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Wells HSE

PCSB – Insert Rig Contractor HSEMS

Bridging Document TEMPLATE

WELLS/WHSE/MNL/Bridging Document
Template/2015/Rev. 1
March 2015


All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any
means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise) without the permission of the copyright owner.
PETRONAS makes no representation or warranty, whether
expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the
facts presented. PETRONAS disclaims responsibility from any
liability arising out of reliance on the contents of this presentation.
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Document Authority

This Document has been reviewed and approved by PCSB

When Completing the Bridging Document the above signature boxes shall be removed and replaced by
below signatures to demonstrate the acceptance of the document by all parties.

Name Designation Signature Date

Prepared by

Endorsed by

Approved by

Approved by
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Document Holder

No. Title

1. A Document Holder is responsible to communicate and ensure compliance with the
requirements of this document.
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Document Development Team Members

No. Name Designation Department

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Amendment Summary

The table below must be completed in detail for each revision. To indicate amendments from the
previous version, vertical lines in the left hand margin shall be added at the amended section.

Rev Page Description Approved By Approval Date

0 All Initial Draft For Review

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Table of Contents

1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 8

1.1 Template Objective ............................................................................................... 8
1.2 INTERFACE STATEMENT.................................................................................................................................... 8
1.3 ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS ......................................................................................................................... 8
1.4 GLOSSARY ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.0 Objectives ........................................................................................................... 10
3.0 Rig Description.................................................................................................... 11
4.0 Leadership & Commitment .................................................................................. 12
DRILLING HSE TARGETS & KPI .............................................................................................................................. 12
5.0 Policies & Strategic Objectives ............................................................................ 12
6.0 Organization, Resources, Competency & Documentation .................................... 13
6.1 PCSB ROLES ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
6.2 RIG CONTRACTOR ROLES .................................................................................................................................. 14
6.3 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION/NOTIFICATION ................................................................................................ 16
6.4 COMMUNICATION OF HSE ................................................................................................................................. 17
6.5 COMPETENCY & TRAINING OF PERSONNEL....................................................................................................... 18
6.6 RIG INDUCTION PROGRAM................................................................................................................................. 18
7.0 Supplier & Contractor Management .................................................................... 19
7.1 THIRD PARTY ACTIVITIES (SERVICE COMPANIES) .......................................................................................... 19
8.0 Hazard & Effects Management. ........................................................................... 19
8.1 OPERATIONALIZATION OF THE RIG HSE CASE................................................................................................ 19
8.2 SAFETY CRITICAL ELEMENTS ............................................................................................................................. 20
8.3 PLANNED MAINTENANCE .................................................................................................................................... 20
8.4 PROCEDURES & POLICIES .................................................................................................................................. 20
8.5 ZETO RULES ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
8.6 PERMIT TO WORK ............................................................................................................................................... 22
8.7 JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................................................... 22
8.8 AFTER ACTION REVIEWS/DEBRIEFS ................................................................................................................. 22
8.9 WELL CONTROL................................................................................................................................................... 22
8.10 HYDROGEN SULPHIDE H2S IN OPERATIONS ............................................................................................... 22
8.11 EXPLOSIVES & IONIZING RADIATION........................................................................................................... 23
8.12 SITE SECURITY OFFSHORE (DELETE IF ONSHORE RIG)............................................................................. 23
8.13 SITE SECURITY ONSHORE (DELETE IF OFFSHORE RIG) ............................................................................ 23
8.14 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................................... 23
8.15 STANDBY VESSELS (SBV) ............................................................................................................................ 24
8.16 WORKING HOURS........................................................................................................................................... 24
9.0 Planning and Procedures .................................................................................... 24
9.1 HSE PLAN ........................................................................................................................................................... 24
9.2 DRILLING PROGRAM ........................................................................................................................................... 25
9.3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................................................... 25
9.4 SIMULTANEOUS OPERATIONS (SISO) ............................................................................................................. 25
10.0 Emergency Procedures & Preparedness ........................................................... 25
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10.1 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................................ 25

10.2 PCSB EMERGENCY RESPONSE..................................................................................................................... 26
8.17 PLANNED EMERGENCY DRILLS & EXERCISES .............................................................................................. 27
11.0 Implementation & Monitoring .......................................................................... 28
11.1 IMPLEMENTATION ........................................................................................................................................... 28
11.2 MONITORING & CORRECTIVE ACTION .......................................................................................................... 28
11.3 WORKPLACE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH .......................................................................................................... 28
11.4 INCIDENT INVESTIGATION, REPORTING & FOLLOW UP .............................................................................. 29
12.0 Management Review ........................................................................................ 29
12.1 REVIEW & IMPROVEMENT .............................................................................................................................. 29
13.0 Appendix 1 HSE Policies (Ensure Latest Revision) ........................................... 31
14.0 Appendix 2 Interface Document Matrix ............................................................ 36
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1.1 Template Objective

The objective of this document is to give a standard layout and suggested input in to the required
content of the PCSB HSEMS Bridging Document. It cannot address each specific campaign bridging
requirement thus it shall still be subject to the Review and Gap Analysis Process to identify all gaps
and required bridging.

Any text in red is either a foot note for consideration or where upon a specific contractor or third
party name is required. The red text shall be replaced with the correct information and all text
formatted to black text prior to issue.

If required sections can be included to cover any further campaign requirements, but any sections
that are not relevant for the campaign should not be removed just a statement stating that this
section is not applicable for this campaign.


1.2 Interface Statement

This document reflects and defines the HSE Management system interfaces between PCSB
and Rig Contractor.

The interfacing arrangement shall apply to all shared activities of PCSB and Rig

It is acknowledged that the working interfaces with key contractors’ plays a vital role in
safe operations of this drilling campaign.

This document details the key aspects of Management responsibilities, communications

planning and implementation, equipment fitness, performance measurement audit, review
process’s. and emergency response arrangements.

