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879273 HFSXXX10.

1177/0018720819879273Human FactorsTrust Mediates Reliability–Reliance Relationshipresearch-article2019

Trust Mediating Reliability–Reliance Relationship

in Supervisory Control of Human–Swarm
Aya Hussein , Sondoss Elsawah, and Hussein A. Abbass, University of
New South Wales, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Objective: This work aims to further test the theory that Introduction
trust mediates the interdependency between automation reli-
ability and the rate of human reliance on automation. Human trust in automation has gained sig-
Background: Human trust in automation has been the nificant interest as a crucial human factor that
focus of many research studies. Theoretically, trust has been can influence human–automation interaction
proposed to impact human reliance on automation by medi- within a mission, and ultimately mission per-
ating the relationship between automation reliability and the
rate of human reliance. Experimentally, however, the results
formance (J. Y. Chen & Barnes, 2014). Theo-
are contradicting as some confirm the mediating role of trust, retically, it has been widely accepted that trust
whereas others deny it. Hence, it is important to experimen- plays a significant mediation role in the rela-
tally reinvestigate this role of trust and understand how the tionship between automation reliability and
results should be interpreted in the light of existing theory. the rate of human reliance on it (J. Gao & Lee,
Method: Thirty-two subjects supervised a swarm of
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in foraging missions in which
2006; Lee & See, 2004; Parasuraman & Riley,
the swarm provided recommendations on whether or not to 1997). However, this role has not yet been
collect potential targets, based on the information sensed by empirically confirmed. Only a few research
the UAVs. By manipulating the reliability of the recommen- endeavors (Bustamante, 2009; Chancey, Bliss,
dations, we observed changes in participants’ trust and their Proaps, & Madhavan, 2015; Chancey, Proaps, &
behavioral responses.
Results: A within-subject mediation analysis revealed a
Bliss, 2013; Merritt, 2011; Wiczorek & Manzey,
significant mediation role of trust in the relationship between 2010) were dedicated to the experimental study
swarm reliability and reliance rate. High swarm reliability of the mediation role played by trust. Moreover,
increased the rate of correct acceptances, but decreased the the results of some of these empirical studies
rate of correct rejections. No significant effect of reliability were contradicting to the corresponding well-
was found on response time.
Conclusion: Trust is not a mere by-product of the inter-
established theory on the topic as well as among
action; it possesses a predictive power to estimate the level of each other.
reliance on automation. The objective of this work is to take a step
Application: The mediation role of trust confirms the toward filling this gap. We investigate the related
significance of trust calibration in determining the appropriate literature and contrast experimental findings to
level of reliance on swarm automation.
the theory on the role of trust. Then, we present
Keywords: human–automation interaction, human–swarm
our human experiments, the purpose of which is
interaction, design of experiments, foraging, within-subject to reexamine the hypothesized mediation role of
mediation analysis, recommender systems trust.

Automation Reliability and

Address correspondence to Aya Hussein, School of Trust In Automation
Engineering and Information Technology, University of
New South Wales, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory Lee and See (2004) define human trust in
2610, Australia; e-mail: an agent as “the attitude that an agent will help
achieve an individual’s goals in a situation
Vol. XX, No. X, Month XXXX, pp. 1­–12 characterized by uncertainty and vulnerability.”
DOI: 10.1177/0018720819879273 Many studies (M. Chen, Nikolaidis, Soh, Hsu,
Article reuse guidelines: & Srinivasa, 2018; F. Gao, Clare, Macbeth, &
Copyright © 2019, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Cummings, 2013; Khasawneh, Bowling, Jiang,
2 Month XXXX - Human Factors

