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Activity Objective: To learn and apply knowledge of adjective vocabulary to describe various

objects Procedure: Students will be introduced to adjective vocabulary relating to touch, size,
shape and color through the use of flashcards. After repeating the vocabulary words students will
be given a handout with an adjective word bank and table containing a list of various objects.
Students will form small groups of 4-5 students. Each group will receive a different object provided
by the ALT and JTE. The students will examine the object and write four adjectives to describe that
object. The ALT will demonstrate an example for students. The objects will rotate through the
small groups until each group has received all of the objects. Students will fill out the table, writing
four adjectives to describe each object. If groups finish early students will write descriptive
sentences using the information in the table. An example sentence will be provided on the
handout for students

Picture Fun

Have students cut out a picture of a person in a magazine.  Students should

describe the person, how old they are, what their job is, what their hobbies are, etc. and then
present that person to the class.  This is good for practicing adjectives (e.g. tall/short, fat, thin,
slim, long hair, etc).  (Submitted by Kelly).

 Time: 40 mins - 1 hour

 Objectives: Describing things with common adjectives.
 Structures: "Let's look at~", "What's that?", "It's a/an (adjective)+(noun)"
 Target Vocab: big, small, long, short, fat, thin, fast, slow, strong, weak, apple, pencil, cat, man, car,
bear, mouse, snake, hippo, horse, lion.

Lesson Materials:
 Printables:
- Adjectives – Draw the Opposites worksheet
- Animal Adjectives – Write worksheet
- Let’s Look at the Animals Song - Listen and Circle worksheet (use for the song)
- Let’s Look at the Animals song poster
- Warm Up & Wrap Up lesson sheet
 Readers: Monster Friends
 Songs: Let’s Look at the Animals
 large pieces of paper (A3 is ideal - 1 sheet per student)
 colored crayons / pencils
 length of rope
 board with markers or chalk
 CD / Tape player / Computer or something to play the song on

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