The interfacing arrangement will be reviewed by all relevant parties prior to the
commencement of operations and effectively implemented and communicated at the rig

1.3 Abbreviations/Acronyms

(1) For the purpose of this guideline, the abbreviations and acronyms used in this
document shall have the following meanings

No. Abbreviations Description

1 COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

2 DSV PCSB Offshore Drilling Supervisor

3 ESD Emergency Shutdown Device

4 F&G Fire and Gas

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No. Abbreviations Description

5 HSE Health Safety Environment

6 IADC International Association of Drilling Contractors

7 KPI Key Performance Indicator

8 MAH Major Accident Hazard

9 MOC Management Of Change

10 MODU Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit

11 MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet

12 OIM Offshore Installation Manager

13 PIC Person In Charge

13 PS Performance Standard

14 PTW Permit to Work

11 RAM Risk Assessment Matrix

12 SCE Safety Critical Element

13 TOR Terms of Reference

14 TR Temporary Refugee

1.4 Glossary

No. Term Description

1 Assurance Represents the activities performed to ensure SCE’s meet

Performance Standards

2 Competence The ability to perform a particular job or task in compliance with

the Performance Standard

3 Major Accident An occurrence (including in particular, a major emission, fire or

(MA) explosion) resulting from uncontrolled developments in the course
of the operation of any establishment and leading to serious danger
to human health or the environment, immediate or delayed, inside
or outside the establishment, and involving one or more dangerous

4 Performance A statement that can be expressed in qualitative or quantitative

Standard terms of the performance required of a system, item of equipment,
person or procedure of which is used as the basis for managing the
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No. Term Description

5 Pre Spud A meeting held prior to commencing operations with all parties
Meeting involved, where the work programme and management systems
governing the work are described.

6 Primary Well Precautions taken to avoid an influx of formation fluid to the

Control wellbore, including monitoring for indications of increases in pore
pressure, maintaining sufficient hydrostatic head and avoiding
swabbing and surging.

6 Risk Coordinated activities to direct and control an organization with

Management regard to risk.

7 SCE/Barrier Such Parts of an Installation, including computer programs, or any

part there of:
The failure of which could cause or contribute substantially to ; or
A purpose of which is to prevent or limit the effect of a major

8 Secondary Well Secondary Well Control is implemented when Primary Well Control
Control has failed to prevent the influx of formation fluid or pressure into
the wellbore. This involves the controlled circulation of the influx
out of the wellbore and, if necessary, increasing the mud gradient.

9 Tool Box Meeting An informal discussion held at the worksite between workers and
supervisors, to ensure all personnel fully understand the work
scope, procedures and safety requirements.

8 Tolerability Tolerability refers to the willingness to operate with a risk to secure

certain benefits and in the confidence that it is being properly

9 Verification Represents the activities in addition to Assurance carried out by

Independent Competent Person appointed by Duty Holder to
confirm whether the SCE’s will be, are and remain suitable.

2.0 Objectives
This HSEMS Bridging/Interface Document outlines the project specific implementation of
the PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd (PCSB) and Rig Contractor HSE Management Systems.

The activities carried out on the Rig Name under Contract Insert Contract Number or
reference involves organizations with different management systems. As a result, the
potential hazards arising through lack of clarity in certain areas will be addressed under
the following objectives of this Bridging/Interface Document:

1. Identify, eliminate or mitigate HSE risks.

2. Identify functional safety links and roles and responsibilities between PCSB and Rig
Contractor allow safe execution operation.
3. Consolidate the HSE policies of the different companies comprising the project team
and provide an HSE reference point for relevant parties.
4. Ensure that the proposed operations are carried out in accordance with local
Government Regulations, PCSB and Rig Contractor requirements and industry standard
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5. Establish an effective communication structure between PCSB and Rig Contractor

assets and staff.

The format of this document is aligned with the PETRONAS HSE Management System
Elements as following:

1. Leadership and Commitment

2. Policy and Strategic Objectives
3. Organization, Resource, Competency and Documentation
4. Suppliers and Contractors HSE Management
5. Hazards and Effects Management
6. Planning and Procedures
7. Implementation and Monitoring
8. HSE Assurance
9. Management Review

Key Interface Activities

Described below is the extent of the scope of the Bridging/Interface document. In general
terms the highest standard will prevail, as prescribed in this document in Appendix 2
(interface document matrix).

1. Mobilization of Equipment, Loading and Unloading.

2. Positioning & Rig Preparation Activities.
3. Personnel, their required Training and subsequent Mobilization
4. Drilling Activities.
5. Hoisting/Lifting, Maintenance, Housekeeping.
6. Well Suspension, abandonment.
7. Service Company Activities.
8. Specific Instruction for Simultaneous Operations (SISO).
9. Demobilization of Equipment.
10. Emergency Response including Marine and Aviation support.

It is a clear understanding that HSE operational issues will be managed at drill site and
policies and procedures shall be managed and approved from PCSB & Rig Contractor
Senior Management.

3.0 Rig Description

Offshore Rig Suggestion

Rig Name is an Insert Class & Type (Cantilever Rig, Semi Sub etc.) Designed for operation
in water depths up to insert depth and drilling depth of up to insert depth. It was built in
insert shipyard, Insert Country and delivered to Insert Rig Contractor in Insert date.
Rig Name is registered under the Republic of Insert port of registery. Class Society is the
Insert Class Society i.e. ABS, DNV.

The unit’s maximum personnel on board (POB) capacity is insert POB personnel. Life saving
and fire fighting capability match the POB with 50% redundancy.

The living quarters contain insert brief description of facilities i.e. a sick bay located at
location, gymnasium, recreational rooms as well as a modern certified Halal galley.
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Insert Rig Name will be operated in accordance with the Insert Rig Contractor Drilling
Management System

Onshore Rig Suggestion

For onshore insert brief description of rig and capabilities i.e.:

Insert Rig Name is a #### HP rig designed to drill well up to ####metres using #” Drill
Pipe. The rig was built in Insert Date. The rig is designed to insert brief description as in
skidding rig, walking rig truck mounted etc.

Copies of the Health, Safety and Environmental Policies are contained in Appendix 1.

The Insert Rig Contractor HSE-MS is the primary HSE management system for the work
programme and addresses drilling and rig-related activities on the insert rig name.
4.0 Leadership & Commitment

Both PCSB and Insert Rig Contractor are committed to ensuring a safe and healthy working
environment. The concept of “no harm to people, asset, the environment and company
reputation” shall be disseminated to all involved in the planned operations.
Leaders from PCSB and Insert Rig Contractor are expected to demonstrate their visibility

 Communicating HSE Policy, objectives and requirements to all.

