Branding and Packaging Project Class 12 Marketing 783 PDF

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The Millennium School, Dubai


Certified to be the bonafide record of the project work done by Master/Miss.

……Lovell…… of Grade XII as prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
during the academic year 2017 – 2018.

…………………… ………………………
Teacher in- Charge Principal

Submitted for the Practical Examination on………..2018

held in The Millennium School, Dubai.

……………………… ………………………
Internal Examiner External Examiner


I , Lovell do hereby declare that this project is my original work and I

would like to thank Mr.Masood for his wholehearted support and guidance for
making it possible for me to complete this project on time.

I would also like to thank my friends and family members for their kind support and
guidance without which this project would not have completed.

“Market survey of selected consumer products
on the basis of brand name and package.
Collection of data and preparing report on the
basis of popularity of different brands and
popularity and quality of packages of products,
and reasons there of.”

INDEX Topic Page Signature

1 Cover page 1

2 Certificate 2

3 Acknowledgement 3

4 Project Topic 4

5 Index 5-6

6 Branding 7-8

7 Product 1 - Instant Noodles 9

8 Brand 1 - Cup Noodles 10

9 Brand 2 - Maggi 11

10 Product 1 - Chocolates 12

11 Brand 1 - Hershey’s 13

12 Brand 2 - Maltesers 14

13 Project Report 15

14 Market Survey 16

15 Questionnaire 17-20

16 Result after survey / Interpretations 21-25

17 Conclusion on Branding 26

5 Topic Page Signature

18 Packaging 27-28

19 Forms of Packaging 29

20 Materials used in Packaging 30

21 Levels of Packaging 31-32

22 Advantages and Limitations of Packaging 33-35

23 Product 1 - Instant Noodles 36

24 Brand 1 - Cup Noodles 36-37

25 Brand 2 - Maggi 38-39

26 Product 1 - Chocolates 40

27 Brand 1 - Hershey’s 40

28 Brand 2 - Maltesers 41

29 Label 42-43

30 Labels of the 4 Brands 44-45

31 Questionnaire 46-49

32 Result after survey / Interpretations 50-54

33 Conclusion on Packaging 55

34 Conclusion on Branding and Packaging 56

35 Bibliography 57

Brand is defined as a “ name, term, sign, symbol or a design or a combination of them, intended to
identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of
the competitor “- Philip Kotler

Importance of Branding

1. Branding Improves Recognition: One of major components of your brand is your logo. Think of how
we instantly recognize the golden arches of McDonalds or the simple, but powerful eagle of the USPS.
As the “face” of a company, logo design is critical because that simple graphic will be on every piece of
correspondence and advertising. A professional logo design is simple enough to be memorable, but
powerful enough to give the desired impression of your company.

2. Branding Creates Trust: A professional appearance builds credibility and trust. People are more likely
to purchase from a business that appears polished and legitimate. Emotional reactions are hardwired
into our brains, and those reactions are very real influencers.

3. Branding Supports Advertising: Advertising is another component of your brand. Both the medium
chosen and demographic targeted for advertisements builds a brand. Too narrow an advertising focus,
and a company risks being “pigeon holed” and losing their ability to expand into new markets. Too
broad a focus, and the company fails to create a definable impression of the company in the minds of
would be customers.

Requirements of good branding

1. Determine your brand’s target audience

2. Outline the key qualities & benefits your brand offers

3. Create a great brand logo & tagline

4. Let your brand personality shine

5. Integrate your brand into every aspect of your business

6. Stay true to your brand

7. Be your brand’s biggest advocate

A solid brand building process can transform a business from a small player into a successful competitor.
The firm will discover that their customers will develop a deeper level of trust for their brand, and be
more likely to purchase what they are are selling.

- Instant noodles are sold in a precooked and dried noodle block, with flavoring powder and/or
seasoning oil.

- The flavoring is usually in a separate packet, although in the case of cup noodles the flavoring is
often loose in the cup.

- Some instant noodle products are seal packed; these can be reheated or eaten straight from the
packet/container. Dried noodle blocks are cooked or soaked in boiling water before eating.

Target group of customers:

Income – Low income group , Middle income group

Age – 8 - 45 years

Gender – Male and Female

Brand 1: Cup Noodles

- Instant noodles were invented in 1958 by Momofuku Ando, the

Taiwanese-born founder of the Japanese food company Nissin.

