the controls with-
Denmark, http://ims.cochrane.org/rev- subgroups. We determined the presence out AF (16.35 ml, 95 % CI: 12.73–19.98,
man). For each trial, we calculated and of publication bias with funnel plots. The p < 0.00001; .  Fig. 3). Additionally, there
pooled the sample size, mean, and stan- results of the publication bias analysis are was a statistically significant difference
dard deviation data for a comparative shown in . Fig. 2. between the total-EAT and LA-EAT vol-
analysis of the EAT volume. Subgroup or ume subgroups (χ2 = 6.54, p = 0.01).
sensitivity analyses were performed where
appropriate. Statistical significance was set
at p ≤ 0.05.

422 |  Herz 5 · 2016

Abstract · Zusammenfassung

Comparison of EAT volume Herz 2016 · 41:421–427  DOI 10.1007/s00059-015-4387-z

between PAF and PeAF © Springer Medizin Verlag 2015
Total-EAT volume between PAF and PeAF
W. Zhu · H. Zhang · L. Guo · K. Hong
subgroups. In five of the examined studies
involving the total-EAT volume [7, 8, 11, Relationship between epicardial adipose tissue volume and
13, 14], AF individuals were assigned to atrial fibrillation. A systematic review and meta-analysis
two subgroups: PAF (n = 228) and PeAF
(n = 171). Owing to the I2 value of = 25 %, Background.  Several studies have suggest- creased in patients with AF. With regard to
a fixed-effects model analysis was used to ed that epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) vol- the relationship between the different types
evaluate the mean differences. Analysis of ume may be associated with the risk of atri- of AF and EAT volume, there was a significant
the overall effects on the total-EAT vol- al fibrillation (AF). However, these studies difference in the total-EAT volume subgroup
ume revealed a significant difference be- have reported conflicting results. We there- (19.38 ml, 95 % CI: 11.45–27.31, p < 0.0001)
fore aimed to investigate the relationship be- and in the LA-EAT volume subgroup
tween patients with PAF and those with
tween EAT volume and AF. (17.91 ml, 95 % CI: 15.13–20.69, p < 0.00001)
PeAF (19.38  ml, 95 % CI: 11.45–27.31, Methods.  We systematically retrieved the between patients with persistent AF (PeAF)
p < 0.0001). The pooled statistics showed relevant studies reporting on the relationship and paroxysmal AF (PAF). However, there was
that the total-EAT volume of PeAF pa- between EAT volume and AF using the Co- no significant difference between the total-
tients was much larger than that of PAF chrane Library, PubMed, Medline, EBSCO, and EAT and LA-EAT volume subgroups (χ2 = 0.12,
patients(. Fig. 4). After performing a sen- Embase databases. Data were extracted from p = 0.70).
applicable articles, and mean differences Conclusion.  EAT volume may be associated
sitivity analysis, we found the pooled re- were pooled using the RevMan 5.3 software. with an increased risk of AF. Additionally, the
sults were not significantly changed. Results.  Ten case-control studies were iden- EAT volume in patients with PeAF was larger
LA-EAT volume between PAF and tified. With regard to the relationship be- than that in PAF patients, independent of the
PeAF subgroups. Three studies were in- tween EAT volume and AF, both total-EAT location of EAT.
cluded in the analysis of the relation- volume (24.23 ml, 95 % CI: 19.40–29.06,
p < 0.00001) and EAT volume surrounding the Keywords
ship between different types of AF and
left atrium (LA-EAT; 16.35 ml, 95 %CI: 12.73– Atrial fibrillation · Epicardial adipose tissue ·
LA-EAT volume. Because the I2 val- 19.98, p < 0.00001) were significantly in- Persistent · Paroxysmal · Meta-analysis
