Name: Answer Sheet Vocabulary Grammar: Complete The Words For Drinks. Write Questions With How Much or

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Vocabulary Grammar
1. Complete the words for drinks. 4. Write questions with How much or
How many. Use is there or are
2. ________________

3. ________________
4. ________________ _____________________________________
5. ________________ 3.
6. ________________
2. Look at the pictures. Write the _____________________________________
correct food words.
2. ________________ _____________________________________
3. ________________ 6.
4. ________________

5. ________________

6. ________________ 5. Circle the correct words.

(Escribir solo la palabra correcta no el
3. Look at the pictures. Complete the enunciado)
words for containers and
quantities. 2. ________________

3. ________________
2. ________________ 4. ________________
3. ________________ 5. ________________
4. ________________ 6. ________________
5. ________________

6. ________________
8. Write the conversation in the
correct order.
6. Unscramble the affirmative and
negative statements. Actually, no. I don’t like milk very much.
Me? I want some milk. You too?
Sounds good! I like cola a lot. It’s
2. delicious.
Well, what about some cola?
3. What are you in the mood for?
Clara: (1) What are you in the mood
4. for?_
Billy: (2)
5. ___________________________
_____________________________________ Clara: (3)
6. ___________________________
_____________________________________ Billy: (4)
Clara: (5)
7. Complete the statements with the ___________________________
correct affirmative ( ) or negative
( ) form of the verb.
9. Read the conversation.

(Escribir solo la palabra correcta no el (Escribir solo A, B, C según

enunciado) corresponda sin enunciado)

2. ________________
2. ________________
3. ________________
3. ________________
4. ________________
4. ________________
5. ________________
5. ________________
6. ________________

7. ________________

8. ________________

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