- He used Chicken Ramen as the first instant ramen a brand of instant ramen noodle snack
manufactured by Nissin, packaged in a foam food
container, hard plastic or paper cup.

- NISSIN Foods' target customers are mainly


Brand 2: Maggi

- Maggi is an international brand of seasonings, instant soups, and

noodles that originated in Switzerland in late 19th century. The
Maggi company was acquired by Nestlé in 1947.

- Ever since its launch in India in 1983, this brand has become
synonymous with noodles. The bright red and yellow colours
of the packet with the brilliant blue “2-minute Noodles” printed
on it has found a place on every kitchen.

- Over the years, Maggi has grown as a brand and positioned itself as a “Fast to cook! Good to Eat! “
food product .


- Chocolate is a typically sweet, usually brown food

preparation of Theobroma cacao seeds, roasted and
ground. It is made in the form of a liquid, paste, or in
a block, or used as a flavoring ingredient in other
foods .

- Chocolate consumption is gaining popularity in India

due to increasing prosperity coupled with a shift in
food ,Cocoa requirement is growing around 15%
annually and will reach about 30,000 tonnes in the
next 5 years .

- Chocolates are today consumed by people of all age groups and it has also become best gifts at all
celebrations . This is the reason the chocolate industry is day-by-day growing in India.

Target group of customers:

For younger age groups , a sweeter milk chocolate is made , but for older age groups
( 50 - 80 onwards ) , darker and more bitter chocolate is the one preferred , there is no gender
segmentation .

Brand 1: Hershey’s

- The Hershey Company is the largest

producer of quality chocolate in North
America and a global leader in chocolate
and sugar confectionery.

- Headquartered in Hershey, Pennsylvania,

The Hershey Company has operations
throughout the world with more than 12,000
employees .

- It was founded by Milton S. Hershey in 1894 as the Hershey Chocolate Company

Brand 2: Maltesers

- Maltesers are a confectionery product manufactured by Mars,

Incorporated. Maltesers consist of a roughly spherical malted milk
centre, surrounded by milk chocolate .

- Maltesers were created by the American Forrest Mars, Sr. in

England in 1936, and first sold in 1937. They were originally described
as "energy balls" and aimed at slimming women .

- The current Maltesers' slogan is "The lighter way to enjoy chocolate. Earlier slogans have included;
"The chocolates with the less fattening centre", "No ordinary chocolate" and "Nothing pleases like



- Market research/survey is any organized effort to gather information about target markets or
customers. It is a very important component of business strategy.

- Market research provides important information to identify and analyse the market need, market size
and competition.

- Surveys have been used in various fields of research, such as sociology, marketing research, politics
and psychology.


- In survey research, a questionnaire is an instrument that is comprised of a set of questions to be asked

to the participants or respondents of the survey.

- Sir Francis Galton, an English polymath, introduced the use of the questionnaire in surveys.

- Questionnaires usually ask questions that elicit ideas and behaviours, preferences, traits, attitudes and


This survey is conducted by the students of TMS for a Marketing Project , to estimate the popularity of

different brands among the consumers . Kindly fill in the given questions with appropriate details or by

ticking the correct option .

Name: Gender: Occupation: Age:

1. Which brand do you feel more safe with in terms of quality ingredients being used ?

- Cup Noodles
- Maggi

2. Which brand do you think gives additional benefits to the product ?

- Cup Noodles
- Maggi

3. Which brand gives you more satisfaction upon your purchase ?

- Cup Noodles
- Maggi

4. Which brand do you think has an effective pricing strategy?

- Cup Noodles
- Maggi


This survey is conducted by the students of TMS for a Marketing Project , to estimate the popularity of

different brands among the consumers . Kindly fill in the given questions with appropriate details or by

ticking the correct option .

Name: Gender: Occupation: Age:

1. Which brand do you feel provides chocolates to your liking ?

- Hershey’s
- Maltesers

2. Which brand offers more variety ?

- Hershey’s
- Maltesers

3. Which brand gives you more satisfaction upon your purchase ?

- Hershey’s
- Maltesers

4. Where do other brands stand in comparison to the brand you have chosen ( rate the following
brands on a scale of 1-5 ) ?

- Cadbury Dairy Milk

- Ferrero Rocher
- Kinder Joy
- Twix



Which brand do you feel more safe with in terms of quality ingredients being used ?