Gramopadhye, & Melloy, 2003; Xu & Dudek, trust in terms of the reliance behavior confounds
2015) found that trust is significantly affected other constructs with trust (Chancey et al.,
by automation reliability, in terms of the prob- 2015).
ability that automation performs its assigned Both overtrust and distrust are believed to be
tasks correctly. Trust is also of a dynamic nature, detrimental to mission performance (Abbass,
as it can drop notably after automation errors Petraki, Merrick, Harvey, & Barlow, 2016; Bou-
(Akash, Hu, Reid, & Jain, 2017; Desai, Kania- bin, Rusnock, & Bindewald, 2017; J. Y. Chen &
rasu, Medvedev, Steinfeld, & Yanco, 2013; Xu Barnes, 2014). According to many researchers
& Dudek, 2015). Hence, an accurate estimation (e.g., Lee & See, 2004; Yang, Unhelkar, Li, &
of trust requires repeated measurements during Shah, 2017), human’s overtrust toward an agent
an interaction (Schaefer, 2016). can result in overrelying on it despite its limita-
The effect of error type (i.e., false alarms vs. tions, which may lead to catastrophic conse-
misses) on trust has been investigated in some quences. For instance, Robinette, Li, Allen,
studies (Chancey et al., 2015; Merritt, Lee, Howard, and Wagner (2016) found that in emer-
Unnerstall, & Huber, 2015) which did not find gency evacuation scenarios, subjects opted to
this effect to be significant. This result can be follow robot instructions to the exit even when
explained using the model in J. Gao and Lee the robot provided circuitous routes. They attrib-
(2006) in which automation characteristics uted this behavior to subjects’ overtrust in the
affect trust through the perception of perfor- robot. On the contrary, distrust has been consid-
mance. Therefore, unless automation character- ered to lead to automation disuse, hence missing
istics are manipulated to affect performance, its potential benefits (Lee & See, 2004). Thus,
they may not affect trust. Thus, unless one type maintaining an appropriate level of trust is
of errors is significantly more detrimental to the deemed important for mission success and opti-
performance than the other, trust may not be mized performance. Although this stance is
impacted by error type. prevalent among human factors researchers, it is
not well backed up by experimental evidence as
Trust and Reliance On mixed results on the mediation role of trust have
Automation been reported in the literature.
Although trust is a personal attitude toward
an agent, reliance is the actual delegation of a The Mediation Role of Trust
task to the agent. Lee and See (2004) suggested The conceptual diagram for a general media-
that trust in automation is a main factor that tion model is depicted in Figure 1. A variable M
affects human intention to rely on that automa- is said to mediate the relationship between an
tion. Other factors may include workload, self- independent variable X and a dependent variable
confidence, and task-associated risks. In turn, Y if two conditions are met (Hayes, 2017): (1) X
the intention to rely is a main factor, but not affects M, which in turn affects Y. For a variable
the sole one, that predicts the reliance behavior, to affect another variable, it needs to not only
which is also affected by other factors such as correlate with it but also temporally precede it.
time constraints. (2) The indirect effect of X on Y through M is
This distinction between trust and reliance statistically significant from zero.
can lead to situations in which a human trusts Trust has been frequently hypothesized to
automation but does not rely on it due, for exam- mediate the relationship between automation
ple, to some inherent risks. Conversely, the reliability and human reliance on automation (J.
human may rely on an agent, albeit not highly Gao & Lee, 2006; Khasawneh et al., 2003; Lee
trusting it, due to other factors such as experi- & See, 2004; Parasuraman & Riley, 1997).
encing a very high workload or the existence of Nonetheless, experimental results disagree with
time constraints. In other words, trust does not each other regarding the mediating role of trust.
necessarily manifest itself into reliance and reli- Bustamante (2009) examined the mediation
ance is not necessarily a piece of evidence of role of trust in the effect of alarm system reli-
trust (Miller et al., 2016). Thus, operationalizing ability on human reliance strategy. In that work,
Trust Mediates Reliability–Reliance Relationship 3

