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Significance of the Study

This study will be significant to various stakeholders of the FIFA World Cup tournament. The
study will be significant to Qatar, as the countries' government officials can use it to evaluate the
infrastructure preparedness status concerning world cup hosting. Further, Qatar government
willuse the study to prepare well for the economic boom that Mega events bring to the host
country. FIFA also can use the study to assess areas in which they can help through funding for
the mega event to be successful. Different countries of mega-events hosting interest will use the
study to evaluate areas they need to improve to be awarded the hosting rites, and also to
understand the impact of hosting such events in infrastructure development. Scholars and
researchers will also use the study for future research referencing and basis of thesis and
dissertations formulation. Qatar Football Association will also use the research to source for
loophole they can amend before the dawning of world cup.

6. Methodology
The study will utilize a descriptive research design since descriptive design presents an in-depth
analysis of research. The sample group for this research will include stadia construction site
skilled workers, construction sites project managers, Qatar Football Association employees,
infrastructure development expert consultants and the general population. The study will
consider 30% of the total population in the target population for research admission. The sample
group would consist of employees at significant hierarchal levels within the target population for
theoretical data evaluation and lower-level employees for first-hand information. The study will
aim at collecting qualitative and quantitative data form employees; therefore, the study will adopt
a questionnaire and interviews as data collection techniques. Qualitative data will be collected
through interviews, thus sourcing for experts' professional opinions. In contrast, quantitative data
will be collected through a questionnaire sent via the internet to various departmental
employeesat the engineering firms nd Qatar Football Association.

The obtained data will be analyzed using a confirmatory type of data analysis that applies
inferential analysis where data modeling and testing is a statistical test. The research's hypothesis
is: hosting the FIFA world cup leads to stadia improvement. Hosting the FIFA world cup leads to
transport network development. Hosting the FIFA world cup lead to accommodation facilities
improvement. The sample group will be involved in filling out the questionnaires and responding
to interview questions. The study will consider protecting research participants’privacy, and the
questionnaire will be administrated to a voluntary participant. The study will employ the
principle of informed consent to the respondent. The subjects of this research may face potential
risks such as psychological and social risks. Further, they can also face the loss of confidentiality
risk and legal risks. These risks will be minimized by elaborating on the intend of the research as
purely for academic purposes, and there is no pre-informed opinion on the research1

University of Oregon, “Examples of Potential Risks to Subjects.”

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