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Leverage Leadership 2.0 Book Review

Orlando Santamaria
University of St. Thomas
EDUC 6335 Administrative Practicum I

Dr. Patrick Huff

Fall 2019

Leverage Leadership 2.0

The book that I decided to develop a book review for was Leverage Leadership 2.0. by

Paul Bambrick-Santoyo because it resonated with me in a myriad of ways. The book not only

serves the purpose to educate school leaders on how to improve their practices but it also informs

teachers as well on how they too can contribute to the improvement of their classroom’s

performance. Personally, the book allowed me to reflect on my own teaching practice, and

provided many in-depth examples of how I can monitor and develop ways to increase student

performance in my classroom. The book is direct and precise in what to do in all kinds of

situations and can definitely educate anyone that has an interest to improve student achievement

at their school. In this book, I felt that the author went above and beyond on not just informing

school leaders on what they need to do, but he demonstrates on how to do it. Bambrick-Santoyo

provides school leaders comprehensive steps and clear models to create a positive school change

that would drastically help close the achievement gap in low performing schools and on how to

make good schools great. School leaders play an important role in student success and in order to

achieve that success, school leaders need to know how to use their time effectively in order to

make a positive change in their school take place. The book consists of three parts called

instruction, culture, and on how to make it happen.

In the first part of the book, Bambrick-Santoyo explains on how school leaders can

support teachers in the areas of data-drive instruction, planning, observation and feedback, and

professional development. These areas are also part of the seven levers that school leaders must

intentionally focus on in order to be effective. Student achievement is highly impacted by the

data driven decisions that are made on a day-to-day basis. In order to get students to be college-

ready, assessments need to be aligned to both college and state standards. Bambrick-Santoyo

emphasizes on the importance of establishing common assessments and having teachers

understand what it looks like so that they know the direction that their students need to be at.

Through the data that is collected from assessments, teachers and school leaders are able to

collaborate on the next the next steps that are crucial to help close performance gaps based on

specific standards that are in need of re-teaching. One important aspect of this book that stood

out to me was the clarity on how leaders can provide teachers with in-depth knowledge to

understand where their own students are in terms of performance and where they need to be in

order to reach mastery. Instructional planning is also another lever that the book requires it to be

purposeful so that students will benefit from high-quality instruction that is tailored to their

needs. Observation and feedback from school leaders is crucial in the development of

transforming teachers from good to great. School leaders have to coach teachers on how they can

improve their practices and provide feedback that is aimed with the purpose of reaching all

students. However, throughout the school year, it is important for school leaders to know their

campus and help address specific school-wide needs through professional development. The

book states that PD must meet teachers’ needs precisely where they are (Bambrick-Santoyo,

2018). According to Bambrick-Santoyo (2018), PD is the weakest of all levers and it does not

work effectively when teachers leave the training and are not able to apply what they were taught

into their classrooms. Therefore, the author informs school leaders to know what their campus’

needs are and to address them to teachers purposefully.

The cultural levers involve student culture, staff culture, and managing school leadership

teams. Bambrick-Santoyo expresses the importance of being consistent in modeling how the

culture should be represented at the school. It is important to hold all stakeholders’ accountable

and held to high expectations in order to have the desired school vision take place. All parties

need take part of the change that needs to happen at the school. In addition, when managing

school leaders it is important that everyone is on the same page and serve with the purpose of

providing effective leadership to the school. When all leaders collaborate together effectively,

they are able to provide the rest of the staff with all the resources to be successful. Teacher

support needs to start from the top. Therefore, school leaders need to be organized and be able to

plan meetings to discuss the needs of the school and how they plan to address them.

In part 3 of the book, it emphasizes the importance of administrators making the best out

of the time that is available. Administrators have to be able to prioritize and plan accordingly in

order to establish a system that would work in their favor towards being an effective school

leader. As an emerging school leader, there are going to be different challenges and obstacles

that. I know will take place. However, it is important to not lose sight of what truly needs to get

done in order to move the school towards the right direction. The book provides great examples

and strategies that any school leader can implement into their campus.

The book has provided with an in-depth understanding of how to implement different

models and strategies with the sole purpose of improving student achievement. School leaders

are the role models of the school and set the tone and expectations towards staff and students.

Administrators need to know their teachers, students, and community in order to provide the

necessary support that is in need for their growth. With the support of knowledgeable

administrators, teachers will strongly benefit from their feedback and be equipped with the

necessary tools to make a positive impact in their classrooms.



Bambrick-Santoyo, P. (2018). Leverage Leadership 2.0: A Practical Guide to Building

Exceptional Schools (1st Edition). Jossey-Bass.

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