Wahyuni Septi X Akl 3

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Name : Wahyuni Septi Yuliani

Class : X Accounting 3

Task 1

Read the following text and identify the generic structure and the purpose of the text!


• Orientation : Paragraph 1

Nyai Ahmad Dalan was born as Siti Walidah in Kauman, Yogyakarta, in 1872 to Kyai Haji Muhammad
Fadli, an ulama (Muslim religious leader) and member of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta; the area housed
many religious figures from the palace. She was homeschooled in various aspects of Islam, including
Arabic and the Qur'an; she read the Qur'an in the Jawi script.

• Events : Paragraph 2,3, 4 and 5

Nyai Ahmad Dahlan merried her cousin, Ahmad Dahlan. As he was busy developing the Islamic group
Muhammadiyah at the time, she followed him in his travels. However, as some of Ahmad Dahlan's
reformation views on Islam were considered radical, the couple received threats; for example, before a
scheduled trip to Banyuwangi they received death threats from conservatives there.

In 1914 she established the prayer group Sopo Tresno (literally Who Loves). She and her husband took
turns leading the group in reading the Qur'an and discussing its meaning. Soon she began focusing on
passages in the Qur'an that dealt with women's issues.

In 1914 she established the prayer group Sopo Tresno (literally Who Loves). She and her husband took
turns leading the group in reading the Qur'an and discussing its meaning. Soon she began focusing on
passages in the Qur'an that dealt with women's issues.

With her husband and several other muhammadiyah leaders, nyai ahmad dahlan discussed the
formalization of sopo tresno as a women's group. Rejecting the first proposal, fatimah, they decided on
the name aisyiyah, derived from muhammad's wife aisha. The new group was formalized on april 22 th
1917 with nyai ahmad dahlan as its head. Five years later the organization became a part of

• Re-orientation : Paragraph 6 and 7

Nyai ahmad dahlan continued to lead aisyiyah until 1934. During the japanese occupation, with aisyiyah
banned from working with women by the order of the japanese military in java and madura of
september 10th 1943, she worked at schools and struggle to keep the students from beingt forced to
worship the sun and sing japanese songs. During the indonesian national revolution, she ran soup
kitchens out of her home for soldiers and promoted military service amongst her former students. She
Also participated in discussions about the war with general sudirman and president sukarno

Nyai ahmad dahlan died at 1 p.m local time (UTC+7) on may 31th 1946 and was buried behind the great
mosque of kauman in yogyakarta four hours later


Give information about Ahmad Dahlan and to tell an experience or event that occurred about the
establishment of Muhammadiyah & Aisyah also inform the reader.

Task 2

Answer the following questions according to the text!

1). Nyai Ahmad Dahlan.

2). In 1872. Yogyakarta.

3). In 1914.

4). Reading the Qur'an and disscusing its meaning.

5). Sopo Tresno (Literally Who Loves).

6). April 22th 1917.

7). Continued to be active in Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah.

8). Nyai Ahmad Dahlan chaired the in fifthteenth Muhammadiyah Congress in Surabaya and she was the
first woman to chair in such a conference.

9). She worked at school an struggled to keep the students from being forced to worship the sun and
sing Japanese songs.

10). At 1 p.m on may31th 1946.

Task 2

Complete the following sentence by changing the words in the bracket!

1). Rebel

2). Increase

3). Writes

4). Develop

5). Die
6). Report

7). Insult

8). Echoing

9). Pull out

10). See

Competense Test

1). C. Greatest.

2). C. Remembered.

3). B. Born.

4). A. Interest.

5). E. Gained.

6). D. Was.

7). C. Arrest.
8). A. Return.

9). D. Surrenders.

10). C. Resign.

11). A. Teuku Umar.

12). B. In 1854.

13). C. Minangkabau.

14). D. 18 years old.

15). E. No, he is not.

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