 Actively participate in HSE activities such as, but not limited to, site visits,
training audit/assurance visits, workshops, campaigns and conferences.
 Demonstrate commitment by delivering required HSE support in addressing
HSEissues prior, during and abandonment period.

Drilling HSE Targets & KPI

The following targets have been set for year of 20xx for PCSB’s Drilling Division and every
campaign shall strictly adhere to this target:

Insert Campaign Specific Targets As Required:

Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) Insert PCSB KPI

Total Recordable Case Frequency (TRCF) Insert PCSB KPI
Major Spills 0
Process Safety Incidents 0

5.0 Policies & Strategic Objectives

PCSB and Insert Rig Contractor Health Safety, Environmental Policies are to be adhered to
throughout the project. Both PCSB & Insert Rig Contractor shall ensure that the policies
are prominently displayed and communicated to all employees on the rig through
induction and awareness training.

Stop Work Policy

PCSB & Insert Rig Contractor fully support and endorse the Stop Work Policy in that all
workers on the rig have the right and duty to stop any work they feel is or has the
potential to cause harm to themselves or others.
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Drugs & Alcohol Policies

Both PCSB & Insert Rig Contractor are committed to ensuring all work places are free
from drug and alcohol abuse all employees and visitors shall adhere to the policies and
agree to random drugs & alcohol testing as required.

Environmental Policies

No harm to the environment is the target during this campaign and all are expected to
support this policy by ensuring the highest standards of housekeeping are maintained at
all times.
The specific and strategic objectives of the drilling operations program are:

 To ensure that all risks to personnel and the environment during all phases of the
operation are managed to a tolerable level as defined in the rig HSE Case
 To plan and execute a safe operation and integrate with the existing insert rig
contractor HSE MS and that the drilling operations will have a minimum impact on
the health and well-being of the personnel and on the environment.
 To communicate the hazards, controls and recovery measures to all involved.
 To demonstrate that the operations satisfy relevant PCSB HSE objectives.

The respective policy statements are provided in Appendix 1.

6.0 Organization, Resources, Competency & Documentation

The identified key HSE roles and responsibilities for both PCSB & Insert Rig Contractor are
identified below, review the roles and responsibilities to ensure all covered and included
for specific operation and international roles and responsibilities and delete those not
applicable for onshore or offshore depending on operation.

6.1 PCSB Roles

Role HSE Responsibility

Head Global Wells Has overall responsibility for HSE within the Wells
PCSB Head of Well Has responsibility to ensure HSE Standards are met by the
Delivery Exploration relevant project team
Senior Manager Well Overall management of entire well design and drilling
Delivery Exploration operations
Overall responsibility of ensuring HSE is implemented as per
PCSB Requirements
Drilling Manager Responsible for ensuring that all aspects of the drilling
campaign will be undertaken as per approved design and
meet PCSB HSE expectations
Ensure that safety management of the drilling contractor
interfaces with the HSE Manual and Minimum Standards.
Interacts with the management of major contractors,
communicates PCSB‘s HSE goals and expectations and
assists with driving contractor performance improvement.
Drilling Superintendent Overall responsibility for safe operations offshore.
Senior Drilling Engineer Responsible for ensuring that all required documentation
and reporting systems are available on the rig and updated
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SHO Advises the PCSB Reps and Rig Contractors at the site on
HSE requirements.
Checks and compiles the various reports required for senior
Assists in investigations, inspections and audits. Daily Rig
Site Audits and Safety Tours.
Offshore Company Responsible to oversee all associated hazards involved in
Representatives / Senior drilling, marine vessels, cargo handling operations. well
Drilling Supervisor testing operations.
Report and investigate all Incidents.
Liaise with EMT during any emergency situation.
Responsible for ensuring the various parties on the rig
follow the requirements of this Interface Document.

6.2 Rig Contractor Roles

Role HSE Responsibility

Rig Manager Implement and communicate the Insert Rig Name HSE Plan
with all personnel and sub-contractors,
Provide the necessary resources, including equipment,
materials and trained and competent personnel to meet
Legislative, contractual and safety requirements.
Ensure all HSE critical activities are identified and assigned
to competent personnel.
HSE Communicating the contents of the rig HSE Plan with all rig
Manager/Coordinator personnel and sub-contractors and promoting the plan
Ensure training requirements are met prior to sending
personnel to the rig.
Analyze statistical HSE data on a regular basis and
communicate these to Rig and PCSB.
Ensure adequate procedures are in place and updates are
managed in accordance to priorities.
Timely action item tracking and close out.
Assist and/or facilitate incident investigations and complete
or assist with completion of incident reports.
Offshore Installation On Scene Commander and leads emergency response at the
Manager rig location.
Overall responsibility for rig HSE, including incident
Following and promoting the Rig HSE Plan onsite.
Ensuring adherence to policies and procedures, this HSE
Bridging Document and the Work Programme, as a means of
achieving the work programme and HSE targets and goals
Chairs Work Permit Meeting, reviews and approves Level 1
PTW management.
Prepares Safety Meetings agenda.
Perform regular rig inspections.
Attend pre-tour meetings when on shift.
Meets and Greets all new arrivals as part of the induction
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Senior Toolpusher Reports to OIM and act as his deputy On Scene Commander
Promoting the rig HSE Plan onsite
Ensuring adherence to policies and procedures, this HSE
Bridging Document and the Work Programme, as a means of
achieving the work programme and HSE targets and goals
Direction and supervision of the rig crews.
Perform regular rig inspections.
Conduct pre-tour meetings and ensures participation of
other contractors.
Ensuring persons are only deployed to locations and tasks
for which they are trained and competent,
Reviews PTW as ‘Area Responsible’ (Department and/or
Area/System) and approves Level 2 PTW,
Prepare adequate hand-overs,
Attend pre-tour meetings when on shift,
Prepare and sign off standing instructions for Driller and
Marine Section Reports to OIM,
Leader/Barge master Act as the Damage Control Leader and fire marshal,
coordinates the fire teams during an emergency
Supervises Marine crew, Attend pre-tour meetings when on
Adheres to and actively manages HSE Critical Tasks in
accordance with P3M,
Prepares adequate hand-overs, including instructions for
Crane Operator, Roustabouts, Radio Operator, Materials Man
and Medic,
Reviews PTW as ‘Area Responsible’ (Department and/or
Area/System) and approves Level 2 PTW,
RSTC/Safety Officer Reports to OIM
Responsible for collating and maintaining information
relating to HSE matters for all rig site operations,
Assist with HSE Meetings and agenda,
Ensuring communication of the Rig HSE Plan throughout all
levels of the rig-site work force,
Perform daily and weekly surveys of rig operations and
Ensuring that all personnel have attended the site induction
briefing, rig site familiarization and emergency response
Coordinate JSA reviews and advise supervisors of
recommendations for safe management of critical and non-
routine tasks,
Coordinate safety training and identify and conduct special
training needs.
Promotes and continuously coaches personnel on the use of
the Active Card system and other HSE tools and documents,
Attend pre-tour meetings when on shift,
Performs and assists with incident investigations, audits and
Medic / Doctor Routine and Emergency Medical Care
Perform health and hygiene inspections at regular intervals.
Participate in training programs for the crew
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Conduct safety briefings for new personnel and refresher

