Intan Kumala Sari

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A. Fill in the blanks with suitable verb forms whether active or passive. Use the words in brackets.

Avalanches occur when masses of snow, often with ice and debris, slide down mountain sides.
They (1) is trigger (trigger) by overloading, snow pack conditions, slope angle, vibration, and
temperature. They (2) was gained (gain) speed and power as they draw nearer to the bottom of the
Overloading is a major factor in the occurrence of an avalanche. When the weight of snow
increases, it soon (3) was being overcomed (overcome) cohesion to the snow pack below.
Additionally, bonds (4) is weakened(weaken) when temperatures increase, while the tension and
brittleness of a slab increases when temperatures fall. Another significant trigger is slope angle.
Many avalanches typically occur on slope angles between 35 and 40 degrees. Vibration (5) was
being caused (cause) by shouting, explosions, gun shots, thunders and other loud noises.
Earthquakes and noises which (6) was being produced (produce) by heavy machinery are also
capable of starting avalanches.
There are three primary types of avalanches. Powder avalanches start from a single point and
gather snow ass it (7) was being slide (slide) down the snow.
A snowball (8) is form (form). It typically happens after heavy snowfall on a smooth surface. Slab
avalanches are the most common type to occur during winter due to fresh snow buildup. A slab (9)
is being detached (detach) from a layer of weaker snow below a compact snow layer and moves
forward as a whole block or sometimes (10) is breaks(break) into pieces. Wet valanches frequently
occur during the spring thaw or after a warm spell.

B. Vocabulary Builder. Find the Indonesian meanings of these words.

1. Avalanches (n) = longsoran salju
2. Overloading (n) = overloading
3. Slope angle (n) = sudut kemiringan
4. Cohesion (n) = kohersi
5. Overcome (v) = mengatasi
6. Brittleness (n) = kerapuhan
7. Slab (n) =slab
8. Machinery (n) =mesin
9. Vibration (n) =getaran
10. Occurrence (n) =kejadian
11. Debris (n) = puing puing
12. Masses (n) =massa
13. Trigger (v) =pemicu
14. Capable (adj) =mampu
15. Slide (v) =slide
16. Gather (v) =kumpulkan
17. Layer (n) =layer
18. Weaker (adj) =lebih lemah
19. Detach (v) =lepaskan
20. Thaw (n) =lelehkan
C. Answer these questions based on the text above.

1. What does the text mainly about?

answer: the text mainly about the occurrence of snow ice avalanches on the mountain.

2. What is the purpose of the text?

answer: the purpose is to tell everyone about the natural disaster that is a landslide.

3. What does paragraph one tell us about?

answer: tells about the causes of snow avalanches.

4. Which paragraph explain the process of formation of the natural phenomenon?

answer: paragraph two.

5. What is the generic structure of the text?


a) general statement
b) explanation
c) closing

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