A Qualitative Study About Mood-Boosting of Senior Highschool in Our Lady of Fatima University

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A Qualitative Study about Mood-boosting of senior highschool in Our Lady of Fatima University

Elenica Barrera, Reignzel Bobadilla, Michael Borja, Alex Capricho, Mary ann Dimapilis, Daniel

Ocenar, Alexish Soliman


Senior High school

Our Lady of Fatima University

Research 01

Mrs. Joyce Lopez

Research Adviser

January 2020


Everyone is exposed to stress at some time in their lives, that uncomfortable situation that affects
our sense of well-being and quality of life. According to the cognitive-transactional model of stress, it is
the dynamic relationship between an individual and the environment in which a stimulus disturbs an
individual’s balance, causing people to respond to the situation with all available resources.  When this
occurs, we evaluate the demand relative to our available resources, and the amount of stress we
experience is governed by the following rule: the more resources we have, the less stress we will

Most of the students face the problem of unstable moods when they encounter stress. This really
implies that no one can ever surpass the feeling of stress, even the President, Teachers, and the whole of
humanity. It can be in the form of academics, environment, and other factors contributing to stress.
According to Alexander Ossola., forty-nine (49) percent of students reported feeling “a great deal of
stress” on a daily basis. Half reported doing three (3) or more hours of homework per night, over four (4)
times the national average of six (6) percent. Stress is the body's reaction to any change that requires an
adjustment or response. The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and emotional responses.
Stress is a normal part of life. You can experience stress from your environment, your body, and your
thoughts. Even positive life changes such as a promotion, a mortgage, or the birth of a child produce

The researcher came up with this study because of the increasing amount of young students
experiencing stress. The researcher wants to give some knowledge about how to handle stress and lessen
the percentage of the students who experienced this kind of thing.We will give some mood boosters to
some students like us, to relief some stress to their studies. This study will set as a basis on how to deal
with those dilemmas of the youth and inform them about this kind of situation.


Most of the students face the problem of being stress, but with the help of mood boosters, the
students were able to handle their emotions while they stressed.


(Cosgrove Christine, 2009) for many people, interacting with a pet is the ultimate antidote to a pet to a
stressful day. There's something incredibly comforting about coming home after a long day at work and
being greeted with wet, slobbery kisses. For many people, interacting with a pet is the ultimate antidote to
a stressful day. In fact, in one study, when people were presented with stressful tasks in four different
situations -- alone, with their spouse, with their pet, or with both their spouse and their pet -- they
experienced the lowest stress response and the quickest recovery in the situation where they were only
with their pet. While stronger pet-owner bonds usually lead to the greatest stress relief, even brief
encounters can create improvements. In one study, patients who spent a short amount of time with a dog
before upcoming treatment operation experienced a 37 percent reduction in their anxiety levels, perhaps
because the animal's presence helped distract them from their concern

Our Lady Of Fatima University Senior High School


(Myriam V. Thoma, Roberto La, Marca, Rebecca Brohniman, Linda Finkel, Ulrike Ehlert and Urs
M. Nater, 2013) Listening to music prior to a standardized stressor predominantly affected the autonomic
nervous system (in terms of a faster recovery)and to a lesser degree the endocrine and psychological
stress response. It is listening has been suggested to beneficially impact health via s

tress-reducing effects. However, the existing literature presents itself with a limited number of
investigations and with discrepancies in reported findings that may result from methodological
shortcomings (e.g. small sample size, no valid stressor). It was the aim of the current study to address this
gap in knowledge and overcome previous shortcomings by thoroughly examining music effects across
endocrine, autonomic, cognitive, and emotional domains of the human stress response.

(Agata Urzechowska, Marlena Zajaczkowska, Monika Talarowska, and Piotr Galecki, 2013) it is an
adaptive process based on primary and secondary appraisals. Dealing with stress is predominantly
classified as a process, strategy, or style.

2.1.1 LOCAL

(ADAA, 2008) “It is impossible to eliminate, but you can learn to manage stress, and most people usually
do, according to a recent ADAA online poll” Stress is an inevitable part of life. Seven out of ten adults in
the United States say they experience stress or anxiety daily, and most say it interferes at least moderately
with their lives, according to the most recent ADAA survey on stress and anxiety disorders. When the
American Psychological Association surveyed people in 2008, more people reported physical and
emotional symptoms due to stress than they did in 2007, and nearly half reported that their stress has
increased in the past year. It’s impossible to eliminate, but you can learn to manage stress and most
people usually do. According to a recent ADAA online poll, some 14 percent of people make use of
regular exercise to cope with stress. Others reported talking to friends or family (18 percent); sleeping (17
percent); watching movies or TV (14 percent), as well as eating (14 percent) and listening to music (13
percent). While all of these are well-known coping techniques, exercise may be the one most
recommended by health care professionals. And among ADAA poll takers who exercise, a healthy
percentage is already on the right track: Walking (29 percent), running (20 percent), and yoga (11
percent) are their preferred strategies.