Co-operate in enhancing safety standards
Focal person for chemical management on the rig

The Above roles and responsibilities shall be reviewed to ensure all HSE Critical Positions
are included for the specific rig and operation and the roles are clearly defined.

6.3 Emergency Communication/Notification

The following chart demonstrates the Emergency Notification Flow Chart for PCSB Wells
Division (Check Flow Chart to Ensure Latest Revision and add delete charts as required or
for international areas of operation)
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6.4 Communication of HSE

The following table details the minimum operational requirements and meetings to ensure
the control and communication of all HSE requirements & Issues: (The table shall be
reviewed to ensure specific to intended operation)

Meeting Participants Purpose Frequency

New Arrival All New Arrivals Rig Orientation, safety Upon Arrival at Rig
Orientation plans & policies & house
Rig Move Rig OIM Rig Barge To discuss route and Prior to rig move
Meeting Engineer, Tow towing method between
Master, Marine locations
Warranty Surveyor,
Drilling Supv.

Pre Spud PCSB Drilling team To discuss well plans Prior to Spud
Meeting plus Rig, Drilling
team, Offshore
Service Companies
Pre-Task / Supervisors and To discuss JSA’s and As required and
Toolbox workforce involved safety aspects of work before all tasks.
Meetings with carrying out execution
JSA Meetings specific tasks.
Rig Safety All personnel To discuss ongoing HSE Weekly
/Environmental management and issues
Meetings of the operations
PCSB Onshore PCSB Drilling Supt, Plan for operation during Daily
Daily Drilling Rig Manager. Service the day
Meeting Companies
Drilling Pre Section Leaders, all Plan for operation during Prior to every
Tour Meeting drilling crew & PCSB the tour work shift
Morning call to Offshore : Report on activities and Daily
KL PCSB Snr. Drilling plan for the day
Supv.’ Offshore
Materials Man,
Offshore Geologist
Rig OIM, Snr
Safety Officer, Barge
Relevant Service Co.
as required
Onshore :
PCSB Drilling Supt.,
Rig Manager,
Well Engineer,
Materials, HSE
Advisor Coordinator,
HSE Advisor
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PCSB Morning PCSB Snr. Drilling Operations update Daily

Operations Supv. 24hour Look-ahead &
Meeting Rig OIM, STP, Barge Planning.
@ Rig Engineer, Safety
HSE Issues
PTW Planning
3rd Party Reps
Rig Daily Rig Representative To insure there are no Daily where
Meeting Drilling conflicting operations applicable
Representative planned
Rig Monthly HSE PCSB Drill Supt, To discuss outstanding Monthly
Meeting Drilling Manager, HSE and way forward for
HSE Advisor, Rig and improvement
Operation Manager
and HSE

6.5 Competency & Training of Personnel

The PCSB Drilling Superintendent and Rig Manager are responsible for ensuring they have
sufficiently resourced & competent organization to conduct the drilling operations and to
manage incidents and emergencies. Both PCSB & the Rig shall maintain job descriptions
and competency profiles for personnel in HSE Critical positions.

The minimum HSE training requirements for the program are set out in Contract
Insert Contract Number or Reference. Any additional specific HSE training requirements
shall be governed by individual company HSE management systems.

The rig shall ensure an up to date Training Matrix is maintained on the rig for review and
all HSE critical Training is identified and all training is valid.

In addition to the minimum training requirements all PCSB, Rig & Third Party Personnel at
the rig site will received additional training and awareness should additional hazards be
introduced as part of the operation as in H2S Training or Mercury Handling Awareness.

6.6 Rig Induction Program

All personnel arriving at the rig including visitors shall receive the rig induction and
orientation. They shall sign to demonstrate they have understood the safety and
emergency procedures and their own responsibilities. The induction shall include as

 General Safety Rules & Guidelines

 Alarm tones and actions
 Location of lifeboats, life rafts and other ER devices
 Muster stations
 Waste Management & Housekeeping
 PTW requirements.
 HSE Case MAH, SCE Awareness
 PCSB HSE Campaigns, ZeTo Rules, Aim Zero etc.
 H2S Training if required.

The OIM or his designate shall meet and greet all new arrivals. If operations allow all new
arrivals shall also be introduced to PCSB Drilling Supervisor.
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If H2S risk is relevant then a H2S briefing including demonstration of donning and wearing
BA and escape sets shall be given to all arrivals by the H2S Specialist Company

All passengers shall declare any medication they are taking or any prescribed medication
they have brought to rig. Any changes in medical condition since the last visit to the rig
shall also be declared.
7.0 Supplier & Contractor Management

7.1 Third Party Activities (Service Companies)

Service companies contracted by PCSB shall be responsible for the management of the
service personnel during the project. It is the responsibility of PCSB to ensure that the
third party adheres to all governing documentation for the operation. However, due to
physically service companies duties are at the Rig site, it is the joint responsibility of
Insert Rig Name to ensure service companies adheres to Rig’s House rules at all times.
In addition to this, Insert Rig Contractor requires all third party contractors, client
personnel and visitors travelling to the Rig to perform work are made familiar with the Rig
management system and the key processes that control the work and ensure safe
operations prior to arrival. PCSB has agreed and are committed to support this

In the context of the Rig asset integrity management, PCSB and Service Company’s
equipment provided for use on-board are subject for verification/inspection and required
to meet the performance standards established within the unit’s verification scheme. Any
safety critical equipment provided, to be assessed against defined performance standards,
which is based on recognized industry-wide standards, prior to being taken offshore.

