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Information Processing Letters 90 (2004) 175–179

A simple algorithm for the constrained sequence problems

Francis Y.L. Chin a,∗,1 , Alfredo De Santis b , Anna Lisa Ferrara b , N.L. Ho a , S.K. Kim c
a Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
b Dipartimento di Informatica ed Applicazioni, Università di Salerno, 84081 Baronissi (SA), Italy
c Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chung-Ang University, 221 Huksuk-dong, Dongjak-ku, Seoul 156-756, Republic of Korea

Received 1 November 2003; received in revised form 29 January 2004

Communicated by F. Dehne

In this paper we address the constrained longest common subsequence problem. Given two sequences X, Y and a constrained
sequence P , a sequence Z is a constrained longest common subsequence for X and Y with respect to P if Z is the longest
subsequence of X and Y such that P is a subsequence of Z.
Recently, Tsai [Inform. Process. Lett. 88 (2003) 173–176] proposed an O(n2 · m2 · r) time algorithm to solve this problem
using dynamic programming technique, where n, m and r are the lengths of X, Y and P , respectively.
In this paper, we present a simple algorithm to solve the constrained longest common subsequence problem in O(n · m · r)
time and show that the constrained longest common subsequence problem is equivalent to a special case of the constrained
multiple sequence alignment problem which can also be solved with the same time complexity.
 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Keywords: Constrained longest common subsequence; Algorithms; Dynamic programming; Sequence alignment

1. Introduction of the similarity of biological sequences. Indeed, if we

wish to compare two strands of DNA or two protein
The longest common subsequence (LCS) problem sequences, we may compute the LCS of them. The
has several applications in many apparently unrelated LCS problem on multiple sequences is NP-hard [4].
fields, such as computer science, mathematics, molec- However, it may be solved in polynomial time for two
ular biology, speech recognition, gas chromatography. sequences.
In molecular biology, LCS is an appropriate measure Many algorithms have been designed using the
dynamic programming technique on this problem
[3,5,8]. Tsai addressed a variant of the LCS problem,
* Corresponding author. the constrained longest common subsequence (CLCS)
E-mail addresses: (F.Y.L. Chin), problem [7]. Given two sequences X, Y and a con- (A. De Santis),
(A.L. Ferrara), (N.L. Ho),
strained sequence P , compute the longest common
(S.K. Kim). subsequence Z of X and Y such that P is a subse-
1 This research was supported in part by Hong Kong RGC Grant. quence of Z. An O(n2 · m2 · r) time algorithm based
0020-0190/$ – see front matter  2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.
176 F.Y.L. Chin et al. / Information Processing Letters 90 (2004) 175–179

