Instructional Activities

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Throughout this training series, various types of activities will be conducted in order for
participants to gain a deeper understanding of the materials covered throughout the course.

Activities will be explained orally in class and each participant will be provided with a written
explanation to ensure greater understanding.

All of these activities will be followed with formative feedback- a combination of written and
oral--so that the learners may continuously develop their leadership plans while learning a more
effective way of leading within this organization.

Activity Task Log: Do Activity

Objective: Learners will list all daily tasks occurring from 0800-1700, as per agency standard by

Using the activity task log provided below, fill in all of the activities that you partake in
throughout the course of your day (this should include everything from meetings, emailing,
project work, coffee breaks, smoking breaks, relationship building with employees, coaching
employees, etc.). Focusing especially on the last column “Value Added to Goals” you will judge
how relevant the tasks you are partaking in are to your goals as a leader.

A breakdown of what each column should contain:

Task- The activity/ task itself
Time- At what time did you start the activity
Duration- The length of time that the activity takes
Value- What level of value is added to goals (low, medium or high)

The comprehensive completion of this activity is detrimental to the following activity; be sure to
list all activities that you partake in and as accurate of a duration as possible.

Eisenhower Box: Do & Connect Activity

Objective: Using a list of daily tasks, learners will identify their time spenders, as specified by
the Eisenhower Box.

In this activity, you will analyze each task that you previously listed in your activity task log and
will determine which quadrant of the Eisenhower Box it fits into.

A recap of the explanation in class:

Q1: Are reactive tasks; urgencies that pop up and need to be addressed right away Q2: Are
proactive tasks; these are priority items that will lead to the accomplishments of your goals
Q3: These items are someone else’s priorities and are urgent but they do not provide support
for your goals and should be delegated
Q4: These are time spenders; scrolling through social media, personal messaging during work
hours, longer than necessary break times, etc.

After sorting through all of your activities and placing them in the appropriate quadrant, what are
ways in which you can minimize or eliminate activities in Q3&Q4 to increase effectiveness?

All tasks in Q3 should be delegated- for each task, brainstorm a way in which they can be
delegated out.
All tasks in Q4 should be minimized and eventually eliminated- identify what can be done to
minimize and eliminate these activities.

T-Chart: Absorb, Do & Connect Activity

Objective: Using results from Google project, learners will distinguish between good and bad
leadership traits as established on accredited sources.

Through the use of internet research, learners will work in groups to distinguish between good
and bad leadership traits. Using a T-Chart, groups will compile a chart of the good and bad traits
that they discovered online.

Students are able to explore leadership traits through written sources or audio sources (such as

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