Procedures within the Rig Management System detail the arrangements in place for
equipment prior to leaving the shore and subsequent to its arrival on board the unit, and
takes into consideration hazardous areas, electrical procedures etc.
PCSB, third party and sub-contractor equipment supplied for use in hazardous areas must
be certified as fit for use in such areas. Prior to use it shall be checked to ensure it
complies with the hazardous area requirements
8.0 Hazard & Effects Management.

Management of hazards starts through elimination (if feasible) in asset planning and
design. Hazards are identified using various technique; such as HAZID, HAZOP and
BOWTIEs methods were used. Risks are mitigated by either elimination of the hazard or
by substitution. When elimination or substitution is not possible then all controls shall be
put in place to ensure the risk is managed as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP)

The Risk Management Process is clearly defined in the accepted Rig HSE Case. The
Remedial Action Plan of the HSE Case must be tracked to ensure all outstanding items are
adequately addressed and closed according to the identified closure date and the severity

8.1 Operationalization of the Rig HSE Case

The rig shall ensure a plan to effectively roll out and communicate the HSE Case at the rig
site is in place. All personnel arriving at the rig site will receive an introduction into the
HSE Case as part of the Orientation Briefing
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The operationalization of the Rig HSE Case should be focused on operation requirements
as in what is required to be done now to manage all MAH rather than what has been done

The plan shall as minimum cover the following areas:

 Roll out and communication of the Rig HSE Case to all personnel at site.
 Two levels of training on the HSE case, basic familiarization for all personnel and
technical training for management, supervisors and those with HSE Critical tasks.
 Visibility and use of the Rig HSE Case.
 Verification of the controls/barriers documented in the Bowtie’s
 Sustainability on how the implementation and use will be sustained for the duration
of the rigs operation.

Refer to PCSB Rig HSE Case Guideline Wells/WHSE/MNL/Rig HSE Case Guideline
MODU/2015/Rev.1 for further guidance

8.2 Safety Critical Elements

The Drilling Contractor shall ensure that competent staff are designated to maintain each
safety critical element (barrier) this shall include a combination of:

 Inspection and Maintenance – To ensure the equipment/hardware maintains its

integrity and reliability
 Operational- To ensure that the equipment is used within the defined limits of the
controls provided
 Administrative – To provide the necessary training and awareness to ensure people
perform to the required competency level and provide the necessary equipment
and support for them to adequately perform the task.

All Third Party Contractors shall ensure any equipment identified as Safety Critical is
maintained in accordance with the design requirements and against the appropriate
performance standards.

8.3 Planned Maintenance

The Drilling Contractor shall ensure a Planned Maintenance System (PMS) covering the
marine and drilling equipment onboard is implemented. The Rig Name utilizes Describe
the system used onboard the rig.

All Safety Critical Equipment (SCE) shall be identified within the PMS System and tested
as per the defined performance standard as defined in the rig HSE Case or by regulations
and or class certification.

8.4 Procedures & Policies

The Rig HSE-MS, Rig HSE Plan and the HSE Case summarize the safe systems of work
operated by Insert Rig Contractor.
Insert Rig Contractor and PCSB have agreed that Insert Rig Contractor procedures will, in
the main, prevail during the drilling operation at the Rig. This Bridging Document supports
this and also highlights those activities that have exception.

Where there is a potential conflict unless otherwise agreed between the OIM and DSV
then the Rig HSEMS or Procedures will apply.
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8.5 ZeTo Rules

ZeTo stands for Zero Tolerance, a principle to ensure all activities are carried out in a
safe manner and any non-compliance is not tolerated.

The ZeTo Rules shall be complied with at all times by all employees and contractors

ZeTo Rules are intended to supplement safety rules and regulations imposed by
PETRONAS, its Operating Units (OPUs) and Holding Company Units (HCUs)

Insert details of contractors own house rules or company rules if applicable.

For cases of Company & Contractors’ personnel who do not follow ZeTo Rules:

 Case of non-compliance shall be investigated first

 Confirmed case of non-compliance could result in any of the following:

 Written warning
 Removal from site (temporary or permanent)
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 Termination of contract

When investigating any incidents all ZeTo rules shall form part of the investigation terms
of reference and the report shall identify which ZeTo Rule(s) where breached or violated.

8.6 Permit to Work

The Rig Permit to work system shall be used throughout the drilling campaign for all
required PTW tasks on the rig. All signatories and users of this system shall receive the
appropriate level of training into the system and be assessed as competent.

The Rig OIM shall ensure regular internal audits on the PTW System are performed to
ensure compliance.

Need To Include here the generic list of PTW required activities being developed

This section should be reviewed depending on the analysis of the Rig Contractors PTW
System and if suitable for the operation.

8.7 Job Safety Analysis

All Tasks shall be subject to a Job Safety Analysis or Task Based Risk Assessment
(JSA/TBRA) the safety analysis shall be performed involving all those involved in the task.
The safety analysis shall be documented and filed accordingly for tracking and
review purpose. The JSA shall address the specific hazards related to the task or job to be

Effective communication and understanding of all the risks and mitigation to be put in
place is crucial thus interpreters shall be used whenever possible.

8.8 After Action Reviews/Debriefs

To complement and improve the Job Safety Analysis process after action reviews shall be
held as soon as possible after the job or task to address any learnings.