on the dynamic programming technique was proposed The following theorem characterizes the structure
for this problem by Tsai [7], where n, m and r are the of an optimal solution based on optimal solutions to
lengths of X, Y and P , respectively. subproblems, for the constrained LCS problem.
In this paper, we present a simple algorithm to
solve the CLCS problem in O(n · m · r) time. We Theorem 2.1. If Z = z1 , z2 , . . . , z  is the con-
further show that this CLCS problem is equivalent to strained LCS of X = x1 , x2 , . . . , xn  and Y = y1 , y2 ,
a special case of the constrained sequence alignment . . . , ym  with respect to P = p1 , p2 , . . . , pr , the fol-
(CSA) problem which can be solved with the same lowing conditions hold:
time complexity.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In 1. If xn = ym = pr then z = xn = ym = pr and
Section 2, we define formally the CLCS problem and Z−1 is the constrained LCS of Xn−1 and Ym−1
characterize the structure in computing the CLCS. In with respect to Pr−1 .
Section 3, we present a simple dynamic programming 2. If xn = ym and xn = pr then z = xn = ym and
algorithm that computes the CLCS of two sequences Z−1 is the constrained LCS of Xn−1 and Ym−1
with respect to a constrained sequence. In Section 4, with respect to P .
we show that the CLCS problem is equivalent to a 3. If xn = ym then z = xn implies that Z is a
special case of the constrained sequence alignment constrained LCS of Xn−1 and Y with respect to P .
problem [1,6]. 4. If xn = ym then z = ym implies that Z is a
constrained LCS of X and Ym−1 with respect
to P .
2. Characterization of the constrained LCS
Proof. As Z is the constrained LCS of X and Y with
respect to P , xn , ym and z are the last characters of
X, Y and Z, respectively, we have z = xn = ym if
A sequence is a string of characters over a set of xn = ym . Assume by contradiction that z = xn , we
alphabets Σ. A subsequence Z of a sequence X is may append xn = ym to Z to obtain a constrained
obtained by deleting some characters from X (not common subsequence of X and Y of length  + 1,
necessarily contiguous); we also say that X contains contradicting the hypothesis that Z, of length , is
Z if Z is a subsequence of X. Given two sequences a constrained LCS of X and Y with respect to P .
X and Y , Z is a common subsequence of X and Y Therefore, if xn = ym then zl = xn = ym . This will be
if Z is a subsequence of both X and Y . Z is the used in the proofs of 1 and 2. Now, we prove the four
longest common subsequence (LCS) of X and Y if properties.
Z is the longest among all common subsequences Proof of 1. Since xn = ym = pr , we have xn =
of X and Y . For example, “lm” and “rm” are both ym = pr = z . The prefix Z−1 is a common subse-
the longest common subsequence of “problem” and quence of Xn−1 and Ym−1 with respect to Pr−1 of
“algorithm”. Let P be a constrained sequence. We length  − 1. Now, we show that Z−1 is a constrained
say that Z is the constrained LCS of X and Y with LCS of Xn−1 and Ym−1 with respect to Pr−1 . Assume
respect to P if Z is the longest subsequence of X by contradiction that there exists a constrained com-
and Y and Z contains P (i.e., P is a subsequence mon subsequence S of Xn−1 and Ym−1 with respect to
of Z). For example, “lm” is the longest common Pr−1 whose length is greater than  − 1. If we append
subsequence of “problem” and “algorithm” with xn = ym = pr to S we obtain a constrained common
respect to “l”. subsequence of X and Y with respect to P of length
Given a sequence X = x1 , x2 , . . . , xn , where char- greater than , contradicting the hypothesis that Z is a
acter xi ∈ Σ for any i = 1, . . . , n, we denote the constrained LCS of X and Y with respect to P .
ith prefix of X by Xi = x1 , x2 , . . . , xi  for any Proof of 2. Since xn = ym and xn = pr , then
i = 1, . . . , n. In particular, X0 denotes the empty se- xn = ym = z and z = pr . As z = pr , the prefix
quence. For example, if X = “algorithm” then Z−1 is a common subsequence of Xn−1 and Ym−1
X3 = “alg”. with respect to P of length  − 1. Now, we show
F.Y.L. Chin et al. / Information Processing Letters 90 (2004) 175–179 177