perceived reliability and reliance. They manip-

ulated the reliability of alarm systems across
different experimental conditions and observed
subjects’ trust, perceived reliability, and reli-
ance. They found that reliance was mainly
dependent on perceived reliability but trust was
not a significant mediator in this relationship.
However, these results could have been affected
by their data analysis, as Wiczorek and Manzey
(2010) performed a mediation analysis on the
association between perceived reliability (re-
ported by subjects) and reliance, with trust as a
potential mediator. Nonetheless, they did not
include the actual automation reliability (the
Figure 1. A conceptual diagram for the effect of X
independent variable) in the analysis. Exclud-
on Y. The upper part shows the total effect of X on
ing such an important confounding variable
Y while M is excluded. The lower part shows the
from the analysis is a serious issue that can have
mediation model.
considerable effects on the results as it can lead
to incorrectly rejecting a true mediation (Hert-
participants performed primary flight tasks in ing, 2002; Li, Bienias, & Bennett, 2007).
which they had to maintain level flight and to Merritt (2011) studied the mediating roles of
make sure they have adequate fuels. The alarm trust and automation liking in the relationship
system assisted participants with a secondary between perceived automation reliability and
monitoring task. Bustamante found that trust reliance, in X-ray screening tasks with two reli-
was a by-product of the interaction rather than a ability levels: 80% and 90%. Data were col-
mediator of the reliability–reliance relationship. lected from participants at five points of time
However, this result needs to be interpreted and were used for fitting five separate statistical
with caution due to two reasons. First, reliabil- models, one for each point of time. Their results
ity was manipulated by changing error type indicated that the effect of perceived reliability
from false prone to miss prone, yet whether this on reliance was fully mediated by automation
change affects performance is questionable. In liking in the earlier points of time and by trust in
that experiment, both the main and secondary the later ones.
tasks were critical, which means that both false Chancey et al. (2013) also investigated the
alarms and misses could be equally detrimental indirect effect of reliability on reliance through
to the performance, as the former would con- trust. Subjects were loaded with a word search
tinuously interrupt the execution of the main task and were also provided with an alarm sys-
tasks, whereas the latter would result in missing tem to detect fires. Alarm reliability varied
safety-critical events. Second, the secondary across the two experimental conditions (20%
tasks were systematically different across the and 40%). Subjects’ reliance behavior was mea-
two experimental conditions, leading to chang- sured using both agreement rate and response
ing two variables (error type and secondary time. Chancey et al. (2013) found that trust did
task) simultaneously without adjusting for the not mediate the impact of reliability on either
potential effects of the confounding variable indicators of reliance. Besides, no significant
(the type of the secondary task), which makes it difference in response time was found among
difficult to isolate the effect of the main inde- different reliability conditions. Nevertheless, a
pendent variable (error type), or lack thereof closer look at their experimental design reveals
(MacKenzie, 2012). some factors that could have contributed to
Another endeavor is reported by Wiczorek these findings. Subjects were always provided
and Manzey (2010) who investigated the medi- with the raw sensor data that were used by the
ation role of trust in the relationship between alarm system to generate its recommendation.
4 Month XXXX - Human Factors

Therefore, with the data collection method in human–automation interaction. Experimental

used, it was impossible to distinguish between studies investigating the mediation role of trust
situations in which subjects indeed relied on the should consider the following:
alarm and accepted its recommendations and
situations in which subjects used the raw data to 1. The underlying principle in the literature is
decide on the existence of fire themselves with that humans rely on automation if there are
the results of their processing coinciding with considerable benefits of using it. These ben-
alarm recommendations. In fact, we suspect efits can be saving a limited resource (e.g.,
that subjects could have tended to process the time or effort) or maximizing mission objec-
raw data themselves due to the very low reli- tives. With no such benefits, humans may opt
ability levels used in the experiment. In their to abandon automation. Thus, there is no point
literature review, Wickens and Dixon (2007) in providing humans with an automation that
showed that a reliability level of 70% is the has no significant benefits to the overall per-
crossover point below which automation fails to formance.
benefit the performance. However, Wickens 2. J. Gao and Lee (2006) and Lee and See (2004)
and Dixon (2007) suggested that subjects may suggest that trust plays a mediation role in the
rely on automation with reliability less than relationship between automation characteris-
70% if this is important to maintain the perfor- tics that affect task performance and human
mance of the main task. As the reliability levels reliance on automation. Hence, manipulating
(20% and 40%) used by Chancey et al. (2013) automation characteristics such that it benefits
were considerably lower than this crossover the performance in a way but equally hurts it
point, we believe subjects might have aban- in another is another issue that could have dif-
doned the alarm system, particularly because of ferent implications on trust and reliance.
the importance of fire detection compared with 3. The design of the experiment should exclude
the word search task. confounding variables that change systemati-
Chancey et al. (2015) conducted an experi- cally across experimental conditions (Herting,
ment in which subjects performed primary flight 2002; Li et al., 2007; MacKenzie, 2012). If a
tasks similar to the ones used in Bustamante confounding variable is included, it must be
(2009). Besides, a signaling system with reli- adjusted for during the data analysis.
ability levels of 60% and 90% was used to give 4. The data fed into the mediation analysis have to
the participants advisories about the state of five comply with the temporal precedence require-
gauges. Participants could accept advisories or ment in establishing the causal effect of trust
request to verify them by checking the gauges on reliance (Bustamante, 2009). That is, only
themselves. They found that trust was a signifi- reliance behavior that follows trust measure-
cant mediator of the reliability–reliance relation- ment should be considered for the analysis.
ship. Reliability had a significant direct effect on 5. The dynamic nature of trust should be taken
response time, but no significant indirect effect into consideration. Thus, trust should be
through trust. Manipulating error type, however, repeatedly measured to get an updated and a
did not have a significant effect on trust, which more accurate value of it.
could be due to the same reason we mentioned
for the work in Bustamante (2009). Table 1 pro- Method
vides a summary of these studies. We designed a swarm-based human experi-
ment based on the guidelines described earlier
Design of Experiments Guidelines to avoid the identified weaknesses of previ-
Deficiencies with the experimental design, ous studies. A robot swarm is a special type
data collection, or data analysis could lead to of robotic systems in which a large number
incorrect inferences. In the light of previous of robots with relatively limited capabilities
studies on trust and related literature, we pro- communicate with each other using local inter-
vide some guidelines that could be helpful to actions which can be utilized to achieve a
mitigate errors while examining the role of trust wide range of global complex behaviors, such
Trust Mediates Reliability–Reliance Relationship 5

