Write at Least 2 Animals Name.: Main Skill

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Week: 3 Day: Friday Date: 17th January 2020

Subject: English Content Standard:

Class: 1K Listening
Time: 4.35-5.25 pm 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of
familiar contexts
4.1 Form letters and words in neat legible
print using cursive writing

Enrolment: / 28 Learning Standard:

Theme: World of Self Family and Friends
Unit: 1: Introduction (Minggu Transisi) 1.2.4 Understand short basic
supported classroom instructions
Skill(s): Listening (M) COMPLEMENTARY SKILL
Writing (C) Writing
4.1.2 i) Form upper and lower case
letters of regular size and shape**

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1) Name at least one of their favourite pet.
2) Write at least 2 animals name.

1) Pupils sings song (OLD MACDONALD)
2) Pupils are introduced some pictures of animals.
3) Pupils sit in a circle and introduced about favourite animals. (PL S2)
4) Pupils play memory games to remember pets name.
5) Pupils introduced with spelling of animal’s name.
6) Pupils are guess the pets name by listening to their characteristics.
Learning Content/ Vocabulary Homework
Duck, horse, cat, bird and many more
Teaching Aid(s) CCE(s) HOTs i-Think Map(s) 21st CS Value(s)
Flash cards Language, value Guessing Circle map Pop-corn Language
Remarks Reflection
Lesson has to be postponed and carried forward because: ➢ ___/___ pupils were able to achieve the assessed level.
➢ ___/___ pupils were unable to achieve the assessed level.
☐ Public holiday They...
☐ School holiday o were given extra guidance.
☐ Teacher was away for a course / meeting / workshop o were asked to redo the exercise(s) / do correction(s).
☐ Teacher was on leave/ MC o were given extra exercise on the topic / skill(s) / item(s).
☐ Examination / Test o will be assessed again later.
☐ School Programme / Activity o absentee(s) will be assessed later
Lesson will be continued on _________________________

Written Reflection
Week: 3 Day: Friday Date: 17th January 2020

Subject: English Content Standard:

Class: 2K
Language Arts
Time: 2.50-3.25 pm 5.2 Express personal responses to
literary texts
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of
familiar contexts

Enrolment: / 18 Learning Standard: MAIN SKILL

Language Arts
Theme: World of Self Family and Friends 5.2.1 Name people, things, actions,
Unit: 1: Free Time or places of interest in texts
Skill(s): Language arts (M) Listening
Listening (C) 1.2.1 Understand with support the
main idea of simple sentences

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1) List the food in the story at least 4 correctly.
2) Retell the story to the whole class.

1) Pupils complete word puzzle of days.
2) Pupils are introduced to characters in the story.
3) Pupils sit in a circle and ask about the food name they had on this week (PL S2)
4) Pupils list their favourite food name.
5) Pupils introduced the story about caterpillar.
6) Pupils are given group work.
7) Pupils present their group work to the whole class.
Learning Content/ Vocabulary Homework
Cheese, watermelon, apple, and many more
Teaching Aid(s) CCE(s) HOTs i-Think Map(s) 21st CS Value(s)
Flash cards Language, value Guessing Circle map Pop-corn Language
Remarks Reflection
Lesson has to be postponed and carried forward because : ➢ ___/___ pupils were able to achieve the assessed level.
➢ ___/___ pupils were unable to achieve the assessed level.
☐ Public holiday They...
☐ School holiday o were given extra guidance.
☐ Teacher was away for a course / meeting / workshop o were asked to redo the exercise(s) / do correction(s).
☐ Teacher was on leave/ MC o were given extra exercise on the topic / skill(s) / item(s).
☐ Examination / Test o will be assessed again later.
☐ School Programme / Activity o absentee(s) will be assessed later
Lesson will be continued on _________________________

Written Reflection
Week: 3 Day: Friday Date: 17th January 2020

Subject: English Content Standard:

Main Skill
Class: 3K
Time: 3.45-4.35 pm 4.2 Communicate basic information
intelligibly for a range of purposes in
print and digital media
Complementary Skill
4.1 Form letters and words in neat
legible print using cursive writing
Enrolment: / 21 Learning Standard:
Main Skill
Theme: World of Self Family and Friends Writing
Unit: 1: Welcome 4.2.4 Describe people and objects
using suitable words and phrases
Skill(s): Reading (M) Complementary Skill
Reading (C) Writing
4.1.2 Begin to use cursive
handwriting in a limited range of
written work

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1) Read at least the text passage correctly.
2) Answer at least 5 out of 8 questions correctly.

1) Pupils sing daddy finger song and guess characters in it.
2) Pupils are introduced to describe about family members.
3) Pupils sit in a circle and draft sentences about family. (PL W3)
4) Pupils discuss with their friends.
5) Pupils introduced with questions and answers.
6) Pupils present their sentences to the whole class.
7) Pupils are given time to complete their work.
Learning Content/ Vocabulary Homework
Father , mother, sister, brother, baby and many more
Teaching Aid(s) CCE(s) HOTs i-Think Map(s) 21st CS Value(s)
Flash cards Language, value Guessing Circle map Pop-corn Language
Remarks Reflection
Lesson has to be postponed and carried forward because : ➢ ___/___ pupils were able to achieve the assessed level.
➢ ___/___ pupils were unable to achieve the assessed level.
☐ Public holiday They...
☐ School holiday o were given extra guidance.
☐ Teacher was away for a course / meeting / workshop o were asked to redo the exercise(s) / do correction(s).
☐ Teacher was on leave/ MC o were given extra exercise on the topic / skill(s) / item(s).
☐ Examination / Test o will be assessed again later.
☐ School Programme / Activity o absentee(s) will be assessed later
Lesson will be continued on _________________________
Written Reflection

Week: 4 Day: Monday Date: 20th January 2020

Subject: English Content Standard:

Class: 1K Listening
Time: 1.30-2.25 pm 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of
familiar contexts
4.1 Form letters and words in neat legible
print using cursive writing

Enrolment: / 28 Learning Standard:

Theme: World of Self Family and Friends
Unit: 1: Introduction (Minggu Transisi) 1.2.4 Understand short basic
supported classroom instructions
Skill(s): Listening (M) COMPLEMENTARY SKILL
Writing (C) Writing
4.1.2 i) Form upper and lower case
letters of regular size and shape**

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1) Name at least one of their favourite pet.
2) Write at least 2 nouns.

