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19/04/2020 Percona MariaDB support for better application performance


Percona Support for MariaDB

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Useful Links
Datasheet MariaDB Support

Percona Support Tiers (/services/support/percona-support-levels)

MariaDB Support Details (/services/support/support-tiers-mariadb)

Support Polices (/services/support/policies)

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Technical Account Management (/services/support/technical-account-manager)

Related Resources

MySQL 8 vs MariaDB 10.4 (/resources/webinars/mysql-8-vs-mariadb-104)

Percona Managed Services Helps Kiho Automate and Optimize Their Database to Achieve
Peak Performance (/about-percona/case-studies/kiho)

Early Database Architecture Decisions Can Cost (or Burn) Future Money
future-money) 1/6
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Calculators (

Buy Support Now! (/store)

MariaDB® Support Keeps Your Applications Running

Your mission-critical applications depend on your MariaDB database environment. What happens if your database
goes down?

Contact Percona MariaDB Database Support! Percona is the premier support provider for open source databases,
including MariaDB, the most well-known fork of MySQL.

We understand their diverging features, performance, and capabilities, and will help you nd the right solution for
you. Whichever you choose, we bring the same commitment to database expertise and open source values that
drives everything we do, from our Percona Database Performance Blog (/blog/) to our annual Percona Live
conferences (/live/conferences) and our world-class database services.

Whether you deploy MariaDB on-premise, in the cloud, or using Amazon RDS, trust Percona Support to help your
business succeed.

Reduce Application Downtime

Our team is available 24x7x365, online and by phone, helping you increase your uptime, restore service in the most
ef cient manner, implement performance improvements, and navigate the complexity of modern deployments using
industry best practices including high availability, backup solutions and database optimization. 2/6
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On-Premises or in the Cloud

Our experts can help support your environment wherever it lives – on premises, in the cloud, or as a hybrid of the
two. We are partners with the major cloud providers (AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure) and are experts at cloud
database deployments.

Reduce Operational Costs

Percona invests heavily in our world-class MariaDB technical support services, hiring the best database experts on
the planet. Support is NOT an afterthought: it’s what we do. Our MariaDB Support Engineers have helped thousands
of customers around the globe resolving nearly every conceivable database situation. We often have standard
procedures for problems that normally take weeks to diagnose.

Multi-Software Support from One Vendor

Percona MariaDB Support experts know more than just MariaDB – so we can help you con gure and tune
environments that use more than one database software to address application and business solutions. 3/6
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Keep Your Environment Secure and Bug-Free

If you encounter a software defect, Percona Support is your liaison to Percona Engineering, providing access to
MariaDB bug xes for our Premium customers.

The Right Level of Service for Your Business

Percona MariaDB Support comes in Essentials, Advanced, and Premium (/services/support/percona-support-
levels) so you can nd the right level of service for your business needs. If you have a simple deployment with basic
needs, you can purchase Essentials Support via our web store by clicking here (/store).

How Percona Can Help

Percona's experts can maximize your database performance with our open source database support
(/services/support), highly-rated training (/training), managed services (/services/managed-services) or consulting
(/services/consulting) professional services. For more information on our database services, contact us at +1-888-
316-9775 (USA) (tel:+1-888-316-9775), +44 203 608 6727 (Europe) (tel:+44 203 608 6727) or have us reach out to

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Policies (/services/policies)

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Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL (/software/postgresql-distribution)
Percona Monitoring and Management (/software/database-tools/percona-monitoring-and-management)
Percona Cloud Native Autonomous Database Initiative (/software/percona-kubernetes-operators) 4/6
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Open Source Database Tools (/software/mysql-tools)

Eliminate Vendor Lock-In (/solutions/eliminate-vendor-lock-in)
Embrace the Cloud (/solutions/embrace-the-cloud)
Optimize Business Performance (/solutions/optimize-business-performance)
Reduce Costs and Complexity (/solutions/reduce-costs-and-complexity)

Datasheets (/resources/datasheets)
Solution Briefs (/resources/solution-brief)
White Papers (/resources/white-papers)
Webinars (/resources/webinars)
Case Studies (/about-percona/case-studies)
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Contact Us
Sales & General Inquiries (/about-percona/contact)
(888) 316-9775 (USA) (tel:(888) 316-9775)
(208) 473-2904 (USA) (tel:(208) 473-2904)
+44 203 608 6727 (UK) (tel:+44 203 608 6727)
0-808-169-6490 (UK) (tel:0-808-169-6490)
0-800-724-4569 (GER) (tel:0-800-724-4569)

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MySQL, InnoDB, MariaDB and MongoDB are trademarks of their respective owners. Proudly running Percona Server for MySQL (/software/mysql-

database/percona-server). Copyright © 2006-2020 Percona LLC. 5/6
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