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Research Objectives
The general objective of this scientific research is to assess the significance of the 2022 FIFA
World Cup hosting to Qatar's infrastructure development.
The following specific research objective will direct this research:

 To determine the significance of 2022 FIFA World Cup hosting on stadia improvement
in Qatar.
 To evaluate the significance of 2022 FIFA World Cup hosting on transportation network
development in Qatar.
 To assess the significance of 2022 FIFA World Cup hosting on accommodation facilities
improvement in Qatar.

3. Research Questions
 What is the significance of 2022 FIFA World Cup hosting on stadia improvement in
 What is the significance of 2022 FIFA World Cup hosting on transportation network
development in Qatar?
 What is the significance of 2022 FIFA World Cup hosting on accommodation facilities
improvement in Qatar?

4. Justification of the Study

Empirical researches by different scholars in the Mega sporting culture presents a positive
relationship between mega sports event hosting and infrastructure development. Researchers
reveal that the preparation of countries concerning hosting these mega sports events entails
improving recreational facilities in regards to the activity being hosted1. Further,5specify that not
only do these events present a positive outlook on infrastructure; they also demonstrate a
negative impact.

The study seeks to understand the impact of 2022 world cup hosting is having on the economic
development of Qatar. Qatar is facing a lot of challenges despite being awarded the hosting

Njiand Tichaawa, "Mega-event infrastructure development and sustainability contestations in
the developing context: the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa."
rights2. In terms of stadia improvement, Qatar needs to develop mechanisms to maintain the
football arenas at a thermal comfort condition6. Since a study by3 reveals that the hosting of mega
sports events come with it tourism resources that attracts large number of visitors who require
infrastructural development like accommodation facilities, therefore, the study seeks to fill the
research gap on the significance of hosting mega sport events on Qatar’s infrastructure

Sofotasiou et al, "Qatar 2022: Facing the FIFA World Cup climatic and legacy challenges." 16-
Henderson, "Hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup: opportunities and challenges for Qatar." 281-

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