1) Pupils sings caterpillar song.
2) Pupils are introduced some pictures of animals.
3) Pupils sit in a circle and introduced about favourite animals. (PL S2)
4) Pupils play memory games to remember pets name.
5) Pupils introduced with spelling of animal’s name.
6) Pupils are guess the pets name by listening to their characteristics.
Learning Content/ Vocabulary Homework
Duck, horse, cat, bird and many more
Teaching Aid(s) CCE(s) HOTs i-Think Map(s) 21st CS Value(s)
Flash cards Language, value Guessing Circle map Pop-corn Language
Remarks Reflection
Lesson has to be postponed and carried forward because: ➢ ___/___ pupils were able to achieve the assessed level.
➢ ___/___ pupils were unable to achieve the assessed level.
☐ Public holiday They...
☐ School holiday o were given extra guidance.
☐ Teacher was away for a course / meeting / workshop o were asked to redo the exercise(s) / do correction(s).
☐ Teacher was on leave/ MC o were given extra exercise on the topic / skill(s) / item(s).
☐ Examination / Test o will be assessed again later.
☐ School Programme / Activity o absentee(s) will be assessed later
Lesson will be continued on _________________________
Written Reflection

Week: 4 Day: Monday Date: 20th January 2020

Subject: English Content Standard:

Class: 2K
Language Arts
Time: 4.35-5.25 pm 5.2 Express personal responses to
literary texts
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of
familiar contexts

Enrolment: / 18 Learning Standard: MAIN SKILL

Language Arts
Theme: World of Self Family and Friends 5.2.1 Name people, things, actions,
Unit: 1: Free Time or places of interest in texts
Skill(s): Language arts (M) Listening
Listening (C) 1.2.1 Understand with support the
main idea of simple sentences

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1) List the food in the story at least 4 correctly.
2) Retell the nouns in the story at least 5 correctly.

1) Pupils complete word puzzle of days.
2) Pupils are introduced to nouns in the story.
3) Pupils sit in a circle and ask talk about nouns in the story (PL L2)
4) Pupils list nouns in the story.
5) Pupils introduced about nouns to their friends.
6) Pupils are given group work.
7) Pupils present their group work to the whole class.
Learning Content/ Vocabulary Homework
Cheese, watermelon, apple, and many more
Teaching Aid(s) CCE(s) HOTs i-Think Map(s) 21st CS Value(s)
Flash cards Language, value Guessing Circle map Pop-corn Language
Remarks Reflection
Lesson has to be postponed and carried forward because : ➢ ___/___ pupils were able to achieve the assessed level.
➢ ___/___ pupils were unable to achieve the assessed level.
☐ Public holiday They...
☐ School holiday o were given extra guidance.
☐ Teacher was away for a course / meeting / workshop o were asked to redo the exercise(s) / do correction(s).
☐ Teacher was on leave/ MC
☐ Examination / Test
☐ School Programme / Activity
o were given extra exercise on the topic / skill(s) / item(s).
o will be assessed again later.
o absentee(s) will be assessed later

Written Reflection

Week: 4 Day: Monday Date: 20th January 2020

Subject: English Content Standard:

Main Skill
Class: 3K
Time: 2.25-3.15 pm 4.2 Communicate basic information
intelligibly for a range of purposes in
print and digital media
Complementary Skill
4.1 Form letters and words in neat
legible print using cursive writing
Enrolment: / 21 Learning Standard:
Main Skill
Theme: World of Self Family and Friends Writing
Unit: 1: Welcome 4.2.4 Describe people and objects
using suitable words and phrases
Skill(s): Reading (M) Complementary Skill
Reading (C) Writing
4.1.2 Begin to use cursive
handwriting in a limited range of
written work

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1) Fill in the blanks at least 5 out of 8 questions based on the text passage correctly.
2) Answer at least 5 out of 8 true or false questions correctly.

1) Pupils sing smart friends song.
2) Pupils are introduced to reading text
3) Pupils sit in a circle and read the text (PL R3)
4) Pupils discuss with their friends about difficult words.
5) Pupils introduced with questions and answers.
6) Pupils present their sentences to the whole class.
7) Pupils are given time to complete their work.
Learning Content/ Vocabulary Homework
Occupations, work, people and many more
Teaching Aid(s) CCE(s) HOTs i-Think Map(s) 21st CS Value(s)
Flash cards Language, value Guessing Circle map Pop-corn Language
Remarks Reflection
Lesson has to be postponed and carried forward because : ➢ ___/___ pupils were able to achieve the assessed level.
➢ ___/___ pupils were unable to achieve the assessed level.
☐ Public holiday They...
☐ School holiday o were given extra guidance.
☐ Teacher was away for a course / meeting / workshop o were asked to redo the exercise(s) / do correction(s).
o were given extra exercise on the topic / skill(s) / item(s).
o will be assessed again later.
o absentee(s) will be assessed later

Written Reflection

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