Following the after action review the Job Safety Analysis shall be updated with any extra
controls or mitigation required

8.9 Well Control

It is Crucial that a Gap Analysis is performed on the Contractors Well Control Procedures
to ensure fit for purpose and in line with PCSB Requirements. If the Contractors Well
Control Procedures are not acceptable then PCSB Well Control Procedure would become
the reference for Primary & Secondary Well Control.

Once it has been confirmed which Well Control is the adopted standard and that no
conflicts exist then a Campaign Specific well control procedure shall be documented which
clearly defines roles and responsibilities for Well Control and Emergency Response.

8.10 Hydrogen Sulphide H2S in Operations

In the event that the exposure to H2S is identified as a possible risk then the precautions
and mitigation shall be identified and fully implemented this shall include:

 H2S Training & H2S induction for all arrivals

 H2S Drills & Exercises to test ER response to H2S Emergencies
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 H2S Specific ERP and Contingency Plans shall be prepared and communicated
 Equipment including Breathing Apparatus (BA) escape sets and cascade systems
(If required) shall be appropriately installed and a system of regular testing

PCSB shall mobilize third party H2S Specialists and equipment when anticipated levels of
>10ppm H2S in development/appraisal wells or exploration wells with unknown risk.
(Malaysia Only, International Dependent on PRA and H2S Risk)

8.11 Explosives & Ionizing Radiation

Any handling and use of explosives/ Radiation shall be by specialist service comp
personnel trained and competent in such activities. Where explosives/ radioactive sources
are required to be used, every effort should be made to ensure that their time on the site
is minimized to reduce the risk. An explosives register shall be used.

Explosives/ Radioactive sources shall be correctly stored in suitable locked containers prior
to use and shipment. Primary and Secondary explosives shall be stored in separate
containers and kept apart a safe distance.

The Rigs guidance and instruction relating to the safe storage and transport of explosives
/ radiation should be followed.

8.12 Site Security Offshore (Delete if Onshore Rig)

All personnel accessing the rig shall hold a valid PCSB issued offshore boarding pass
indicating that they meet the minimum PCSB offshore travel requirements.
The OIM, Medic and STO shall meet all personnel when they arrive onboard the rig. Medic
shall administer the registration of these personnel. All personnel new to the facility shall
undergo a rig HSE induction.

Personnel onboard (POB) lists shall be generated and communicated immediately after
any change in status in accordance with the Rig Procedure. A 500m exclusion zone for
marine vessels shall be in force around the rig during well operations. Only those
vessels with approval from the OIM may enter this zone. Incident notifications shall be
raised should any unauthorized vessel enter the exclusion zone.

This section can be adapted to be specific to the actual rig procedures.

8.13 Site Security Onshore (Delete If Offshore Rig)

All personnel shall report to the security hut/gate prior to accessing the rig site. They shall
be met by the Rig HSE Advisor or their designate and attend the rig safety briefing and
orientation prior to starting work.

All personnel shall be introduced to the Rig Manager and PCSB Company Representative.

8.14 Environmental Management

Waste handling procedure shall be done in accordance with the Insert Rig Name
Environmental Waste Management Plan/Process.

All waste shall be classified as below:

 Non-hazardous waste (Garbage, Metallic Waste, to be segregated and brought

onshore for recycle or treatment).
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 Hazardous waste (Oil or chemical contaminated waste, used batteries, engine oil
un-use chemical/oil) to be segregated and brought to shore for treatment.

Waste skips shall be provided onboard the rig at all times. Dedicated skips shall be
assigned for metal wastes, hazardous waste and general waste (nonhazardous). Skips
should be identified in accordance to PCSB requirements.

The Rig shall ensure the procedures and housekeeping rules in regards to waste
segregation are communicated to all crew through the rig induction process.

8.15 Standby Vessels (SBV)

PCSB shall ensure a dedicated SBV is assigned to the rig. The SBV shall conform to the
performance standard PSb 110 in that the vessel shall be equipped with 2 Fast Rescue
Crafts (FRC) dedicated for rig support and rescue in the event of Man Overboard

The FRC shall be maintained in a state of readiness at all times, with dedicated trained
and competent crews.

The SBV, FRC and crews will be tested as part of the rigs Drills & Exercise Schedules.

8.16 Working Hours

Working hours have been set according to PCSB and Insert Rig Contractor guidance and
industrial practices which are designed to maintain safe and healthy work conditions. The
be applied to all PCSB staff and its contractors and subcontractors for the duration of the
work programme

Normal shift rotation:

28 days on / 28 days off, or 28 days on / 14 days off. Rotation is dependent on crew

 12 hours’ work with 12 hours’ time-off per day, with additional overlap time
required for effective handover and pre-tour meetings.

Call-Out work single shift (short-term or emergency).

 16 hours work with 8 hours time-off. A minimum of 8 hours rest must be taken
between shifts.
 Time-off is intended to provide an adequate period of rest and sleep and
accordingly all persons working these types of work patterns are expected to be
"work free" in all capacities during such periods.

Call-out work is not to exceed 16 hours in one shift and consultation is required with the
DSV and OIM to ensure adequate safeguards are in-place and safe working conditions are
maintained. All such arrangements must be discussed with, understood and agreed to
by the workers concerned. Where additional hours have been approved these must not
exceed 16 hours in one shift. The maximum continuous duration for PCSB’s contractor is
no longer than sixty (60) continuous offshore days, as indicated in the Drilling
Contract. Provided any extension beyond any normal shift rotation days (28 days) has
been agreed with the individual concerned with Management of Change in place.
9.0 Planning and Procedures

9.1 HSE Plan

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Insert Rig Contractor has in place its annual HSE Plan for the rig and company with
specific Key Performance Indicators and targets in place for tracking and monitoring

The Rig HSE Plan has been reviewed and aligned with the PCSB Wells Health, Safety &
Environment and Risk Management Plan. The Rig HSE Plan should be reviewed as part of
GAP Analysis Process to ensure PCSB required KPI and Campaigns are included as

The main incident rate KPI are highlighted in section 4.0 Leadership & Commitment.

9.2 Drilling Program

The drilling program has been drafted and agreed by all parties involved in the campaign.
Any deviations from the intended drilling program shall be approved in writing by the
PCSB Drilling Superintendent and managed through the MOC Process if required.

