3 Quarter Long Quiz in History 8: TH TH

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3rd Quarter Long Quiz in

History 8

Name: ___________________________________________ Date:____________________

North Fugitive Slave Law Compromise of 1850

Anti-slavery Act Jim Crow South
Radicals Radical Reconstruction Black Codes
Grandfather Clause Freedmen Bureau 14th amendment
15th Amendment KKK Carpet Baggers
Gilded Age Social Darwinism Andrew Carneige

I. Identification. Choose your answer from the box above.

______________________1. More populated, industrialized

______________________2. Cotton farms, abundant slave population
______________________3. Slaves who escaped to North must be brought back to the South.
______________________4. 13th Amendment also known as ….
______________________5. A pejorative expression after the war that also lead to segregation
______________________6. Hated Lincoln’s plan and wanted to punish the south
______________________7. Blacks can only be farmers or servants according to this law
______________________8. They gave clothes, food, and medical Service to poor blacks and whites
______________________9. Said that anyone that was born in America is an American
______________________10. Cannot deny a citizen the right to vote only basing on their race
______________________11. They abuse power to become rich
______________________12. A domestic terror group responsible for beating and killing many blacks and
white sympathizers.
______________________13.Period when corruption was overshadowed by wealth
______________________14. Natural Selection, Survival of the Fittest
______________________15. Industrialists who made a fortune in steel in the late 1800’s

II. Enumeration

A. Give 5 traits of the North

B. Give 5 traits of the South
C. Give 3 things Blacks cannot do according to the Black Codes
D. Give 2 groups of the south during reconstruction

III. Essay.

1. What is Spoils System? (3 points.)

2. Why did Radicals Reconstructionists hated Lincoln’s plan? (4 pts)
3. What is the difference of Amendment 15 and Amendment 14? (3 pts)

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