Table 1: Summary of the Experimental Studies on the Mediation Role of Trust

Study Details Guidelines

Study Relation Significant 1 2 3 4 5

Bustamante (2009) Error type → trust → No ✓ X X ✓ X

reliance rate
Wiczorek and Perceived reliability → No ✓ ✓ X ✓ ✓
Manzey (2010) trust → reliance rate
Merritt (2011) Perceived reliability → Yes ✓ ✓ X ✓ ✓
trust → reliance rate
Chancey, Proaps, Automation reliability → No X ✓ ✓ X X
and Bliss (2013) trust → reliance rate
Chancey, Bliss, Error type → trust → No ✓ X ✓ ✓ X
Proaps, and reliance rate
Madhavan (2015)
Chancey et al. Automation reliability → Yes ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ X
(2015) trust → reliance rate

as flocking, dispersion, and foraging. Robot sense only target objects, confusion with non-
swarms have been gaining increasing interest target objects is also possible according to some
due to the usefulness of their behaviors in a probability values associated with these nontar-
variety of applications ranging from agriculture gets. That is, an object with a detection prob-
to space exploration. ability p is expected to be sensed by an average
Many research studies have used simulated of p UAVs that have a sensing range greater than
robot swarms for foraging (e.g., Nunnally et al., their distance to that object (nearby UAVs). The
2012; Pendleton and Goodrich, 2013; Tang numbers of target and nontarget objects in the
et al., 2017) in which robots are deployed in an environment are equal. Once an object is sensed
environment to collect target objects. Foraging by one or more UAVs, its position is visualized
is a benchmark problem in the swarm robotics and the whole swarm starts heading toward it.
literature as it resembles many real-world mis- Upon arrival, the swarm recommends how the
sions including search and rescue, cleaning, har- object should be handled (collected/discarded)
vesting, and land mine clearance (Winfield, based on the number of UAVs that are able to
2009). sense it (see Figure 2c). If the number of UAVs
This research complied with the American sensing the object is at least 10, the swarm
Psychological Association Code of Ethics and recommends collecting the object, otherwise
was approved by the Human Research Ethics it recommends discarding it. The human can
Committee (protocol no. HC180308). Informed accept a recommendation or request to verify it.
consent was obtained from each participant. Accepting a recommendation leads the swarm
to execute the recommended action. On the con-
Scenario trary, verification is implemented by retrieving
A swarm of 20 unmanned aerial vehicles the object’s image so that the human can iden-
(UAVs) is deployed in an environment contain- tify its type himself or herself (see Figure 3). To
ing two types of initially hidden objects: targets simulate the object identification task, images
and nontargets. The swarm autonomously navi- containing rectangles are used, where targets
gates the environment in a predefined path (see have an even number of rectangles, whereas
Figure 2a). During its navigation, a UAV can nontargets have an odd number of rectangles.
sense an object within its sensing range (see Object collection is a time-consuming opera-
Figure 2b), with a probability associated with tion that takes 5 s following which the gained
that object. Although the UAVs are aimed to score is visualized (see Figure 2d). Collecting
6 Month XXXX - Human Factors