The PCSB Drilling Supervisor shall ensure the Drilling Program is strictly followed and
issue daily and further instructions as required.

9.3 Operating Instructions

Activities taking place during the drilling operation are controlled using Insert Rig Name
operations manuals, procedures and work instructions and will be available either in hard
or soft copy.
Adherence to governing documentation is achieved through:

 Formal training and ‘on the job training’.

 Work force - The work force is involved by being given the opportunity to comment
on procedures and thereby develop ownership.
 Supervisors - Ensure that procedures are followed and that changes to procedures
are communicated to the work force. Feedback is via meetings, system & facility
inspections and audit.
 Line Management - Inspect and audit to verify that adherence to procedures is
being supervised.

9.4 Simultaneous Operations (SISO)

In the event of any planned simultaneous operations then a separate SISO procedure
shall be developed to ensure all hazards are identified and mitigation in place and all roles
and responsibilities are clearly defined.
10.0 Emergency Procedures & Preparedness

10.1 General
Below is a generic Emergency Response Procedure, it must be reviewed to ensure specific
to the Rig ER Procedures

A Station Bill has been provided for the Insert Rig Name and displayed in prominent
places around the rig accommodation. All personnel are required to read and understand
the station bill and comply with its requirements.

If an emergency or muster drill occurs at the rig site, personnel shall muster at their
designated muster areas and turn over their T-Card to indicate that they are present at
the muster. Those T-Cards not turned over represent personnel missing from the muster.
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With reference to the Maersk Drilling and PCSB emergency response procedures the:
The On Scene Commander, OSC is the Rig OIM on site, deputy is the Rig Senior

Remark: The term OSC is the equivalent to PCSB’s “PIC”, Person In Charge.

The Rig ERP for offshore is the primary reference document for managing an Emergency
Response situation on the rig. The Rig OIM has overall responsibility for the safety of
personnel on location.

PCSB have the ultimate responsibility over all emergency situations and are responsible
for managing and coordinating all emergency response contingencies and support efforts
in accordance PCSB Emergency Response Procedures and Contingency Plans.

PCSB shall also provide the required logistical support in support of rescue and recovery
efforts from any given emergency situation.

The following documents are used as reference for contingency planning:

 Blow Out Contingency Plan

 Oil Spill Response Plan
 H2S Contingency Plan
 Typhoon Emergency Plan (Typhoon Season)
 Emergency Response and Crisis Management Plan
 Shallow Gas Hazard Policy

The emergency response plans and procedures for both PCSB and Insert Rig Contractor
have been reviewed prior to start of operations to ensure no conflicts or gaps within the
emergency response plans exist.

Prior to start of operations and as part of the pre spud audit a drill shall be held to ensure
 All emergency response procedures are tested and understood by crews
 The chain of command and lines of communication both onshore and offshore are
 Emergency response teams offshore are familiar with their emergency roles and
 Any deficiencies in emergency response and recovery efforts are noted and

Insert Rig Contractor are responsible for ensuring their personnel are competent and
adequately trained to perform their specialized roles during emergencies, as specified
by the Emergency Response Manuals and according to the rig Station Bill and Muster

10.2 PCSB Emergency Response

The PCSB’s Headquarters, Crisis & Emergency Management Plan (Appendix 4) details the
management system that provides effective response for any emergency or crisis. The
manual is intended to describe comprehensive guidance on managing operational and
strategic response to an event. The manual details: -

 Management structure for managing a response

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 Response procedures
 Co-ordination with external organizations
 Roles, relationships and responsibilities
 References to other resources and plans that are relevant

The PCSB’s Headquarters, Crisis & Emergency Management Plan provides support to
The Rigs contingency manual.

A dedicated standby vessel will be provided by PCSB for the Rig. The OIM may require
support from Standby/ supply vessel to cover planned work over water in advance of
the work and the controls put in place to effect a recovery should any person fall in to

The rig is also fully equipped with TEMPSC (Totally Enclosed Motor Propelled Survival
Craft) for the evacuation of personnel by water should this be a requirement.

Amend this section depending on Offshore or Onshore Operations.

8.17 Planned Emergency Drills & Exercises

The following table should be reviewed to ensure correct/aligned with actual Drills &
Exercise Plan.

The following table outlines the Rigs Drills and Exercises Plan. It is the responsibility of the
rig OIM in consultation with the PCSB Drilling Supervisor to ensure all current credible
emergency scenarios are covered in the plan i.e. if introducing an H2S Risk or SIMOP
activities then H2S Drills and combined muster drills must be included.

Exercise/Drill Frequency Involving

Kick Drill Once per week per shift and prior to All drill crews & the Mud
entering possible hydrocarbon bearing Logging
or over pressured formations. service company
Kick drill during HPHT sections will be
defined in the PCSB drilling
Diverter drill Diverter drill to be held after All drill crews & the Mud
installation Logging
of conductor pipes service company
Emergency Drill Once every two weeks All Personnel
To incorporate different
scenario, including
incapacity of OIM due to
Including but not limited
 Muster/Abandon
 Fire Drill
 MOB Drill
 Helicopter Crash
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H2S Drill
Spill Drills
Confined Space
 Rescue from
Desktop Emergency Drill To be organized and coordinated by Desktop exercise for
PCSB. shore based
testing the operational
of external supports e.g.
helicopter, standby
emergency Teams, First
Stripping in drill After each production casing All Drill Crews
Rescue at height Quarterly Trained Rescue at
Height Crews
Stretcher Drills/Exercise Quarterly All First Aiders and
Stretcher Crews

11.0 Implementation & Monitoring

11.1 Implementation
Implementation of HSE standards, procedures and work instructions is the responsibility
of both the PCSB and Insert Rig Contractor Line Management. This will contribute to the
organizational learning system feedback loop to create continuous improvement.

11.2 Monitoring & Corrective Action

All Near Misses, Hazards and Unsafe Acts on the Rig shall be reported. All personnel on
board including sub-contractors are obliged to participate. Copies of reports will be given
to the Senior Drilling Supervisor and the PCSB SHO. Corrective actions arising from these
reports shall tracked to ensure closure.