- Cup Noodles
Cup Noodles Maggi
- Maggi

10 people were given the survey , 8 chose Cup Noodles , and 2

chose Maggi .

80% have chosen Cup Noodles over Maggi in terms of better

quality ingredients is because of the problem Maggi faced
because of the high lead content found in the noodles .

20% have chosen Maggi over Cup Noodles because they say
they have been using Maggi noodles for a long time , and say
that the PR activities done by Maggi helps them feel sure about the good quality of the products .

Thus , if an organization is found to have wrong quality ingredients , they can loose the trust of their
customers .

Which brand do you think gives additional benefits to the product ?

- Cup Noodles
- Maggi
Cup Noodles Maggi

10 people were given the survey , 6 chose Cup Noodles ,

and 4 chose Maggi .

60% Cup Noodles over Maggi in terms of benefits

because they provide a free fork inside the cup , and they
also make the package in such a way that the noodles can
be eaten in the package .
40% chose the Maggi because they said that Maggi
includes other products of Nestle during its promotions at
the regular prices for the noodles .

Thus , when an organization provides more benefits in the

product , customers tend to be more attracted to that product , and purchase it .


Which brand do you feel provides chocolates to your liking ?

- Hershey’s
Hershey's Maltesers
- Maltesers

10 people were given the survey , 5 chose Hershey’s ,

and 5 chose Maltesers .

50% chose Hershey’s over Maltesers because they 50% 50%

preferred the rich ‘ chocolate ‘ texture and taste that the
Hershey’s had , they didn’t like the ball shape of the
Maltesers .

50% chose Maltesers over Hershey’s as it had a ‘ cool ‘

shape , and had a very delicious malted milk centre .

Thus , both organizations have been equally good is providing quality products which satisfies
customers needs and wants .

Which brand offers more variety ?

- Hershey’s
Hershey's Maltesers
- Maltesers

10 people were given the survey , 1 chose Hershey’s , 10%

and 9 chose Maltesers .

10% chose Hershey’s over Maltesers because they

didn’t actually know products by Mars Inc. other than
Maltesers .

90% chose Maltesers over Hershey’s as Hershey’s

product line was restricted to only a select few 90%

audiences unlike Mars Inc. which not only sells

Maltesers , but various other chocolate products .

Thus , Maltesers has a better variety of products , and attracts a larger group of customers .


In INSTANT NOODLES , Cup Noodles is better on an overall view point . Cup noodles has been more
successful in making the customers feel safe and sure about the good quality of their product , whereas
Maggi couldn’t do so because of reports that showed that their noodles had a high lead content ,
because of this situation , they lost the trust of many customers .

In CHOCOLATES , Maltesers have been more successful due to their continual adaptation to the
business environment , and adjustment of plans and strategies according to these changes .



Packaging is the wrapping material around a consumer item that serves to contain, identify, describe,
protect, display, promote and otherwise make the product marketable and keep it clean .

Packaging is more than just your product's pretty face. Your package design may affect everything from
breakage rates in shipment to whether stores will be willing to stock it.

For example, "displayability" is an important concern. The original slanted-roof metal container used
for Log Cabin Syrup was changed to a design that was easier to stack after grocers became reluctant to
devote the necessary amounts of shelf space to the awkward packages. Other distribution-related
packaging considerations include:

Labeling. You may be required to include certain information on the label of your product when it is
distributed in specific ways. For example, labels of food products sold in retail outlets must contain
information about their ingredients and nutritional value.

Opening. If your product is one that will be distributed in such a way that customers will want to--and
should be able to--sample or examine it before buying, your packaging will have to be easy to open
and to reclose. If, on the other hand, your product should not be opened by anyone other than the

purchaser--an over-the-counter medication, for instance--then the packaging will have to be designed
to resist and reveal tampering.

Size. If your product must be shipped a long distance to its distribution point, then bulky or heavy
packaging may add too much to transportation costs.

Durability. Many products endure rough handling between their production point and their ultimate
consumer. If your distribution system can't be relied upon to protect your product, your packaging will
have to do the job.


Packaging for a phone in a box

Packet with zip lock for cereals

Tetra Pak package for milk


Paper Glass

Corrugated fiberboard



There are different levels of packaging that a consumer may be exposed to. Usually, the customer is
handling the product in its primary packaging. This is the packaging that the product is seen in as it
sits on the store shelf for example.

