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Year 11 Religion and Ethics

Week 4
From the information provided (PowerPoints, documents and Weebly), you will need
to complete all of the questions in red and if you are looking for further learning, work
on the blue questions. You are also encouraged to work on the extra activities on the

The following websites may be useful:

1. What are Boddhisatvas and how does one achieve this state?

2. Who is the leader of the Tibetan Buddhists?

3. List and explain the ‘three marks of existence’.

4. What is the cause of suffering according to Buddha?

5. Explain the relationship that exists between karma, samsara and nirvana (a diagram
can be used).

6. List and explain the Five Precepts for lay Buddhists (guidelines for living).

7. Outline the Eightfold Path and an example for each element.

8. Where did Buddhism start and from what religion did it originate?

9. What role does ego play in causing suffering?

10. How has this religion changed over time?

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