ue for the individual studies was 0 %, a
fixed-effects model analysis was used in
this part. The pooled results showed that Zusammenhang zwischen epikardialem Fettgewebsvolumen
there was a significant difference in the und Vorhofflimmern. Systematische Übersicht und Metaanalyse
LA-EAT volume between PeAF and PAF Zusammenfassung
patients (17.91 ml, 95 % CI: 15.13–20.69, Hintergrund.  Verschiedenen Studien zu- p < 0,00001) bei Patienten mit VF signi-
p < 0.00001; . Fig. 4). The sensitivity anal- folge ist das epikardiale Fettgewebsvolumen fikant erhöht. Hinsichtlich des Zusammen-
ysis demonstrated that the pooled results („epicardial adipose tissue“, EAT) möglicher- hangs zwischen den verschiedenen Arten
were not significantly changed. Addition- weise mit dem Risiko des Auftretens von von AF und EAT-Volumen bestand ein signi-
Vorhofflimmern (VF) assoziiert. Allerdings fikanter Unterschied in der Gesamt-EAT-
ally, there was no statistically significant
werden in diesen Studien widersprüchliche Volumen-Untergruppe (19,38 ml; 95 %-KI:
difference between the total-EAT and Ergebnisse beschrieben. Daher war es Ziel 11,45–27,31; p < 0,0001) oder in der LA-
LA-EAT volume subgroups (χ2 = 0.12, der Autoren, den Zusammenhang zwischen EAT-Volumen-Untergruppe (17,91 ml;
p = 0.70). dem EAT-Volumen und VF zu untersuchen. 95 %-KI:15,13–20,69; p < 0,00001) zwischen
Methoden.  Die relevanten Studien zum Zu- Patienten mit persistierendem VF (PeAF) und
Discussion sammenhang zwischen EAT-Volumen und VF mit paroxysmalem VF (PAF). Es gab jedoch
wurden von den Autoren anhand der Daten- keinen signifikanten Unterschied zwischen
banken der Cochrane Library, von PubMed, den Gesamt-EAT- und den LA-EAT-Volumen-
AF is the most common cardiac arrhyth- Medline, EBSCO und Embase erfasst. Aus ge- Untergruppen (χ2 = 0,12; p = 0,70).
mia in clinical practice, and its prevalence eigneten Artikeln wurden Daten extrahiert Schlussfolgerung.  Das EAT-Volumen ist
has been predicted to increase significant- und die Werte für die mittlere Differenz möglicherweise mit einem erhöhten Risiko
ly in the future. Although AF is general- mittels der Software RevMan 5.3 gepoolt. für VF assoziiert. Außerdem war das EAT-
Ergebnisse.  Es fanden sich 10 Fall-Kontroll- Volumen bei PeAF-Patienten größer als
ly not immediately life-threatening and
Studien. Im Hinblick auf den Zusammen- bei PAF-Patienten, unabhängig von der
several risk scoring systems have demon- hang zwischen EAT-Volumen und VF waren Lokalisierung des EAT.
strated a modest predictive ability for car- sowohl das Gesamt-EAT-Volumen (24,23 ml;
diovascular events [17], AF remains a sig- 95 %-Konfidenzintervall, 95%-KI: 19,40– Schlüsselwörter
nificant cause of high disability and mor- 29,06; p < 0,00001) als auch das EAT-Volumen Vorhofflimmern · Epikardiales Fettgewebe ·
um den linken Vorhof herum (LA-EAT- Persistierend · Paroxysmal · Metaanalyse
tality. In recent clinical studies, the EAT
Volumen; 16,35 ml; 95 %-KI: 12,73–19,98;
volume was shown to be associated with
AF and future AF events [15, 18]. Wong
and coworkers considered that the EAT
volume was associated with the pres-
ence and severity of AF, or with a poor

Herz 5 · 2016  | 423

Review Article

0 0 SE(MD)

4 10

8 20
Fig. 2 9 Funnel plot of
12 30 studies included in bias
analysis with regard to
a the relationship between
16 40
EAT volume and AF, b the
relationship between EAT
20 50 volume and the types of
-100 -50 0 50 100 -100 -50 0 50 100 AF. EAT epicardial adipose
Subgroups Subgroups
Total-EAT LA-EAT Total-EAT LA-EAT tissue, AF atrial fibrillation,
a b LA left atrium, SE standard
error, MD mean difference