The primary packaging is the packaging that is exposed to the consumer and so will have the attributes
conveying important information to the consumer. However, the overall packaging can also be
subdivided into other levels of packaging.

The primary level of packaging is the package that the product is contained in. This level of packaging
may be the one that the consumer sees, but depending on the product, the first level package may be
as simple as a clear plastic bag. For example, in a cereal box, the box is displayed to the consumer,
however the actual cereal is contained within a sealed plastic bag. The bag is the first level of

The next, or secondary level of packaging in this example would be the cereal box itself. In this case,
the first level of packaging provides some protection to the food item and conveys no information to
the consumer. The cereal box however, acting as the second level, provides additional protection, bt it
also provides information to the consumer, as well as a way for the cereal to be displayed, i.e. a box will
fit better on a shelf than a plastic bag full of cereal.

Food for thought, did you ever wonder why cereal is contained within a plastic bag and then put into a
box, whereas pasta or potato chips are only packaging with only one level of packaging?

Sometimes both levels of packaging will provide information to the consumer. Take for example a
bottle of aspirin. You can often find aspirin packaged within the first level bottle, and a second level

A product may even have a transport level package. Products that are sold in bulk items can often
have a third level. The same cereal box sold in a bulk store may be sold in a larger box which contains
two or three smaller boxes, which contains a plastic bag.


1. Protection
• The basic benefit of packaging is the protection of goods to be sold. It prevents damage during
transport and storage from the elements, vibration and compression through a physical layer of

2. Information
• Packaging can provide information to a consumer regarding the product contents. This information
may be promotional, factual or mandated by consumer law.

3. Containment
• Products that contain multiple items use packaging to keep all items contained prior to purchase.
Product containment also allows a product to be sold in larger quantities.

4. Size and Quantity

• Packaging can control the size and quantity of a product. Portion control helps control inventory,
create product consistency and can help regulate prices.

5. Marketing

• Packaging is the front line of marketing. Through design and marketing communications, packages
can help sell a product and differentiate it from similar products. The packaging can also help
promote product branding.

6. Security
• Product security can be provided through packaging. Packing can make items tamper-resistant, can
help reduce theft and can help prevent harm from dangerous products.


• While packaging can do a lot to get customer attention, and may even add value to a product, it
also adds to the cost of production and the eventual retail price. According to Know This, packaging
can represent as much as 40 percent of the selling price of products in industries such as the
cosmetic industry. New packaging can be expensive to develop, adding to the cost of products.

Landfill Impact
• Packaging is responsible for significant portions of the waste stream. According to the Ashland Food
Cooperative, packaging is responsible for about one third of the municipal waste in the United
States. Some waste can be recycled, but many materials are not appropriate for recycling. Post-
consumer recycled content is often usable only in specific contexts. For instance, many types of
recycled plastic may not be used in food containers, even if the original plastic came from food
containers. Much of the waste produced by packaging ends up in a landfill.

Production Footprint
• Products with more packaging also use more resources in production. According to Green Living
Tips, around 12 million barrels of oil are used to make shopping bags for U.S. consumers each year.
Over 10 million barrels are used to make water bottles, and one pound of polystyrene (Styrofoam)
uses about two pounds of petroleum stock. Production also requires energy, usually sourced from
burning fossil fuels, and may produce air and water pollution.

Reasons for cup style packaging

NISSIN target a lot of groups to be their profitable customers.

To begin with the geographic, NISSIN Foods' target market is at at cities and city
hubs where people are very occupied . Instant noodles are their favorite because
instant noodles can help them save time effectively.

About the age, NISSIN Foods' target customers are teenagers such as university
students living in hostel. Most of them like instant noodles because of its

About the economic factor, NISSIN Food's target market is mainly the low income group as instant
noodles can help them save money. They just pay few dollars, and then they can have a lunch or dinner.
In short, NISSIN Food's target markets are low income group and busy people. NISSIN is a well know
manufacturer of instant noodles with a trusted image. Nowadays, there is a keen competition in the
instant noodles market. Besides, there are some reports and experts point out that the bad effect of
eating instant food.

Thus, it is time for NISSIN to have some changes. NISSIN should establish a new image and new
products in order to gain more profit and market shares.

