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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Introduction, MCL 731: Analytical Dynamics

Classical Mechanics

• Branch of theoretical physics deals with description and explanation

of the motion of

• point-like
• extended rigid
• extended deformable
interacting objects embedded in a three-dimensional Euclidean space

• No quantum mechanics effects

• Non-relativistic/Relativistic

• Geometry of Motion: Kinematics

• Causal Explanation and Description of Motion: Dynamics

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Two Parts of Classical Mechanics

• Newtonian Mechanics (Newton-Euler Mechanics)

• Newton’s physical laws

• Euler’s principles of linear and angular momentum, rigid body


• Based on momentum (vector) principles

• Analytical Mechanics (Lagrangian Mechanics)

• Principle of Virtual Work, D’Alembert Principle and Lagrange’s

• Hamilton’s principle

• Based on energy (scalar) principles

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Problems of Mechanics

• Formulation
• minimal number of equations

• without need for constraint forces

• with need for constraint forces

• Solve the equations

• For Motion and Forces

• Exact/approximate closed-form solutions

• Numerical

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Characteristic Features of Analytical Mechanics

• Specific System of presentation

• General principles (differential or integral) serves as foundation

• Deriving from them, fundamental differential equations of motion

• Investigating equations obtained and methods of integrating

• Range of problems

• Statistical Mechanics

• Electrodynamics

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Brief History of Mechanics

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Mechanics of Aristotle (384-322 BC)

• Qualitative law of motion

F = mv
• Falling objects in fluids


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Developments in Celestial Mechanics

• Renaissance period

• Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1531):

• Heliocentric Theory of Solar System as opposed to Geocentric by
Ptolomey (150 AD)

• Tycho de Brahe (1546-1601):

• Johannes Kepler: Three celebrated laws of planetary motion

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Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)

• Invented Telescope: confirmed Heliocentric

• Falling objects from Leaning Tower of Pisa

• Law of Inertia, Concept of Acceleration

• Inertial frame or Galilean refrence frame

Galileo at Pisa

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Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727)

• Greatest scientific genius of all time

• The Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica

• Physical foundations of mechanics

• Three universal laws of motion
• No equations

• Universal law of Gravitation Newton

• Celestial Mechanics

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Leonhard Euler (1707-1783)

• Mechanics of particle and system of particles

• General Principle of Linear momentum

• General Principle of Angular momentum

• Rigid body kinematics (Euler Angles) and

dynamics(Euler Equations of Motion)

• Gave us Newton-Euler Mechanics (NEM)

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Jean-Baptiste le Rond D’Alembert (1717-1783)

• D’Alembert’s principle

• Convert dynamics to statics problem

• Published book on mechanics: Traité de Dynamique


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Joseph Louis Lagrange (1736-1813)

• Shakesphere of Mechanics

• Published Mechanique Analytique

• Extract equations from D’Alembert’s principle
• Hamilton called it a Scientific Poem

• At 19, Lagrange sent a letter to Euler

• Proposed solution to an outstanding problem dating Joseph-Louis

from antiquity- Isoperimetric problem Lagrange

• Lagranges’s method more important than answer !

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Sir William Rowan Hamilton (1805-1865)

• Optics

• Hamiltonian Mechanics Hamilton

• Hamilton’s principle

• Quaternions for rigid body rotation

Invention of

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Rational Mechanics

• School of thought advocated by Clifford Truesdell in


• Branch of theoretical mechanics characterized by

purely axiomatic approach Truesdell

• Mechanics as a deductive mathematical science

• State few axioms, rest of theory logically derived as
theorems and corollaries

• More mathematically oriented than others

• Failed in Rational Thermodynamics ?

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Milestone Treatises in Mechanics

• Newton: Principia Mathematica (1687)

• Euler: Scientific papers

• Lagrange: Mécanique Analytique (1788, 1815)

• Hamilton: On a General Method in Dynamics (1865)

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Reading Material
• Suggested Text Books
• Principles of Dynamics by Donald. T. Greenwood, Prentice-Hall Inc.,

• Classical Dynamics by Donald. T. Greenwood, Prentice-Hall Inc., 1977.

• Classical Mechanics by Sankara Rao , PHI Learing Pvt. Ltd., 2005.

• Analytical Dynamics by Leonard Meirovitch, Dover Publications, 1970.

• Introduction to Robotics by S. K. Saha, McGraw Hill, 2008.

• Other References
• Classical Mechanics by Rana and Joag, McGraw Hill, 2017.

• Classical Mechanics by Herbert Goldstein, Pearson India Pvt. Ltd., 3rd

edition, 2011.

• Analytical Dynamics by Haim Baruh, McGraw Hill, 1998.

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