(Nikki Natividad, 2016) Music is capable of regulating our emotional state. The Journal of Positive
Psychology showed that people can use music to successfully improve their moods.


The broaden-and-build theory of emotions suggests that positive emotions such as happiness and hope
expand thought-action repertoires and support the building of resources and resilience to a variety of
psychological disorders. Even brief, transient experiences of positive emotions have been found to
increase resilience measured one month later, suggesting a role for clinical mood inductions. This study
presents a preliminary test of the new Broad-Minded Affective Coping (BMAC) procedure, a positive
emotion induction technique involving the recall of positive autobiographical memories. (Judith Johnson,

Our Lady Of Fatima University Senior High School



The primary aim of this study is to go through mood-boosting to be able to relieve the stress of
Senior Highschool students at Our Lady of Fatima University. Specially seeks to answer the following

1. Can pets make you happy?

2. For you having a pet, it may help you to cope up some stress?
3. How do you handle your stress?
4. What are your mood boosters to relief your stress?


This chapter presents the literature and studies relevant to the concept related to the topic of this research
paper. It also contains some local and foreign sources that provide essential information for the
fulfillment of the study.


APPRAISAL- an act or instance of appraising something or someone.

ADJUSTMENT- a means (such as a mechanism) by which things are adjusted one to another

COGNITIVE - of, relating to, being, or involving conscious intellectual activity (such as thinking,
reasoning, or remembering)

DEMAND- an act of demanding or asking especially with authority

DIETARY- of or relating to a diet or to the rules of a diet.

DILEMMAS-a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives,
especially equally undesirable ones.

DYNAMIC- marked by usually continuous and productive activity or change

ELIMINATE- to completely remove something that is not wanted or needed. To remove or take away
someone or something.

MORTGAGE- a legal agreement by which a bank or other creditor lends money at interest in exchange
for taking off the debtor's property, with the condition that the conveyance of title becomes void upon the
payment of the debt.

RESPONSES - an act of responding, the activity or inhibition of previous or activity of an organism or

any of its parts resulting from stimulation.

SLOBBER- to indulge the feelings effusively and without restraint

Our Lady Of Fatima University Senior High School


STIMULUS- an agent (such as an environmental change) that directly influences the activity of a living
organism or one of its parts (as by exciting a sensory organ or evoking muscular contraction or glandular

UNCOMFORTABLE- causing or feeling slight pain or physical discomfort


This research is based on the Descriptive Method; it is the most appropriate method because the study
was concerned with the present status of the mood-boosting of students in Our Lady of Fatima University.
This chapter presents all the research methods instruments and procedures used to gather data, the choice
of respondents, and the statistical treatment of data.


Since this paper is about the qualitative type of research, we preparing to conduct an interview
with senior high school Science Technology Engineering Mathematics strand wherein the main content of
the interview is the following. The senior high school Science Technology Engineering Mathematics
students of Our Lady of Fatima University how they handle their emotions, what are their mood booster
to relief stress. After conducting the interview, we made a summary of the survey. Aside from surveying,
researching of sufficient data in relation to the paper’s topic was pursued by the researchers.


The study will conduct from students of Our Lady of Fatima University, Marulas Mc Arthur Highway.


Sampling from Grade11 students of Our Lady of Fatima University, it has ten (10) students total of ten
(10) students only.

3.5 Research Instrument

The interview questionnaire will present to the research adviser for approval and validation. The
researchers gathered information about the preferences the stress and mood-boosting. And it was
consulted about how to handle their emotions while they are being stressed.

Our Lady Of Fatima University Senior High School



To provide ethical researcher ensures to follow ethical principal. Researchers assured the participants that
all collected data’s remains confidential and use only in he research project.


The researchers selected the respondents through criteria selection. The researchers chose Our Lady of
Fatima University at Valenzuela Campus. The availale students are examined using the research


Our Lady Of Fatima University Senior High School


. What Is Stress? Symptoms, Signs & More. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Ossola, A. (2015, October 9). Today's High Schoolers Are Way Too Stressed. Retrieved from

Stress Management. (2019, December 2).Retrieved from https://www.helpguide.org/articles/stress/stress-


Our Lady Of Fatima University Senior High School

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