outcome after AF radiofrequency abla- tients. Noteworthy, there were statistical- biases. We therefore excluded this study
tion [19]. EAT may be an important bio- ly significant differences between the to- and repeated the analysis. With this ad-
marker of metabolic syndrome or coro- tal-EAT and LA-EAT volume subgroups justment, the pooled results were not sig-
nary artery disease [5, 6, 20], and our cur- (χ2 = 0.12, p = 0.70). Therefore, we tempo- nificantly changed. Thus, we could rea-
rent study aimed to evaluate the associa- rarily could not assess whether total-EAT sonably conclude that there was a close
tion between EAT volume and AF. or LA-EAT volume was superior in dis- relationship between EAT and AF, inde-
In the present study, we found that in- tinguishing the risk of different types of pendent of traditional risk factors.
creased total-EAT volume might be asso- AF. Some studies reasonably supported Moreover, recent studies have regard-
ciated with AF. In addition, when we fo- our finding that increased EAT volumes ed EAT volume as a risk factor for the re-
cused on the LA-EAT volume, it was sig- were noted in PeAF patients rather than currence of AF after radiofrequency ab-
nificantly increased in patients with AF PAF patients, and EAT might be involved lation [19, 21, 23]. In these studies, we
compared with individuals without AF. in the maintenance of AF [10, 19, 22]. found that increased EAT volume was
Therefore, an increased EAT volume Patients with risk factors are more in- significantly associated with recurrence of
was significantly associated with the oc- clined to suffer from AF. Of the studies AF after radiofrequency ablation. More-
currence of AF. Several previously pub- included here, six [7, 9, 11–13, 15] pre- over, EAT volume could better predict re-
lished reports also indicated that there formed multiple logistic regression anal- currence of PeAF after ablation than PAF
was a close relationship between to- ysis to assess the relationship between could, and it was independent of old-
tal-EAT volume and AF, and that EAT EAT and AF after correction for the base- er age, greater left atrial dimension, and
might promote the pathogenic process line variables,. EAT was associated with higher body mass index (BMI) [23]. Ow-
of AF [21, 22]. These results are also in AF and this relationship remained signif- ing to the importance of predicting re-
agreement with those reported by sup- icant after adjusting for AF risk factors. currence of AF after radiofrequency ab-
ported by Wong et al. [19], although EAT For example, Al et al. [7] examined the lation, EAT volume could become an im-
volume was measured by magnetic reso- relationship between risk factors (includ- portant clinical indicator for AF therapy
nance imaging in this study. Additionally, ing EAT) and AF, and found EAT vol- in the future.
there was a statistically significant differ- ume was highly associated with AF com- It is worth noting that several stud-
ence between the total-EAT and LA-EAT pletely independent of the presence of ies describing the association between
volume subgroups (χ2 = 6.54, p = 0.01), in- other risk factors. EAT was also associ- pericardial adipose tissue (PAT) and AF
dicating that LA-EAT volume might be ated with both PeAF and PAF, indepen- were included in our meta-analysis [7–
sufficient to measure the risk of AF, and dent of all other risk factors. Although 9]. EAT is the adipose tissue accumulat-
the reduction of LA-EAT volume might four studies included in our meta-anal- ed between the myocardium and viscer-
be sufficient to decrease the risk of AF in ysis [8, 10, 14, 16] did not adjust for AF al pericardium, whereas PAT is the adi-
clinical practice. However, more research risk factors, the sensitivity analysis indi- pose tissue accumulated between the vis-
is still needed to explain the association cated the pooled results were not signif- ceral and parietal pericardium, or locat-
between EAT volume and AF. icantly changed. For example, we found ed on the external surface of the parietal
Additionally, with regard to the rela- that the study of Tsao et al. included a pericardium. However, although the dis-
tionship between the different types of high proportion of coronary artery dis- tinction between EAT and PAT is clear
AF and EAT volume, there was a signif- ease cases [16]. The EAT itself may se- in both functional and anatomic assess-
icant difference in the total-EAT volume crete pro-inflammatory hormones and ments (e.g., embryological origins, vas-
subgroup and in the LA-EAT volume cytokines related to coronary artery dis- cular supplies, and potential pathogenic
subgroup between PeAF and PAF pa- ease, which potentially incurred certain mechanisms), it is far from evident when