Figure 2. Scenario description: (a) swarm navigation through the environment starting from the
yellow circle onward; (b) a swarm agent detecting an object within its sensing range; (c) the swarm
arrives at the detected object and recommends collecting it; (d) the gained score after the swarm
finished collecting a target; (e) an indication of missed target after the swarm discarded a target

targets increases the score, whereas collecting erroneous recommendations (collect nontar-
nontargets does not change it. The role of the gets and discard targets) are equally probable
human is to make the decisions that maximize in each reliability condition to avoid the con-
the score of the mission by collecting as many founding effect of error bias (Guideline 3).
targets as possible. The time constraint on the
mission implies that collecting nontargets Experimental Setup
reduces the time available for finding and col- A within-subject design is employed, in
lecting targets. Frequent human verification can which each subject supervised the swarm in the
also waste the available time as image retrieval two reliability conditions. The within-subject
and object identification are time-consuming. design is chosen as it is beneficial to account-
Image retrieval takes 1 s, whereas object identifi- ing for individual differences that can affect
cation depends on the recognition and judgment subjects’ behavior (Guideline 3). The order of
speed of the human. The task is designed such the missions was counterbalanced to correct for
that proper reliance strategies, with respect to the ordering effects (Guideline 3). Thirty-two sub-
level of reliability, yield higher performance. jects participated in the experiment: 17 females
Two levels of recommendation reliability and 15 males. Their average reported age is
(90% and 70%) have been used. These levels 28.13 years (SD = 5.34).
were chosen to be at least 70% (Wickens & Subjects first read and agreed to the consent-
Dixon, 2007) to ensure that automation is ben- to-participate form, and then they filled in a short
eficial to the performance (Guideline 1). The questionnaire. They were introduced to the task,
gap between the two reliability conditions was given its instructions, and allowed to ask ques-
selected to make a notable difference to the tions before starting the task. Subjects were noti-
performance (Guideline 2). The two types of fied that the accuracy of the recommendations
Trust Mediates Reliability–Reliance Relationship 7

to a recommendation in the interval following

the questionnaire. Data are constructed in this
way to comply with the temporal precedence
requirement for the mediation analysis (Guide-
line 4). Overall, 256 rows of data (eight repeated
measures for each participant) have been used
for the statistical analyses.
Hierarchical linear modeling has been used to
account for the correlation among data collected
from the same subject due to repeated measure-
ments. Data have been standardized before per-
forming the regression analyses so that beta
coefficients can be calculated. For each depen-
Figure 3. A screenshot of the simulation showing a dent variable, we fitted a variance component
human verification of the type of an object. model (null model) and one or more random
intercept models; all models contain subject as a
changes across missions, but were not told the random effect, whereas only random intercept
exact accuracy. All subjects were given 2-min models contain recommendation reliability (and
warm-up periods to get used to the simulation possibly trust) as fixed within-subject effects.
environment. Although no subject complained or We calculated Akaike information criterion
found it hard to interact with the system, we (AIC) to assess the relative quality of candidate
recorded and compared subjects’ response time models in terms of their likelihood of correctly
in these 2 min against the rest of the simulation estimating future values, such that lower AIC
time (see Figure 4). Given the simplicity of the values reflect higher model quality. The mar-
environment, the subjects managed to drive the ginal and conditional coefficients of determina-
simulation professionally from the start. tion Rm2 and Rc2 are calculated to give estimates
A short trust questionnaire, adapted from of the variance explained by the fixed effect and
Jian, Bisantz, and Drury (2000), was prompted by the entire model, respectively. The results of
every 2 min (Guideline 5) in which subjects the statistical analyses are summarized in Tables
rated their current level of trust in swarm recom- 2 and 3 and Figures 6 and 7.
mendations using a 10-point Likert-type scale. Cronbach’s alpha for the trust scale ranged
Subjects were asked to take as much time as between α = .7 and α = .81, and the intraclass
they needed to answer the questions accurately. correlation coefficient (ICC) for trust measure-
The simulation was paused so that the question- ments is .37. The estimates of the within- and
naire does not consume the task time. between-subject variance in the variance com-
ponent model M0 are 0.63 and 0.37, respectively.
Data Analysis and Results In the random intercept model for trust M1, reli-
Scenario time has been divided into five ability (within-subject factor) is added to the
intervals, with the length of each being 2 min. model, leading to a reduced within-subject vari-
Four rows of data of the form (reliability, trust, ance of 0.47. The regression of trust on reliabil-
reliance rate, response time) were extracted ity is statistically significant with βa = 0.39 and
from each scenario, as shown in Figure 5, 95% confidence interval (CI) = [0.31, 0.47]. The
such that reliability is the actual recommenda- marginal and conditional variance explained of
tion reliability experienced by a subject in the M1 are Rm2 = .16 and Rc2 = .51 , respectively.
interval prior to the questionnaire, trust is the AIC for M1 (600.6) is significantly lower than
level of trust reported by the subject in the AIC for M0 (666.6), p < .001.
questionnaire, reliance rate is the subject’s rate ICC for the reliance rate is .32. Three models
of accepting recommendations in the interval have been fitted for the reliance rate: the vari-
following the questionnaire, and response time ance component model and two random inter-
is the average time the subject took to react cept models. In the variance component model
8 Month XXXX - Human Factors

