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Development of Transport Systems

Qatar will benefit from a good transport network because of hosting the "Federation

International Football Association (FIFA)" World Cup in the year 2022. Mega sporting events

will have around thirty roads in Qatar constructed before the year 2022. It has planned projects

for improving the roads in Qatar in order to ensure the connection between stadiums is efficient.

Some of the project's transport systems that will carry out are improving the links of the roads,

tunnels as well as the intersections1. This project will consume billions of dollars, money that

"Federation International Football Association (FIFA)" World Cup has already set aside

specifically for transport systems.

The country will have around thirty-five road schemes, which consist of nine hundred

kilometers of the mainline carriageway as well as around two hundred kilometers at grade and

many intersections. It is estimated that around nine hundred million dollars have been set aside

for improving the transport network across Qatar. Most of the spectators 2022 "Federation

International Football Association (FIFA)" World Cup will be using road transport as a way of

traveling from one stadium to another, and therefore improving the transport system has been

seen as a major concern of improvement in Qatar before the event. However, this will leave

Qatar with a good transport system after the 2022 "Federation International Football Association

(FIFA)" World Cup. Also, the government of Qatar will benefit in big part since money set for

transport systems will be saved or used through other developments.

Ling, Chen. "Mega-events and infrastructure improvements: The Case of the Olympic Games in Beijing
2008." (2007).

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