Versatile cup style packaging

<-Primary Package

Secondary package

<-Transport package

Brand 2: Maggi
Reasons for packet style packaging

1. Children and Teenagers’: This is a large segment and is Maggi's stronghold. The age group
between 4 and 14 years has largely similar tastes and is traditionally targeted by Maggi. These
segments perceive Maggi instant noodles as a welcome change in taste from the regular Indian fare
and they are fascinated by the curly shaped noodles. For these segments innovative products also have
novelty value, however, certain dominant preferences emerge. Realizing this early, Maggi shifted focus
from the lady of the house to the end consumer i.e. children themselves ending up as the market leader
of the instant noodles segment. Early buy in of this segment will help Maggi to sell in other segments in

2. Studying Age: The studying age segment though not traditionally targeted specifically has been
devouring Maggi 2 minute noodles. The proposition of convenience of cooking as well as that of a tasty
filling snack attracts this segment which due to erratic schedules keeps missing their regular meals.

3. Office Goers : The Company also targeted this segment people because they were the one who
needs refreshment time to time because of hectic schedule and with would take their minimal time. So
by keeping this aspect into consideration, the company introduce the Cuppa mania, which is a type of
noodle which takes less time to cook and satisfy the hunger as well.

Packet style packaging

Primary Package

Secondary Package

Transport package

Brand 1: Hersheys
Hershey's most famous chocolates are their classic ‘ chocolate bar ‘ style packaging . The main reason
customers love this ‘ chocolate bar ‘ is because they get a sense of nostalgia when they buy a classic
chocolate in the bar form , moreover , Hershey’s has been making chocolates for 120+ years , which
attracts even older age group buyers .

Primary Package

Transport package

Secondary Package

Brand 2: Maltesers
Maltesers has a very attractive packaging which aims at attracting a younger age group , the chocolates
are kept in a packet form , which provides convenience and protects the chocolate .

Primary Package ->

Transport Package ->

Secondary Package ->

It is the part and parcel of a package. It provides written information about the product helping the
buyer to understand the nature of the product, its distinctive features, its composition, its performance .

Role of Labeling

(i) Provides description of the product and specifies its content: The label provides detailed
information of the products, its ingredients, usage, care to be administered, caution, batch
number, manufacturing place, helpline number in certain cases, date of manufacturing and
expiry etc.

(ii) Identifies the product or brand: Labeling enables to identify the product amongst the multiple
brands. SUNFEAST brand of biscuits can be easily identified from the other brands on the basis
of their labeling.

(iii) Aids in product grading: If a company manufactures different qualities of product, labeling
aids in finding which pack contains what type of quality. The variants of tea manufactured by
Hindustan Unilever Ltd are differentiated by the company through green, red and yellow colored

(iv) Facilitates in the promotion of products: It also helps in sales promotion. Consumers are to
drawn towards buying products on account of their attractive labels.

(v) Helps in providing information required as per the law: The labels provides statutory warnings
as required by the law in case of products like cigarettes, pan masalas. They are required to carry
the picture and the warnings too. In the case of hazardous or poisonous products too necessary
statutory warnings are to be put on the label.

William J. Stanton classifies the labels into four:

a) Brand labels: They are majorly meant to popularize the brand name of the product. Cosmetics
manufacturers prefer to use this kind. E.g: Perfumes, Lipsticks etc

b) Grade labels: They emphasize on standards or grades used for product identification.E.g: Fabric, Tea
Leaf, etc.

c) Descriptive labels: They are descriptive in nature; state product features and explains the various uses
of the products. The consumables items like milk etc have descriptive labels.

d) Informative labels: The main object of these labels is to provide maximum possible information. In
case of the medicines, detailed labels are attached which even specify the side effects in using them.

Cup Noodles





This survey is conducted by the students of TMS for a Marketing Project , to estimate the popularity

and quality of packages of noodle brands among the consumers . Kindly fill in the given questions with

appropriate details or by ticking the correct option . The recipients of the survey have bought and have

eaten the above noodle brands .

Name: Gender: Occupation: Age:

1. Which package protects better ?

- Cup Noodles

- Maggi

2. Which brand has a more user friendly package ?

- Cup Noodles

- Maggi

4. Which brand provides more information on the package ?

- Cup Noodles

- Maggi

5. What brands package is lighter and easier to carry ?

- Cup Noodles

- Maggi

6. How can package be improved ?


This survey is conducted by the students of TMS for a Marketing Project , to estimate the popularity

and quality of packages of noodle brands among the consumers . Kindly fill in the given questions with

appropriate details or by ticking the correct option . The recipients of the survey have bought and have

eaten the above chocolate brands .