Figure 4. Participants’ response time during the experiments. The dashed line indicates the end of the
2-min warm-up period.

Figure 5. The structure of the data used for the analysis. The number inside the parentheses indicates the
row number to which the observation belongs.

M0, the estimates of the within- and between- 95% CI = [0.24, 0.45]) and trust (βb = 0.17, 95%
subject variance are 0.68 and 0.32, respectively. CI = [0.02, 0.33]) is statistically significant. The
This model will be used as a baseline in com- marginal and conditional variance explained of
parison to the models containing predictors, the M2 are Rm2 = .18 and Rc2 = .52 , respectively. The
random intercept models. Significant differ- AIC values for both M1 (615.7) and M2 (612.7)
ences between the models can be indicated by are significantly lower than that for M0 (681), p <
their AIC values. .001. Moreover, the difference between the AIC
In the first random intercept model for reli- values for M1 and M2 is statistically significant
ance rate M1, only reliability is incorporated (p = .03).
within the model, leading to a reduced within- ICC for the response time is .6. Three mod-
subject variance of 0.51. The decrease in the els have also been fitted for response time. In
within-subject variance reflects the model’s the variance component model M0, the esti-
ability to explain a portion of the variation in mates of the within- and between-subject vari-
subject’s reliance rate, which is not accounted ance are 0.39 and 0.6, respectively. The first
for by M0. The regression of reliance rate on reli- random intercept model for response time M1
ability is statistically significant with βc = 0.4, incorporates the effect of reliability; however,
95% CI = [0.31, 0.49], Rm2 = .16 , and Rc2 = .5 . this does not affect the within-subject variance.
In the second random intercept model for reli- The regression of response time on reliability is
ance rate M2, both reliability and trust are incor- not statistically significant from zero (β =
porated within the model, leading to a reduced −0.02, 95% CI = [−0.1, 0.05]). Furthermore,
within-subject variance of 0.49. The regression adding trust in the second random intercept
of reliance rate on both reliability (βc1 = 0.34, model for response time M2 does not affect the
Trust Mediates Reliability–Reliance Relationship 9

Table 2: Descriptive Statistics and the Correlations Between Study Variables

M SD Minimum Maximum 1 2 3 4

1. Actual reliability 0.83 0.14 0.38 1 –  

2. Trust 6.14 1.97 1 10 .43** –  
3. Reliance rate 0.67 0.29 0 1 .38** .29** –  
4. Response time 1.52 0.78 0.3 5.6 –.06 –.12** –.26** –

**p < 0.01.

Table 3: Results of Statistical Analyses

Response Within-Subject Subject
Rm2 Rc2
Variable Model β Variance Variance

Trust M0 — 0.63 0.37 — .37

  M1 0.39 [0.31, 0.47] 0.47 0.34 .16 .51
Reliance rate M0 — 0.68 0.32 — .32
  M1 0.4 [0.31, 0.49] 0.51 0.35 .16 .5
  M2 0.34 [0.24, 0.45] 0.49 0.35 .18 .52
  0.17 [0.02, 0.33]  
Response time M0 — 0.39 0.6 — .6
  M1 –0.02 [–0.1, 0.05] 0.39 0.6 ≈0 .6
  M2 0.004 [–0.1, 0.11] 0.39 0.59 .01 .6
  –0.07 [–0.21, 0.08]  

Note. Two beta coefficients are listed for model M2, where the first is for reliability and the second is for trust.