that Z−1 is a constrained LCS of Xn−1 and Ym−1 Proof of 2. Assume by contradiction that there is
with respect to P . Assume by contradiction that there no constrained common subsequence of X and Y with
exists a constrained common subsequence S of Xn−1 respect to P but there exists a constrained common
and Ym−1 with respect to P whose length is greater subsequence Z of X and Y  with respect to P . This
than  − 1. If we append xn = ym to S, we obtain a is a contradiction because Z is also a constrained
constrained common subsequence of X and Y with common subsequence of X and Y with respect to P .
respect to P of length greater than , contradicting the
hypothesis that Z is a constrained LCS of X and Y
with respect to P . 3. A simple algorithm
Proof of 3. Since z = xn , Z is a constrained com-
mon subsequence of Xn−1 and Y with respect to P .
Now, we show that Z is a constrained LCS of Xn−1 Given two sequences X, Y and a constrained se-
and Y with respect to P . Assume by contradiction that quence P , whose lengths are n, m and r, respectively,
there exists a constrained common subsequence S of we define L(i, j, k) as the constrained LCS length
Xn−1 and Y with respect to P whose length is greater of Xi and Yj with respect to Pk , for any 0  i  n,
than , then S also is a constrained common subse- 0  j  m and 0  k  r. In particular, L(n, m, r)
quence of X and Y with respect to P whose length is gives the length of the constrained LCS of X and Y
greater than . This contradicts the assumption that Z with respect to P . We design an algorithm that com-
is a constrained LCS of X and Y with respect to P . putes the CLCS of X and Y with respect to P in
Proof of 4. The proof is similar to proof of 3. 2 O(n · m · r) time.
If either i < k or j < k, there is no constrained
common subsequence for Xi and Yj with respect
The next theorem shows a characterization of
to Pk . We represent this condition by denoting L(i, j,
the constrained LCS problem when no constrained
k) = −∞, where ∞ represents a large number, greater
common subsequence exists.
than the maximum value of n and m. If i = 0 or j = 0
and k = 0, the CLCS for Xi and Yj with respect to P0
Theorem 2.2. If there is no constrained common sub- has length 0. The characterization of the structure of a
sequence of X = x1 , x2 , . . . , xn  and Y = y1 , y2 , . . . , solution for the CLCS problem based on solutions to
ym  with respect to P = p1 , p2 , . . . , pr , the follow- subproblems shown in Section 2, yields the following
ing conditions hold: recursive relation, for any 0  i  n, 0  j  m and
0  k  r,
1. If xn = ym = pr then there is no constrained
 1 + L(i − 1, j − 1, k − 1)
common subsequence of Xn−1 and Ym−1 with 

 if i, j, k > 0 and xi = yj = pk ,
respect to Pr−1 . 

 1 + L(i − 1, j − 1, k)
2. There is no constrained common subsequence of 
the two sequences X and Y  with respect to P , L(i, j, k) = if i, j > 0, xi = yj and (1)

 = =

for each of the following three cases: 
 (k 0 or x i pk ),

• X = Xn−1 and Y  = Ym−1 ;  max(L(i − 1, j, k), L(i, j − 1, k))

• X = Xn−1 and Y  = Y ; if i, j > 0 and xi = yj
• X = X and Y  = Ym−1 .
with boundary conditions,
Proof of 1. Assume by contradiction that there is no
L(i, 0, 0) = L(0, j, 0) = 0
constrained common subsequence of X and Y with re-
spect to P but there exists a constrained common sub- and
sequence Z of Xn−1 and Ym−1 with respect to Pr−1 .
Since xn = ym = pr then the concatenation of xn to Z L(0, j, k) = L(i, 0, k) = −∞,
is a constrained common subsequence of X and Y with
respect to P . Contradiction. for i = 0, . . . , n, j = 0, . . . , m and k = 1, . . . , r.
178 F.Y.L. Chin et al. / Information Processing Letters 90 (2004) 175–179

This is a generalization of the recurrence formula P = p1 , p2 , . . . , pk , where P is a common subse-

that computes the length of an LCS between two quence of X and Y . A solution of the CSA problem is
sequences [2], indeed, if k = 0, it holds that 
Y  , an alignment of X and Y , such that when X is
 placed on top of Y  , each character in P appears in an
 1 + L(i − 1, j − 1, 0)

 entire column of the alignment and in the same order
 if i, j > 0, xi = yj ,
L(i, j, 0) = max(L(i − 1, j, 0), L(i, j − 1, 0)) (2) as P , i.e., there exists a list of integers c1 , c2 , . . . , cr 