Name: Gender: Occupation: Age:

1. Which package protects better ?

- Hershey’s

- Maltesers

2. Which brand has a more user friendly package ?

- Hershey’s

- Maltesers

4. Which brand provides more information on the package ?

- Hershey’s

- Maltesers

5. Which brand has a more attractive package ?

- Hershey’s

- Maltesers

6. How can package be improved ?



Which package protects better ?

- Cup Noodles
Cup Noodles Maggi

- Maggi

10 people were given the survey , 7 chose Cup Noodles , and 3

chose Maggi .

70% of the respondents have chosen Cup Noodles over Maggi

because Cup Noodles have been made keeping in mind the
convenience of people who are ‘ on the go ‘ . The noodles 70%
inside cannot be damaged because of the hard plastic cup ,
whereas Maggi noodles are known for damage because of the
thin plastic packaging .

30% chose Maggi over Cup Noodles because they claimed that the upper plastic cover over the Cup
Noodles is prone to damage which can leak the contents which are inside .

Thus , customers who purchase instant noodles prefer a more protective package for their ‘ on the go ‘
use .

Which brand has a more user friendly package ?

- Cup Noodles

- Maggi

Cup Noodles Maggi

10 people were given the survey , 5 chose Cup Noodles , and 5

chose Maggi .

50% of the respondents have chosen Cup Noodles over Maggi

because Cup Noodles includes a fork either on top or inside
the box , not only that , since it is in a cup style package , they
do not need another plate or bowl to eat the noodles , they can 50% 50%
eat it in the package itself .

50% chose Maggi over Cup Noodles because they felt that Cup
Noodles takes too much space as compared to Maggi even
though both contain the exact same amount of noodles inside
them .

Thus , a user friendly package should always be kept in mind to attract customers .


1. Which package protects better ?

- Hershey’s
Hershey’s Maltesers
- Maltesers

10 people were given the survey , 5 chose Hershey’s , and 5

chose Maltesers .

50% 50%
50% of the respondents have chosen Hershey’s over Maltesers
because they said that the chocolate balls inside the Maltesers
are prone to breaking .

50% chose Maltesers over Hershey’s saying it is easy for the

Hershey’s to be melted as compared to the Maltesers package .

Which brand has a more attractive package ?

- Hershey’s
Hershey’s Maltesers

- Maltesers

10 people were given the survey , 4 chose Hershey’s , and 6

chose Maltesers .

40% of the respondents have chosen Hershey’s over Maltesers 60%

claiming it has a classic look and design and gives them a
feeling of nostalgia . Hershey’s is made for all type of age
groups , but it was more preferred by the older age groups ,
which shows that Hershey’s didn’t keep an efficient marketing
strategy for younger age groups .

60% chose Maltesers over Hershey’s because it was more attractive and vibrant , which shows that
Maltesers have been successful in their marketing strategy .

Thus , though a product may taste very good , an unattractive package will lead them to purchase a
similar product by the other brand .


In INSTANT NOODLES , Cup Noodles is better on an overall view point . There are benefits Maggi has
over Cup Noodles , but Cup Noodles has been more successful in their marketing strategies . They
have made sure that their product is made for convenience , and it is always on the go for busy users .
Thus , Cup Noodles is the better brand of Instant Noodles .

In CHOCOLATES , Hershey’s has been successful , but they have not been in successful in all their
strategies as compared to Maltesers . Chocolates are most consumed by younger age groups , and
Hershey’s hasn’t been successful in making their classic chocolate bar better than the Maltese chocolate
balls . Also , Maltesers fulfills the growing demand for bite-size chocolate, as increasingly health-
conscious consumers seek small indulgences .
Thus , Maltesers is the better brand of Chocolates .


From this project I have understood the importance of branding, packaging and labelling of consumer
goods. Branding is an important marketing tool used to stimulate recognition whereas packaging plays
a vital role in terms of protection, storage and hygienic handling of a product. While labelling provides
customers with information to aid their purchase decision or help improve the experience of using the

2013/09/08/the-global-power-instant- noodles/slwhJDp9yoE6M5C1uokrlJ/
marketing-project-maggi marketing-research-of-chocolates
ory.html?utm_term=.1029e09fccfc The_Hershey_Company


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