The average rates of correct acceptance and

correct rejection are calculated for each scenario
rather than for each interval, as many intervals
did not include incorrect recommendations.
Paired-samples t tests were conducted to com-
pare the average rates of correct acceptance and
correct rejection in the two conditions. There
Figure 6. Results of the mediation model. was a significant difference in the correct accep-
tance rate among the low-reliability (M = 0.58,
SD = 0.22) and high-reliability (M = 0.79, SD =
within-subject variance. The beta coefficients 0.18) conditions, t(31) = −5.91, p < .001.
of both reliability (β = 0.004, 95% CI = [−0.1, Similarly, a significant difference was found in
0.11]) and trust (β = −0.07, 95% CI = [–0.21, the rate of correct rejection between the low-
0.08]) in M2 are not statistically significant. The reliability (M = 0.42, SD = 0.23) and high-
difference in AIC between each pair of models reliability (M = 0.22, SD = 0.27) conditions,
M0 (AIC = 573.8), M1 (AIC = 575.5), and M2 t(31) = 3.8, p < .001. The overall performance is
(AIC = 575.9) is not statistically significant. compared in the two conditions, in terms of the
A repeated-measures version of the media- number of targets collected. A paired-samples t
tion analysis described in Hayes (2017) has been test showed that the difference between the
used, with bootstrapped CIs. The indirect effect number of targets collected in the low-reliability
of recommendation reliability on reliance rate (M = 28.35, SD = 6.33) and the high-reliability
through trust is shown to be statistically signifi- (M = 34.88, SD = 7.13) conditions is statistically
cant (βaβb = 0.07, 95% CI = [0.007, 0.141]). significant, t(31) = −6.8, p < .001.
10 Month XXXX - Human Factors

Figure 7. The average values of subject’s trust and performance in the two scenarios.

Discussion and Conclusion In our experiment, response time was not a

The aim of this study was to reexamine useful indicator for a subject’s reliance behavior
the mediation role of trust in the association as indicated by the insignificant change in
between automation reliability and human reli- response to either reliability or trust. The lack of
ance on automation. However, a true media- these effects could be because subjects were not
tion role can easily be incorrectly rejected due loaded with an additional auxiliary task that
to issues with the experimental design or the would delay their attendance to the recommen-
statistical analysis employed (Herting, 2002; dations. The estimated between-subject variance
Li et al., 2007). Thus, it was important to have for response time is high (0.6), indicating that
a closer look at previous work examining the subjects differ widely in their average response
mediation role of trust to identify issues that time, possibly due to other individual factors
could have potentially contributed to errone- external to the models.
ously dismissing a potential mediation role. By Increasing the level of reliability resulted in a
avoiding such issues, it becomes more probable significant increase in the rate of correct accep-
to correctly detect or reject the hypothesized tance, which is a desirable effect as it leads to
mediation. speeding up task performance. Nonetheless,
The results of our study were able to provide this effect was accompanied by a significant
empirical support to the mediation role of trust decrease in the rate of correct rejection, which
in the relationship between automation reliabil- reflects a decline in human ability to manage
ity and the rate of human reliance on automa- erroneous swarm recommendations. On aver-
tion. Based on the mediation model fitted to the age, the performance benefited significantly
experimental data, the indirect effect of reliabil- from the increase in swarm reliability, as incor-
ity on the reliance rate through trust accounted rect recommendations were much less frequent
for about 20% of the reliance rate exhibited by than the correct ones. The pattern of subjects’
the subjects. These results stress the practical behavior detected in our study reflects increased
significance of trust calibration when determin- automation-induced complacency (Parasura-
ing human reliance on automation. Thus, design- man, Molloy, & Singh, 1993) and suggests that
ing trust-aware human–automation interaction increased reliability alone is insufficient for
is expected to benefit mission performance by proper use. Human complacent behavior toward
regulating the reliance rate. highly reliable automation has been reported in
Trust Mediates Reliability–Reliance Relationship 11

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