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NAME GROUP ID std number

ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM HOMEWORK 3rd partial. a,b,c,d are your last digits
Consider the resistors and power source:
Charge in µC Power sources
R1=2(a+1)Ω = VT1 = 50(b+1) V
R2=2(b+1)Ω =
R3=2(c+1)Ω =
R4=2(v+1)Ω =

1.- Obtain RT, V1, I2 and P3 (resistance, voltage, current and power)

RT = Ω , V1= V, I2 = A, P3= W

2.- Consider R1, R2, R3 and R4 are in parallel connection. Calculate the value of a fifth
resistor to be connected also in parallel so RT = 1 Ω
R5 = Ω

3.- Interchange R4 and R2 in the circuit of problem 1 and recalculate RT, V1 and P3
RT = Ω, V1 = V, P3 = W

4.- Calculate the number of electrons needed to produce an electric current of

10(a+b+c+d+1)µA flowing in (d+1) hours.
n= electrons

5.- Calculate the radius of a circular wire if there is an electric current of

10(a+b+c+d)mA and density of current of 10(c+1)A/m 2.
r= m

6.- Calculate the resistivity of a wire of R = 10(d+1) Ω and length L=2(d+1) km if its
radius is (b+1) mm.
ρ= Ωm

7.- In a circular plate there is a magnetic flux density B = 2(d+1) T and the magnetic
flux through the plate is  = 3(c+1) mWb. If the angle between the flux and the area is
(45+a+b+c+d) degrees, determine the radius of the plate.
r= m

Procedures are not necessary

8.- An iron bar whose relative permeability is 1000(b+1) is placed in a region of a
magnetic field in which the density of the magnetic flux is unknown. If the intensity of
magnetic field is (50+a+b+c+d) A/m, determine density of the magnetic flux.
B= T
9.- The magnetic induction in a point located in the air from a straight conductor is
(5+c+d) µT. If the current flowing in the wire is (d+1) A, calculate the distance between
the point and the wire.
d= m
10.- Determine the radius of a spiral if it is in a medium whose relative permeability is
2(a+b+c+d), the current flowing is I = 3(a+b+c+d)mA and magnetic induction
r= m
11.- Determine the current flowing thorough a solenoid of 100(b+1)loops. The iron core
has µr=1000(d+1), the length of the solenoid is L=(10+a+b+c+d)cm, and the magnetic
induction is 100(b+d+1)mT.
I= A
12.- A solenoid has a length of (a+b+c+d)cm and 50(b+d+1) loops around an iron core
µr=1200(c+1). Calculate the magnetic induction in the center of the solenoid when a
current of (a+b+1)mA is flowing.
B= T
13.- Determine the magnitude of the velocity of a particle of q=10(d+1)µC if
B=10(c+1)T. The force over the particle is (a+b+1)mN and the angle between velocity
and magnetic induction is (50+a+b+c+d) degrees.
v= m/s
14.- A current of (d+1)mA flows through a straight wire. If that wire is inserted between
the poles of a horseshoe magnet and remains submerged (c+1)cm perpendicular to
the (a+b+1)mT magnetic induction field, calculate the magnitude of the force it
F= N
15.- A current of the same value flows through everyone of two straight and parallel
conductors separated a distance of (a+d+1)cm. The length of the conductors is
10(d+1)cm. If they are in the air and the magnetic force exerted in everyone is
10(a+b+c+d)µN, determine the electric current flowing in each wire.
I1=I2 = A

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