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Middle Technical University

Engineering Technical College

Building & Construction Dep.

Soil Mechanics Lab.

By: Hashim Shafik Shakir Third stage

Supervised by

Lec. Alaa
Liquid & Plastic Limits of Soil


The liquid limit is the moisture content at which the transition of soil from
plastic to liquid begins and the compressive strength of the soil become very
low. While the plastic limit is the moisture content at which the transition from
semi-solid state to plastic state begins.

Aim of the test:

The aim of this test is to calculate the plasticity index which is the
difference between liquid and plastic limits. P.I means the water content that the
soil can exhibits plastic properties with it.

Materials used in this test:

1- 250g of soil passed from 0.425mm sieve.

2- Sensitive balance.
3- Drying oven.
4- Liquid limit testing machine.
5- Glass board.
6- Containers.

A) Liquid limit procedure:

The dry soil sample was mixed with small amount of water to make the
sample look like a paste. Then the sample was put in the brass cup of the testing
machine and a shallow grove was made using a tool with a known dimensions.
After that the rod was moving until the grove is closed from down. This
operation was repeated with adding a few amount of water to the sample to have
different numbers of blows (more and less than 25). Then the samples were
weighted and put in the drying oven for 24h to calculate the water content for

B) Plastic limit procedure:

A small ball of soil that has the highest number of blows was taken and roll
on the glass board to small bundles (3mm in diameter) until the cracks have
occurred. Then the samples were weighted and put in the drying oven for 24h to
calculate the water content for them.
Calculations for L.L:

Table 1.1 shows the water content and the number of blows for each try.

W.C= ∗ 100

No. W1(g) W2(g) W3(g) W.C% No. of B.

1 28 43 40.4 20.97 45

2 28.3 45.9 42.7 22.22 40

3 27.1 56 50.6 22.98 23

Figure 1.1: Water content % as a function of No. of blows

From the chart the liquid limit is L.L= 23.25

Calculations for P.L:

W.C= ∗ 100

No. W1(g) W2(g) W3(g) W.C%

1 26.5 29.7 29.3 14.29

2 27.1 29.9 29.5 16.67



P.L= 15.48

* Plasticity index P.I= L.L – P.L

P.I= 23.25 – 15.48

P.I= 7.77

The results that we achieved from this test say that the plasticity index of
the soil we tested it is 7.77 which means that we need this value of water
content to make the soil exhibits plastic properties. In general, the plasticity
index is a very important factor that indicates the fineness of the soil and its
capacity to change shape without altering its volume. High P.I indicates an
excess of clay or silt in the soil which means that the compressive strength of
that soil is low therefore the soil that we are dealing with isn’t suitable for
building construction.

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