11.3 Workplace Occupational Health

PCSB and Insert Rig Contractor shall work together to ensure that the rig facilities and
processes are in place to ensure and promote a safe work environment during the
campaign. The rig has a number of fixed and portable detection systems for detecting
atmospheric contaminants such as H2S and for detecting low oxygen levels. These are
specified in the Rig Contract (Equipment List and Description). For any unusual activity,
such as entry into confined spaces, the Permit to Work & JSA processes are utilized to
ensure all possible hazards are considered and are dealt with.

Housekeeping standards are monitored on the rig on a continuous basis. In addition,

personnel are encouraged to rectify and report any housekeeping issues via the Rig
Hazard Observation Program

Lighting and ventilation is audited and maintained to the appropriate codes and standards
referenced in the PM system and Rig Contractors Operating Manual.
Noise and vibration is managed via a combination of a number of strategies, including the
use of appropriate PPE, sound insulation and engineered positioning of equipment. The
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OIM is responsible for ensuring ad-hoc activities which generate significant noise levels
are managed in such a way to ensure personnel receive uninterrupted rest periods. Noise
surveys are conducted at periodic intervals, and Noise Plans outlining controlled or
hazardous areas are posted around the rig.

Sign posting (dual language or pictogram) on the rig is periodically audited by Rig
Contractor to ensure compliance with all required standards and regulations.
All personnel must have the appropriate PPE prior to commencing work. No job will be
started without personnel having, and being instructed in the correct use of PPE.

The dangers of working in high ambient temperatures will be explained to all personnel as
part of the induction briefing. Personnel will be encouraged to monitor their colleagues for
any signs of heat stress.
The rig medic has received training in how to combat & treat heat stress.
Required hygiene standards are explained to all personnel as part of the induction briefing
to all personnel given by Contractor. Hygiene auditing is conducted on the vessel on a
weekly basis.

11.4 Incident Investigation, Reporting & Follow Up

‘Incident’ is a general term used to describe actual incidents, near misses, and potential

All incidents on the Rig must be reported and investigated in a timely manner in order to
establish the root & basic causes of the incident and identify preventative and corrective
actions to prevent recurrence. The PCSB Drilling Superintendent and PCSB WHSE
Department shall be notified of any incident or near miss as soon as operations allow via
email and follow up telephone call depending on severity of incident, inline with the
notification procedure.

Incidents will be examined to determine what immediate action is required to mitigate

further and future effects and recurrence. Where an investigation is required, PCSB and
Insert Rig Contractor will appoint a team and perform the investigation. The investigation
shall be performed in line with the PCSB Investigation and Reporting Procedure (WW ALL
S05 001). Although it is understood that that each company has responsibility to perform
incident investigations in accordance with their own corporate procedures.

Any Incident resulting in high severity or with High Potential for High Severity then PCSB
will request the contractor senior management to present the findings and
recommendations from the incident investigation.
12.0 Management Review

During the drafting of this Bridging Document a Gap Analysis of the PCSB and Insert Rig
Contractor was performed and no significant Gaps identified.

The Management Review shall cover the effectiveness of this Bridging Document and
identify any further gaps that are required to be addressed.

12.1 Review & Improvement

The effectiveness of the HSE Management System in meeting the campaign objectives
shall be regularly reviewed by PCSB management. Methods of improving effectiveness
are continually sought.
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PCSB Head of Wells, Drilling Superintendent, Drilling Engineers, Head Drilling WHSE and
Drilling Supervisors review the effectiveness of the various components of the safety
management system prior to commencement of the Rig campaign in order to identify
weaknesses and propose improvements to current and future operations by:

 Review of PCSB HSE Policies and Procedures.

 Review and approval of this bridging document.
 Review of campaign start-up audit programme.
 Preparation of Campaign HSE plan
 Monitoring of performance against KPI’s during campaign
 Review of previous incidents on the Rig and within rig team
 Review of previous HSE initiatives and their effectiveness.
 Review of Campaign Action/Hazard Register.

All High Potential or High Severity incident investigations shall be subjected to

further incident review by senior management within PCSB Drilling to ensure all lessons
learnt have been captured and any further actions required are communicated,
responsible persons identified and effective closure methods appropriate.
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13.0 Appendix 1 HSE Policies (Ensure Latest Revision)

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Insert the Rig Contractors Policies

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14.0 Appendix 2 Interface Document Matrix

The following tables identify which documents and procedures are the primary documents against each identified HSEMS Element.
It also identifies any interface arrangements between both PCSB, Rig Contractor and Third Party Services.

This Table shall be reviewed jointly with the Rig Contractor to identify the primary reference documents and procedures. It can also
form part of the reference for the gap analysis of the Rig Contractors HSEMS against PCSB HSEMS.


RC = Rig Contractor (or Insert Name of Contractor)

SVS = Service Companies

P = Primary Responsibility
I = Input to Process
C = Compliance to Process

The Table has been formatted for use the PDF Version underneath shows the process for reference and should be deleted prior to
issuing the specific Bridging Document. The legend used in example slightly differs from suggested format.
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No PCSB HSEMS Element RC PCSB SVS Document to Be Referenced Comments

3.0 Organization, Resource,
Competency and
3.1 HSE Governance C P C PCSB HSEMS section 3.1
3.2 Roles, Responsibilities and C P C PCSB HSEMS section 3.2 Responsibilities defined
3.3 Resources, Training and I P C PCSB HSE Guidelines – Offshore All rig-side personnel are
Competency Safety Passport Guide required to have valid
as part of their application for a
Safety Passport.
P I C Rig Contractor Training Personnel with specialised
Matrix duties (e.g. coxswains, fire
members, radioactive handling,
explosives, etc.) are required to
have the appropriate training as
per their company
C C P Service Company Training Personnel with specialised
requirements duties (e.g. radioactive
handling, explosives,
etc) are required to have the
appropriate training as per their
company requirements.
3.4 Communication Process P I C Orientation / Induction Rig Contractor personnel joining
Introduction of new personnel the crew for the first
onboard. time shall receive induction
conducted primarily by the Rig
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Safety Officer and the new crew

member’s supervisor.

PDF Version for Reference for completion of rest of process and tables. The referenced examples have been taken from the Maersk
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