424 |  Herz 5 · 2016

AF Non-AF Mean Difference Mean Difference
Study or Subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV. Fixed. 95% CI IV. Fixed. 95% CI
Total-EAT volume
AI Chekakie (2010) [7] 101.6 44.1 197 76.1 36.3 76 8.0% 25.50 [15.28, 35.72]
Greif (2013) [9] 284.8 139.2 354 255.7 127.1 934 3.0% 29.10 [12.47, 45.73]
Mahabadi (2014) [15] 131 64.9 50 92.7 46.1 3,809 2.6% 38.30 [20.25, 56.35]
Nagashima (2011) [11] 185.6 76.1 40 138.3 45.2 37 1.1% 47.30 [19.58, 75.02]
Nakanishi (2012) [12] 80 22 17 53 20 262 7.3% 27.00 [16.27, 37.73]
Shin (2011) [13] 83.8 26.8 80 67.2 23.1 80 14.0% 16.60 [8.85, 24.35]
Subtotal (95% CI) 738 5,198 36.0% 24.23 [19.40, 29.06]
Heterogeneity: Chi2 = 9.36, df = 5 (P = 0.10); I2 = 47%
Test for overall effect: Z = 9.83 (P < 0.00001)

LA-EAT volume
Nagashima (2011) [11] 51.5 27.8 40 32.9 14.5 37 8.7% 18.60 [8.80, 28.40]
Nakanishi (2012) [12] 34 8 17 18 7 262 55.3% 16.00 [12.10, 19.90]
Subtotal (95% CI) 57 299 64.0% 16.35 [12.73, 19.98]
Heterogeneity: Chi2 = 0.23, df = 1(P = 0.63); I2 = 0%
Test for overall effect: Z = 8.85 (P < 0.00001)

Total (95% CI) 795 5,497 100.0% 19.19 [16.29, 22.09]

-100 -50 0 50 100


Fig. 3 8 Fixed-effects analysis of the relationship between EAT volume and AF. EAT epicardial adipose tissue, LA left atrium,
AF atrial fibrillation, CI confidence interval, SD standard deviation, IV inverse variance

PeAF PAF Mean Difference Mean Difference

Study or Subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV. Fixed. 95% CI IV. Fixed. 95% CI
Total-EAT volume
AI Chekakie (2010) [7] 115.4 49.3 71 93.9 39.1 126 3.9% 21.50 [8.15, 34.85]
Girerd (2013) [8] 122.8 46.4 24 105.7 41.7 25 1.1% 17.10 [-7.63, 41.83]
Nagashima (2011) [11] 226.4 93.3 16 158.3 47.2 24 0.3% 68.10 [18.64, 117.56]
Park (2014) [14] 163.3 71.3 20 125.3 53.1 13 0.4% 38.00 [-4.54, 80.54]
Shin (2011) [13] 91 26 40 76.6 26 40 5.3% 14.40 [3.01, 25.79]
Subtotal (95% CI) 171 228 11.0% 19.38 [11.45, 27.31]
Heterogeneity: Chi2 = 5.33, df = 4 (P = 0.26); I2 = 25%
Test for overall effect: Z = 4.79 (P < 0.00001)

LA-EAT volume
Girerd (2013) [8] 54.5 24.8 24 43.2 17.6 25 4.7% 11.30 [-0.78, 23.38]
Nagashima (2011) [11] 66.8 35.1 16 41.3 15.3 24 2.1% 25.50 [7.24, 43.76]
Nagashima (2012) [10] 52.9 4.4 18 34.8 4.2 16 82.3% 18.10 [15.21, 20.99]
Subtotal (95% CI) 58 65 89.0% 17.91 [15.13, 20.69]
Heterogeneity: Chi2 = 1.83, df = 2 (P = 0.40); I2= 0%
Test for overall effect: Z = 12.63 (P < 0.00001)

Total (95% CI) 229 293 100.0% 18.07 [15.45, 20.70]

-100 -50 0 50 100


Fig. 4 8 Fixed-effects analysis of the relationship between EAT volume with the types of AF. EAT epicardial adipose tissue,
LA left atrium, AF atrial fibrillation, PeAF persistent atrial fibrillation, PAF paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, CI confidence interval,
SD standard deviation, IV inverse variance

their thickness and volume can be quan- interchangeably to evaluate the relation- Implications for further
tified by echocardiography, computed to- ship with AF [18], and three studies defin- clinical study
mography, or magnetic resonance imag- ing epicardial fat as pericardial fat are in-
ing, respectively [21, 24]. More specifical- cluded in the meta-analysis [7–9]. EAT may play an important role in the
ly, the term “pericardial fat” has been used development of AF. At present, whether

