What Is The Topic 10 About? How To Write An Informative Abstract

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1. Read the journal or reference that you want to work on

2. Review and understand the things that need to be in the abstract.
However, a standard form to write an abstract should be as the following :
A. A Title
 A title must be concise and coherent
 A title must be informatif for reader
B. Word Count
 Keep in short. An abstract should be between 150 to 300
words ( depends on the journal. If you are writing your paper
for an another (example : psychology course or your
professor may have specific word requirements) so be sure
to ask or search.
 An abstract is resume/synopsis
 Most journal recommend that an abstract divided into four
 The function of the abstract is so that the reader knows
“what he should know after reading the article”
3. The standard form of writing an abstract “The four paragraphs”
A. Objective “must state clearly”
 After identifying the problem, state the objective of your
research. Use verbs like investigate, test, analyze 
or evaluate to describe exactly what you set out to do.
 This part of the abstract can be written in the present or past
simple tense, but should never refer to the future, as the
research is already complete.
 You can beginning with an infinitive tense (the sentence
that start with “ to+verb 1”. Example : To study the
diagnostic value of SPECT for MM.
 You can also beginning with : The aim ..., the purpose ..., the
objective ..., the goal ... + was to ...
 “objective + a backgroud sentence to introduce the aim of
the study”
 You can introducing some background before stating
the objective of the study. Example :
Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by
deterioration of bone tissue with loss of bone strength.
Women and older adults are more at risk for
developing osteoporosis. The study was designed to
explain about procedures to determine bone fractures
due to osteoporosis using radiation.
 The clues:

 The introductory sentence should convey the

nature & the purpose of work, quotes the relevant
literatures in within
 Put strictly pertinent background information
necessary why the topic is important
 Give a good reasons as references that inform the
reader as to why you undertook your study
Notice that:
 Do not review literature extensively
 The final paragraph should clearly state aim of
your study

B. “Materials & methods”

C. “Results”
D. “Conclusion”
 “Keywords”

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