 where 1  c1 < c2 < · · · < cr  n , and for all 1  k 

 if i, j > 0, xi = yj ,
0 if i = 0 or j = 0. r, we have xc k = yc k = pk . The CSA problem is to find
X and Y  with minimum alignment score when given
Constructing the constrained LCS. The CLCS of two sequences X, Y , a constrained sequence P and a
X and Y with respect to P can be constructed distance function δ(x  , y  ).
by backtracking through the computation path from The CSA problem can also be solved in O(n · m · r)
L(n, m, r) to L(0, 0, 0). Let Z, the initial CLCS, time and space [1]. Next, we show that the CLCS
be an empty sequence. If the value of L(i, j, k) is problem is equivalent to the CSA problem of X and Y
computed from L(i − 1, j − 1, k) or L(i − 1, j − 1, with respect to P , using the distance function δ(x  , y  ),
k − 1), prepend the character xi (= yj ) to Z. Repeat where x  , y  ∈ Σ ∪ {-},
backtracking until reaching L(0, 0, 0), and Z is the 
 −1 if x  = y  (match)
CLCS of X and Y with respect to P . Recovering the δ(x , y ) = 0 if x  = y  (insertion, deletion (3)
computation path of the CLCS takes at most O(n + 
or replacement).
m + r) steps.
Thus, computing and constructing the CLCS takes The distance function δ(x  , y  ) in Eq. (3) favors
O(n · m · r) time and space. matching characters, and does not penalize mismatch-
ing characters or insertion of spaces. Therefore, when
the CSA alignment score is −s, there are s matchings
4. CLCS and constrained sequence alignment in X and Y with respect to P .

In this section, we show that the CLCS problem Theorem 4.1. Given two sequences X, Y and a
is in fact a special case of the constrained sequence constrained sequence P , the CLCS of problem is
alignment (CSA) problem [1,6]. equivalent to the CSA problem when the distance
Let X = x1 , x2 , . . . , xn  and Y = y1 , y2 , . . . , ym  function δ(x  , y  ) given in Eq. (3) is used.
be two sequences over Σ, with lengths n and m, re-  
spectively. We define the sequence alignment of X and Proof. Let X Y  be the CSA solution with the mini-
Y as two equal-length sequences X = x1 , x2 , . . . , xn   mum alignment score, n = |X | = |Y  |. By the de-
and Y  = y1 , y2 , . . . , yn   such that |X | = |Y  | = n , finition of CSA with the distance function δ(x  , y  ),
where n  n, m, and removing all space characters 
Y  has the minimum alignment score only if X and
“-” from X and Y  gives X and Y , respectively, with Y have the most number of matches (i.e., xi = yi )

the assumption that no xi = yi = “-” for any 1  i   

and every character in P appears as a column in X Y .
n . For a given distance function δ(x  , y  ) which mea- Let Z  be the subsequence of X and Y  , containing
sures the mutation distance between two characters, only the matching characters in X and Y  . Obviously,
where x  , y  ∈ Σ ∪ {-}, the alignment score of two Z  is a common subsequence of X and Y  contain-
length-n sequences X and Y  is defined as ing P . Thus, Z  is the CLCS of X and Y with respect
 to P .
δ(xi , yi ).
Let Z be a CLCS solution of X and Y with respect
to P and |Z| = . By definition of CLCS, P is a
In the constrained sequence alignment (CSA) prob- subsequence of Z and Z is a common subsequence
lem, we are given, in addition to the inputs of the of both X and Y . To obtain an optimal solution for the
sequence alignment problem, a constrained sequence CSA problem of X and Y with respect to P , we can
F.Y.L. Chin et al. / Information Processing Letters 90 (2004) 175–179 179

construct X and Y  by inserting spaces into X and Y max L n/2, j, k
0j m,0kr
respectively, such that every character in Z appears in 
the same position in X and Y  . Using the distance + Lr n/2 + 1, j + 1, k + 1
function δ(x  , y  ), the alignment score of X
Y  is −, which can be found in O(n · m · r) time (say Knmr
i.e., the alignment Y  has  matching columns. Since time, where K is a constant) and O(m · r) space. As-
P is a subsequence of Z, there is a column matching in sume the maximum value occurs when j = j  and
k = k  , then we can further solve the two subprob-
Y  for every character in P . As Z is a CLCS of X and
Y with respect to P , the optimal CSA solution for X lems L( 12 n, j  , k  ) and Lr ( 12 n + 1, j  + 1, k  + 1) in
2 Kmnr time and O(m · r) space. Continuing this re-
and Y with respect to P has at most  matches, i.e.,
with the minimum alignment score −. Hence, X cursively, we can solve the CLCS problem in the same
Y  is
the optimal CSA solution for X and Y with respect O(n · m · r) time and O(m · r) space complexities.
to P . 2

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