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Journal Article Summary

Name : Muhammad Fajar Wahyu Ridho Illahi

SRN : P1337430219139

Class : 1D

Author, Lubnaningtyas. Hesti Fitriatul. (2018). Case report thorax examination technique for
post wsd pneumothorax patient in klaten islamic hospital.

Introduction : In the thorax examination, there are different patient condition, some are
cooperative and non-cooperative. And here the author explains the examination
technique in non-cooperative Post WSD Pneumothorax patients. The author
uses AP projections because it is not possible to use PA projections, because at
that time the patient's condition was unconscious.

Procedure : In this research, the subject are technologist, nurse, radiologist, docter sender, and
patient. The examination object is thorax. The patient, Ny.AJ who entered on 18
October 2018 was accompanied by the emergency room nurse in shortness of
breath and unconsciousness. The patient has ET (Endo Tracheal Tube) installed
from the emergency room. Then the nurse submits a photo request sheet to
radiology with clinical diagnosis of post ET pneumothorax. The first examination
at 08.00 with the results of patients suffer pneumothorax, causing the lungs
sinistra pressed by air and shrink. After that, WSD is inserted in the patient to
supply air to the patient, so that the patient's lungs return to normal and air that
fills the pleural cavity can come out. After that, a second radiographic
examination was conducted at 13.02 for post-WSD thorax evaluation using a
mobile x-ray at the ICU unit of Klaten Islamic Hospital.

Findings : Examination Procedure :

The examination technique is performed on post WSD pneumothorax patients in

the ICU unit of the Klaten Islamic Hospital, with a sitting AP projection.

a. Patient Position:

The patient is positioned sitting upright on the brankard by uphold the

brankard. Both hands straight beside the body.

b. Object Position:
1. MSP body is in the middle of the cassette
2. Between objects, rays and cassette are perpendicular
c. Beam Setting:
1. Central Ray: vertical perpendicular
2. Central Point: in Thoracal 7
3. FFD: 100 cm
4. Cassette: 35x43 cm without grid
5. Exposure Factor: 57 kV; 12 mAs

Doctor Evaluation Results

1. There is no visible image of bronchovascular without pattern in the

pulmo sinistra that installed WSD with the tip at the height of the rib
posterior sinistra 7.
2. Pulmo dextra normal
3. CTR normal
4. Intact bone system
5. Visible lucency in infra bilateral diaphragmatic
6. ET look at the distal tip in vertebra thoracal 2 projection
7. Soft tissue emphysema of thoracic wall and colli bilateral.

Conclusions : The conclusions of the case report about “thorax examination technique for post
WSD Pneumothorax patient in Klaten Islamic hospital” that Examination
techniques for post WSD must be done by sitting AP. This is to find out if there is
fluid in the lungs. Because, if done with a supine projection AP, the fluid limit in
the lungs is not firm. So it is difficult to know the amount of fluid in the lungs.
With the AP sitting projection, you will see fluid in the sinus costo prenicus.

Comment : I’am happy after studying this case because I got new knowledge about post WSD
and post ET patients. And also can find out how to handle patients who are not
cooperative or unconscious. The procedure used is also in accordance with the
examination of the thorax usually so that it is easily to understood.

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