Herz 5 · 2016  | 425

Review Article

Table 1  Basic characteristics of studies included in the meta-analysis

Study ID (author, year) Origin MDCT Case- Adjusted for risk factorsa Control sample size Atrial fibrillation
control age (years) sample size age
study (years)
Al Chekakie et al. (2010) [7] USA Yes Yes Age, sex, hypertension, valvular N = 76 55.9 ± 14.9 N = 197 58.1 ± 9.8
heart disease, LVEF, diabetes melli-
tus, left atrial enlargement and BMIa
Girerd et al. (2013) [8] USA Yes Yes No N = 23 59.3 ± 8.5 N = 49 59.3 ± 8.5
Greif et al. (2013) [9] Germany Yes Yes Age, hypertension, valvular disease, N = 934 62.5 ± 11.5 N = 354 62.5 ± 11.5
heart failure and BMIa
Nagashima et al. (2012) [10] Japan Yes Yes No N = 34 56.0 ± 4.5 N = 34 55.5 ± 7.5
Nagashima et al. (2011) [11] Japan Yes Yes Age, BMI, triglyceride levela N = 37 59.1 ± 11.1 N = 40 58.0 ± 10.2
Nakanishi et al. (2012) [12] Japan Yes Yes Age, sex, hypertension, diabetes N = 262 64.0 ± 10.0 N = 17 74.0 ± 4.0
mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, BMI,
serum C-reactive protein, LVMIa
Shin et al. (2011) [13] Korea Yes Yes Age, BMI, LVMI, LVEFa N = 80 51.0 ± 11.9 N = 80 52.2 ± 12.2
Park et al. (2014) [14] Korea Yes Yes No N = 33 56.9 ± 9.0 N = 33 57.0 ± 9.2
Mahabadi et al. (2014) [15] Germany Yes Yes Age, gender, BMI, systolic blood N = 3,809 58.8 ± 7.5 N = 50 64.5 ± 7.4
pressure, and antihypertensive
Tsao et al. (2011) [16] China Yes Yes No N = 34 54.1 ± 9.0 N = 68 54.7 ± 8.5
MDCT multidetector computed tomography, LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction, BMI body mass index, LVMI left ventricular mass index.
aEpicardial adipose tissue was associated with atrial fibrillation and this relationship remained significant after adjusting for atrial fibrillation risk factors.

EAT is a new biomarker and therapeu- studies. Thirdly, there was a strong publi- Acknowledgements.  We gratefully thank Y-HQ
(School of Public Health, Nanchang University,
tic target of AF has been in the spotlight, cation bias in this field, making the com- Jiangxi, 330006, China) for help us design the search
raising great concern [21, 25]. It provides pilation of positive reports much more strategy and assisting in the consistency testing of
new avenues for us to further explore the likely than negative reports. Finally, there the included studies. The authors wish to acknowl-
edge support from the Ministry of Chinese Education
potential pathogenesis and therapy of AF. were also limited studies considering the Innovation Team Development Plan [IRT1141, HK],
Abed and coworkers [26] indicated that relationship between EAT and recurrence the National Basic Research Program of China [973
AF may be a reversible disease, and for of AF after radiofrequency ablation, al- Program: 2013CB531103], and the National Natural
Science Foundation of China [81160023, 81370288].
patients with AF who are overweight and though EAT volume might be an effec-
obese it is necessary to first reduce their tive way to predict the recurrence of AF Compliance with
weight. More interestingly, during the after radiofrequency ablation. ethical guidelines
process of weight loss in obese patients,
the reduction in EAT volume is most ob- Conclusion Conflict of interest.  W. Zhu, H. Zhang, L. Guo, and
K. Hong state that there are no conflicts of interest.
vious [27]. We therefore have reason to
deduce that the reduction in EAT volume In summary, our meta-analysis indicates
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