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Please read and understand carefully and answer the questions at the end of each paragraph. Please
send your answers to my email address or to my FB/messenger account
(Revelina Mangiwet). I would appreciate it very much if you send it on or before May 08, 2019. Thank
You and may God continue to keep you safe from this virus.

1. In this covid 19 crisis that the world is facing today, it is important for everyone of us to consider
our relationship and our connection with God’s creation. The principle of common good and the
virtue of solidarity mean that all individuals have an obligation to contribute to the needs of
others in a variety of ways. What are some of the most important contributions of people for
the common good of the community during this enhanced community quarantine?

2. Solidarity highlights in a particular way the intrinsic social nature of the human person, the
equality of all in dignity and rights and the common path of individuals and people toward an
ever more committed unity. As an authentic moral virtue, solidarity is not a feeling of vague
compassion or shallow distress at the misfortunes of their kapwa. It also rises to the rank of
fundamental social virtue since it places itself in the sphere of justice. It is a virtue directed par
excellence to the common good, and is found in the commitment to the good of their kapwa
with the readiness, in the Gospel sense to ‘lose oneself’ for the sake of that kapwa instead of
taking advantage of them, and to ‘serve them’ instead of oppressing them for one’s own
advantage. How is this authentic moral virtue concretely manifested around the world and how
will it prompt us to develop a new sensitivity to the dignity of life and help us survive together
this covid 19 pandemic?

3. Solidarity in its truest sense can provide the springboard for the imaginative leap which will be
necessary to enable us to overcome and surpass this crisis. In this way of living, the emphasis
will be more on sharing rather than consumption, long-term needs rather than immediate
gratification, and community values and ecosystem needs rather than individual profit. In a
more practical way, what would you consider as your personal responsibility in preserving
dignity of life which comes from the knowledge and understanding of what needs to be done,
why it needs to be done and how it can be achieved?

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