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A. Read the following text, aloud. Answer the questions that follows.

Lenticular clouds look like very smooth, round or oval, lens-shaped clouds. They usually appear
near the mountain range or over the mountain.

Lenticular clouds are typically formed when moist air, which is relatively stable, flows in a
vertical direction over a mountain. When this vertically moving air comes in contact with the
horizontally moving upper-level wind in a nearly perpendicular manner, it causes deflection. It results in
the formation of several standing waves on the downwind side of the mountain. When the temperature
of the wave’s crest goes on reducing and reaching the dew point, the lenticular clouds are formed.

The process of formation of lenticular clouds goes on constantly and continuously near the crest
of the atmospheric waves. They appear to remain stationary. The fact is that there is always a constant
movement of wind through these clouds.

The lenticular clouds tend to disappear when the temperature rises above the dew point. It
occur as the moisture evaporates in the form of vapor.

1. What is the text about?

about lenticullar clouds in the mountains

2. What is the purpose of the text?

the goal is to tell them about the lenticullar cloud

3. What does paragraph one tell us about?

tells about the characteristics of lenticullar clouds and the formation of these clouds

4. What does paragraph 2 and 3 tell us about?

about the fact that is on leticullar clouds

5. Draw the diagram/ process of how lenticular clouds are formed!

Leticullar relatively stable moist air


vertically up the

come into contact with

the wind that moves
6. What tense is used in the text?

Simple present tense

7. Why does the text use the tense?

because in the text there are many facts sentences and events

8. What kinds of verbs are used in the text? Action, verbal or mental?

the type of verb used is the action verb

9. What conjunctions or sentence connectors are used in the text?

subordinate conjunction

10. Are there any technical terms in the text? What are they and what do they mean?

Touching = bersentuhan Forming = pembentukan

B. Vocabulary Builder. Find the Indonesian meanings of these words.

1. Lenticular clouds (n) = awan lenticular 6. Downwind (n) = menurut angin

2. Moist air (n) = udara yg 7. Crest (n) = puncak
lembab 8. Dew (n) = embun
3. Perpendicular (adj) = tegak lurus 9. Evaporates (v) = menguap
4. Deflection (n) = defleksi 10. Vapor (n) = uap air
5. Flows (v) = mengalir

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